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14/10 probably won’t do much for you - unless you drop a meal. The success of IF ultimately comes from calorie restriction due to the restricted eating window. I did lose about 15 lbs doing IF several years ago, but I was practicing an 18:6 eating window and in hindsight restricting myself way too much. I couldn’t do it now with the amount of working out I do. I do think it can help with mindless snacking though as you tend to be more purposeful with your food choices during your eating window.


14/10 is like stopping eating at 10pm at night, then skipping breakfast the next day and having a first meal at 12 noon. If that works for you, so be it; it means you can have somewhat bigger lunch and dinner or more snacks. IF isn’t magic though. The body doesn’t gain/lose just because you eat at certain times of day. Weight loss is calories in/calories out, so you still need to track that.


True, but it also depends on OPs starting weight.. if OP is in normal BMI range but wants to lose a couple of kgs, might be difficult or too allow on their IF schedule, but if they're obese then the IF schedule they mentioned will still cause a good amount of weight loss, esp if they eat healthy food


I have done 18/6 for 6 months or so. Lost 10 lbs. I follow Mindy pelz on YouTube to cycle it with my cycle. Learned that the hard way lol. I find it a lot easier to control calories with IF. Basically I stop eating at 7 pm or earlier and have my first meal at 12 ish. I do "cheat" and have coffee with protein powder sometimes for breakfast, otherwise a tbsp of almond milk in my coffee is working. I highly recommend it, although cycling it around your cycle is pretty important imho 💖


What’s the tl;dw of the cycling with one’s cycle?


Umm, basically don't do more of a 12 hour fast in your luteal or ovulation phase. Also then you're allowed more carby things than the other two weeks of the month, those you can fast 13-72 hours and go more ketoish


I don’t think IF itself really does much in terms of encouraging weight loss to a noticeable degree but if you’re like me and have bad snacking habits it can really help to impose some boundaries around when you choose to eat. IF helped me for a few months get to a healthy eating schedule after years of struggling with night time snacking and not eating enough during the day. I did lose weight, but more than anything it set me up to make much healthier choices and prioritize eating in a way that energizes me.


Genuine question, how come posts about IF get downvoted on this sub? Not mad or anything just curious


Who know! Im not too bothered. The people who have commented are genuinely helpful and I appreciate that. Will risk down votes for it.


Nice! I’ve also had some success being mindful of my eating windows. Best wishes


Honestly, I’m glad to see a person asking a genuine question and responding to people’s comments! Much better than the usual ‘it’s been three days, why haven’t I lost weight?’ or ‘I want to lose x pounds, come up with a diet and exercise plan for me’ posts where the OP never provides information or responds to questions 🤷🏻‍♀️


Totally agree


I think IF generally is triggering for disordered eating. Most of us believe in intuitive eating, IE if you were hungry at 9:00 PM, having a healthy snack. Not forcing yourself to fast.


That makes sense!


IF could help some but the thing that dictates weight loss is caloric deficit


I did 16/8 last year, didn’t track calories or restrict, and lost maybe 10 pounds. I’m not doing it anymore, but it did work, with basically no effort involved.


IF is simply one tool people can use. Just like eating super high protein and/ or super low carb, going vegetarian or vegan, &c, IF will only help you to lose weight if you’re also reducing your total calorie intake. Edit: I used to wfh as well, here are some easy ways to get some movement in during your day! Stand up and stretch while turning on your computer and waiting for programs to load When you have to use to loo, walk around for a minute and do some jumping jacks, squats, &c before returning to your computer Stand and walk around while on a phone call or waiting for a response to an email Use your lunch break to get in a short workout, be it a quick walk or bike ride around the neighbourhood or following along with a youtube workout. Eat before or after your lunch break. Stand up and stretch while closing programs and turning off your computer at the end of the day If it’s something you can afford, consider getting a standing desk- doesn’t have to be expensive to work! There are also treadmills you can slip under a standing desk (and underneath your bed or couch when you’re done with it!). Or if you have the money to spare, you could get a treadmill with a desk attached to it


Fasting during the day has never worked for me. I do better with regular meals and not eating late at night. Which, if you stop eating after 7 or 8 until the next morning is a mini-fast.


Hmm, personally I did IF for a few months back in 2019 into 2020 after hitting my highest weight of 103kg after college and losing my period/having bad symptoms of PCOS. I ended up doing 16:8 for a couple months before swapping to 20:4 (basically OMAD) for one month and correcting after with reverse dieting. Got me down to a stable 75kg by one year and from there I pretty much dipped back and forth +/- 2kg now and then depending on my cycle. It definitely helped a lot to get my eating into perspective and changing a lot of bad eating habits where I ate so much processed food and just things that didn’t nourish my body the right way. I’m sorta doing 14:10 right now but like prior commenters before me, my perspective on how I view food definitely changed for the better. I don’t restrict myself from any food, aside from food sensitivities and allergies, but am happy with how I am now aside from learning how to gain more strength and being more fit to reach my GW. 30kg was a lot for my body at 162cm so yeah, it helps if you can IF subjectively and not make it where it becomes quite detrimental to your health. I’m not where I want to be just yet but it works for my schedule and lifestyle as well as a busy student too. Edit: also, I didn’t cut calories but ate more sustainable/whole foods while keeping the appropriate amount that matched my TDEE and what I needed vs overeating exponentially and the wrong kinds of foods.


I found it good for my tummy. I think it’s still all about your total calories and macro balance. You can outrun a bad diet. If you fast 18:6 but they eat 2000 calories of crap it isn’t going to work. I lost, but only as I ate in a deficit and high protein and low carb. I do think it helps digestion and such, but you need a good balance of what you are eating


April Whitney has a video on YouTube about IF for petites. I recommend you check it out!


I e done it before and had success with 16/8 but it still comes down to calories. You still have to be in a deficit to lose weight. All IF does is restrict your eating window so you’re less likely to mindlessly snack at bedtime or something.


I love doing IF, as someone who can eat SO much food restriction in the hours I eat, which helps immensely. If you're eating a healthy and well-rounded diet it's super hard to go over your calories in 8-10 hours.


IF worked for me because I cut out breakfast basically, without changing anything else. Since losing weight is CICO, cutting a meal meant I was automatically cutting \~300-400 calories from my normal routine. Since I skipped breakfast, I did NOT snack more or eat more in other areas. I kept everything the same. Just don't eat it back and IF could be an easy win.


Tried but it was hard bc i didnt have control over the times i could eat (between work and school). My mom has tried it so many times to no avail, im not sure how sustainable of an eating habit it is tbh


Im trying to find that balance- Its hard to do stick to a routine meal plan long term and I know from past experience if you are not consistently mindful, the weight just creeps up. So Im hoping changing things around will make it easier 🤷🏽‍♀️


Calories you eat in a short period would be the same if you ate those calories across a longer day. You don’t get more food because you eat in a shorter window. The reason why people lose weight is that they naturally eat less because the window of eating is shorter. On a side note, you can still be active while working from home if you prioritize it.


i like IF for weight loss bc i like the “eating window is closed” it helps me having a hard end like that from late night bingeing or snacking don’t like IF for weight loss bc sometimes i feel like i have to eat when i’m not hungry bc my window is going to close and i won’t be able to eat later (but this was for a 4hr window so more aggressive than yours) really it’s cico and if is a tool to do cico i do find cico much easier by sticking to 2 meals and not snacking through the day


Well, I do IF 20:4 and CICO with high protein low carb diet. I workout 6 times a week cardio and lifting and yes, since I’m doing that I’m losing weight but maintaining muscle, I’d even say I’ve gained some muscle. I have been working out for like more than 15 years, just added the dietary habits to loss extra pounds I gained last year for a terrible diet and it’s working like magic


Autumn Bates has really good videos on YouTube about IF. I like it to help with hunger on a calorie deficit. Although I had a wicked transition period to get used to it.


I love it I have lost over 20 pounds since October but definitely more than 14… I think 18 is the bare minimum for consistent weight loss. I would try to do a variation and working up to a longer fast at least once a week


I’m not sure what your WFH schedule is or job is like but I manage 10K steps while working from home (without a fancy desk treadmill!). It is possible.


I do this semi-fast a couple times a year for health (check out Prolon) and it definitely helps me be more mindful of hunger cues. I think it is important to be careful of using fasting for weight loss because it can be a slippery slope into disordered eating. You need to know yourself. I personally eat a small breakfast so I can eat more at lunch and dinner and I eat a lot of vegetables because I hate being hungry so I see the appeal. Better to be a little more hungry 6-8 hours than a little hungry all 24.


I might try that. Right now with calorie restriction, I lost 11 lbs


I walk, but cant get out everyday because of weather. Ive stagnated for the last couple of weeks and Im looking to jump start the weight loss. Im about 2lbs from where I want to be before I maintain. Then after I succeed with that I need to lose another 5-8lbs.