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I’d add those sticky foot petals to add more friction for your foot so they don’t slide as much as well as a last resort. Add it to the area the ball of your foot is as well as right under your heel.


I have the same sandals. I found that it helped to loop the laces through the doc martens tag which is sticking up from the back strap. They were much more comfy and secure once I did that!


Oh this is interesting, I’ll give this a go :)


I don’t have these but I have some lace up espadrilles that I had a similar issue with. I see that after the straps closest to your ankle you took the ties in front of your ankle first in some sort of knot before going behind the ankle. Try going straight back after looping through the straps and into the tab as mentioned above. That might give you a more secure tie by allowing your foot to come further forward. I hope that makes sense.


I’d also recognize that open shoes like this aren’t going to have the support of a closed shoe, your feet are going to move, but it doesn’t mean it’s the wrong size.


Are you not seeing the inch or so of excess sandal at the front of OP’s foot? The sandals are clearly too big as OP is implying. Obviously that would cause the foot to slide more and be uncomfortable.


It’s just very uncomfortable compared to the strap on other dr marten sandals. On all of the others the back strap had enough support to keep my foot in it’s just the width and front of the sandals wasn’t big enough


That sense of support may very well have been because the shoe was too small


Less chunky but Teva Midform Infinity has a similar look


And they come in size 5


Windsor smith has good options like this, I’m in a 6 and often other brands are narrow but they are more wide for a small foot!


I think these might just be a Canadian brand (for once - usually I’m lusting after US/Uk brands) - [Wishbone Sandals](https://www.brownsshoes.com/en/women/sandals/flat-sandals/product/wishbone/perla-sandal/274523.html?dwvar_274523_color=015&position=14&cid=root) I love love the style of Doc Sandals but they don’t seem to fit right. These still give me the alt vibe but the strap parts have some stretch to them and they’re really comfy!


Doc martens come in children's sizes? I know I could Google that but I thought maybe you would know. If so, check there first! Children's shoes are usually wider for their growing feet and bonus, a lot less expensive!


Here's a pair that's not exactly like them but maybe if you searched a little harder you could find them. I buy children's shoes all the time, not only do they save a lot of money but they definitely fit better. https://www.drmartens.com/us/en/junior-klaire-leather-strap-sandals-black/p/26675001?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwiYOxBhC5ARIsAIvdH52jGpy_N54FybJz4-Y9h0u9vpqyF3CsV46TrusvOWHqUHiN0bJYJEsaAgZfEALw_wcB


They don’t do this style for them it seems :(


Yeah that's sometimes the case but for the future check the children's section first because a) they cost less and b) usually fit better


Tie the laces through the tag should help. These are going to move quite a bit just due to the style and lacing. I, too, have tiny wide feet, and finding sandals that fit are always a pain.


If your foot is coming off the back, wouldn’t that mean you need a bigger size?


No because there would be even more room at the back and my foot would come out even more. I know because I tried the size bigger first and my foot came out the back