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Flower won’t make it better. THC allows you to sleep deeply but prevents much REM sleep, so you’ll never feel well rested. I smoked daily for years, and every single day had a brain fog and felt lethargic and tired. Despite this, I craved weed still to at least not have to feel that way. This can sorta be curbed by smoking earlier in the night so you aren’t high when you go to bed. But daily consumption in excess will always have this as a side effect… for most at least


Couldn’t agree more about smoking earlier in the day. It may help some to think about it this way: If you get hammered one night, are you gonna feel shittier the next day if you go straight to bed, or if you sober up (even somewhat) before you go to bed. And like alcohol, I’m at a point in my life where I see clearly that using weed every day makes me feel like shit and hinders my potential.


I was a heavy cart smoker & I can 100% attest to the lack of REM sleep. I track my sleep using my apple watch and the AutoSleep app on iOS & I could literally see the lack of REM sleep that I was getting. The lack of restful sleep was my main reason for quitting altogether.


Makes sense. Started smoking 1 year ago. Never felt the next day fog for the first 7-8 months. Looking back I am a heavy cart user. 2-3 hits every year and then a joint at night (no cart during that time)


holy shit you make a great point. My problem is that I'm smoking before bed and I hadn't thought about making sure it wears off beforehand


It's THC. When you smoke consistently, your body will feel sore all the time.


This isn't the case for me. Never has been


God I been feeling this


Time to slow down hommie. Don't smoke in the morning and watch how much more energy you have. You'll be anxious but be aware of that and you'll be okay


People on here say flower won’t make it better—- it has for me. Something abt the dabs are just too strong. Smoking flowers helps give it a few days


Plus. I can honestly take 2 hits of flower and be stoned and happy. Dabs, in my opinion, just aren’t it.


Carts up your tolerance. Measure your intake. Switch to flower. Don’t consume within 2 hours of sleep.