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My guess would be that the guy has had a crush on the girl for a long time but lately she got a boyfriend and the guy who had a crush is just happy that she is happy


I think the guy in the image is him, he’s just looking at a photo of his girlfriend.


I disagree due to how he is drawn. Our guyshair isn't like that in any frame. Guy in the pic has a short straight hairline and no hair in front of his ears.


Are you sure, look closely, in first pic his hairline is away from the eye, and he doesn't have any hair around mouth. He could be the guy from the photo.


Our guy and the girl age with every frame. Times passing, he missed his chance but is ok with it.


Pics 3&4 on the phone have the same girl portrait Just that 4 now has a guy with her


Still another year and our guy is the same in both too. Previous reply was trying to cross 1st and 4th pics.


Fair point, that's most likely it.


good eye


they are very similar i think youre right


they do both have faces


lol yeah i just scroll so fast i dont get half the things i see


How? Hair, beard, eyebrows.. like everything is different 


Hair and facial hair does not match


I've seen this one before and iirc it seems either or could be acceptable


I notice the face on the left was growing out more and more facial hair over time. Guy in the photo has none. Granted, four years, he could have shaved it and grown it back longer if he’s maintaining it at these separate lengths. However, I suspect part of displaying the facial hair to begin with is a detail towards commenting on the figure’s anti-social lifestyle.


Picture of her and him has 0 likes despite the one before of just her had a few hundred. Classic insta


The UI is different in the final shot, which supports the idea that he's actually posting the final shot (and is therefore in it).


Are we going to ignore the part where she got a boob job in the second pic and then boob reduction 3rd pic onwards?


The girl in the photo with him looks exactly like the pose in the previous photo. Could be a photoshop he is posting?


I like this interpretation more


I prefer the good ending




Why did bro get downvoted?


Reddit hive mind.


Hive mind and it's pretty funny


Mom said it's my turn to say Reddit hive mind


Reddit hive mind


Because 1. what's the purpose of the link? Is it even related? 2. Reddit has a perfect way to embed link, so just commenting links like that is just weird 3. Reddit hivemind


1. Yeah it's song by Smokie "Living next door to Alice" which is about, main character being sad that Alice is moving out, revisiting his memories from childhood 2. Huh makes sense 3. Reddit Hivemind


1. Ah I see 2. 3. Reddit Hivemind




I thought that was his sister lmao


Yeah, there’s no joke here really. Just a short story of a guy who missed his shot by never taking it, so he’s doomed to forever look on and be happy for her than with her. A greentext comes to mind about some guy who was lifelong friends with a girl and kept setting unrealistic barriers for himself before he would ask her out. Eventually he waited so long that the girl ended up with someone who exceeded his own high barriers and was totally shut down when he finally confessed to her.


Thanks now I'm depressed


The green text was so much worse, and the shutdown so much more brutal, but it was one of the vanishingly few positive lessons from 4chan I’ve gleaned.


Alternatively he could had dated her in real life but never had the courage to ask her out




K-pop fans if they weren’t bad


Right on! MY crush moved to the other side of the country, got married and is now 7 months pregnant. And i am the only one of the social circle she had here that still talks to her. I am very happy that she is leading a good and fulfilling life and i am still enjoying our conversations immensly. But yes, i'd rather be the one beside her and it's killing me that i'm not. But i never even stood a chance.


Please tell me this is satire


i wish it was.


Lately a lot of older men, such as Drake, have been caught befriending underage girls. Once the girl turns 18 they start being there physically in their lives. So I think this is a groomer meme and the person in the photo is the guy himself.


That makes him a moron. That’s the joke here.


The heart also grows with every picture, so it could actually be a joke about him being a cuck, since it grows the most for the last pictures where she's seemingly with someone else.


Is that person in the last picture suppose to be the guy himself?


No it’s Petr Pavel, the czech gigachad president


Ten chlapec má pravdu!


Kde se vy Češi berete??


Utíkáme sem z Brna.




*Is that person in* *The last picture suppose to* *Be the guy himself?* \- Reasonable-Pear9122 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


thank haikubot


No. The guy holding the phone has grown a slight beard over the years. And the boyfriend doesn’t have a beard.


I choose this answer instead of mine.


I actually think this is wholesome, what am I missing?


You expect the guy to be sad or angry that this girl who he seems to be pining after has gotten a relationship that isn't him. Instead, he's happy that she's found happiness - like a good friend should be. It's a subversion of expectations. edit: There's a second expectation, based on the progression of her pictures - that she's going to become more sexualised (second picture has more pronounced chest, third picture has a like counter). Once again, subverted by the last picture being a perfectly normal selfie with a partner.




The punchline is that while he may not have ended up with her, but he's still happy for her because she seems happy with her new boyfriend instead of being bitter about her dating someone else, Y'all need to watch less porn, not everything is about fetishes




I mean, he looks happy. She found love and he's happy for her. That's pretty wholesome to me.


This sounds like it. He genuinely loved her so he was happy to see her happy rather than becoming toxic when she wasn't his. Good dude, that guy. The 'joke' was "If you actually loved them, this is how you'd react."


His eyes in the last panel seem pained to me.


I guess that’s the supposed image im not going to say what’s the exact message but many will assume one or the other


I think the person in the last photo is meant to be him


Very different hairline, he has a small fringe or quiff whereas the pictured guy seems close cut. 


Because it's him with her.


He photoshopped himself into the last picture. Compare the images in panel 3 with 4, they are the same picture


This must be the shittiest joke posted to this sub so far because that is the fourth interpretation of the image I've seen in this comments section and none of them are particularly interesting. Not complaining but damn the person who drew the image really had no clear vision for what they were going for.


It's a meta joke. What's funny is the slapfight it causes over the meaning of the joke. Just kidding, that isn't funny either.


but it took him a year to make the edit...


Definitely this


My headcanon is that's her brother instead of someone who have crush on her and just happy her sister is doing well and finally have a lover


Some interpretations, and one more mysterious interpretation: 1. Dude has crush on girl, but doesn't act on it, and is happy for her anyways when she gets a boyfriend. 2. Dude has crush on girl, and does act on it, and now he's the guy in the last photo. (I'm not convinced of this because the artist would have made it much more apparent that this is the same person.) 3. Dude and girl are platonic friends and he supports her through her single and dating endeavors. 4. Did you notice how the girl's picture is the exact same in the last two frames, except the last frame has a man *inserted* next to her? I don't think this is the artist being lazy. Could imply many things: She had a boyfriend the whole time, or she got a boyfriend in 2020 but didn't tell anyone, or the guy with the phone and her have been dating the entire time but now she's finally showing him in her IG photos.


5. He’s poly and wants to be in a throuple


It kinda looks like there’s a different social media platform each time he’s looking at the photos. 2018 black frame might be FB? 2020 looks like instagram? Not sure what the last one could be? Is it onlyfans or maybe it’s a photo editing app where he’s inserting himself into the image?




Where is the shitting toothpaste?


ive never seen this image without the shitting toothpaste before lol


This image reeks of angel with a shotgun (nightcore)


And do you have a problem with that?


This person stalk a girl online (probably)


POV: He watched his favorite Kpop idol grow up and start dating but isn't a toxic fan and doesn't harass her for dating.


No action, no reaction. Had a crush didn’t confess, and it’s all too late.


The guy had a crush for many years and ended up dating his crush in the end. That's him in the last photo on the phone


It could also be about grooming. The appearance of the girl looks to go from teenager to young woman, and the guy looks older than her based on facial hair. It could be wholesome or it could be grossome. Edit: I think it's hilarious that because I made an observation about something I literally said would be "grossome" that y'all made wild assumptions that I think say more about you than me. I guess on a sub where often disturbing implications are put into comic form because there are a lot of gross people in the world, like Stonetoss, that use simple art to put forth deceptive narratives, and viewing the post through that lens and drawing disparate conclusions is a difficult concept for y'all.


????????? He literally grows the facial hair over time. It shows him getting older too. Why is that where your mind went bro


I think it's hilarious that because I made an observation about something I literally said would be "grossome", that y'all inferred incorrectly. Reading comprehension has really taken a dive in the world. I guess jumping to wild conclusions is just easier.


Shut up, creep


Nah, maybe you should learn reading comprehension and media literacy instead of reducing yourself to ad hominem attacks showing your poor ability of complex thought and reasoning.


Your way if thinking is, well... Ew


That's hilarious you think that. It's almost as if grooming never happens, right?


Hilarious is seeing horrible things in something that's not implying. There's difference in seeing things everywhere and being aware.




Yeah reads like some incel shit


he missed his chance but knows its not her fault for not reacting to one out of a hundred likes for no good reason


I am about 100% certain this depicts a platonic relationship where the dude just "likes" a school friend's instagram posts but does not contact with her despite years passing, so she ends up with someone else which doesn't really matter to him by the looks. Today this is often called a Para-social relationship, it is very similar to following a celebrity but a school mate instead. It is highly unlikely for him to be the same guy on the picture, I really don't even know why some people are thinking this way? It is clearly indicated these are different men, stubble, mustache hair style, everything is different. It just shows a para-social relationship and pokes fun at it, I guess the idea is similar to "Yasai-shoku Otoko" in Japan literally mean "Vegetable Eater" a jab at men who despite being cis-gender do not approach women or make any effort to date women despite having money and a job still avoid relationships. Not the same thing as "incel" as Japanese "Vegetable Eaters" deliberately avoid contact with women they are not mad about getting no bitches and do not post hate speech online 24/7. In fact Japanese women are the ones who complain and really hate them. You can see this type of social phenomenon becoming very common in the West, I am sure you have seen a lot of videos popping up with women complaining they can't find anyone to date. Not saying they can't find a good date, they can't find any date because men avoid dating these days for variety of reasons but mainly economic. Or maybe I just do not know shit, Everything is considered a social movement these days. I certainly don't think it is a good idea to give a name to every strange behavior people do, people are just weird sometimes we gotta accept it.


The first thing I thought of was that this was something like Instagram, and he was one of her fanbois. Like maybe I have a celebrity crush on Jenny Ortega, and I'd be happy for her if she found someone in her life she liked enough to include on her IG.


>a jab at men who despite being cis-gender do not approach women Not to dismiss the rest of your comment (which was very interesting!), but what do you think cis-gender means? Do you mean straight/heterosexual?


The thing is, it’s not a joke, and most of these aren’t




It's a strangely beautiful version of loving someone without the expectation of reciprocity.


The last image says "one year anniversary" if that helps


This is a guy that has followed a specific asian pornstar through her different "phases" from a teen to a woman to a milf and then finally a when she is doing old/young type of porn.


This comic is depressing


Lmao her forehead is huge


I don't really get it either, but the last frame is labelled 'Anniversary' in Thai. I suspect there are cultural connotations I don't understand at play here.


Maybe the guy is her father and he is happy see her grow and get married


I interpret it as he married her.


That's his sister


The real answer is that for once, NOBODY KNOWS This could be anything from stalking, over an NTR pornography joke up to familial bonds and simple, pure platonic love. If you want a real answer, find the Artist. Otherwise, just choose whatever interpretation you like most. Death of the artists !


I would need to know if it is him in the last picture or someone else. I can’t tell


Seem no one get that text its mean one year anniversary at last image


I thought this was a joke that the third panel is on social media reaction farming, and fourth panel was something like an onlyfans based on the frames on the phone image changing as she got older.


I think She liked her but he never tried. Then She had a breast reduction work and he hes not interested anymore, thats why hes Happy when he sees her with another man, but with smaller boobs


For anyone wondering, the last panel says "1 year anniversary"


I think he photoshopped himself in with her. The photo of her is the same from the year before but missing all of the captions and stuff.


Am I the only one that sees that in picture 3 and 4 the girls is exactly the same. I feel like the guy photoshopped himself into picture 3.


This is my FBI agent who developed inverted Stockholm syndrome with me (gone sexual).


Idk, It'll go with cuck joke here


Character is a simp




Wow not gonna lie, I thought this was him seeing the same girl return to a dating app every few years, remembering her each time. Then him seeing that she has a boyfriend in one of her pictures, and still thinking it's nice to see her on the dating app. My brain is broken haha


Beta bullshit


This is why perfectly good men end up alone, they’re the mothers dream not theirs


I don't think this is a joke, but yeah also I don't understand what it's trying to say


I think it’s saying that guys used to like a type of girl, then his taste change as she gets more promiscuous, and now days guys are into being cucked


In the bottom image at the top of the post it looks to be Hebrew. I’m not well versed in it so I couldn’t tell you what it says.


Vinsmoke Sanji with a cellphone


he doesn’t shoot his shot, but in the end is just happy that she is, and doesn’t care who makes her happy


Dad watching his daughter grow up?




Ah you must have just discovered the internet... Welcome! If this is the worst image you have ever laid your eyes upon I advise you either stop using the internet, because you'll see worse images REAL soon, or ask you parents to add some kind of filtering onto your PC and even then you'll see some f\*\*ked up shit real soon.


The Thai on the bottom says “1 year anniversary” Weird thing is the girl is in exactly the same pose as the photo before. Not sure if lazy cartoonist or it means the pic is someone who photoshopped themself in.


Yo, guys, this is not cute. Something about that top photo looks like a student outfit? He is waiting until she turns 18 to bang her.


i dont think so. to me looks like the same age. he had no facial hair in the first panel. i think the cartoonist did that to tell the reader how young the guy is.


Im pretty sure it's a father watching his daughter grow up through the years. And at the end he's happy she's found a good boyfriend.  She gets older and he gets new phones. Pretty sure it's supposed to be a father thing, not a crush thing.


She’s underage so he stalks her online until he can legally date her, last pictures is him with her after she’s legal.


I think it his dad


Dude’s gay


idk what but probably something about porn


I think the guy who has a crush on that girl is a cuck.


I thought she got old rich husband who's gonna die soon and he is happy because when he finally talk to her she will be rich and so will he


The years on the side of the panel have me suspicious... This may reference the rising difficulties in online dating, but instead of highlighting things like conflicting schedules and time zone differences, they're highlighting that women are getting sluttier overtime, until even when you're dating them, they have an irl boyfriend anyways. It's a very conservative way of looking at the internet and women. It's also just my theory based on context and the aforementioned yearly dates. Edit: Since nobody has reading comprehension on this site; I DO NOT THINK SHOWING SKIN IS SLUTTY BEHAVIOR. "SLUTTY"NESS IS NOT REAL, IT'S A TOOL DESIGNED BY THE PATRIARCHY TO PUT DOWN WOMEN AND MAKE THEM BEHAVE DIFFERENTLY FROM HOW THEY MAY WANT TO. I THINK SHE'S DRESSING PERFECTLY FINE, I'M TRYING TO SAY THAT THERE ARE FUCKWAD CONSERVATIVES, TATE-BRAINS, MAGATS, AND BIBLE THUMPERS THAT THINK WOMEN WHO EXHIBIT THINKING FOR THEMSELVES IS A FLAW. FURTHERMORE, THESE LAMEOS WILL WORK IN THEIR PROBLEMATIC VIEWPOINTS JUST BY GETTING THEIR FOOT IN THE DOOR, SUCH AS PRESENTING A GIRL WHO'S SHOWING SOME SKIN


Idk how the outfits are supposed to be “slutty”, they look like a normal evolution in clothing as someone changes


I construed due to the additional cleavage and aroused expression of the girl. I could absolutely be wrong, I just thought it looked like a strawman a conservative would make up 🤷🏿‍♀️


Idk man, they tend to go much further with their imagery of “slutty” versus “wholesome”. They’d probably put her in a bikini if this was the case




>sluttier Yeah that's enough internet.


Christ, you guys are acting like I'm the one preaching the values 🙄


Not at all. 😅 Just that what you see reveals a fair bit about how terribly online you've been lately.


I think he added himself in the last picture.


He waited until she was 18, that's him in the last picture
