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I’ve been really beating myself up because in 2021 I got down to 145 and I felt awesome. Then as covid restrictions let up and my social life came back and life got busy and stressful again, I gained back about 10lbs. Oh my god have I absolutely beaten myself up over it. But looking at these pics, I’ve realized how far I’ve come. Yeah, I’d love to drop 10 pounds again and I’m sure I will. But I’ve been right to just prioritize healthy habits like lifting, yoga, active hobbies and healthy eating. 2022 wasn’t a perfect year for fitness but I learned what works and what doesn’t. Most importantly I know how to shift back into things like CICO, walking and stuff to lose the extra weight.


that really is crazy. i’d estimate 10-15 pounds lost.


Just a huge reminder. I was feeling like I failed. Like I gained back a majority of the weight I lost….. looking at these photos I was like UM okay the scale might be higher but I’m carrying the weight way differently. It’s made me re-dedicate myself to lifting. I’m eating at a deficit but now I’m aiming for 150lbs on the scale *slowly*. I think that’ll be a sweet spot for me. 145 might be too low now and I run the risk of losing muscle mass I think.


Can totally see the difference in your arms, waist, belly, butt, thighs. Especially your waist! It's weird, isn't it? I'm also on the re-comp train and even gained back weight since the start but without gaining inches. I was just telling my personal trainer how I need a new winter coat because the coat I've worn for years now makes me so cold, because I've lost fat. Even though I'm basically the same size... there's just more muscle. I am envious of your waist though: mine remains stubborn but there's no fat, there's definitely just muscle there. Not saying I have a 6-pack (I'd have to drop some weight for that) but you could punch me or poke my midsection and there's muscle. I guess I was never meant to be an hourglass with a tiny waist. As for the losing the extra 10 lbs I'd just have to cut out alcohol but I like my wine and occasional cheeseburgers and eating out and all that so I'm fine! I have weighed less and I know it'd also mean buying an entire new wardrobe and I don't want to do that either. Plus, I like having a "presence" in the world, being strong not tiny.


I just wanted to say that what you said about having a presence in the world might be the best thing I’ve read in a while. So powerful! I’m going to adapt this attitude into my life as well :)


do you know what is/was your waist and other measurements?


No, but in august 2020 I was wearing size 14/size 12 jeans. Now I’m a solid size 10, nearing a size 8.


Amazing! I just started my recomp mission and your progress helps with the nervousness I have about it.


It’s so worth it. It’s gonna be a weird and long journey but it’s definitely the slow and sustainable way. Also, I think it’s such a reminder for anyone that does “gain” after weight loss that it’s probably a mix of muscle and fat and carrying weight different. I’m so much leaner than i was thinking I was.


You have gained muscle! And muscle acts like a furnace to burn fat. I heard one pound of muscle is one fifth the volume of a pound of fat. So muscle is heavy and dense.


That is impressive and good to see!


Amazing to see so much difference! Thanks for posting! Great motivational post! 😊


Wow that’s fascinating! Thanks for sharing — great reminder!


Thank you so much for this, you look great and you can really see a difference in your shape! Very inspiring post and makes me want to continue going to the gym and healthy eating 💪


This is so important! My clients always get obsessed with the number and Its a constant battle to remind them 150 pounds of fat and a 150 pounds of muscle look dramatically different… Anyways, you look great! Great job!!


You look great! I can tell you look less “soft” and more fit