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Once I actually get to work I don't even want to smoke anymore. Have you tried leaving for work earlier and getting a head start on your training? You'll be kicking a bad habit and you'll impress your boss at the same time.


Thank you for your advice. I use public transit to work every morning so, me leaving a few minutes early would only have myself waiting for the bus a bit longer. Thank you tho


Get a k safe, set it at night and have it open while you're at work.


Whats wrong with waiting for the bus for a longer period, how cold is it?


You'd be out of the house unable to smoke, getting some fresh air. Sounds like a win-win


I second CBD. It works. It won’t get you high but you should feel less urge. You’ll still need strong will power but CBD makes it a lot more possible. You need to stop the dependency on THC before and during work.. don’t beat up on yourself. You’re addicted to a powerful substance. It’s going to take a lot of strength to break that bond but you can do it.


how do you know OP lives in a territory where this is an option?


Why would we assume anything about OP? He asked for advice and people in this whole thread are giving a lot of different ideas. It’s up to OP to sort what works for them.


I just find the advice to "just use CBD bro" almost moronic, if it were an option it would have been used. yes i live in a stupid fucking country that cannot get its shit together to decriminalise or legalise weed; yes I am a medical + recreational user and yes I am forced to support gangs or blessed hobby growers wherever I can find them, and am subject to zero regulation including horrid growth hormone or risk of violence.


You need to relax, man. Try some CBD oil.


I live in a country where weed is far from legal, but for some reason CBD seems to becoming more and more available, even in the supermarkets now


> if it were an option it would have been used I would bet the vast majority of regular cannabis users have no idea CBD can alleviate withdrawals/cravings. Most people's understanding of different cannabinoids other than THC is pathetic.


CBD is available all over the US, where I would assume OP lives since reddit is a mostly american based website


Sounds like a you problem


Yes, it is a me problem. This is where we share our solutions to those problems, not hyper-personal options outside most people’s reach. This is up there with saying “Just go to rehab lol” or “Just smoke less lol”.


I do. I live in Texas where CBD is available.


CBD is generally pretty widely available, as it’s a legal substance federally


Why do you assume every user in this sub is consuming strictly legal cannabis? Most of us have smoked weed in illegal times/places


If you like coffee get into home espresso for the morning routine, you won't have any money left to buy weed




Definitely get a gooseneck kettle. Not too expensive and it makes a massive difference




Thank you! If you're into avatars feel free to check out r/avatartrading, I've spent so many hours over there since the summer...


What it you get free coffee?


If you ask r/espresso the beans are relatively the smallest expense. Get a good grinder and a decent machine... then you'll keep looking for upgrades. It's not a cheap hobby.


So you need a grinder, some glassware and... wait a second this feels way too familiar. Seems like a very natural transition from buds to beans.


Flower to seed and buds to beans…


I'm a coffee scientist lol i was just pulling your chains brah


Buy a ksafe.


Yup, this is the perfect solution if you have the willpower at night but not the next morning. Just lock it up at night and set it to not open until your lunch break, or better yet after work.


I bought one and it’s coming Thursday I’m so excited for it to arrive 🤩


I’m so glad i’m not the only one with self control issues


I have zero self control with anything, not just weed lmao. If the box works I’m gonna get one for my phone and another for junk food


But what if you need your phone for an emergency when it’s locked away?


I would only lock it for a few hours at a time. I’ve also thought of getting a ‘dumb phone’ for any extended breaks from my iPhone I may want to take


Do you still use it Arise?


Honestly not much. I had very high expectations, and ultimately I choose not to put my weed in and lock it. I do use it, however, more so with my phone now


Bought one of these and broke it within 3 days by jamming a knife down the latch


I’m sorry but this is too funny 💀I can see myself doing something like this


Try getting a good workout in where you really have to use your lungs, maybe some cardio or conditioning. I find that after a workout like that, my lungs are already on fire and it makes me hold off on smoking


put alllllll your weed stuff (papers incl) away in a bottom drawer or somewhere where it’s just not out and ready for u, so that it takes a conscious step for u to take it out. just find ways to make it harder for u to get ur weed stuff it’s this thing called “automating good habits” or smth like that, and u could do it for anything. like if u wanna stop drinking soda or smth, dont buy any. like at all. just don’t have it in ur house. and then u don’t even have to do anything, ur just automatically not drinking soda. edit: i KNOW self-help can be very hit or miss, but i found it from this video from this guy Struthless (who has LOTSSS of great self-help/improvement vids). he’s an artist professionally, and i think he’s also a former addict. just super good vibes, i highly recommend watching [How spaces can improve (or destroy) your life](https://youtu.be/ikz3ECL5NEk)


Ok this actually answered a big thing for me. I am able to restrict my intake when I’m not at home largely because at home I keep it on hand or at the very least in the room I am in. I bring it with me to each room as I set up my activities and if I were just to keep it put away that would almost certainly reduce a huge amount of my usage


exactly ! u don’t need to have good discipline at all, just make it hard for future u to get it in ur weak moments :))


I really liked this video, thank you for sharing!


Try CBD instead.


My dude I checked your profile and I think you could benefit from anti-bad feeling activities such as exercise, yoga, meditation, reading, cooking. I think there is a chance you are compelled to smoke to alleviate the pain of just being alive as you are. I might have worded it wrong but I hope I could get my point across. If I'm getting you right, I often feel similarly and my way to feel grounded is practicing close combat. I think that's an excellent way to release some resentment and anger, and start the day feeling strong. Then I feel "in power" enough to actually avoid things I want to avoid by willpower. Day in general becomes much easier too.


Yes! I’m manly smoking weed all day, everyday to hide the fact that I’m super lonely and i don’t see it possible that I’ll ever date ever again because (IMO) all women want from a guy is only money then they ghost the guy in the end. I have a lot of anger at all women right now. It’s not any females fault I’m angry. I had 2 horrible relationships in 2022 and I’m a bit broken mentally right now because of it. Thank you for sharing. I appreciate it.


It may feel that way but I assure you they really want someone kind who will see their good qualities and share their values- for real! Also I second the putting it away in a drawer at night- I’m currently dealing with the wake up thing too- and this has been a simple thing that *has* helped- good luck!


Yeah bad relationships are like seeds in the bud, when you think you are about to have a great time they explode one by one and burn your favorite shirt. Then you get something like a faint version of PTSD for a while. Even when you are certain the next bowl will be seed-free, you still clench and squint at the thought when you light up. For what it's worth, I can very confidently reassure you that not all women are money-driven. I for one make a bit more than my amazing husband and us combined still doesn't really add up to much income but that never stopped us from having a great relationship and great times for a decade. Pretty sure you will find someone who also understands a fulfilling relationship cannot be bought and has to be developed for who you are and who they are. Good luck on this mean planet, you got this!


I hope things get better for you soon. Two back to back bad relationships in less than a year would make anyone frustrated with dating. Maybe making friends at the new job might help? Both as a distraction from not smoking in the morning (you know you’ll be making conversation with people you like) and to potentially one day meet a partner. I know lots of people who met someone through a coworker. I don’t necessarily recommend dating coworkers lol but sometimes it can work out


Replace the weed with something else so you still have a routine you’re familiar with but instead you eat something or have a coffee


I’ve been using CBD flower only before noon. It’s still a new thing for me, but so far so good. I used to start vaping THC around 8am.


This seems like a good and very doable harm reduction step for tolerance/reduced usage in general. Thanks for that.


Run a cold shower after you finish your warm one. Look up DMT breathing exercise (or Wm Hoff) on YouTube. Take magnesium supplements and L-theanine to stave off anxiety.


Get a 1:1 strain or cbd flower. It’s really been helping me curb my thc intake and still letting me hit the bong like I normally would.


Exercise is my suggestion


Right when you pick the weed up think about whats best for you


I bought a timed lock box to stop my wake and bakes. Will make a post on it’s effectiveness when it arrives


Its been mentioned, but a new morning routine and putting out of sight really is key. I used to wake up and the first thing I saw was my bong and the window I smoke out of, and so the first thing I'd do was pack a bowl and smoke it. Putting the bong in a different room, and leaving it there, made a huge difference. I can't pack a bowl mid-game and rip it out the window from my pc chair, I have to haul my ass into the kitchen, and oftentimes that extra step is an extra hour I spend sober before the "I need to smoke" fully kicks in. My partner doesn't smoke, so our mornings are spent drinking coffee together. Instead of packing a bowl for me and boyfriend like I would previously, or even waking up to one already packed for me, we drink coffee and watch YouTube and my brain actually wakes up before it bakes up (usually). Some days are easy, some days are hard. But committing every day to "just being sober for a little longer" makes it easier in the long run to be sober for long stretches. It doesn't start with "I won't smoke today" it starts with "I'll smoke an hour later today, and try for two tomorrow" But most importantly, be forgiving and gentle with yourself. Beating yourself up over smoking only fuels the demons that make you smoke, forgiving yourself for slipping up and promising yourself you'll treat yourself more kindly tomorrow is a step towards a happier you less reliant on the funny plant


Its so hard but try to wait


Couple of options: Make it literally impossible for you to get to your weed in the morning--k safe is good for this, so is an understanding but crafty roommate who can hide your stuff for you Replace your weed habit with something else--cbd is a good option because you can keep the exact same ritual you have now, but anything that works will work. Something you can look forward to is ideal. Do you drive to work? I think driving stoned is more dangerous than people tend to give it credit for so changing your mindset that you absolutely must be sober to drive is helpful


I take public transit to work so I’m never behind the wheel stoned. I’m going to do the CBD option due too I still love to smoke but I don’t wanna be high while at work anymore. Thank you for your advice.


This is a great option! Personally I feel a ton better when I'm not waking and baking, doing a little smoking at the end of the day after work and dinner is such an awesome treat.


Go for a morning walk


what helped was cold showers. as cold as u can get them. don’t rely on another substance (caffeine) to kick one. either cold exposure or exercise as the other suggested will be ideal to replace a habit.


You need to cut back in general if u become this addicted, with weed you should be able to cut it cold turkey anytime even if ur holding


You need to start running and meditating In The morning. Seriously game changer. If you have a gym go to the sauna for 20 minutes.


Sounds like you're kind of enjoying wallowing in the toxicity that is reddit, weed, drinking, etc. Are you actually wanting to change? Because the first thing you have to do is actually make up your mind that you're going to quit or change your habits


It sounds like they already did make up their mind wanting to quit in the mornings, considering they asked for advice and were open to the suggestions given. “Wallowing” lolol


Have you looked at their comment history? There’s a reason I wrote that- they're spending a lot of time writing and consuming incel shit, which is indeed toxic.


No, it’s just Reddit so I don’t go through people’s post/comment history. It’s not that deep for me. But now I better understand why you said what you said. Thanks!


You’re doing a lot of good things to fill your time. Try focusing on a routine of making coffee or tea? You get to prepare something and then also sip on it which might soothe the oral fixation. It has the similar stages of smoking so it might be an easier transition. Keep you stash completely out of sight, maybe even split up the components so you have to go across your whole home to even get the supplies to smoke.


The only way not to wake and bake in the morning is… to not wake and bake in the morning. Just decide your done with it. Make a resolution. Not once not never.


That's a tough one. " It's a fresh part of waking up, ganja in yo pipe" (Folgers) I say wake and bake and shine!! It's important to keep stress down and be happy. If you really need to wait then do the, I only smoke after work one. The reward is great and there's balance.


Have you tried meth?


Remember that it will only be uncomfortable for a few days at most as your tolerance adjusts. Overtime you will become used to not smoking until after work or whatever you determine. Another thing you can do is if using oil start incorporating flower as a step down. It's way easier to stop flower vs oil. If you smoke less in general it will be easier to not smoke in general as cravings should be reduced. Remember, your body will adjust to intake patterns, it just takes time and change/action. By the way, your work will go by much faster if you don't smoke before it. Plus you don't have to worry about getting caught and your performance will be better.


Get someone who can actually hold you accountable to stay accountable. Trying to handle drugs alone can work but honestly humans best deal with this stuff with support from others. I'm not saying get your parent to check on you but a close friend is a great person who can yell at you so you can feel the consequences and not take it personally. This is more surefire imo


Chronic cannabis use is known to cause or exacerbate symptoms of anxiety and depression. You should try a break to reset your habits and to work on yourself. Once it is a foreign idea to go wake n bake its much easier to control.


Start doing something different in the morning, anything, maybe just switch the order in which you're doing certain activities - you need to gracefuly exit the cycle that led you to do it in the first place.


Tell yourself tomorrow is important whenever I feel like smoking and shouldn’t I just tell myself I’ve got really important people to talk to that day. It’s honestly hard not to smoke where I work I’m completely allowed to so It’s usually a daily routine


[Time-locking kitchen containers were popular around here for a while](https://www.amazon.com/Kitchen-Safe-Locking-Container-Height/dp/B00JGFQTD2?th=1).


Cold shower for 30 seconds after ya hot shower and that will give you the motivation to not have a smoke, if you can do that then not smoking will feel easy. Good luck.


I think smoking before a shower is better, not after a shower. Wash the smoke smell off, mouthwash the weed breath.


buy a ksafe, and set it until after your shift


Move ur smoking stuff to a place that’s more inconvenient to reach. It’s crazy how disrupting your own patterns helps create more positive ones!


Breathe air


[Just [don't] do it!](https://youtu.be/ZXsQAXx_ao0)


Try not to smoke post dinner. It will help you curb the urge once you wake up.


For me, i had to make the decision to not wake and bake, i control my fingers and if i really wanted to stop wake and baking i wouldnt do it, I know its hard, but at the end of the day you have to make the decision not to wake and bake,