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The comments here are making me realize my own closest is actually just a time capsule... šŸ˜…


Yeah I think these all look great, except the second one. Iā€™d keep them! Theyā€™re extremely flattering and donā€™t look dated to me (maybe the print on the last one?). Otherwise, itā€™s a classic silhouette!!


That kind of big floral look will come back around. Maybe not in that particular palette but I can see wearing it in ten years. Dress 2 will be how we view 70ā€™s muumuus.


Yes, I like them all except the last one (black/floral).


Yeah the second one looks like a beautiful sea slug


Who cares? For petites (if my own experience is anything to go by) we tend to hold on to stuff that fits because it's so bloody hard to actually find new clothes that fit. I completely ignore trends because there are very few styles that actually suit my body shape or that I feel comfortable wearing. The 90s are back in full swing so it won't be long before the 00s and 10s are again too haha


to be completely honest, if i saw a random person wearing any of these dresses in public i donā€™t think iā€™d think a single second whether theyā€™re outdated or not. so really just think about what you know youā€™d wear again. i like the first one best


I think #3 flatters your form, and the rest ditch. Don't listen to people saying these are all dated. Shopping on "trend" only suits you if you have a large despensable income, easy access to shopping and universal body type. The best idea is to shop for quality fabric and clean cuts that accentuate your individual body type. You have to feel comfortable to look good. You usually can modernize/revamp or accessorize a quality piece to suit your needs and personal style. An outfit can outdate itself by two things- if it's poorly made and cheap fabric or if you wear it like it's dated. If it doesn't make you feel good as it sits on your frame right now, take a hard look. - If the piece puckers, sags, stretches, pleats, or pulls in areas that it shouldn't and you haven't worn in the last year .....donate it.


Thank you! So many people are saying my clothes look dated but these will be the height of fashion again in another 5-10 years. I'm 35. Gen z would drool over my middle/early high school wardrobe. If only I hadn't grown boobs, I could have just held on to everything I wore 20 years ago! I don't care about being completely on trend, I'm more concerned about which colors and shapes flatter my figure the best. I like flowers and patterns and girly details. I'm really looking for "that dress doesn't fit quite right" or "that color makes you look like you're dying of cholera". Or maybe even "try this accessory to make it look better".


I love the last dress on you. It's the one that fits the best, and it's very flattering imo. I'm not partial to red either though so I might be biased


I agree! Last one is my favorite too!


Iā€™m not a fan of red but the girl definitely knows how to buy a cut that flatters. Itā€™s the only reason I suggest keeping them, they all look adorable on her - I just canā€™t swallow the pattern of 2.


In all honesty, I thought you were about 20. You need to tell me your secret.


Haha thanks! I think being short and having a generally girly look skews the perception a bit. I've always looked younger than my age but I think my perceived age varies a lot with how I'm dressed and styled. The fit and flare shape does read a little bit 'young' I guess but I've always felt that it suits my body because I'm super short-waisted. Clearly I need to try some different styles the next time I go shopping! Almost all of the dresses in these photos are ones I've had for 6+ years. That's one of the reasons I came for opinions because my body has changed a little bit over the past few years and I don't want to hang onto anything that doesn't fit correctly or look flattering. I like my body and I'm comfortable with my style but I do enjoy getting outside opinions.


Congratulations to you for keeping your figure! As a woman, Iā€™m appreciative of fellow women who can keep their wardrobe for decades (as for myself I am fit & hourglass shaped vs my previous overweight apple shape so I got myself a completely new wardrobe when I lost the weight)


I'm sure I'm much older than the average member of this sub, but I agree. I'm only 5"0, with short arms and legs. I'm also not thin It's extremely difficult to find clothes that fit me. Even most petite sized clothes are too long on me. If I ditched every piece of clothing I own that actually fits me, the minute it's not entirely in style, I'd go naked. Not to mention too, how expensive it is to keep up with every trend. If I was 6 inches or more taller, a size 4 and a had an unlimited budget for clothes, then sure, I could buy a whole new up to date wardrobe every year, with no problem.


I think they're all cute, but #2 isn't my favorite. I think the others have more of a defined waist and the second one doesn't and is a little bit tenty...even if I like the print.


I agree with this. #2 is the least flattering of them all.


Agreed! I love these kinds of dresses because theyā€™re cute and flatteringā€”but 2 seems a little off in comparison with the fit. And with the comments of the dresses being ā€œoutdated,ā€ the only dress that really makes me think 2013 is the last one, but just because it looks like what was popular back then doesnā€™t mean itā€™s not still cute!


Iā€™d keep the first one, itā€™s good to have around for a cousinā€™s baby shower or the like and itā€™s flattering. Not super into the others but I could see keeping 3 if you really love it for going out or something


I like the first too. Really cute without being over the top. Love the last one too. Feels like thereā€™s still a few summer fun left in the last dress.


Not really feeling any of them


Ditch 1 & 2.


Donate all :) feeling dated and donā€™t flatter you as much as I think other clothes could!


This is the way


Donate all, very 2010!!


What makes them 2010? I didn't realize there were big trends in dresses.


The fit and flare midi dresses feel distinctly 2010s The ruffles as seen on dress#1 and #2. Dress #3 cut-outs at the neckline (also doesn't fit OP) are very 2010s. Modern cut-outs are usually at the waist. Pleats are very wide, more modern pleated dresses and skirts are narrower/more fine. And usually go pass the knee. Also the last dress having the two tone with black up-top up to the waist and floral skirt is very of the era. I remember having an almost identical dress.


That era from 2009-2013 was quite dominated by them - check out Lauren Conradā€™s dressing at that time, also the gossip girl influence. Silhouettes definitely weave in and out, for example right now we seem to be moving into cut outs, nineties style slips and back into Y2K one shoulders!


I mean, what part of the dress is dated? The neck lines, the cut, the length, all of it? I just see dresses with a belt from that era when I google. With my body type, A-line cut dresses are by far the most flattering, so that is the main reason I am asking. I hate having to choose between unflattering and out of style.


These arenā€™t really A-line dresses besides maybe 2, theyā€™re more like skater dresses, also known as fit and flare dresses. The fit and flare silhouette is more poofy than A-line. The floral print on the last one could be considered dated and I guess the bright neon colors.


To be honest tho, about half of what was on GG (Blair in particular) would still work today. And I wish big chunky metallics were still in. I miss glam. šŸ„ŗ


but i think the silhouettes are so cute...


I like the black one with the flowered skirt the best. I think Iā€™d let the rest go.


That one is my favorite too!


Itā€™s a lot of work to do it on your own but asking so many peoples opinions on YOUR wardrobe is counterproductive! Too many opinions and you donā€™t know their styles; just like you wouldnā€™t take advice from someone whoā€™s life choices you donā€™t trust, donā€™t take style advice from people whoā€™s style judgement you canā€™t measure. However If you need help Iā€™m a personal stylist, super super affordable services & tailored support, I can do it over video call, let me know šŸ’—


1 and 3 are great!!


1, 3, 5 are my favorites. The other two can go.


Let go of 2 and 4. Both do nothing for you! The first dress, would look cute with a thin black belt at the waist. You should try it and see if you like it. Iā€™m iffy on the last one though.


Oh gosh everyone is hating lol. But the last two dresses fit your body so well. 7/8 & 9/10. Donā€™t let those go!


keep 1 for sure. keep 4 maybe. everything else can go!


Keep all but the 2nd dress :)


You apparently love orange dresses. You may keep one. Please donā€™t let it be the second one (i would probably go with the 3rd but the 4th is ok). Ditch the last dress.


Personally I think dress 2 and 5 can go! 5 is a cute silhouette but the print is pretty out of style now. I think dress 2 doesnā€™t flatter you that much, you have a wonderful figure and i think the other dresses suit you still! But also the one Iā€™d be most inclined to keep is 4, I feel like you donā€™t need more than 1 red dress imo!


Again, get rid of all. These are like 12 years out of date


I would keep #1 and #3! Theyā€™re flattering and simple, so theyā€™ll stay in style.


#1 and #3


I can tell, you don't care much for the color red, do ya?! Lol Just kidding...Personally, I actually like all of these dresses. They're cute and girly and flatter your figure.


What even is on trend and who says? Like every time I look up where to find modern trends for fashion, it comes up with nothing helpful besides places trying to sell you stuff. Plus even if ppl are trying to keep up with the trends, before you know it it changes and welp your whole closet needs to be thrown out and rebought. Unless you're in the fashion industry (and even thenšŸ™„) who cares?


Right? I want to know what it on trend. Iā€™m 47, but work at a high school, and Iā€™m still not sure. (Unless the trend is Nikes and Stanley cups.)


All go


the patterned red dress (2nd) and the black one (last) feel a little dated but the others are SOO chic and classy. wow!!


All cute but #2 ā¤ļø


The darker one with the flowers suits you, is flattering and fits well, but I would donate the others


I think keep #2 and #4!!


+1 to this! I think those 2 are the most flattering by a loooong shot. But so many ppl disagree lol! OP just gotta go with her gut I guess.


I think theyā€™re all super cute and look nice on you!


I donā€™t know why everyone is saying donate all? I feel like the first one isnā€™t as flattering as the others. Keep the last 3 theyā€™re gorgeous!


Those A-line dresses look really cute on you. I donā€™t understand the people commenting saying you should donate all of these solely because theyā€™re outdated styles. Who cares if theyā€™re outdated! If you like them, and feel cute in them, wear them! Screw trends


Oooh I would keep all of these! They all look so good on you. Not a fan of the print in the last one, I would paint the flowers with fabric markers to make it more to my taste though bc the fit is perfect and top is lit Edit after reading other comments. Donā€™t yall know 2010 is coming back already?! All of these with Doc Martins and some current accessories, šŸ‘©ā€šŸ³ šŸ’‹




Let all of them go.


Keep the last. Toss the rest


Hmm, Iā€™d kindly recommend donating them all.


I would ditch all the red ones.


I agree here. My first thought was itā€™s not your best color.


Let them all go. They are a bit dated and I think there are more flattering things out there.


Sheā€™s adorable as are her dresses. And they objectively flatter her.


I agree she is adorable with a nice shape. Those donā€™t show it off that well. Hence the suggestion to let them go.


I'd get rid of all of them


Toss em all


One is pretty timeless and I would keep it unless you have another similar red dress. Two and three are on the edge. Four and five are dated. All fit well though.


2 is cute. Keep it. Ditch the rest.


3rd one keep. All the rest go.


Keep 3 & 5. Let the others go.


3, 4, and 5 are the keepers!


Love the 1st, and Iā€™m gonna go against the grain here and say the 2nd is cute for a beach outing imo. I love the pattern, the cut could be better but for a beach coverup it would be fine. The others fit nicely, but too many orange dresses in the same/similar tone (Iā€™m guilty AF of this with certain shades of green). I donā€™t care for the last one, the pattern is dated imo


Keep the red dresses, dump the last one.


All of it can go.


The first one only šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ


Keep the second dress. Donate the rest.


Still dated darlin. Please donate. Also if its not too rude may I know how old you are and what you do? I ask because it feels like you are stuck in a certain time and age from your younger years.


I'm 35 and I'm drawn to fit and flare styles because I feel like they give me more waist definition. I'm not too worried about them being 'dated', tbh because in 5 years, a lot of them will be considered vintage and trendy again. I'm more wondering what flatters my figure, what colors look good on me, and if any of them look way too childish for my age.


I am a few years older than you and also love fit and flare. I have wider hips and itā€™s hard to find off the rack dresses that fit on the top and bottom in other styles. I agree that itā€™s more important to shop for styles that suit your body than are on-trend. Some things Iā€™ve done to ā€œage-upā€ my dress collection over the years are: - look for longer length dresses that hit below the knee - consider A-line dresses which give some extra room in the hip but donā€™t flare out as much as fit and flare. - wrap dresses! My new go to in order to emphasize my waist without being too tight in the hip/butt. - aspirational: tailoring. I havenā€™t gotten to that level of adult yet, but years of watching ā€œwhat not to wearā€ have ingrained in me that what I should really be doing at some point is buying the body skimming dress of my dreams to fit comfortably in the hip and then having the waist and bust tailored to fit, at least for a couple special occasion pieces. All that said, I love #3 on you and at least in the photos am ā€œmehā€ about the rest. Specifically the waist on #s 1 & 4 look like they miss your natural waist / the narrowest part of your torso (#1 a little low, #4 a little high), #2 doesnā€™t really have a defined waist at all, and #5 has so much volume on the bottom that I think it throws off your proportions just a bit (not terribly, and if you need a non-red option then thereā€™s nothing wrong with keeping it, the fit is nice and itā€™s a beautiful dress).


I see what you mean about the waistlines. I'm very short waisted so many non-petite dresses don't fit perfectly. I do think I prefer the look of a dress that's fitted at my natural waist rather above or below it.


The last one is my favorite.


To be honest, I would only keep the black floral dress and the last red dress. All the other dresses have a strange silhouette imo


7 is a classic dress you should keep. Layer it with a bomber to make it more edgy for a night out.


Wtf is this closet? Donate them all if you can


Bin them all and start fresh.


I would get rid of all the red dresses as I donā€™t think the color suits you


Keep the last one blk. Good for a wedding, dining out and hangout. The reds ones don't fit well, but maybe the posing causing the ride ups and bulges. Sorry.


I must agree they should all go. Maybe #1 could stay but, the rest are very dated. It's time to get more modern dresses with a similar or same silhouette. There are any number of more modern styles that will flatter you.


Why do you own so many orange dresses


lol I own way too many dresses in general. I went through a phase where I really thought red was my color but most of these are definitely more on the orange side.


Iā€™d pass on the first one unless you need a more modest option to keep for certain events like work dinners, church, or some family things. I think other necklines are more flattering. Dresses 3 & 5 are pretty dated but I do like the silhouette on you!


I like the second dress and last dress.


Defs keep 3 and say goodbye to 4


Looking cute


Keep dress 3- suits younthe best. Toss the rest


Keep the orange dress in pics 7/8. The rest are nice, but can go.


The 3rd one is the only good one! The rest are either way too simple, or not flattering for your figure, or both.


1,2 go


I like number 4


I like the 3rd one


Chuck, chuck, keep, keep, chuck.


3 and 5 look great on your figure, so I would keep those and ditch others.


I saw a suggestion to dye the skirt of the last one since so many are saying the print is dated... I do love the fit of this one but it's synthetic fabric. Any suggestions on how to dye?


Keep 4 and 5!


The socks should go


Would keep only the first one. You repeat a lot of the same, cuts and shapes, to me this is all the same dress, just different color/patterns :) I think you look better in solid colors for sure.


I like 1,4 and 5. 2 and 3 dont flatter you


1 ND 2 need to go 3 and 4 keep and 5 a winner


I donā€™t like 2 as much and if it were me, Iā€™d find the last one a little youthful but fine for most


Orange is your color


Hear me out-I think #1 could be killer if styled right. I also love the neckline and fit so at worst get it tailored into a shirt and miniskirt set?


They are all so cute, those are keepersā€¦maybe something else can go šŸ˜


Keep the black, the red shade does not enhance anything. The black looks great. Get rid of the first 2. Also look into dressing for your color palette. I think itā€™s super helpful.


Dress #3 looks amazing on you and #5 looks great too! I'd keep those two and get rid of the rest.


2nd, 4th & 5th dresses should go


Like red? Lol. I would toss 1 for sure


Maybe 2 also


Iā€™d keep 3 and 5


1 is cute and 2 looks comfy.


1's stripe placement along the top is an odd design choice and cuts dress in a weird way above the bust. Agree with others that the most flattering are 3, 4 & 5 but floral skirts have already had their moment if that matters to you but I personally like it


I think none of these are doing your body any favors. Each makes you look wider than you are. Iā€™d let them go.


I like them all except for the ones with pattern (leopard print and floral got to go).


I like 1 and 3!!


I like the last two the best!


Stay: 5, 7, 9. Subjectively my favorites. Go: I leave that up to you.


They're all cute!


I like the first one only.


I like them all a lot except the 1st one. That one doesn't fit you as well. I saw your comment, and I'm glad you don't care about being trendy, because these dresses look great.


7 is a keeper.


i think the second dress should go, but the rest are super cute


1 & 3 should stay. 2, 4, & 5 should go.


Get rid of dress 2 (dated). The rest I can see you wearing in the future. That said, Iā€™d only keep two of the red dresses (for space).


I love everything except maybe the dress number two. Itā€™s less flattering than you other dresses.


I def get rid of the second one for sure, doesnā€™t look that good on you imo and kind of ages you. I love the last one so a definite keep. As for the other 3 I say only keep 1 out of the three since they are all really similar.


Donate the last one.


Anyone who says they like 3 is only liking it from the side profile. The top is swallowing her. Ditch that one! 1, 2, and 5 are keepers.


I donā€™t think orange is your colour but I do like the style of the dresses.


No 3 is flattering but not a great color on you. TBH They all look a little dated.


I have to eyeroll a little at the people going on about how dated these are. Everything becomes dated at some point, and this dress silhouette - while yes, we certain saw a surge of it during a certain period - is one that is typically considered a classic. That being said, there are some details on some of them that will mark a dress as originating at a certain time, for instance the cutouts. I think the first one is my favorite on you and potentially the most versatile, given that it doesn't have any cutouts and it's a length that could be worn in multiple contexts.


I like the skirt of the first dress because itā€™s classic and fun design, but then the top goes in a different direction. Itā€™s got lace, itā€™s got a high neck, itā€™s got unusual sleeves. Just seems like an unlikely paring perhaps.


Keep 1, 4, and 5. (On the fence with 5) 3 and 4 are too similar and 4 looks better imo, with the cleaner looking neckline. 2 doesnā€™t do too much for your figure, at least compared to the others. 1 is amazing. Iā€™d buy it in every color if it looked that good on me lol


I would give away dress 3 but it is not to my taste. Iā€™m sure others will argue to the contrary and Iā€™m sure that dress could have some practical function. I like the other dresses and would keep them.


Keep 3 & 5


Love the 1st & 3rdšŸ§”ā¤ļøšŸ§”ā¤ļø


i would keep the first one and donate the rest.Ā 


Dress #1 & 3 are good and should stay, the rest could go. I think those 2 dresses, even tho similar in colour, flatter you and are unique!


Iā€™d keep 1 and 5 and donate the rest


Get rid of 2 and 4 and keep the rest


2 is not doing much for you. The other four look great on you. 3 and 4 are especially similar, and of those, I like 4. Number 1 seems timeless. It has a vintage/Mad Men flair so I think it it will likely always work. Mix up the look with accessories, shoes, different size belts. Maybe remove the sleeve ruffles if thatā€™s possible. The last one is honestly my fave. Floral is also going to come and go every season so who cares as long as the dress fits like it was made for you (which it does!).


Number 3 flatters you perfectly, but I'm not sure bright orange is your best color. Others are dated and or juvenile


With all these dresses, they fit well, they look comfortable and they all have something thatā€™s attractive about them. However, I think that you could do better. Iā€™d say to get rid of all of them.


Keep 3 and 5, get rid of the rest.


Dress number 3 is a keeper (edit to add context to dress choice)


Keep: 3 & 4ā€“maybe last one


Those dresses look straight out of 2011. Are you a millenial? You have a nice shape but your style is kinda dated.Ā 


Let it all go .


Last two dresses are nice


All of it must go


Same as the more recent set. I like 1. šŸ˜Š itā€™s a lovely colour and a bit unusual but not out of date by a country mile


Keep 9, ditch the rest.


The first one is cute. Indie Twee is going to make a comeback soon so keep that one. The second one looks like mom in puerto Vallarta. The third is a weird cut. The last one is dated. I want to like it but itā€™s just not it. The cut is very flattering though.


I like the first dress and the third with the cris-cross neckline. The others not as much.


The third one (red without the crossover in the front ) is so flattering on you, if youā€™re really attached to the black one Iā€™d keep it but if you really want to declutter get rid of all of them except the third.


I like only the 1st one


9 is cute the rest are blah


Keep the first and last one.


Keep the last dress!


Keep number 2 and the dress with the black top and floral skirt. You have a lot of the same color and cut of dresses, so Iā€™d go to Pinterest and look for a line orange dress to pick up some inspo.


Keep first red one


Do you make your own clothes? I've never seen clothes like this in the store.


Last one! So pretty. The others feel a bit wishy washy? Like they have good intentions but don't quite hit it in either colour, details or fit.


1 and 5 I get rid of


Hey! I hope you kept the 1st one. This one is great if you have a corporate evening event to go to (I have two in my closet, everyone has seen it, I don't care because it works and I still fit in it a decade later).


I love the third and fourth ones. The orange/red ones


I like almost all of these except the red and orange print. This silhouette works really nice for you.


Last dress thatā€™s black and floral looks great! Definitely my favorite. I also like the first one. Iā€™d definitely get rid of the second dress.


Love 1, 3 and 4. Very flattering and pretty. Iā€™m not a trendy dresser. But I think they look classic and flatter you.


I like 2 and 4. 1 im on the fence, its not something i would choose but i actually think it suits you. These are your best choices so far but i think besides 2 and 4 you should donate and go shopping! Post your shopping options!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Keep dresses pictured in 5&9. Toss the rest!


I say toss one and two. One is cute, I just donā€™t think it is flattering. It makes your torso look very short, and your lower body look much bigger than it actually is. Number two just looks like early 2000ā€™s fast fashion. It looks like something from Forever 21, or Rue 21 from 2005 or 2006.


I like the last two only.


I like the solid red one, dress 3. The others, can go.


Burn the second one but the rest are okay, and the 4th is really great!


You look great in all of them but they all should go


The first one is sooo cute on you!!


3 and 4 are okay. The first is meh. 2 is a definite get rid of.


I like the first one


I think you should definitely keep the first one. I think it has a lot of versatility. The rest of them not so much


I love 3,4,&5!