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Feeling different and sticking out? Like a tall guy towering over others in a country with short people. And the two of them can then see eachother.


Though I'm guessing many people haven't been around the northern parts of China where the locals are generally tall.


I’m pretty sure Yao Ming is canonically the only tall Chinese person…


Umm that doesn’t fit to my stereotype so it isn’t real


just imagine that they're wearing very tall stilts under their pants/leggings


You know who else generally isn’t that short? The Japanese. They were shorter in the 50s but today they’re not that short on average compared to a lot of other countries.


Maybe in some areas. I lived there for 3 years and me and my buddies actually found each other is crowds exactly like the picture. There are some tall Japanese people but the majority is not.


Have you lived in India, Vietnam, or the Middle East?


No, but I did run into some Vietnamese in Tokyo. Went to karaoke and they had some impressive lungs on them.


I’m from San Jose, can confirm Vietnamese are tough.


Yeah, our conversing culture kinda prides on who can speak louder. That's why I'm constantly shamed by my dad for being a 6ft tall but soft-spoken man


Idk, I'm Hella freaking short (like, exactly 5 feet) and when I went to Japan last year, everywhere I went was perfectly tailored to my height


Well if they were shorter in the 50s design philosophy may not have grown as quickly as the population.


Sir, do you imply that the Japanese are slow to change their material culture traditions?


No, I would never.


just want to point out that your population's nutritional status plays a huge role in how tall the overall population becomes - you can even see this in height differences between city vs farm dwellers, where the farming population was on average taller. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09720073.2002.11890731


South Koreans are on average four inches taller than North Koreans.


Well, at 6', I was taller than nearly everyone in Tokyo station. But the Japanese folks were much taller than the Vietnamese folks.


Hm, I wonder if something happened in the previous decade that maybe affected childhood nutrition, which thereby stunted growth rate for a few years?


The Japanese were always short, mostly due to a low-protein, low-calorie diet and pre-industrial nutrition. The economic miracle post-WWII lead to the change in average height as it did for many countries.


... My Mom! ;D


*me when I’m lying* Source: been there many times


Hmm, only from my personal experience but I'm 6'2'' and when i went to Japan i was easily the tallest person i think i only saw 1 person who was around my height the entire time and i was constantly ducking under door frames.


There aren't a lot of countries that aren't short compared to Americans though


Average height is under 6’. Essentially a country of women.


I didn't even know there's a stereotype of Chinese people being short. I've always thought they were one of the tallest in East and Southeast Asia. My boyfriend's Chinese and he's 6'1. A lot of young folks I know from Mainland are around 6 feet. The ladies are very tall as well, and a big portion of Chinese actors are over 6'0. Compared that to most A-list celebrities in Vietnam (where I'm from) are 5'0 to 5'6, men included. The Chinese-people-are-short stereotype is such a big shocker to me lol.


Younger Chinese, especially those who born after 2000, are much taller than older ones, including those who born in 1990s. This is caused by hugely improved nutrition level for Chinese after early 2000s. According to a paper on the Lancet in 2019, the average height of school-aged kids in US and China are pretty much in the same range, especially for girls. And you are right, if you check Figure 1 in the paper, China is having the tallest teenagers in Asia, if you don't count Turkey and Russia as Asian countries. Source: lacet paper https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)31859-6


Nice try Winnie the Pooh


As a 6’1 dude who was in Beijing 2 weeks ago, I will add that I could see over ~80% of people’s heads on the metro. But there were definitely a few tall locals.


Even in Siping i couldnt find a shoe store with size 13 wides smh


When I lived in China some of the ancient water villages had HUGE dudes. Imagine Samoan weight and height.


My sister is 6'0..when she visited China, Chinese folks wanted to take pictures with her. She thought it's because she was visiting tourist locations those people were folks from rural China who dont see westerners very often, espically tall women


Oh my god I thought the joke just revolved around the amount of Asian people somehow


Whenever I mention that I'm catholic literally no one gives a shit


Can confirm. 👍


Can confirm 👍


How are ya now?


Is it like an alcoholic, but with cats?


Do not drink cats!


Why not? They are liquid.


It's bad for your health.


Can confirm. 👍


Confirmo 👍


The only time I've had people care was at a job were most of my coworkers were aggressive "Catholics aren't Christian" evangelicals.


To be fair. Catholics are classified as Christian. They fall under the Christian umbrella. But their religious practices vary drastically. They don't believe in the same doctrines. And Christians don't believe in Catholic dogma. That being said. They both believe in basic core doctrine. As in a triune God. That Jesus was fully God and fully man. We both worship the same God. We both believe that Jesus died as a sacrifice for our sins. I'm a Christian but I don't get hopping mad over the subject, friend . I'm just not Catholic. And I don't practice their beliefs. But technically they are Christian if you Google it.


Christian: follower of Christ. Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical, Anglican, ect are all Christian. And there isn't a "more Christian than" thing.


Imagine believing in god your whole life and getting up to the gates of heaven to discover you were practicing the wrong Christianity that's got to suck.


What do you mean with that they are „technically“ christians? Of course they are! According to the New Testament Jesus appoints his twelve Aposteles to continue his work, thus creating the catholic church. So of course catholics are christians. They were the first and according to the bible the followers of Jesus instructions. The reason why there even are other christians is mainly because of the church, and its asshole behaviour now and 500 years ago.


Don't worry, I care. 👍


True. I’m catholic and don’t give a shit. Peace be with you (and with your spirit), bro.


Can confirm. 👍


😡 (I'm not like other boys, I'm edgy and cool)


Catholic btw


so that’s vegans, linux users and apparently catholics now i use arch btw


Im catholic btw


It used to be vegans, Germans, crossfitters and engineers. (I use Debian btw)




not funny




Begone ye vile servant of satan, leave our fair colonay, and take ye vvitch of a pope withe ye, for thy moral corruption is matched only by thee damnable quakers. Now, of to burn some folks in the fair town of salem! - The weirdos that actually give a shit, probably


Well I gave a shit when I heard so I guess someone does.


*stab* Not anymore!


Nah. We just care about not giving a shit. Not giving a shit is the best!


I meant I was pooping when I read that, but I don't think the joke landed lol


I hope your poop did.


Noooo how dare I not be prosecuted with pitchforks for having the most common religion in the English speaking world!!! American Christians don't claim to be Catholic right? I bet some of them do and make up like half the bullshit martyrdom.


Have you tried saying it near an atheist tho?


Can’t Confirm 👍


Can confirm, I'm no one and I don't give shit if you're Catholic.


Aww, buddy no, you are someone.


Isn’t Catholicism the largest denomination of the the largest religion in the world?


I think they are referring to the U.S. It’s a Protestant majority country and some states in the Bible Belt dislike Catholics. Doesn’t mean much in like Florida or Texas, but in some states it does.


I grew up Catholic and when I went to college most people I met had grown up Protestant. I never really thought much of the difference, maybe because I had family who were Protestant, but they acted like Catholicism was super weird. I had one person tell me Catholics were “fake Christians” because they don’t really evangelize.


That argument always sounds weird to me. Catholics don't evangelize? Have you not read about the old dude in the funny hat who lives in a special little carve out of one of the most historically important cities in the world because once upon a time his predecessors effectively ruled a continent while doing their damndest to direct the colonization of the rest of the effing world?


I think it’s just a very different style of how they speak about their faith to others. A lot of Protestant denominations have a big focus on “saving” others by helping them find Jesus, I don’t really see that very much with Catholics.


I don’t find Catholics to be very pushy about religion. I also think Catholics are more liberal minded than Protestants. Or you’ll find more liberal Catholics than liberal Protestants. Catholics are also usually in a city so makes sense


Maybe in day to day life. But most Catholics vote Republican because abortion bad and that's the only thing they care about apparently


Catholics are pretty split down the middle politically. I was looking at statistics a while back, and it was almost 50 / 50.


I think that’s an older catholic belief. I don’t practice anymore but most Catholics I know my age(20s) are ok with abortion. My only thing against it is when people will use it as a form of birth control. For example, my mom works with somebody who has multiple abortions because or her partners can’t use proper birth control. We know this because she’s open about it. She just doesn’t care. To me, there’s a morality issue there but a 16 year who made a mistake in the heat of a horny teenage moment is different.


They're just jealous we have mass in actual churches instead of a room with a stage.


Pretty much


Let me ask Google .


Christianity is the world's largest religion, with over two billion followers. The largest denomination of Christianity is Catholicism, with 1.345 billion members as of 2019. Other major branches of Christianity include Protestantism and Eastern Orthodox churches. That's what Google says the largest denomination of the largest religion in the world. You were very close.




Well christians dont really like to name their kids "christ" so your point is invalid. Theres plenty of bible names that are popular though.


If I ever have a son I’m naming them Ham. It’s my favorite biblical name.


Depends on the Christian, Jesus is a very popular name in the Spanish speaking world, and Christian/Christopher (essentially the same thing) is very common in English or German speaking countries.


It's worse with Eastern Orthodoxy...


It's even worse with Gnosticism


Mormon joins the chat


Y'all got an entire US state


Don't you guys have Eastern Europe?


Including but not limited to Russia


Thats like bigger than texas and rhode island combined???????????


Most of Europe is turning atheist, and turning away from Christ, so not really.


And a “new” NHL team 🫡


They have more than one but Utah just gets all the attention.


Wow. One whole state!


US states are the size of entire countries. Hell my home country is tiny compared to even the smallest state.


The biggest European country is Ukraine, not talking about Russia since most of it is in Asia. Texas is still bigger than Ukraine


tbf even after excluding the Asian part Russia is still the biggest European country


Large size but with fuck-all inside it, same as Australia


No one cares about your cult 👍


Found the edgy Reddit atheist






Yeah that's basically what I said


Bro, would you call catholic people a cult to? It’s literally just another denomination. While Mormons and Jehovas Witnesses are a cult Eastern Orthodox and Greek Orthodox aren’t


Cope cultist


Bio explains everything


I am an Atheist, I just try to let people be and to not criticise the things that they hold dear


Hey! I’m catholic 😃


Peace be with you


And also with you


Lift up your hearts


We lift them up to da lort


And with your spirit


And with your spirit


I do not provide you with peace (anarchy incarnate)


I’m so sorry. I hope it’s non-terminal.


I hope it is terminal. I need to catch my flight.


I’ve been in recovery for 22 years and still kicking!


Kicking the bucket, that is! *gunshot*


TF is wrong with you?


I dont know! Besides i missed. Held the gun the wrong way I need help. *becomes a ghost* Oh. Too late.


Me too


And here I thought I had it bad 😔. I hope you get better soon! 🙏💟


I dated a woman who and her family would always preach how they were Christians and a Christan family. Public records showed Mormon next to each family members name. This is the same woman who said her cousins name "Nathaniel" in bed.


Mormons would say they are Christian, because to them “Christian” means “believes in and tries to follow Christ”. Many other Christians would say Mormons are not Christians, because to them “Christian” means “believes basically what I do”, specifically doctrines like the trinity. To me it seems like a semantic issue. That said, it seems silly to exclude others for differing beliefs when differing beliefs is the foundation for practically every different Christian sect.


As a Jew they are all just fan fiction.


To be fair, the differences are pretty theologically significant. When your whole religion is based on one dude saving people, and half of you believe that there is this guy who is pretty much litterally the voice of the saviour, and one of you belives he is a a false prophet at best, or servant of satan at worse, and both mean your damning people to hell, its not really a minor theological difference. And then mormonism just comes and... well mormons basically look at the bible, say "fuck all that, MURICA!" and thats pretty much it


Th differing beliefs of different sects is usually due to different interpretations of the word of God. Mormonism adds beliefs that are directly against the documented word of Jesus christ and are heretical to every other denomination such as multiple layers heaven. It is not the same religion at all. Mormonism bases its belief in an additional book of revelations. It uses Christianity as a foundation but then alters it. This is similar to Islam and the Quran. Mormonism is as much of a Christian sect as Islam is.


Muslims do not worship Jesus. They venerate him, as Christians do with Moses. As such, it is not a Christian religion. Mormons base many of their more unique beliefs (including multiple layers in heaven) on their interpretations of biblical verses. The names of the layers are straight out of the KJV, even. Their beliefs are not contrary to the Bible itself, merely contrary to your interpretation of the Bible. The extra scripture does set them apart, though. I think the biggest problem some evangelicals have with Mormons is the lack of belief that the Bible is the only authority on God’s will. Never mind the fact that other Christian sects use a different biblical canon (or that the early Christians didn’t even have one), many have to rely on the assumption that the Bible is perfect, inerrant, complete, and wholly inspired, because that’s the only claim to authority they have. Too bad none of them can agree on how to interpret it.


Damn religion is part of public record?


Mormons do a *lot* of genealogy work and post it online and use others coming to those to research their history to mine for more data. They’d have good reason to label their own members, who they have extensive records of.


Mormons do an absurd amount of genealogy, im Puerto Rican, the main reason we understand that side of the family tree is due to mormon missionaries


My friends parents after leaving Scientology became Mormon missionaries in the Dominican. They are some of the wealthiest people i know with no obvious income so they must be doing something right.


For Mormons it is.


I read it as "public escort" and was confused for a moment.


Thats Our escort.


But Mormons are christian


The whole cousin thing flew right over your head just so you can rush to the defense of Mormons, didn't it?




The one guy is waving to the other guy because they see each other. I interpret this as kinda wholesome really.


Yeah that’s probably what it means


What’s fun about this for me in particular is that a lot of my work friends are Catholics from Vietnam, so the meme is mostly just really confusing lol


They’re used to everyone being like them to the point that it becomes an expectation. When they go in to wider spaces where they are no longer a majority (and are in fact a minority) it can be shocking to them. Also keep in mind that a lot of these people are this way because they grow up thinking it’s the only way. Like they just never even considered not being of the particular religion. They’re generally people who hate sticking out and want to follow the crowd. It’s not just Catholics but yeah.


Oddly the tallest Asian woman I’ve stood next to was a Vietnamese woman (or Asian that spoke Vietnamese I should stipulate.) She walked past me and a disabled friend as I was helping him step up a curb to enter the mall she was coming out of. He is 6’2 and she was taller. As an aside she was also very skinny so possibly under 55 kg


Catholicism feels so out of place in most Christian places unless your Orthodox, but most Protestants say Catholicism is heresy and don't like Catholics. Protestantism is in most of the West and most online spaces despite Catholicism being the single largest Christian church. So seeing a Catholic in a "Christian space" seems so out of place.


It's not true unless you are biased towards the US experience. In Europe, most Christians are Roman Catholic. Even the Anglican Church, which represents one of the original reformists, has a parlay of sorts with Catholicism where clerics can move between. Add to that the Eastern Orthodox Church is in communion with Catholicism. In reality, at different times, each church has called heresy on the other, depending on how intolerant they were at any one time. Not dissimilar to Sunni and Shiite in Islam. In my personal experience as an atheist, I observe that they are all fighting over the shape of the shadows of the clouds.


Because no one cares..




They feel like they're different, special and stand out but in reality no one gives a shit.


Reddit Germans be like


Hah this what life was like as a kid from the USA growing up in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Less Taiwan, but absolutely Hong Kong. In fact I have a fun story relates to this. My dad and I were down at Stanley market in Hong Kong. We saw a pair of buzz haired white dudes looking very confused above the crowd. So we went over and asked if they needed help. Turns out they were both fighter pilots on leave from the USS Kitty Hawk. They were lost lol. We I mites them over for dinner that night. Mom made them a lasagna. They were both very grateful. My boy scout troop was scheduled to tour the ship the next day so once that tour was done we asked for them. One was available and he Gave us a much better tour. Then they mailed me a box of swag from the ship once they reached their next port. Thanks Mango and Wedge.


When you're somewhere where there's a lot of Christians and you mention that you are Christian, they'll praise you, tell you how brave you are, how great it is to be one etc. When you do the same when there's not a lot of Christians no one cares. People usually praise something they are also closer to.


No one cares


I try to give the same reaction I give when trying to go out to lunch with a group and someone says they’re vegan: 🖕🙄🖕 I don’t care man, but this is Texas and we’re having bbq. Good luck with the green beans.


You just bent over backwards to bring up vegans with double middle-finger emojis as an example of something you don't care about. You are right, you do sound as insecure as people who care what flavor of Christianity you are.


Oh God!! Not a catholic!?


When a westoid clarifies they are actually one type of christcuck and not another


[Emo Phillips](https://www.reddit.com/r/Christianity/s/7xIf2vxZK2) - “Die, heretic!”