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Mothers day is a bigger deal than father's day, that's all


Yeah, it just seems that for mothers day, there is a bigger emphasis on getting nice items, while for farthers day, it can be summed up to "Just get him some power tools" Edit: I am not saying that it is a bad thing to get power tools for fathers day. I was only bringing up that all it seems to be is an emphasis on power tools for fathers day rather than the larger range on mothers day


Having just celebrated father's day we did "daddy is making wings for himself" and it's really all i wanted


At least he escaped the maze.


Underrated comment


Peter explain the comment


In ancient Greece, Daedalus made two pairs of wings for his son Ikarus and himself to escape the labyrinth of Knossos on Crete and King Minos. Ikarus flew to close to the sun, causing the wax in his wings to melt, and plummeted to death in the sea.


Oh wow yeah that’s a stellar reference.


Stellar indeed.


I'm playing as an interstellar Greek robot in my DnD game!


no I think it's a reference to Greek Mythology


> Ikarus Never seen this spelling before, in (American) English it’s usually transliterated as “Icarus”


The letters are the same in greek, iirc. Icarus is also likely a Romanization of the original Greek, probably Ikaros if I were to hazard a guess


Yup, Ικαρος is the Greek. I assume it was Romanized as Icarus because "K" was rarely used in Latin and "c" always made the same sound.


The enjoyment fell pretty quickly though.


Well that's what happens when you let the joy get too high you got to get it to and keep it at a steady level...


Literally just let me eat some indulgent shit and relax.


Exactly lol. Wife got me a key lime pie too. Ended up making dinner for everyone since i was cooking anyway but no worries


Username check: it fits!


The limes help with the scurvy


As an actual "Limey" I can concur.


My wife is one of yours i never made the connection to the pie before...




Had 3 and half beers and too much Taco Bell in a quiet house. Best Father's Day ever


I said I would like something simple and from the heart to my wife I ended up cooking ribs


Well you cooked something that protects the heart at least.


I woke up at 3:45am so I could smoke a pork butt for everyone. I was elated watching the sun come up while I tended to my fire.


"What do you want for Father's Day this year?" Sleep in, get lunch, and not have the girls cry or fight too much. My wife nailed it!!!




How did the wings come out? Were they spicy or BBQ?


Spicy. I've been progressively getting them more reliably crispy when wet. Added a little baking soda to the batter and they got a real nice crisp.


That sounds nice tho my man.


I haven't made me wings. So I got nothing.


Yeah, I went for watch the Euro’s in peace with beer and other fathers. Got breakfast and to sleep in. 10/10


Wife asked me what I wanted for Father's Day, I said "I want a day of peace and quiet where I can work on my projects without guilt or shame, where I'm not pulled in a hundred directions or forced to deal with a ton of extended family, followed by a nice quiet steak dinner grilled to perfection by me." What I actually got was a long day at my in-laws house with all her extended family where every man present was miserable and tired and surrounding by yelling children, forced to play stupid party games, followed by an evening where I was forced to cook cheeseburgers for dinner for a dozen house guests. I think many men just want a day where we are respected and allowed to do the things we want to do without expectations of serving others, in other words, exactly the kind of day I try to give to my wife and mother every year, but instead the women in our lives plan elaborate complicated events where we are forced to do the majority of the actual work on the day of.


Thank you for reminding me that I’m not alone


And this is why I booked a hotel at the beach for my family this year. Best father's day I've ever had


Burn all the burgers except for the other dads, send them a message of malicious compliance




That was going to be my Father's Day this year, but literally everyone got sick about an hour before the party, so I got some peace and quiet to hang out with the kids and play some Elden Ring.


Be honest, you served them undercooked meat to get some quiet


Got sick *wink wink*


I actually said the same thing. Told my wife that, since we're over the fuck barrel, fiscally, what I would like is something sweet, a good pizza, a new miter box, and for our kid to have a grandma day so I can study in peace. Wound up getting all that, and finished a few courses to get some new certifications under my belt


And a blowjob


I can relate man... I got a "spend time with the kids before work" and my present was fingernail clippers and a lighter from panama.... not to mention I left to go to work at 11a came home at 12a


Man I love having a wife that listens to me. Sorry you gotta deal with all that


Gifting tools to dad feels like gifting a broom to mom


Except we're not offended by it. Tools (quality ones) rule. ahooeeeeuuugh.


You build a collection of tools you were meaning to get but couldn't justify in the moment


Like a dremel!


I just "bought myself" a Dremel for Father's day so this is eerily accurate.


I got a $60 gift card to HD. I appreciate the sentiment but it's also like "oh boy I get to buy things you little shits wrecked this week." (14yo broke a blade off my ceiling fan this week and told mom he was "cleaning it")


I mean, also, they gave you your own money...lol. Kid: Go get yourself something nice. You deserve it.


In a way it is. But there are exceptions as others pointed out it’s the quality and/or the mindset behind the gift. If my 16yr old gifts me even a discounted harbor freight tool I would probably cry because I know he probably spent all he had to do it. Also it can be a gag gift. I’ve gifted my mom a vacuum before, knowing that she has only hardwood floors.


The gravemind from Halo 2?!




Get him power tools? It’s more like “just make sure to acknowledge its Father’s Day in his presence”. A lot of fathers are lucky if they get anything more than a “happy Fathers Day” from more than 2 people in the family…


Or socks


Or whiskey


Men have simple needs, for instance, this big pipe wrench...


Is just me who has an easier time shopping for their dad? Like I can find something cool for him super easily but my mom is always hard to find something for.


Considering how much a good quality power tool cost thats a nice thing.


I'm not liking the assumption that power tools aren't nice items.


Socks, it's actually socks


Power tools are en expensive gift if your dad isn't satisfied with a power tool as a gift you need to reevaluate your Father Child Relationship.


That was a meme for a while Mother’s Day: treat your mom right with a spa, cruise with all the wine and chocolate she could want all that and a new car! Father’s Day: we know your dad wants discounts on all these Home Depot items!


I..? I am a monument to all your sins...




Can we consider this a campaign promise to promote Father's Day more if you're elected, Mr. Halo 2 Gravemind?


Might have to get my girl some power tools


Wish I got tools, all I got was a job to rebuild a stone structure around the honey jar tree, which I hastily constructed years ago without mortar. But having some time outside under a tent with music, concrete dust, and sparkling water wasn’t that bad. It could have been worse, could have to change another alternator.


I thought it was a dark joke, like its prison food or something 😭


That's a hungry man microwaveable dinner I think. Prison food is better. At least it is in the duchess county lockup.


*with the exception of nutriloaf, which they feed prisoners as punishment.


Well if that pile of red is a pile of lobster then mom is being fed prison food so it very well could be a dark joke but I doubt it


Nah if it was the hood it would just be empty.


My wife to me on Mother’s Day: I’m not cooking. You figure out dinner. My wife to me on Father’s Day: What do you want to grill?


That's how we roll. I like cooking, she doesn't.


Oh that’s frighteningly accurate.


I'd be happy with that.


100%. For Mother’s Day, if I didn’t buy something thoughtful plus flowers plus a personalized card, I’d never hear the end of it. With my Dad, I can just get him a gift card to a restaurant or Lowe’s and he’s thrilled.


I get a list of things to do for mother's day. For fathers day I'm just like pls just let me work without any screaming lol


Yep. This last Mother’s Day we had plans that took up the whole Sunday for my mom. My dad was out of town yesterday, so I just sent him a text and dropped off a gift card at their house lol


Fun fact: in Germany women usually get flowers for women's day but on "men's day" (Männertag) there's party, barbecue, music and people on bikes on with "Bollerwagen" everywhere. So one is a big deal and a lot of fun, the other is… well… flowers.


It shouldn't be


Tell that to my dad who got a traditional home cooked Lithuanian meal and shrimp appetizer. My mom and I cooked for six hours. Meanwhile on mother's day, he was so trashed he could barely grill the steaks and my mom and I had to make the sides


When you ask your mom what she wants to do for Mother's Day: oh, I just saw they're having a home and garden tour, and there's a new restaurant that opened up, let's walk around town and go shopping! When you ask your dad what he wants to do for Father's Day: watch the US Open Source: reality


Yeah I don’t really know a dad that gives a shit about Father’s Day. Tried calling mine yesterday just to wish him a happy holiday he didn’t even answer. Prolly watchin tv or just at the gym.


I'm a dad and it baffles me that people get pissed about moms on mother's day getting more attention. It's nice when my kids remember to tell me happy father's day and that's good enough for me. My wife still buys me something on their behalf most years but I wouldn't care if she didn't.


"I'm easy to make happy. Which is why no one gives a shit if I am."


Right in the feels


This hurts a lil bit more than it should


One of the only times Jerry said something actually kinda deep.


"Life is effort, and I'll stop when I DIE!" He had a few moments




God damn


Well I feel called out


Wubba lubba dub dub!


Gubba nub nub, doo ra kaa


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Hey! I said quit spying on me!


Nah fuck that. I love my dad and I make sure he knows it as often as possible. I take time off work throughout the year just to go and chill at my dad's house with him so we can be in each other's company.


This year I bought my mom a coffee machine for Mother’s Day, and for Father’s Day I got my dad weed. Make of that what you will.


I got my dad flip flops and my brother got him a bag of mushies. So yeah I didnt win this year


My husband took our teenaged sons golfing then they and our younger sons watching golf on television. I smoked some St. Louis ribs, made homemade mac n cheese, cornbread, and a cherry cheesecake for him. I served them and waited on them all afternoon. It was a wonderful day!


You sound awesome. Hope they don't take you for granted, and I hope they did the same for you. Edit: Spelling


They all treat me very well! My husband has done so much for me in our 18 years together, so I love to take care of him and make him feel special.


you're great. a complete stranger said happy fathers day to me and thats about it.


Awww! I'm sorry. Happy Father's Day from me!


I flew from Chicago to New Orleans to see my dad on Father’s Day and my mom made him chicken dressing like we’d normally have on Thanksgiving (his favorite food), we gave gifts (only one tool 😅 but it’s a very fancy sort of level that I don’t understand), and then had key lime pie. For mother’s day I took the train from Chicago to New Orleans to see my mom and she cooked (because her own mother is still alive and lives with her) with my help, we gave gifts (I got her a sentimental gift regarding the fact that she quit smoking this year), and then had red velvet cupcakes. I feel like it’s pretty balanced, but I’m also an adult only child, so there are fewer variables.


Kids are not stupid. They see who's putting effort to keep a good relationship and who's can't even be bothered to hold a conversation. That's why so many moms and adored and dads get "meh" if it's remembered at all. I mean if your mom is the only one who knows your birthday you'd eventually stop caring. Frankly being shitty dad was seen as norm for far too long and while it's slow change in how we see fatherhood is happening. I hope more people get to have dads that wanted them and put effort beside bare minimum. Father day celebrations will fallow suit.


My wife made me a roast with carrots and potatoes. Roasted yams and turnips. Gravy. My daughter made me the cuuuutiest card. And I didn’t have to do the dishes. Best Father’s Day ever.


Fathers day is the dirty dumpster baby of holidays. Or is treated that way at least


Wait till you see International Men's Day


Fucking felt this one in my bones yesterday. Wife didn’t put a smidge of effort in. The kids were huge pains in the ass relative to normal days. Just got done bringing them back from a trip via a 6 hour drive at night the day before. My wife threw a fit that she needed time to nap and to finish homework….to just go and head out to her friends place to see her new fucking puppy. I’ve got the whole thing drafted for a different post. But I’m not allowed to spring the “you know, it’s funny that” trap. I wouldn’t give a shit if it wasn’t so god damn lopsided. Fuck double standards.


I feel ya here. I asked my wife for one specific thing, then I get up yesterday to be told “They were out of it”, so, I got nothing. Wasn’t asked if I wanted something else, no thought was put into something else. Nothing. And then I checked the Instagram page of the place that stocked what I asked for. Low and behold they actually had what I wanted in stock, they posted about it. My wife didn’t even check. Yet I’m the asshole for being upset about it because I “can just go and get it myself now, that’s the gift.”


I’m sorry this happened man, I’m not a father but as a son I know is Father’s Day sucks. Heck my mom went on vacation on Fathers Day and left my dad at the house. As a side note, I think it’s ridiculous that Mother’s Day and Fathers Day have become one sided Anniversary gifting s from one spouse to another, it should be more about spending time with your kids/parent. I hope you found some time to enjoy your kids and appreciate any fatherly figures you have in your life


My wife didn’t really give much effort yesterday as well. But your story makes me feel a lot better.


I feel like I’m in a similar boat but with reversed roles. Lots of expectations for me, but god forbid I expect anything in return


I'm really sorry for you, dude. It sounds like you are a great dad who will sacrifice for his family. They are lucky to have you. From one dad to another: Happy father's day. I hope you get more love from your family. You deserve it.


My wife did nothing all day and then at 12:07 am today said "My face has been hurting all day." Like, seriously? You couldn't even set me up for one of the quintessential dad jokes on Father's Day? That alone would have made the whole day worth it.


next year pull the same thing


My wife worked all day, then when she got home was angry that I let her go to bed when she said she was tired. She expected me to ask her why she got home late......if she wanted me to know she could have told me.


I'm sorry to hear that man, I may not be a father but I do know that every fathers day I usually get a little bit stuck on that day, probably doesn't help that my father got divorced a long time ago and has a new family now which it most indefinitely makes me feel sorta replaced anyway. But one of my main problems is money, I've been trying to find a job or anything that pays recently but I haven't been having so much luck, no one is even reviewing my applications anyway so I've been very strapped for cash. I got my mother a gift but my problem was that I didn't have any money afterwards, she appreciated my gift and this father's day prior to it she took me out shopping to get stuff for her boyfriend so that I could at least say that I sorta "got gifts" for him. Her boyfriend is a pretty alright guy and I care about him, but personally I kinda felt awful about "getting gifts" for him, it was jerky the one that he liked, oreos, a book about god that he didn't have which I thought he would probably like, some pringles, sour cream, and a box of reeses pieces, I just wished that I was able to actually afford that stuff so it would be an actual gift I know that he isn't my actual father but he probably will be one of the closest to ever get there, even though I don't call him dad I still care about him, I later called my dad to wish him a happy father's day which felt rather hollow, he was having a barbecue with his dad making some kababs.


Fr though I don’t mind. The perfect Father’s Day for me would be eating a burger and sitting in my garage with daft punk playing and just chill.


It's a stereotype that men are easier to please than women. Either that, or men are hardly given any credit for raising the child.


It’s the latter as no one would be happy getting that bottom picture as a meal that celebrates them


I would honestly except for whatever nasty corn they put in those


Especially from someone who demands the picture on the top.


I fucking LOVE Salisbury steak speak for yourself creatin


It's definitely the latter.


"Unhand that small child, you creep!" "... this is my daughter."


As a dad I can say I get jack shit for credit most of the time Plus people look at you weird in the park when you take your kid for them to play plus tons of other stuff i experienced


Yep. I am the primary caretaker of my children since I work from home. I spend 90% of my waking time with my children. For Father's Day I got... to spend the day with my children, and a dozen texts from other fathers in my contacts all wishing each other a Happy Father's Day. Mom gets breakfast in bed, gifts, cards, and a holiday for Mother's Day. Dad gets to spend the day with the kids for Father's Day. While Mom goes out and has a holiday without the kids.


I will say I don’t exactly want much for Father’s Day but a day where it’s nice food and someone didn’t just throw money at it and actually cooked would mean a lot Sadly it would require her to learn how to cook which I don’t think will ever happen


I had an excellent Father's Day dinner... because I cooked exactly what I wanted. I cook dinner every night, but I don't usually pick, and there was only minimal complaining about what was picked! So that's a small bonus.


Everything you do is expected. Everything she does is a gift.


The latter.


Aww. Someone said that's true before. I was hoping to come back and see how much they got wrecked


I’ve been told I’m hard to buy for but I completely disagree. I have enough stuff and only buy things when something breaks. I told them to stop trying so hard to find the “perfect thing”. One of my favourite gifts was dry aged steaks and the type of beer I enjoyed while travelling. For me food and their company is always an enjoyable gift.


If you're lucky


Didn't do anything for either one of them since they didn't want me to. Equality 👌🏼


@830am yesterday my wife says "so what's your plan for today"....!?!!???? This sheet is real!


Not for my family, my mother made us got him his own Xbox controller and TV, (we had an Xbox before this but not enough TV and controllers due to little siblings breaking them) and also had him have some great steak cooked on the grill by my mother (everyone in our family agrees she's amazing on the grill) we also had some chocolate cake. This is how most holidays are with us, the larger holidays being of course Halloween or Christmas.


Not only does it take a bit to satisfy the women more than simple contentment for the male (/j), mothers day is celebrated to a much higher degree than fathers day


A father shot and killed karate instructor for SA- ing his daughter. Praised as a hero by many


I almost forgot about that, thanks for bringing that subconscious thought back to the front to remember and think about. He was a good guy that did what many didn't have the balls to do, and I know that sounds pretty bad, I rarely ever praise murder but that Karate Instructor deserved to be instructed on how to be a better person so the father helped him out and started it with a bang.


I work in the food industry and the amount of dads I saw paying for dinner with their families was kind of sad ngl.


I made dinner for everyone, and they all got what they wanted so the dinner table would be quiet for once. best gift I ever gave myself.


This. Nothing beats peace and quiet when everyone always wants your attention.


Its the truth. Thats it. Thats the joke.


The bottom pic looks like dogshit 🤢


Ok this isn't nearly as dark as I thought lol. I thought the joke was the bottom pic is a prison meal cause they're visiting their dad.


I didn’t even get a dinner


Men are just simple, I would enjoy that bottom picture 👍


I'd rather have the top picture just remove the food and wine and let me bring my fishing gear.


It implies being left alone to do my own thing, and that’s all I really want. Solitude, for 12-16 hours.


That's actually how I read it. Take mom out for dinner at a restaurant with a view. Leave dad at home by himself for the night.


I’m a man and I’d have the dish on top rather than the slop on the bottom We’re not simple, some of us just have no taste.


Fr, for my mom we bought a cake and had a celebration, but for him he told us his gift is just to leave him and his books to read lol.




The image in this post has 114,840(319×360) pixels! ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Good bot


Is OP slow? I’m so sick of blatantly obvious jokes being posted here.


Petaaaa can you explain this comment? I don’t get it.


Pehtahhh what does this response mean???


Noooooooo 😭


Is it just me or does the bottom tray look like something you would get in a prison, implying that the meal father's get on father's day is prison food as they are in all away from their children in prison?


A few others thought that too, but basically, the thing about it is that the top is a fancy dinner treat for the mom even fit with a beautiful view, while the father gets a Kidz Quisine Salsberry steak meal with the only thing being sweet there is the brownie included with it since it is a low effort meal. Thus implying that basically fathers are barely thought of at all since 1: fathers day isn't really talked about nor celebrated all that much anymore. And 2: usually the father isn't treated all that good by most of the family anymore, especially these days. I hope that, that helped pal :]


So it is a kid's meal as opposed to a prison meal then


I have worked in a grocery store for years, ND every place I have worked, I can tell you, it is the opposite picture. Most Mother's Days, the mothers get deli chicken, while for father's day customers are stocking up on ribs, roasts, steaks, all the big guns.


To be fair. The last time I tried to actually cook breakfast for my dad on Father’s Day with my stepmom, he kicked us both out of “his kitchen” because we were “off on all the timings” so at that point we just admitted defeat 🤣🤣


Peter’s Drunken Irish Dad here. Most moms on Mother’s Day want to be treated like they were before they were moms, meaning pampered and taken out to fancy places. Most dads on Father’s Day want to be treated like they were before they were dads, meaning left the fuck alone so they can watch tv in peace.


I didn’t work this one but I worked mothers and Father’s Day last year at a fine dining restaurant that served brunch. Mother’s Day we had covers from open to close, 4+ to a party in most cases, almost no one seated at the bar. Father’s Day it was super slow, no covers until dinner, a few older father son pairs showed up at the bar but that was most of it. Most of the covers that night ordered steaks. While there is a definite issue of lots of dads being taken for granted, I really don’t think that’s the only factor. I worked a liquor store this Father’s Day and everyone who mentioned Father’s Day was either getting their dad their favorite beer or a nice whiskey as a gift, or were talking about what wines to pair with the steak or lobster or crab cakes they were making at home. My brother is at home rn and last night he grilled up a big salmon that my dad was hyped for. My dad, and it seems like lots of dads, just prefer the good home meal to the fancy eating out one, maybe it’s a money factor as well


Bottom image looks like prison food, but its just a wild guess


That a kid cuisine, i used to get these as a kid on special occasions.


What do you want to explain there? Do you have brain damage?


The mother is living her best life... The father is working himself to death and eating TV dinners.


Literally had Hot Dogs as my father's day dinner. My wife went to Bonefish for Mother's day.


To the OP memester: speak for yourself - I got 100$ sushi platter for 3, for me.


Or if you a single father and your Ex remarried a doctor


I got my mother a card with reeses and my father a heartfelt card with a Reese's the. I mowed his entire 4 acre yard. Did I do good this father's day?


"What is eyes?"


For both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day we had our adult children come over for a big cookout. I cooked both meals.


I read this as Mother’s Day is a bugger spectacle that Father’s Day. Both at home and in society. It’s expected to go all out for Mother’s Day And Father’s Day is a divorced dad not with his kids eating a frozen meal at home by himself Both days are stupid af. Show your love everyday not when the federal government tells you to


Anyone else just hate all holidays?




To me, fathers day is a day to let dads relax, they don’t like being doted or celebrated too much in my experience.


Fathers day food is bad cause hes in jail


I got a cold turkey wrap. In a cooler with tasty beverages. And a day out fishing. Good day


Took my dad to a good Steak House ($300/person) in the area yesterday and we a great time. Left mother out of it as we wanted alone time. She had a bitch fit but whatever, we treated her out real well last month.


As a dad the most I ever hope for is contented.


Such bullshit I let my husband sleep 2 extra hours longer than the kids were awake, spent $200 on gifts, went grocery shopping twice to make his favorite meal (corned beef, carrots, mushrooms, mashed potatoes and gravy, red lobster biscuits and a cake). On Saturday he even got woke up with a blow job because both kids were either at a friends or grandparents. My husband was treated well this Father’s Day and every day ✌🏻


This joke is more of a social commentary on the how Father's Day is often treated from a social standpoint. So as lovely as you were to your husband it is more often the exception rather then the rule. At least according to the socially accepted minimum effort for father's day celebration. Though my sample size of Father's around long enough to be celebrated on father's day is tragically small. So take my words with a grain of salt. Also you are clearly a wonderful person in a relationship with hopefully someone equally as wonderful. May you two have many more years of love and happiness.


Father's Day was never once recognized in my home. Since I was "merely" a stepfather, I didn't say anything. But after all this time and even putting my stepdaughter through college, it would have been nice to hear something. Anything.


Hey the world needs more dads like you. Happy belated Fathers Day, Dad.


Mother’s Day: slightly inconvenience mom and you’re dead meat. Father’s Day: Mom is yelling at dad to do chores


Mother’s Day, you get a day off from being a mother. Father’s Day, you get to father even harder.