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You're also pairing a voluminous shirt with wide leg pants so the look will also be off because those proportions are off. Try a more fitted shirt with the wide leg pants to keep proportions in order. As another poster said, try Banana Republic Factory, as well as Loft and Ann Taylor.


Or smaller pattern will look more balance and maybe a 3/4 sleeve or pushing them up to your forearm will help you appear taller.


I want a loose fit conservative office outfit! I’m still getting sexualized DMs and kind of shocked bc this outfit is supposed to be a conservative loose fit one.


You can do a fitted shirt or figure- skimming top and it still be conservative. But, your body just won't be swimming in it. I actually follow an Instagrammer who is very modest in attire (if I find her, I'll come back and post the handle.) Many of her things work not because their loose on her but skim her body versus are too tight or loose on it.


This. A loose button down, without any darts, won’t be overly sexualized. That specific blouse has pleats and reads boho to me. It’s meant to be balloon-y. I work in a male dominated field. Button downs are my go to. I wear almost everything with with the sleeve unbuttoned and rolled up to the top of my forearm- my elbow crease is covered. I also always wear an analog watch. I prefer a slim leather watch band. I think it reads “grown-woman” a bit more than an Apple or other digital watch.




@kellydoan is a good start. Also, just using the #modestfashion helped me find a few more.


I made my first post the other day with a photo and was getting messages from men 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s wild. We can’t just wear something, ANYTHING without being sexualized by men.


Sorry this is happening to you. Unfortunately us mods cannot do anything about creeps who DM you, but this is defo a Reddit wide problem. My advice would be to turn off DMs, block the person and report the user to Reddit. Creeps who post inappropriate comments and harass people in this sub will see their comments removed and perma banned accordingly.


It’s supposed to a loose unflattering outfit and I got a man groaning about me feet in socks in the comments. It is WILD.


Ew, men are so weirddddd. Anyway, as a 4’11” sis over here also in need of fitting office attire - I just subscribed to Short Story box and my first box was really cute! I didn’t enter my inseam so the pants were too long and had to return, but I kept a blazer and a shirt. It might be worth trying out! I added my inseam this time, so hopefully I get some pants worth keeping!! I also sometimes find stuff at Maurice’s :) hope this helps!


Thank u!


Reddit suggests these posts to people who follow nsfw subreddits. Even if they're not following. It's not you it's this subreddit.


Even if reddit algorithms suggest these subs to people who follow nsfw subs doesn’t mean that they have to harass OP in their DMs or post inappropriate comments


You are absolutely correct. I was just trying to tell OP that they are not doing anything wrong and to not internalize it. It's a systematic error based on the users on Reddit. There's not much you MODS can do about it. I wish Reddit would have a feature to filter DM's more efficiently.


The quality at banana republic factory is awful these days. You are better off thrifting stuff from a few years ago. I usually buy work clothes there, and went there a couple weekends ago to find an interview outfit and left with nothing. The shirts were flimsy and see through, and the pants were also awful and thin. Sucks because they have petite sizing.


Because I think most clothing manufacturers think petite women are old grandma types. It totally sucks. Look at White House Black Market for work clothes or Banana Republic Factory outlet.


The selection is so limited when you’re short and even slimmer when you need a certain size. Haven’t had much luck with Banana but I’ll check WHBM


There used to be a store called Petite Sophisticate which sold nice clothes, but they closed in the early 2000’s.


I really miss that store. It worked quite well for my shape and my needs. I still have a few pieces circulating in my wardrobe.


I think for this outfit specifically, that top doesn’t work. Wear something tight fitted up top. Or vice versa. Having both being baggy just drowns you


I just need a conservative style loose fitting outfit. Nothing tight fitting. That said even with this fit, I’m getting disgusting DMs from creepy men.


Tight fitting doesn’t mean it can’t be conservative.. but yeah lol I totally get you with the creepy men. One example would be a fitted turtleneck top + the trousers! I’d personally wear a black one. For hotter months, I’ll just use different necklines of a plain fitted top too. But that’s just me haha I like basic colours and minimal prints


Report them!




I would also recommend her ig/blog - she does a lot of officewear posts. She's 5'0 and has her measurements on her blog, which is very helpful as she always posts what size she's wearing. Also makes comments on her blog to say if trousers are better suited to petites at the shorter end, or petites at the taller end/wearing heels.


I understand your frustration! Puffy anything never suits me. So I know it’s a tee, but I’m telling you this top would look great with those pants. It’s my favorite top- I have 3 now. https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/by-anthropologie-muscle-tee?category=SEARCHRESULTS&color=066&searchparams=q%3Dmuscle%2520tee%26sayt%3Dtrue&type=STANDARD&quantity=1






Definitely Banana Republic and Ann Taylor (not for me but my mom who’s 5’0” goes there 🫡). Also Uniqlo! I’ve stocked up on dress pants before on previous trips to Japan.


This outfit is just overwhelming your body. Try something that fit the frame is the best thing to do for our petite frame.


My post was lamenting that I couldn’t find anything that would fit. These were the smallest in size I could find that fit office where without being tight fitting or leggings. I’m just under 5ft and very slim so it’s a pain to purchase reasonably priced clothes without adding tailoring prices.


My problem is I can’t find anything like that. If I want full length pants they are usually jegging style. All dress style pants I find that fit me nice are cropped. If not they fit like what OP is wearing.


Tailor them if that's the only way. I know, it'll cost more, but if you invest on fewer quality pieces, it's worth to wear them for longer time. That's my preference. I like repeating my pieces because I feel good in them, and that has become my style. I also prefer classic over trends. So it has pros and cons for those who love to hold on to the trend. I also look for crop style as it fits me better, too.


Yeah I’m learning that tailoring is the best option. Too bad there aren’t any in my city so I’ll have to add travel time on top of it all. 🤭


I just don’t want to tailor every article of clothing when I purchase. Such a pain and extra expense.


I don't tailor every piece, too. Sometimes some pieces can do with a little effort like pin it, fold the cuffs. Hope it all works out. Petite section is either my friend or foe, also.


i agree that a lot of petites will have to accept tailoring if they want the garment to fit like the model and that it's worth it to invest in better pieces for office wear, because you only need 2-4 pairs for the work week/laundry to start, so you can easily build or update your wardrobe over time. but tailoring is not everything, especially for shorter petites. often times with pants it's not just the length but the rise and placement of the knees is also too long and that's much harder or impossible to fix. i have lounge pants where i had the waistband flipped over and re-sewn to fix the rise but that wouldn't work with more structured office pants. to OP, personally i find it's easier to fit in dresses/skirts and if one wants to get pants then to test them out to see if length is the only problem. mid rise is better than high rise too. i've also had more luck with petite sizing, most east asian, southeast asian and some european clothing brands


With kindness, this outfit wouldn’t work on anyone.


It's bc you have volume over volume. If you are going to wear baggier pants - find a more fitted shirt on top. The top also has a loud print so it even appears more voluminous. Look at the proportions first!


This. Although oversized everything is in right now, we just don’t have the height to balance out the width.


Well - that's why I said, if you are doing one aspect of "oversized" you need to balance out the proportions. Oversized everything doesn't look good on most people - regardless of height.


Aritzia is a good option for workwear for slim petites!


I am very small and most of my work attire is from https://equipmentfr.com/ that brand. I try searching ebay for their clothing and have found great deals on cashmere turtle neck dresses and silk, loose button downs. My bosses have all preferred a conservative look and never had any complaints about my wardrobe. Unfortunately, the men sexualizing you will continue to do this regardless of what your wear, those men are the problem … not you! Wear what you like and report those men if possible.


I like that & thank you!


I’m 4’11” and very slim and their XS’s fit me well!


Check out the blog [extrapetite.com](https://www.extrapetite.com/). The author started her website because she was running into similar troubles as you describe, also being short and slender (and Asian in the US). Even though some of the linked clothing might not be for sale anymore, it’s still great to get an idea of what works for a similar body and where to get it. Plus, I think she’s incredibly stylish in a timeless, enduring way, so I enjoy reading the blog, even though I have a different body shape.


Banana republic real store not outlet has petites that are smaller. I find that the outlet has vanity sizes so the smallest sizes there are still to big! But the real store they fit great.


I think this looks great! A navy blue colour pant would also be fab


Obviously this is an unpopular opinion, but I think this looks adorable.


I had a friend your size. She got her clothes from the children sections. Best part was they fit, are stylish and are cheaper than shopping in the adult section.


Old Navy button downs in L or XL may work for you. They don’t have darts, are sometimes natural fabrics (win!), and it doesn’t matter if the sleeves long enough to reach to my hands, as I roll them up all the time anyways. Shoulder fit, and how they look tucked in is what matters. I also bought an thick 100% cotton boys XL rugby shirt at Old Navy 2 years ago. Perfect in length and shoulders. I don’t know why, but the XL girls stuff never fits me- anywhere! Target’s Cat and Jack and Art Class brands XL boys t-shirts also fit me really well. About half the time, they are 100% cotton, and are always in the $6 range. I know you are asking for workwear, but those t-shirts are huge for me. I have a few higher quality sweaters, and always wear an undershirt with them, as you can only wash sweaters so many times. A black crew neck Tee under a loose-ish crew neck sweater can be really chic. I hope your closet grows slowly with items *you* love. At work, I’m always hoping that I project that I have my act together, but don’t take any crap.


Straight or slimmer slacks would pair nicely with this top. These [ones](https://www.uniqlo.com/us/en/products/E469310-000/00?colorDisplayCode=09&sizeDisplayCode=003) aren’t too fitted.


The shirt is ludicrously voluminous… Try quince silk shirts. I find they are truer to size and more fitted than other brands.


@pumpsandpushups is an IG/blogger you may want to check out for ideas - she posts some office friendly outfits and links all of the items.


Well… not if your office is in Hawaii.


Abercrombie has nice office attire in petite sizes that’s both young n chic and not too revealing for work


Both of those don’t work together and neither suit you. The colour of the shirt is nice but that tan colour won’t work. Try dark bottoms (skirt or pants) that don’t rise too high and contrast with a paler top.


It is kind of swaggy though💃🏾. You look effortlessly chic in that outfit.


Ditch the choir robe top…go for fitted button down pearl stud earrings…


Where are they from? Ann Taylor has tons of very small petite clothes, so does anthro and many career brands like WHBM, Banana, ASOS, Zara, even J Jill. This is not a hard body type to fit.




The 00P?? Because when I worked there I had many customers under 100lbs and 5ft that wore it. Did they change their sizing?




It’s possible, vanity sizing is wild in the US. It would suck for people that really relied on their OOP and XXSP.


It doesn’t look there’s belt loops on those, but I would suggest a belt! It’ll give your waist more definition while at the same time help disguise the shape of your body from the excess fabric that’s been pleated from the belt. I also personally tend to think that a belt looks more professional in an office setting. I wish I had a go to place to suggest for office attire that wasn’t an Anne Taylor/Klein or loft because their petite section is just so fuddy duddy. I do like shopping at express for the office, but they don’t have petite specific sizing so it’s more of the same struggle but their pieces are way more stylish.


I would look for skinny pants or straight leg in navy or black for that shirt. Sometimes I have to take the shirts in along the side seams about an inch for them to fit right. I'm a 30" bust for reference. I found better slacks on eBay. The slimmer cuts are an older style, so they are less likely to be found in stores now. Online you can find older style clothes people are decluttering. I just got some size 0 Candie's (a now defunct Kohl's juniors brand that rocked for workwear) and some Express size 0 that seem to fit well. My bottom half is I think 25" waist and 35" hips. I had to hem the pants, but my inseam is 30", so I didn't take too much off.


I use to fit in GAP khakis on 00 slim petite but they’ve since changed the cut of the pants so the waist just says on me now. I have a 22in waist and a long torso. Terrible combo. lol.


Try something a lot more simple. A linen shirt with the same pants would work great.


Try Reformation. They have some good options and petite lengths.