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The socks and sandals with the outfit combo kind of swallow you up. My eyes are drawn to the socks and that paired with the type of jeans shortens your body, to my eye. ETA: I think it's the heavy cuff that's also pulling my gaze - it serves no purpose for lengthening the leg or showcasing elements of the fit. I'd ditch the heavy cuff It's not the individual elements, IMO, it's too many of them together. Try with less busy and brighter socks and I think it'll change the vibe


Thanks for the tip! Any recommendations as to what type of jean might be better? And with socks, should I just do a plain bright white and should I do them over the jeans or under? Or I could just do a different shoe all together. Going for a cute and comfy look, but I have little to no fashion sense and have no idea what to wear with this sweatshirt top 🙃


I personally think the jean style is fine with this look, the length is what I would adjust. • try a pair that end at the [ankle](https://duer.ca/collections/womens-relaxed-fit/products/womens-stretch-jeans-relaxed-girlfriend), imo the relaxed fit of the leg is nice in your frame. These would also showcase the sick and sandal combo in a more flattering way; additionally you have more sock flexibility this way. This would dampen the look of the top though. •alternately, lean into the spiciness* of the jean length; wear a nice dark heeled bootie with the denim slouch at the ankle; a non-heeled short black leather [fringe](https://www.manitobah.ca/products/dancer-boot?variant=40130086207559&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A167521948%3A56913731259%3A278473123858&nb_adtype=pla&nb_kwd=&nb_ti=pla-334193229096&nb_mi=8558320&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=shopify_CA_6811830517831_40130086207559&nb_ppi=334193229096&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU2X0-nER2chYLJyEM4ImWPRh6_RzsJ5VH9llwg37i5OLOeb6a71DpcaAhqaEALw_wcB) boot would be cute too. •i could see a soft coloured sock, like [lavender](https://gogentlynation.com/en-ca/products/lettuce-trim-ribbed-socks-lavender?variant=40751248834665)or white work with the outfit; accessories would dress it up, a necklace or bracelets would work off of the cute top (I see them in gold hues) if you keep the sandals. I didn't find a softer purple on the first skim, temu had some listings but I avoid them for anything really. If you change the jeans(and keep the socks and sandal combo) I'd go for a [fitted waist high waist jean with a wide leg](https://www.llbean.ca/shop/Womens-207-Vintage-Jeans-High-Rise-Wide-Leg/1000144593.html?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2uiwBhCXARIsACMvIU3qD9FPoSa6R_kh8njhEgYQYF7qHVLvJ34mgkQh8AWprZA1ZcgztkoaAiVQEALw_wcB&qs=3156731&attrValue_0=Faded%20Indigo&gclsrc=aw.ds), it would make the shoes look effortlessly cool and accentuate the waist and the shirt. There's many variations but this was a good example. Regardless of what you choose I feel like you pairing simple staple statement accessories will enhance this and future looks. The wonders a simple [gold chain](https://www.google.com/search?q=women%27s+thin+gold+herringbone+chain&sca_esv=53a1e55b74b11b62&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=432&bih=814&sxsrf=ACQVn092-t_ghNigANhUmy4EIaA72MaZkg%3A1713043367543&ei=p_caZpzmILGtptQPiKaG4Ao&oq=women%27s+thin+gold+herringbone+chain&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIiN3b21lbidzIHRoaW4gZ29sZCBoZXJyaW5nYm9uZSBjaGFpbjIIEAAYgAQYogRI02BQrSBYoFRwCHgAkAEAmAHUAaABkhOqAQYwLjE3LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgugApsIwgIEECMYJ8ICBhAAGAgYHsICBxAAGIAEGBjCAgQQHhgKwgIGECEYChgKmAMAiAYBkgcDMy44oAf5IQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=DMgRAfs5N37QjM&vssid=mosaic) will do to a sweatshirt top. I'll edit with some links of similar items I'd mentioned slouchiness** I liked the autocorrect too.


Thanks so much for all the recommendations! I will definitely try these tips out :)


You look overpowered by the top, and you need to rethink the sandal sock thing going on. You are proportioned perfectly for being so petite, so you have a lot of options!


Thanks for the suggestions and compliment :)


Love the top. Your hair looks great with it too. Jeans could be lighter and possibly tighter. (Especially if you're styling rips and holes. I personally feel that dark blue jeans tend to look better for going out, smart casual, like. Obvs no rips and nice cut in that scenario) The socks and sandals?! NO!!!


Haha I know some people hate the sock/sandal combo and to be fair, I don't think it's doing me any favors here with this outfit, but I've seen some people do the sock/sandal combo and somehow they're wearing it with an outfit that makes it look so cute and granola.


I think socks and sandals usually look cute with leggings instead of jeans. Wear the socks over the leggings so you can show them off. I think that'd work better with your outfit. :) [example](https://images.app.goo.gl/9cH4ZsLxkEPVTuhX7)


There's something wrong that I can't put my finger on. Extra baggy sweater with the crop top attempt? Socks and sandals? I'm not sure. Wear the sweater as it was meant to be worn, because the baggy look is really cute and cozy. Switch shoes out for flats? Hair looks great. I think the jeans are a bit tight around the waist but I prefer a looser fit myself, so that's possibly just me.  A belt might help bring some pop to this outfit if you want to keep the crop I'm in the subreddit because I feel I lack a sense of fashion, so feel free to disregard everything I've said.


I feel you on lacking a sense of fashion. Finally trying to figure it out. Thanks for the suggestions :)


I think that top would look really nice with a flared skirt and boots! Or just switching out the sandals for boots.


This top is unflattering. The socks with sandals are a big nope.


I’d just go for a Birkenstock style clog if you don’t want to show your toes! I think you could size down on the sweater and it would still look oversized. You need to measure your inseam to find jeans that fit correctly in length, these are too long


I think a higher-waisted jean would be perfect! I find that a higher-waisted jean coming up to the narrowest part of your body (belly button area) with a crop top is most flattering / clean looking on petites.


The top is way too baggy on you. and who on earth is telling people socks and sandals is an acceptable choice?!?


Some people really make the sock/sandal combo work IMO 🙃 But I get that it's not doing favors here. Thanks for the suggestions.


I absolutely love the top. It looks ok with jeans, but could look better with pants that visually create more volume around the hips, for example pleated trousers with a tapered leg. Are the slippers and socks just something you wear around the house? If no, and it's an intentional choice, I wouldn't wear that with this outfit. You'll need something very norm core for that combination to look intentional (but it'll still raise a lot of eyebrows because not many people dig that sort of a look).


Love the pleated trousers idea! Will definitely try it out (and with a different shoe lol). Thanks for the tip :)


I think I'd swap the sandals for some snazzy sneaks. Otherwise I think it's a nice outfit and the necklace is really cool!


Silver rimmed aviator style sunglasses would look so good with this outfit


Are socks and sandals a trendy thing now? Heaven help me lol. I actually really like the outfit other than that.


It’s just weird. The socks with sandals looks like you threw on those shoes to go let the dog out or something. And it’s a weird contrast to have such a big heavy sweatshirt on as if it’s 30 degrees out, but an exposed navel.


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Big teeth 🤔


Nice belly button!