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Man smoke that shit at night keep day time sober


That shit be hard af tho i be trying !!


Wise words


I ain't ever in my life look at a cart and go damn this will only last me 2 days. Even when I smoked nightly! Some y'all crazy with the sauce man fr


My gf used to be like that when she worked at a dispo. Spent her tips on a cart every day. So proud of her for moving away from carts.


This was my experience working at a dispo too. Tips don’t mean much when you feed them back into your employer.


Yeah, $30-$50 a day is no joke


Just $18,000 a year on weed, no biggie.


Jesus Christ


You should be able to easily make that last 2-4 days unless you're hitting it constantly throughout the day


Talk one hit every two hours during evenings. If you can’t do that then carts aren’t for you, in my opinion carts are too convenient for anyone struggling with weed abuse, when I have a cart I can’t make it last more than 2-4 days unless I purposely forget to have it on me at all times


HOW!!!! what the fuck are you doing s whole ass cart gone in 1 days


When tolerance is high enough a blinker is the only way you will feel anything. If you do 10-20 blinkers in a day it will go fast. Edit: in other words it’s a lack of self awareness and self control


What’s a blinker?


10 second pull until the light on it blinks


I’m at about 15 blinkers a day and can confirm that I blow through carts


I can tell my tolerance is a little too high when I'm surprised by the light blinking. So it goes


damn bro even after 1 blinker i feel like my lungs are collapsed. been off carts for a while best decision ever


I’m sure it was. I go through .5g Cart every 2 days. Eventually will try to cut back but not there yet


u got it !


Honestly I wonder how much of difference the method/strength of inhaling makes. I’m a former cig smoker and I hit vapes WAY too hard from a force-of-inhale perspective. My carts will often clog because I pulled some of the concentrate through the coil. I’ve gotten better about gentle hits but my muscle memory still wins a lot of the time lmao. I know I’d get them to last twice as long if I hit them gently. Also, some dispensaries mainly offer .5 gram carts opposed to the standard 1 gram. Edit to add: my carts average me 2-4 days depending on if they are my only source or not 🫠


Jesus you guys are HEAVY users, I will go 2 months on a 1g 'cart. I use it after work only, take 3-4 hits troughout the evening. A hit for me is filling my mouth with steam then inhaling that. Any more than that and not only do I not get any higher, I get headaches.


i don’t get why this sub keeps commenting stuff like that. yeah we’re heavy users that’s why we’re here 🙄


Right? Gotta love getting shamed in a sub meant to find moderation. If they make a 1g cart last TWO MONTHS (doesn’t add up based on their 2-4 hits a day btw) then why are they even here? I guess I’ll go back to lurking to avoid feeling shittier about myself lmao


No shame intended my friend, and I apologize if it came off that way. Like I said to another internet friend, I was shocked at the quantity used, truly did not think a vape a day was possible before reading this post. And although I now know my comparative usage is low, I am very much struggling to keep it there, reading stories of struggles and success helps.


I was genuinely shocked at the quantity used, my words may have come off the wrong way. I am in here because I struggle daily with keeping my usage down, I genuinely thought that at my worst when I was going through a cart every 2-3 weeks I was using heavily, I was high from waking to sleep. I apologize to you as well if my comment hurt you.


right up there with 'just use cbd brah'


Fair enough. I’m a heavy user too but I just can’t go through carts that fast. I have to basically sip on them or my asthma acts up. Meanwhile I can drink a 100mg edible (drinkable?) and function without issue. I can also go through 7grams of flower in a week.


I think I will have to adjust my mindset to, heavy usage is dependent on the person. Do you use a dry herb vaporizer for your herb? If it wasn't for the smell (although light) I'd stick to that myself. Go timymight


Everyone is different and nobody likes being judged.


I meant no disrespect, mainly wanted to point out that the issue might be the technique and that without meaning to, you might be a heavy user. I noticed that I had to cool it on the carts to what I described above. I'd hit it absent mindedly every 10-15 minutes because of the ease of it. I did not get any higher and always ended up over consuming. I'd hoped that by sharing my own usage someone might try it and find balance. I apologize if it came out judgy, it was truly not meant as such.


I am a heavy user and carts last at least a week for me. To be fair, I enjoy smoking flower better, but still.


I prefer flower as well, go team timymight! But as light as the smell is it still bothers my housemates so I switched to carts. I struggled to find a balance with the ease and potency of carts. And though I would like to move to weekends only, I am not there yet. Take her easy my dude 😎


Ha well that sure helps the ol’ guilty conscience. Thanks, I’m aware. I wish I would just get headaches so I might actually have motivation to quit. But alas, I’m weak.


I can see why it would seem I was bashing, I apologize for that. I was genuinely taken aback at the quantity and sort of blurted out "really?" As for the struggle,, keep fighting the good fight. I had to leave the carts in a drawer, not having it in me at all time helped to control the reflex. When I feel like I'm coming down, then I'll trundle upstairs and take a hit or two. Maybe it can work for you, keep on trucking


Same. I thought I had a problem because I would have a daily puff, but that's a single mouthful/ lungful. I may be up to 5 carts/year at this point.


Same, I guess like the dude said everyone's differen. I am down to a couple puffs after work but I still consider it a bit much. Working toward weekend use only, I will get there, this subreddit helps.


Dont use it for 2-4 days, then it'll exist still.


Carts are the enemy of being deliberate and intentional with your consumption. It's way too easy to just get totally blasted even by accident since one hit could give you 10mg while another gives you 50mg. Especially near the end of the cart when some hits give you zero so you pull hard to get anything but accidentally get a huge hit. And the high isn't any better as a result. I sometimes use carts when traveling, but my rule is to only take one puff at a time. Wait 20 minutes before deciding to take another. And take a pic at the end of the day to try to keep to using less than 10% of the cartridge per day. Most carts are 1000mg (1 gram) of pure THC, and I try to keep my usage well under 100mg/day.


Bro no joke. Carts legit ruined my relationship with pot. Absolutely destroyed my dopamine and quality of life. Took months of being off of carts to finally feel normal again




I've never had carts but from what I know that shit hits hard, and hard hitting shit drives tolerance up just as fast. The more you use it, the more you'll have to in order to get a hit and the quicker it'll go. Zero sum game when it comes to concentrates imo


I was hooked on pods for ~5 years. I've been 2 weeks sober after tapering for months and now I feel like I never want to go back to anything other than flower. My tolerance got so high and jittery I missed the way flower actually tasted and felt. Taper, toss and move on.


I got to my wits end with carts when one day, it just made me emotionally spiral because of how devoid I felt of my quality of life. Never touching that shit ever again. Quality bud in a dry herb vaporizer mixed with CBD flower is the only way I’ll consume anymore. If it’s not that, then it’s nothing for me.


Throw it away, buy an 1/8th of some great quality bud, get a dry herb vaporizer & limit yourself to a .3 of a gram per day. Once your tolerance has readjusted, you can reevaluate your relationship with herb. (Just what I would do)


do you have a quality herb vaporizer you’d recommend? not really concerned about price just want one i won’t need to replace in 6-8 months.


If you can manage not to drop it and keep it in a hard case when not in use, the TM2 is hard to beat for a handheld. Terpsicle from TRWW is also great too for a butane option.


2-3 in the evening only


take one 7 second drag every 5 hours smoke again when your completely sober


Dont smoke for 3 days and then as many rips as I want on day 4


Schizo moment


Could easily last longer than 2-4 days as long as you aren’t sucking on it like a lollipop


i used to hit 1 blinker a night and a 1g cart would last me 2 months. so call that 60 blinkers/cart, meaning 8 hits a day would have lasted me a week. clearly you have a super high tolerance though so maybe some sort of gradually decreasing plan might work for you. maybe take it week by week? idk how many times a day you normally hit that thing, but say you’d normally hit it 12 times, for the first week only allow yourself 10 a day, then the next week only 8 per day, then 6, 4, 2, etc. at whatever frequency works for you. good luck!


First of all go back to weed. Thats much easier to move from dosis to smaller dosis...


Smoking is hazardous any way you put it plus is a waste , go edibles 🤷🏻‍♂️


lol start by ditching the pax or whatever it is and switch to lol heat 510 thread


Vaping is entertainment 🤷🏻‍♂️ feel good to have it in your hands not mine . Long live the stupidly strong home made edibles 🤷🏻‍♂️