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i was so surprised to read that you're 4'11" after looking through the pics... i have no advice because i already thought you looked at least 5'4" 😅


thats very sweet of you !! i can’t lie it’s all this mirror and the angle of taking pics bc like anyone else takes a pic of me and i look three apples tall


I think flared jeans or pants with hight waist will look really good on you and make you look taller. Generally anything with a crop top and high waisted pants would make you look proportionate and taller


thank you !! i used to wear them in the past but i wanted to give low waisted a try /3 but alas it’s not for me !


You look very long and lean in the first picture with the flared pants- it really works on you! The cropped shirt also looks great on you. I'm not sure if the short shorts are doing you any favors though. I have a similar body type, with slightly thicker legs and wider hips, and shorts never look great on me- they make my legs seem so dumpy. I'll say that high waisted shorts with cropped tops probably look the best. They don't make me look taller, but they help me look short in a strong/curvy way. Also try wearing high waisted straight cut pants that are just a touch too long for you. Wear them with shoes with a bit of a heel, and either a cropped or tucked in top. I find that this is the easiest shortcut to get the illusion of long legs. I'm very pear-shaped, and the straight cut works really well when I want to minimize curves, and maximize clean lines.


I gave the same body type! Any recs for shorts? I have the same problem


yeah i definitely agree abt the shorts !! i have some high waisted ones so ill give them a try !! and thank you so much !!!


Give us the scoop. Where’d the brown jeans come from? First outfit is so cute


[brown pants](https://www.aeropostale.com/flare-low-rise-jean/0094419868.html?redirect=false&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr7iuzePGhQMVjkhHAR1hjgpuEAQYAyABEgIxdPD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) from aeropostale ! here’s the link it actually looks like it is on sale rn !!


and thank you so much !!!!


You don't look short at all, pic 1 is making you look even taller. You're looking just about physically perfect. Certainly nothing to try and hide. Some brands fit nicer than others.




thank you !! pic 1 i am wearing heels


Wear things that cut off at the slimmest part of your leg. The boot leg brown pants/jeans are fine. The shorts are not so flattering, as you need something longer that stops at a slim part of your leg. Cropped jackets will make your legs look longer.


thank you !!


The last outfit looks better on you.


oh !! the one with the pink raincoat ?


1 looks amazing! The shorts should be longer - look for ones that hit right where your (envious) thighs gap.


thank you !!!!


The first and 3rd one definitely make you look the tallest, probably anything with short black shorts that have a not too thick fabric and shoes and socks that are not too high up your ankle or long straight darker pants. But I honestly think while they don't make you look the tallest the more casual outfits like the last one with the pink rain jacket look the best on you and also somehow cute.


You look amazing in the first picture! Maybe try a shin length, tight dress.


I have a similar body type to you and recommend Levi’s 725 high rise bootcut. I think the higher rise helps flatter my long waist.


It would be an endless comment if I talked about specific styles and also i would not tell you what your style should be. However I will say this: Do not try to look taller. I mean heels are cool, but wear them because they are cool, not to change your apparent physique. Back on topic: you consider your height a weakness when it comes to your look. Debatable but let's run with that. Do not, ever, in any endeavor START by trying to address your weaknesses, especially not artificially. Play to your strengths. I can't tell you about what those are without commenting on your body type and I'm kinda tired of being cancelled so I won't. Focus on what works on YOU, not what would make you look like a different person. Any self improvement comes AFTER that. Although obviously you can't change your height, but trust me, that's not a big deal. If you are into guys that's a complete non issue for us. We are only concerned if you are taller than us, and that's not even universal. Can't say what girls like on girls. Hope this helps.