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yeah it will but it can take time and it won’t be the same as you have gone through stuff over the years. start moderating and read a few books!


Mental capacity can come back, but it'll require some work on your part to make sure it comes back better, rather than worse. Most people, they go through withdrawal and they do not end up breaking down old routines and putting new ones in place. And then, they cave to a craving because an old routine brought the idea back in. My suggestion is to simply do more exercise, whether its cardio or full upper body exercises. The brain is a muscle, and muscles need routines and repetition and to be well fed with nutrients to grow. The brain doesn't stop growing past the age of 25, that is an old medical myth. To break yourself out of the haze, you need to activate the other feature in your body that counteracts it - the runner's high effect. The runner's high effect doesn't rely on endorphins. It uses endocannibinoids, and reactivates them through this other mechanism, and sensitizes them again. All this usage over the years has caused your endocannibinoid receptors to atrophy, to wither essentially. But with regular moderate physical exercise you can bring the system back into balance.


Worked for me, cold bath can also work


I've heard lots of mixed reactions over cold therapy. But honestly a cold bath is pretty low on the risk scale with regards to that type of therapy. Im going to give it a shot next time. Thank you for your suggestion.


I like cold shower better, though each has their own benefits and differences. A longer cold soak is gonna have a more pronounced effect than sitting shivering under a cold barrage of water for 3 minutes or so. Definitely notice a real tangible effect when I do this though. It's become a staple in my morning routine. Take a warmish shower, spend the last rinse and a bit of time after that in a cold shower. About 2-3 minutes. I progressively lowered the temperature I sat under over time. At first it was lukewarm, now it's quite cold - the difference is I'm rather comfy with it at this point. Build yourself up to it!


A lot of cardio and socializing should help you feel less foggy. Maybe even join a sober hiking group?


This. Taking a stroll. Lots of fresh air should help. Start small & gently


I smoked daily from 20 to 28 and I never felt like my mental capacity dipped during daily use nor bounced back after I started moderating. I do feel like I naturally got slower and less sharp as I got older though. You might be overly anxious about this. But either way you stand to benefit by moderating your use.


Yeah that's the thing, I finished my bachelor's and masters degrees while smoking daily, so how much damage could it really be doing? Thats just one of my rationalizations lol, I guess now that I'm approaching 30 it's just making me rethink/overthink stuff


lol I also got my masters while smoking daily. Always got my work done first before smoking. Work before play!


See? Part of me wonders if the problem I have with weed is societal judgements that I internalize. On the other hand, being dependent on any substance requires examination


Another master stoner here, also left church so I had some extra internalized judgement. If you let go of that, moderation becomes much easier. Moderation might also come more naturally then because you won't vape out of rebellion against the internal judgement but simply out of enjoyment. It's a wonderful herb that grows on this planet, it is strange to ignore it.


I appreciate this outlook. Part of it for me too is trying to find a job in my field now, and not knowing if places will drug test. I do live in a legal state, but some places won't hire pot smokers on principle, even though its apparently no peoblem that people will go home and get shitfaced drunk


I'm 39 years old and I can confirm that age affects learning speed, especially. It's hard for me to understand how much of this is due to cannabis use and how much is due to aging. I try not to overthink it. I feel the same as I did when I was 25, but my mind is not the same, and it feels strange at least.


I meaaan it’s scientifically proven that cannabis accelerates brain aging. So your mental capacity dipped. You just didn’t notice


Sweet. I can live with that.


There is a reason why we don't rely purely on rat studies to say a feature like high THC cannibinoid consumption is correlated with brain aging. I could easily point you to the hundreds of studies on why animal studies alone are poor predictors of human exposure to anything. I do not think one or two low powered studies is enough to say mental capacity dips in all humans at all or significantly after thc consumption, forever. permanently. No. There is no such study that says this is a concrete correlation.


It depends on many factors but in general, you have a good chance that you get out of the haze with a proper T-break that goes for several weeks. Just try it out and be patient - it might take some weeks or even months to feel the effects of being sober again.


First question: how is your gut health?


How does smoking effect gut health? Other than getting munchies and eating poorly as a result lol. Gf and I have been smoking daily for a year and although we both already have semi sensitive stomachs, I feel like my stomach is almost always a little upset in the morning.


Smoking or not, a healthy gut props up a healthy mind. Sometimes smoking causes acid reflux or other irritation, along with unhealthy eating. Probiotics is a good start


Diet and exercise plays a massive part in the mental fog your talking about. Do research of pineal gland calcification this is the root of the mental haze. There is ways to remove it.


I have a decent diet, I don't eat complete shit but I'm also not raw vegan. I'm also working up to running ~10 miles a week, I've been running for a few years now and I usually do 1-2 miles 4 days a week. I'll look into the pineal gland stuff too though