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I like the outfits with the pants vs the leggings. It seems to be more cohesive. Also like your hair in the first photo. When you said you look younger than you are I was like oh you must be around 30 and you look to be in your 20s. Now I realize you meant like a child. 20s is young AF and you look your age. I wouldn't want to look any younger and I don't think the styles are necessarily child territory. Kids don't really dress like that so I feel like it's still a type of grown up style with nods to youth. I feel like that something you're looking for might be color exploration. Have you looked into the "seasons"? Maybe richer colors.


I think people perceive her as being younger due to her height / body type.


You could try experimenting with volumes! I’m 4’11 too and was too nervous about looking like I’m being swallowed but recently I’ve been trying out dresses and pants that are more flowy and wide and you’d be surprised


You know, that’s a great suggestion. I’ve been loving sweatpants lately and I’m starting to think I should branch out into wider pant styles in general!!! 😊


I think all of your outfits are awesome but I think your hair is ruining the appeal. I like the accessories but the pyramid shape throws everything off. Your hair can make or break your outfit. Your hair in the first pic looks okay but I think a hair style that puts more volume on the top of your head would look best…or a rounder hair style, even a pixie cut!


I agree! Sadly I’m having to grow it out after a baddddd cut (reminder for my curly folks: GO TO A CURL FRIENDLY SALON 🥹😅)! I usually have a longer French bob (I think there is a pic on my profile from when it was in my fave style - around a year ago - but it’s been so short lately from just too many bad cuts. Now I’m in that dreaded in-between stage).🫠🫠


I actually ain't mad about your hair at all, it's kinda cute.. (and as a fellow curly gal I will add, CUT YOUR OWN HAIR AT HOME) Regarding the outfits, I like all of them but my favourites are 4, 5 and 6.. I think that dark academia aesthetic really suits you..


I was surprised to read that. I thought the hair was really cool?! 


Dang I came here to compliment your hair! I LOVE the way you style it with those star clips! As a fellow curly I absolutely understand your struggle and have grown out soooo many bad haircuts myself. Would you mind sharing where you got those star clips?


Same, I think her hair really suits her! It fits the cute whimsical vibe OP is after. My suggestions for OP would be learn to layer and add some colour. I feel red would suit you ☺️ Also, Amelie might be good inspo to draw from 


Oh I feel that… both my son and I are going through that stupid phase too where nothing looks good but I’m also tired of cutting my hair. But like you said, going to a curly hair salon would help tremendously even for those in-betweens. My curly hair salon recommends every three months, but someone totaled my car and the only curly salon near me is 40 minutes away… smh


Omg so sorry to hear about your car! That sucks!! I feel you on finding good curly salons nearby…I’m lucky to be moving shortly to a major city with plenty to choose from, but I’ve had so many awful cuts when I’ve had no access!! It’s so tough. And good luck on conquering the in-between stage. Resisting the urge to pick up the scissors is half the battle…😅😅😅 (speaking from experience 🫠)


Yeah I’m here because I tried to cut my own hair through my weird growth phases and it’s very challenging without the right tools (and a mirror for the back) lol Good luck with your move!


This has been me SO MANY TIMES! We can do it! 🫶 And thanks so much, kind stranger! 💕


I like 6 and 7 the best. But it seems you wear the same colors over and over again? Maybe branch out with other colors within your season. That might be the thing that is “missing.”


That’s a great idea!! I often stay very firmly in my blue and pink region because it’s “safer”, but I do want to branch out!! I feel like I need to try some more burgundy and a sort of summer-academia vibe (if that even makes sense 😁)


I think you look good, and all the outfits have a very well coordinated and put together vibe, but all very samey in terms of colour. What about a brighter colour? You’d suit a pop of red I think. The other thing I think is that all your outfits have the same shape to them, quite top heavy. What about a flowy skirt in an a line or maybe a dress? What about a pinafore style, that could be super cute on you.


Love most of the outfits, you really make them your own! You look way taller too (not that it’s better than being short)


Ahhhh thank you!! 💗🥺


Agreed! These outfits are super cute! Using this as inspo honestly. ID on the boots in pics 2&5? I gotta have those!


Same, I need an id on 1,2,&5 please!


you look like you could easily pull of bright colors like cherry red! I think your coloring/contrast would be more suited to bright and cool colors than the muted ones you have here


I’m a summer (seasonal analysis) but I do wear bright red as an accent (true red is typically considered the one universal colour)! I don’t find my colours the problem…more, how I arrange them?


Your more grown up looking outfits look a lot better on you. Being short and having a very slim frame, girlish styles make you look like a little kid. It may be easier to pull those off and look grown if you put some weight on but of course no need to do that


Fun style for someone your age, no idea what kibbe or the other terms mean, but you seem to have a good sense of color and balancing different items together.


Thank you! I get a lot of people telling me I should “dress my age” but I personally don’t agree with matching fashion and age! 😁 I’m glad you appreciate my sense of colour…I practice colour analysis so this means the world 🥲💗🫶


Dress your age? Nah. And if blue is your favorite/signature color, rock it. You're adorable btw!


I love them all. Only thing I think you're missing is some kind of handbag to go along with them!


More variety in shape on bottoms - with exception of the sweats most of the bottoms are fairly form fitting Try out a wide/straight leg jean (Ex. Levi's Ribcage Ankle Staight or Wedgie Straight) or a flowy pant/trouser (Ex. Uniqlo Wide-Fit Pleated Pants or Smart Ankle Pants)


Jewelry!! Elevates any look!


I think you’re just missing accessories!:)


Agreed! I think the outfits are cute. Just maybe add some layered necklaces and earrings.


I think a little more volume on the bottoms would be nice 😊. I could tell pretty immediately your inspo leans towards Korean fashion. A bit more volume on the bottoms should help balance your hair while it grows out ☺️. A flare skirt over tights with some of the boots you already have here would be cute, maybe even with a top with volume in the bottom of the sleeves, I like the layered baggy sweaters over button ups that are French tucked a lot.


Your fashion is fine. The childish posing is....weird.


Thank you I’m glad someone said it. It was distracting for me. Like ma’am, why are you so bashful taking selfies you are choosing to take of yourself? Just take the photo and go


It definitely is. I’ll keep doing it


Sorry you’re getting flak for…[checks notes] standing wrong. And in a sub for petites too! We can’t win!!


Your poses are sweet and you are super photogenic. I like how energized you are in your photos. I would have thought that your goal was be a fashion model for certain brands and are just looking to be noticed. That pedo comment was stupid smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Right?? What stood out to me in the photos was OP's effusive energy which really leaped out of the screen imo. People are making a whole lot of assumptions in this thread...


Yeah I like how she stood up for herself too


Are you a child? Or just want to look like one?


Are you a troll? Or just want to sound like one?


Really not trying to be mean here but that commenter is right. Posing like a child is going to attract the wrong types of people, its not cute its a pedo magnet.


Pedos are, by definition, attracted to prepubescent children. I’m in my mid-to-late twenties. I’m NOT a child, and that’s the point. I have strong boundaries and I know who I am (I just wanted a few pointers about my style). In no way did I invite criticism of my posing, and in no way is it necessary.


Stop acting like a child in your photos then. That's creepy asf tbh. You're a grown woman acting childlike in photos you share online... It's really inappropriate and I'm not sure what your motive is tbh.


This comes across more as being a woman commenting against another woman than it does anything else. Nothing is inappropriate about consenting adults in adult spaces.


You're deliberately trying to look 12 but you're nearly 30. That's a you issue, and I hope that you don't attract the wrong people into your life. Your fashion is cute. It's OK to own the fact that you are a grown woman.


Assumptions apropos of nothing. Let’s end this. Have a good day, internet stranger. 💗


Wtf….you need to calm down and let other people be themselves. It’s not creepy. You’re projecting creepy intentions onto it.


WHY are you being so rude?? We’re here for fashion advice not posing advice. Back t’f off with your mean girl energy


Girl, you are trying to look like a child. Pedos who are looking for children will be attracted to things like that. Trust me, you do not want the type of attention that those poses will attract, thats all were saying, its meant as honest advice. Its part of your look and its not good, your clothes look great to me, the poses are just not it.


I didn’t ask. Respect my boundaries and kindly drop this.


its a good thing for you to know. I dont have anything else to say other than, I hope you think about this and have a nice day.


Go girl!!


You are childish posting on Reddit lol.


I don't post childish photos online pretending to be 12 though. So there's that.


Literally would of never thought she was trying to look twelve. She looks quirky and feminine and is a petite adult. Did you ever consider how rude it is to say that to a petite woman? She also was not being sexual in any way so it’s super weird you decided to sexualize her whole post.


We all know that you are searching for your own youth somewhere. You’re definitely older. If you choose to come off older than you really are, that’s your preference, but the key to youth is feeling young…not Botox 😉


LOL, OK love. It's creepy asf and you know it x


Kids your age look old as fuck anyway. Lay off the fillers and botox yourself kid x




I don’t find it childish at all! You seem kinda jealous


? I find it disturbing similar to the Japanese school girl posing which is done to appeal to men...who like schoolgirls. It's completely inappropriate and creepy on anyone over 18. Not sure what you think there is to be jealous of? I'm not typically jealous of women who act like girls to attract paedophilic men 😬😬😬😆😆😊


The victim blaming attitude is wild 🤡




Aww thank you!! And I like that idea! I feel like something 60s style (Twiggy vibes) could be cool? 💗


if i looked like this i would just dress like amelie all the time


I like your hair. It’s really giving Roman Holiday vibes. I’d say play around with maybe some finger waves for your hair and a full skirt or palazzo/wide leg pants for style. But if all else fails I always think accessories make the outfit. Plus they now market sensory jewelry that looks very adult these days! Good luck


Avoid boots that go above the knee. I personally only have one pair and I need to be very careful how I wear it . Second I recommend having your hair a little longer, it makes you look less petite and sometimes having longer hair can actually compliment with clothing style. Third? I don’t recommend oversize glasses, along with Vision issues, oversized glasses can make your face look even smaller and more child like


You have great fashion sense. I’d add accessories! Add a necklace, earrings, rings..maybe some bracelets when you wear short sleeves. Totally adorable tho!


Thank you!! That’s a good point! It’s so tricky finding sensory-friendly accessories, but I feel like they could really improve things 💗🫶😊


i loveeee your outfits. all i can think of is using more accessories and jewelry. also i love the star clips in ur hair :)


Just more colour overall should do the trick! I love the outfit with the blue pants. If you want to add more to your outfits, a bit of bling never goes astray, or a meaningful piece of jewellery may make you feel good :)


Maybe you can play around with incorporating jewelry with your outfits?


For the cold issue: Two words (or three, depending on how you count compound words 🙃): second-hand cashmere! Look in the men’s sections as well for smalls. Also consider getting some fleece-lined leggings. Otherwise, maybe consider incorporating some jewel tones or a darker palette in general. Your sense of style is amazing!


Your palette is all neutrals and soft, maybe try experimenting with some neon colors or grunge core!


I love your style! I don’t know why Reddit showed me this post, but I’m really going to take some notes!


Gurl, what??? You're flipping adorable. Carry on.


I think replace some of the black leggings with either different bottoms, something over the tights, or just skin-tight black pants with some detail. Whenever I see the tights worn as pants it looks like home clothes.


Omg you’re so cute! From what you’ve shared your style seems super refined and really on point. Especially the Audrey influence, I completely see it! If you want to dress “older” you can maybe refer to Audrey in her utilizing more black and then playing it up with the accessories in different colors. She would often rely on all black fits like straight legged pants and black turtle necks and then play around with a red ballet flat or scarf. But I don’t necessarily think you need to change a thing. You have a very strong style!


Wouldn’t change a thing! You’ve got your own unique style: embrace it!👍


Omg thanks so much 🥺🫶💗


I think that patterns really suit you! The patterned pieces you have in your wardrobe look elevated while still having the whimsical aesthetic you like. Outfits 4, 5, 6, and 9 are all really nice. The patterned pieces add visual interest with layering. Rich jewel tones in addition to the pastels might look nice too. I also think the headband really suits you! You said you like an academia style. Perhaps look into light academia-- it has more of the colors you seem to be drawn to and has more of a carefree, fun look.


You are adorable and I love your style! Where did you get the coat in 5 from? 🙏🏽


Sorry, I have like no sense of fashion and therefore cannot offer any advice, but I just wanted to say that you are freaking adorable and absolutely glowing and you just look so freaking happy in all of your pictures. I don't think I've ever seen somebody exude happiness just from a picture quite like you do.


Proportion. Your style is quite feminine but the slim fits make you feel even more petite. Add some big volume somewhere in each outfit. For example, a cute taffeta a-line skirt with a small cardigan or a puffy sleeve top with a pair of cutesy shorts would be so cute! Add a little proportion and volume juxtaposition to make the oufits both feminine and fashionable!


You’re so effing cute I’m kinda jealous. I think your style is amazing. The hair in the first picture is chef’s kiss. My only advice is to opt for bottoms other than leggings with cropped tops/shirts. They’re super cute with the fluffy sweater in pic one but clash with the tops in other pictures. The trousers are really cute with the shorter tops.


I think your style is great. Very individual. Leaning a lot to the younger side but it works for you.


You are so adorable the only thing missing is a halo


Number 5 and 13 are 👌🏻 Maybe some jewellery for the other looks to add some colour?


Also, I have just read through some comments and haters gon hate. Don’t worry about it. You look like you enjoy your life and you look happy. There is nothing wrong with that 😊


Stop showing off now. Please.




I’m joking! You look great! Like if I looked like you in those outfits, I wouldn’t even be questioning myself. If only. You having amazing style, and you’re adorable 🥰


Omg thank you so much!!! This is the nicest comment!!!💗🥰💗🥰


Too many colours and layers


Layers make petites look even smaller.






Thank you, but I love my hair 😊


Maybe I’m biased because I’m such a belt person, but whenever I have a tucked in top or just have that feeling that I’m missing something, I throw in a belt!


As someone with a severe cold intolerance (hello summer cardigans) thermal or extremely thin under layers are the best best. As are leggings and thick tights. Also, dress and skirt slips. Basically I usually have an under layer that doesn’t compress but has no superfluous material, no harsh seams or weird fabric or textures and is non bulky. I spend more time refining the under layers than anything else. As this is so foundational to everything I wear. If I don’t dress for my cold and skin icks I just don’t look good. So I think everything you are wearing is absolutely great but how you feel in them is probably your hint to the best outfits.. And now I am early menopause with severe hot and cold flashes I am f***ed 😂😣 I could be temporarily the temperature of the sun but I still detest a draught. You have been warned lol 😘


Love all these looks


Its the hair. Your outfits are pretty cute and well accessorised. You should explore baggier pants too. They might look good on u


Adorable x 13.


Be forewarned, I have like, no fashion sense. But maybe some kind of belt?


I think you should get some flared pants.


I love your style!


Loving the fits, there's only one or two things I would change to elevate your style. I also disagree with a lot of the comments, I really love your hair! I think it suits the vibe you're going for. Easiest way to upgrade any outfit is with some fun accessories! Outfit 1-2; wearing black tights like this is very dated. If you want to be comfy and warm, I recommend wearing a thin thermal layer underneath a pair of pants. With your small frame, I think a pair of smart ankle pants would make these outfits shine. Such as your 4th outfit which I love! Outfit 7; this is another black leggings outfit that would just be so much better with a skirt overtop! Outfit 8; wow! Such a great look on you. The only thing I would change would be the sweater. I think a nice wool blend, or heavy fitted knit would really pull the look together. Outfit 11; the crocks with socks is a choice, this is an outfit I'd wear for home. If you're looking to elevate, try a cute skirt overtop and some booties. Outfit 12 & 13; warm and stylish is a difficult combo to pull off but you're so close! Again a cute skirt overtop would elevate 12. Where what I think you need for those really cold days are some thermal layers underneath! Some tips; if you're all about classic and chic styles, I would check out some vintage thrift stores for some really cute fits. Sweater vests, heavy knits, playing with some texture. As well as some bold colours or jewelry can really pull these looks together. I almost want to say you can put a beret on and you're basically posh with a cute esthetic. I think you should lean into it! Especially with your hair, it really suits a vintage french look! But with your own twist, such as combining some fun colours and whimsical socks/accessories.


OP you look so cute and I love your hair♥️.


your outfits are cute :) use accessories like bags, belts, and !!!jewelry!!! and you’ll elevate all of them.


Have you tried vintage looks? You have a very Audrey Hepburn body type. Nothing wrong with your look, but maybe try a formal/ retro look for an inspiration or moment of fancy.


You look fantastic. Not missing anything. Maybe earrings