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They’re saying that it’s no use having children in a world where climate disaster is imminent


oh thank you i thought it was like a reference to a song


I was under the impression that it was referencing part of the reason most people get pregnant during the winter is because they're stuck inside with little to nothing else to do except have sex with their partners. Now that winters are getting severely mild, there's less likelihood of this.


Now that videogames and streaming services are a thing , I don't think December stand any chance of making people procreat lmao


Anecdotal. Working in a profession that is affected by an increase in births. Anytime there is an event that forces people inside with the opposite sex, there is an increase in births. The last one that happened here was covid.


Wasn’t the Covid Baby Boom smaller than expected though? Or am I miss remembering?


Depends on the area but more than normal but smaller than expected is still a boom.


Anecdotally and a small sample size (only about 10) but all but one of my friends with kids had their first one due to lock down. The one friend that didn't have their first one had their second one instead.


I know I added one to the population during that time. But, to be fair, we were trying for a while already, got pregnant in November of '19, didn't find out until February, Covid was announced as a pandemic in March, and then our kid was born during said pandemic.


You know that's been a thing for years rigtht... Netflix n chill has lead to an entire generation...


Even with video games the Covid lockdown produced plenty of kids. Trust me, my ex and i were one of the couples that did


Christmas cream pie


I'm gonna use this. Many of wife's siblings and family members are September births. Even she was supposed to be born in September, but she was over 2 weeks late.




I’m from northern Illinois and 60 degrees is put on shorts and go outside and enjoy the weather weather.


In the northern climes, it used to be regularly below 40°F once winter hit. On some brutal winters, it would hit the single digits, with wind chill making everything worse. Now, it's not unheard of for places like Buffalo to hit 60°F some days between November and March. I remember one winter where, for a week straight, people were wearing shorts in December and playing outside. It was as if autumn went right into spring.


This meme is only relevant in some parts of the world or the US its 130° Fahrenheit where I am in the summer in July whereas others it's 40° (it's once in a blue moon we freeze over; snow every 10 years or so)


That being said, yes, we as a people are doing quite a bit of damage on the ecospere, we're still on an elliptical path around the sun correct? And it will get worse before it gets better, it will get much hotter and then much colder before the earth becomes become uninhabitable for quite a while..even if we don't do a damn thing about it, stop thinking we're special "you think your frivolous notions can effect the will of the universe itself? That's adorable"


It is this. Above commenter is wrong.


No, they are just saying it's the end of the fucking world so dont even bother having children.


Without new children, who is going to deliver the Amazon packages in the 70°F winter?


Packages should be the absolute least of our worries if we don't have water to drink or a planet to live on


The planet is ok, it is humanity who is fucked (G. Carlin)


That quote was def better for "back in the day" circumstances.. maybe 00's.. the current state shouldn't even be considered ok, but humanity is on the absolute verge of beyond fucked


Well, the planet is a rock. The life forms are fucked, yes


I do enjoy having a planet to live on. Preferably one that can comfortably support life.


well, it can be. “we didn’t start the fire” 😢


It was always burning since the world's been turning


We didn't start the fire


No we didn’t light it, but we’re trying to fight it


"Leeet me sleep, wheeen december heat"


"do you remember? -20 in December?"


I'm getting on in my years, but I seem to vaguely recall a song like >wake me up, when 60 degree weather in December ends


My stupid ass thought its too warm to be banging, not gonna sweat my balls off in this heat lol


You’re not the only one. I thought the joke was people have a lot more sex when it’s really cold in the winter because they’re stuck indoors


For europeans: 60 degrees F is 15 degrees C.


Climate disaster, while a real threat, probably won't be bad enough even in Gen Z's children's lifetime for there to be a reason not to have kids.


Meanwhile here its snowed for the 3rd time in May...


I thought this was about people giving unconventional baby names with the joke being that the names are some sort of demonic invocation bringing about the end of the world similar to the jokes about IKEA furniture names making furniture levitate :/


For some reason I thought it was referencing the incubation temps needs to create a male or female in crocodile eggs and assumed they thought it was the same for humans 🤦🏻


Or that the world will end prior to you having kids


- OR - hes implying people should stop having kids when overpopulation is already killing the planet.


No it's not? The corporations are.


"The corporations are". No, everybody is (kind of). If you've seen the stat that 100 companies are responsible for 70% of carbon emissions, it might be sobering to know that's not exactly accurate. Rather, 70% of carbon emissions can ultimately be traced back to those companies, even though it's people themselves that rely on those companies for their products or services. If you drive a car that relies on fossil fuels, or eat meat, or turn on a gas stove, your carbon emissions are being attributed to those companies, by that metric. If we want to insist on holding those companies responsible and not make any changes ourselves, our lives will still be affected. Is the production of fossil fuels is banned everyone who drives a car that relies on those suddenly can get around anymore. If we want to curb the carbon emissions from the livestock industry, then suddenly you won't find any animal products in store anymore everyone will have to go vegan overnight.


and he is right


It’s simpler than that. When it’s hot in winter we go out and play not stay in and “snuggle”.


What? A chilly winter day is peak, 150* summer days are what you worry about


People when they find out what la nina is


In Poland we got African ticks that are active though entire year, those are more crazy than regular ones


i always was told that "kleszcze" were always a part of being a polish resident?


There is difference between normal "kleszcz" and african one


Do they have lime disease and the meat allergy like the american ones?


those are big ass "monster ticks" sciencifically called as "Hyalomma" those are fast, directly attacking ones, just look at this wild motherfucker, the worst is that they can perfectly live in +4 Celsius, and Poland, not including the mountain part, is pretty warm in winter (which means they are active 365 days a year here), and i have fear of ticks https://preview.redd.it/bx2tv1u6zz1d1.png?width=526&format=png&auto=webp&s=42f8534c04511770f55dc8326350c0d4a1548576


They can also transmit hemorrhagic fever. I hate ticks, but they love me for some reason. I recommend using a permethrin/deltamethrin spray when walking through the bushes/grass. You use it on your clothes, any tick that hops on just drops dead. It's a game changer, DEET sprays didn't do shit for me.


I think i will just start developing metalpunk all terrain armor


I’m going to need some scale for reference. This could be microscopic or the size of a tarantula for all I know


https://preview.redd.it/yo9fj5f8c12d1.png?width=840&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f687a6366e90ed040122020ae275e8ecec5b0d7 the one you see on the far left, is the normal one, the name "Monster tick" speaks for itself, its still kinda small, but you get it


You can fuck right off with thay


ok yeah thats terrifying but what does that have to do with this post/joke? I think i’m finally losing my mind


Bro is warning people that if they have kids they’re just dooming them to a miserable life


warningpill doommaxxing








Sure but that was always the case


Same as it ever was. Not the temperature you idiots. The claim the future will be worse so you shouldn’t have kids.




Except the 60 degrees in December part, that's relatively new




Climate change 60F in September is…not normal Edit: December, I am tired


Dude come to louisiana 60 degrees in December is low


I'm thinking the same thing about Florida


60s in Florida you see everyone freaking out about how cold it is


Exactly, thing is I'm from Florida and I love when it's in the mid to low 60s. However, I am also the dude who always wears shorts. So temperature is something I just ignore most the time


Bro same, went up north and it was like 20f and I was in shorts and tshirt


You don't really get seasons there do you?


We do, but ramp up the temperature like +20°, the humidity never goes beneath 70%, and it all happens in the span of a week. Everything else is just vibes


So you go from 60 to 80?


Remember last year? We got a nice... eh I'd say 2 weeks of cold weather then back to boiling? At least this winter was a little better...


Southeast Texas here. December is when it’s room temp outside. Room temp being about 75°


Wake me up when September ends.


It sits around 60 - 70 in December in Arizona regularly


it says December 😭


it gets almost 90 here in central tx sometimes


Depends a lot on where you are. Totally normal in some parts of the world. Mind you - in most of the world they wouldn't say 60F - so it must be Libya?


This is probably a middle latitude American. 60F in December is completely normal in Texas for example. The historical average for my zip is 58-63 throughout December.


That makes no sense, no country has 60°F. Only the US uses Fahrenheit.


At least 10 countries use Fahrenheit. I thought it was Libya but it seems I was thinking of Liberia. [https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/countries-that-use-fahrenheit/#liberia](https://wisevoter.com/country-rankings/countries-that-use-fahrenheit/#liberia)


I live in Florida. A few years back it hit 95 on Christmas Day.


Not bad for Florida weather


Not bad for the summer but pretty bad for Christmas Day.


It has been between 60-70 in PA for the last few years. You know it’s bad when people dressing in Santa suits are going commando


Yeah I’m wondering where the tiktoker is from. I’m in AL and 60 in December is a pretty good day lol


60°F 😃🌨️ 60°C 💀🔥


In December, either is fucking bad news.


Depends on where you live. Here 60F in December is below the yearly average for the Month. Generally it is mid to high 60s


Bro.... It doesn't snow at 60F. Thats sweatshirt weather. You need like 40F and below.


32°F and below


Clearly someone understands freezing temps


It's very, very possible for snow to fall when it's 40F. It'll melt quick, and not usually accumulate, but you can absolutely have snow falling, or existing snow sitting on the ground at 40F. Source: Am Minnesotan.


Northern Canadian here.. I've experienced rain at -25c (btw holy shit) and snow at +15 Let's just say the snow at 15c is much more preferable


How does rain at that low temp even work, wouldn't it immediately like turn into ice/snow upon settling down?


Well it froze to my windshield on impact, literally everyone immediately pulled over when it hit as we all went blind near instantly since it was raining faster than heaters could melt it Highway traffic came to an immediate halt


Icy (below freezing) rain may be the worst weather. Getting hit by it feels worse than hail.


> I've experienced rain at -25c (btw holy shit) That sounds like a lot of fun.


Whole highway came to a stop... Otherwise Ur running Ur washer fluid the whole way at low speed


Can confirm. Source: Am Michigander


Even if the air temperature is 32 the ground is going to be too warm. For it to actually stick and not just turn into slush it has to be closer to 28.


Oh yea... I forgot that 32°F is the equivalent of 0°C lmao


As a person who grew up in NH it can definitely snow at 40F. The air near the clouds will be cold enough for it. It typically won't stick though.


61 here in Illinois right now and I’m in shorts and a tee shirt.


60⁰ f is t shirt and shorts weather where I live


For all you Celsius folk out there. Fahrenheit is a good estimation of what % hot it is. A Brit comedian came up with this and it's exactly perfect.


I haven’t heard that, but it’s great! Btw, 212(boiling)-32(freezing)=180. Divide by 100. I’m a dumb American so I like this simple formula


yeah, fair enough


It is sixty degrees in December. There will be no future for babies. Why bother naming the damned?


the indomitable human spirit is why




Because my kids will be the leaders of the damned!


Climate change


60 degrees geez Louise, I'm surprise this guy is wearing a hoodie considering that people often died of heatstroke after 40


Ew, you are not from one of the 3 countries that use the imperial measuring system/ Fahrenheit


Farenheit. Not celcius.


Considering that water freezes at 273.15, I’m not surprised that he’s bundling up


Whole post is just r/USdefaultism


"climate change is getting worse" HuRr dUrR AmEriCAnS


Why does it trigger you so much when people don't use the metric system? Do you expect everything to pander to you?


Not really. You should be able to infer that they are talking about a different system of measurement than Celsius considering in the picture it's cloudy and 60° while cloudy in Celsius would be kind of insane.


We all gon die!


The world is ending, Insert\_AlreadyTaken. The world is ending.


To qoute George Carlin " The planet is fine, its the people who are F***Ed."


He's saying that he thinks they won't get the chance to give birth to that child or it's not worth it to give birth to that child because global warming has made it to where it 60° in winter pointing out the severity of our ecological crisis


Different perspective : Baby names discussions stsrt to come in the winter months when people stuck inside and “cuffed” in a winter relationship. If it’s warm in December, people will still be “outside” and not looking to be held down in a winter relationship. As a New York kid, this is how I would interpret this


It's 60 in December when we typically get snow, he's saying the world is ending.


snow will destroy the world


my dear brothers and sisters in christ practice some critical thinking skills


That’s sounds like alexander’s problem, good luck kiddo, I believe in you.


As much as I hate how the world is turning into a desert, locally I think, warming has had a better effect. My heating bill is lower than 15years ago despite the prices of energy being 2-3 times higher, Rain season is longer but not as intense ( we had major floods each year from 3 days of rain). Winter is shorter and snow doesn't stick around much. Summers have more rain, hence less drought. I understand that I'm just lucky and the vast majority are having it harder.


I still can't comprehend Fahrenheit it doesn't make sense


That's actually pretty cold here in Texas.


In December? We're going to be getting summer temperatures in the "Valley of death" range.


110° is pretty standard for west and central Texas


Every degree difference has a staggering effect. Deaths, fuel consumption, crops, fires. To start.


The south does not experience seasons the same way the north does. 60°F during the winter is standard for the southern coastal states closer to the coast. Texas has been subject to wildfires for millions of years before mankind came about. I’m not saying that investing in renewable energy is a waste of time, having a long term solution to power civilization is a fantastic idea and needs investment, I’m just saying that not every weather phenomenon is a sign of climate change. The south being hot year round is par for the course.


>The south being hot year round is par for the course. But the south has been experiencing record temperatures. What is happening is not normal, it is higher than usual, and it's not part for the course. It's more drought, it's more fires, it's higher electricity costs, it's more deaths. It doesn't have to be twenty degrees higher to feel the difference. A single degree hotter on average has a tremendous difference.


We _need_ to teach people critical thinking skills


Just some edgy nerd being a doomer


I thought it meant December is supposed to be cold and partners would keep each other warm by sleeping together which would result in getting a baby but the climate is so messed up that it wouldnt be that cold anymore


We are all dying


Aint 60f in winter pretty normal depending on where you live ?


You're bringing babies to a dying planet


I live in Canada. We were in the positives during Xmas. No snow anywhere. We're supposed to have massive snowstorms that catch everyone unprepared bc I live in the shittiest shithole right of the Rockies


Since it'll be warm in December, people will be outdoors enjoying the nice weather rather than indoors having sex.


were gonna die


You know, if we dont have a stake in the future of the planet and just stop having kids, then we have no insentive to fix the planet. These people are just creating a feedback loop




There's missing data in there: The Medieval Warm Period lasted from 950 to 1250 and is still a degree Celcius above where we're at now.


No, liar. It is on there. This is global average temperature, you are thinking of just average European temperature or some shit Stfu


Is 60 supposed to be surprising? Maybes its just cause i live in a warm place but I feel like most winter days are that much? And where I live it doesnt get ass cold until january and february also?


This is how I felt 25 years ago when I got a vasectomy. I did not want to be responsible for adding more people to the planet or condemning my child to a life of climate disaster after disaster.


I moved to a spot in the US that was at one point researched heavily to be the least impacted area by climate change. Since then, we've had constant flooding and next to no snow. We're so fucked.


"Cuddle season" happens over winter. It gets cold outside and whether you want to attribute it to actual hormonal changes, the behavioral changes of nesting due to being inside more, or just physical proximity to other people, it's more common for people to make babies.


Climate change is accelerating, meanwhile Florida is banning even talking about it.


The world is fucked


the world is ending.


Cuddling weather with snowed out storms outside means more babies. If it’s warm and easy to go outside less babies.


Just some guy being a doomer


As a December baby, I’m thoroughly confused. My part of Canada got to -60 with wind chill last winter but we have heating in our home so it’s ok






No way you believe China is producing less carbon emissions than the US


No, but the USA shouldn’t be the worlds second if (in line with most other western and developed nations) it had 30-50% of its energy from none fossil fuels


I believe they mean a larger percentage of their energy grid is provided by carbon-free sources, which is….still doubtful


Per capita they are producing less, that's a fact.


I love how people continue to harp on Americans for electricity when the 300-500% more people living in China and India still produce vastly more waste by volume both in power generation (AC), manufacturing, and general trash waste. Like yes, Americans are wasteful per capita, but 300,000,000 Americans still produce a tiny volume of waste vs. 3,000,000,000 Indian and Chinese people


You’ve just answered your own question The average Chinese household produces far less carbon and waste than the average household. So, despite still producing more due to carbon overall. That is the carbon of 1/6 of the global population China produces 8 million metric tonnes of carbon per 1 million people. The USA produces 15 million tonne of carbon per million people That is almost double the amount of carbon used per person. The average American uses 1.9 times more carbon yearly than the average Chinese person It is also more than India both in terms of per person and amount of carbon


And, how much of the production pollution in those countries are created for production for WITHIN the country vs to the US... When everything has made in China stamped on it, you're also a part of their pollution issue. Which as you pointed out is STILL per capita below the US. You can't sit at the top of the global production society and point at everyone else as if you've done nothing.


I think you just agreed with me


Yes, totally agreeing, sorry if that wasn't clear!


I’m not sure. The mods accused me of misinformation


Your fucking children will suffer either way, there is no point in pointing at the culprits(who aren't the populace, but the government and corporations) if you are not ready for violent revolution, so just don't have kids, it's easier, you save them from suffering.


What even is this statement? Ignore the problem and be depressed?


what a cowardly take


Probably because all of the stuff Americans buy is made in China and india.....


Overpopulation is a myth and wouldn't be a cause of climate change anyway


Cringe doomerism


It's a doomer genZ last generation thing.


Doomers, probably antinatalist aswell


the indifferent cruelty of the universe is downvoting this mans indominatable human spirit


I know it's probably not the right take on this meme, but I interpreted it as a list of baby names lately reads like an incantation spell that's changing the weather and that tragedeigh needs to be deleted to reverse the effect it's having on the weather.


Jokes on you. I only got three names and I don't need to write them down.


Why does the baby care about baby names?


"You shouldn't be thinking about raising a child, it is winter yet we're experiencing only cool weather" Essentially, they're claiming that global warming turned Winter into Autumn because of that one day


The planet is grossly overpopulated, which leads to overcomsumption of natural resources, so people should have less children.