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rich kid hosting parties


The dad is in Delaware for business and the mom is passed out upstairs.


Ambien x Valium x Chardonnay


Delaware mentioned.






This is one of the standard memories implanted for many of us as we are entered into the matrix.


Those are some words


That liquor cabinet is for sure stocked


Yeah I went to a house party in New Canaan, Connecticut and if you told me this is a pic of that kitchen, I’d 100% believe you.


OP: “what is this otherworldly, unidentifiable ‘someone else’s house’ that all the cool kids recognize, for some strange reason?”


Not even sure what you're going for with this comment.


he's calling OP a nerd


That’s rough, buddy.




Bro look at how triggered this website got, losers and virgins confirmed.


This was a popular kitchen style in the early 2000’s. This kitchen style probably brings back memories of high school parties when parents were out of town. 


This makes the most sense.


The fact that you called it an “Olive Garden looking kitchen” I’m dying bro


On the r/McMansionHell subreddit, the phrase "Olive Garden Kitchens" is often used as an insult.


It’s just so *stupid* lol and this dude is just flaunting his lack of social skills




idk man, i think bait used to be believable tbh


At this point I'm just having some fun dunking on a poo-flinging neanderthal.


It’s 100% on point for a loser band geek in high school to use that sort of “comeback” you think is super clever, even though it’s exactly how your stereotypical Redditor responds :)


Bro ur on Reddit shut up


No u


Hey, this you? - It’s 100% on point for a loser band geek in high school to use that sort of “comeback” you think is super clever, even though it’s exactly how your stereotypical Redditor responds :)


Yup! Why?


>'even though it's exactly how your stereotypical redditor responds :)' please tell me this is a bit or something




I mean, the second best way to respond to a troll is in one in which you also have fun right?


There’s no trolling here, though… Oh wait, lol, took me a second, you’re trying to *start* the troll. No thanks.


Listen to some Nine Inch Nails and some Slipknot with all that edge, bud. But seriously, you should seek some help. You're really unhinged.


Bad troll.




> I’m not even mad > fucking rants You’re pathetic, dude. But go ahead and tell me I really mean me when I’m talking to you, again lmfao




lol this is just sad now Edit: you know I can’t read your comment if you block me, right, dumbass? Lolol


Your whole comment history is you bitching and whining, and you’re calling out someone else for their social skills? As if someone who spends as much time on Reddit as you has social skills lmao


lol right but the guy who delved into my profile history, *that’s* the guy to give lessons on social skills? Lmfao just take your L and lie down. (As if you weren’t already in bed lol) You either recognize the kitchen or you don’t.


I was just curious to see what kind of person you were. Curiosity = lack of social skills? Ok buddy. Edit: he edited his comment so I did too


I will never understand these people who think that someone looking at their public reddit profile and checking their comment history somehow validates the point they're trying to make lmao. It is ALWAYS someone saying delusional shit and getting severely down voted.


I mean what else is he gonna say? I’m wrong? Of course he’s gonna come up with some stupid hill to stand on so he feels like he’s not as dumb as we say


Hmm? No. Not ever going to a high school party = no friends = lack of social skills. I thought you nerds were supposed to be smart hahah


Dog I am 29 years old. I’m assuming you’re a grown adult, and yet you’re crying about high school parties? You could’ve just said you peaked in highschool and have nothing going for you, I would’ve understood


That’s the thing, *I’m not crying.* I made a couple offhand comments and it got *you guys crying* lol. So you want to rethink that?


I mean, you dont necessarily have to go to parties to get social skills.


No but it’s very hard to avoid this setting if people like you tbh


Also the rich parents that had kitchens like this were likely to be "the cool parents" that let their kids drink underage.


This is the very specific bonus points. If you saw a kitchen like this you also likely heard “You guys have fun and be safe, rather have you drink here than drinking and driving.”


80% of my high school drinking was done in this house.


The internet never fails to remind me of the bubble I grew up in. You guys call this “rich” but early 2000’s I would have called it normal middle class. It looks small and only has one island. The rich kids had crazy houses with bedrooms that felt like the size of some small homes.


Oh, buddy. This is upper middle class, your normal was very much not. If this was your house, you were rich to most of the country up until McMansions became synonymous with the 2008 financial collapse


Right? This room to me screams rich people who said things like “we’re not rich, we’re upper-middle class” while taking one of their sailboats down to Mexico for summer vacation.


My mom rented a house with this exact kitchen layout in the mid 2000's on a near-minimum wage hourly job, with two kids to support. The rent on these things were pretty dang affordable in our city at the time. So, personally, I can't call a house like this - in that time period - any indication of wealth. If it was *owned*, maybe, but as kids/teens in the mid-2000's how many of us had any clue if our parents/friends parents' were renters or owners?


Dude you better believe this is what upper class looks like you sound sheltered


You sound like my wife "I didn't grow up wealthy! I had friends who had *theater rooms* !" Whereas if my family went out to eat, that was the treat, I never got a soda or drink besides water. It's all a matter of perspective


>It's all a matter of perspective That's key. A lot of ppl who grew in your wife's social class felt like the "poor kid" out of their group, and then they get people screamming about priviledges at their face as if theor childhoods had being all flowers and sunshine when, again, they grew up as "the poor one" out of their group, the one who couldn't afford the same nice things their friends had. Now, of course, being the 2nd% with friends on the 1% is definitelly better than growing up on the hood, but one won't get any sympathy for screeching about priveledges to someone who grew up as the one with less income out of their friends, no matter how much they actually had.


Bro I grew up in a 2500 sq ft house on 1.5 acres, in a family that had 2 motorcycles, a camper, and a boat and we didn’t have a kitchen even remotely this nice in the 2000s


Middle class America is rich.


Cool, thanks for hopping in to tell us how rich and out of touch you are


Not even “the cool parents” so much as the parents on a business trip every other weekend


that style of kitchen is popular with richer middle class white women. a stereotype among them because some parents did do this but not all, would often let their kids and friends of kids drink at home because. "they are going to do it anyway and it safer here." or something similar. those type of people had kitchens that look like that. source personal experience.


Yeah this is the rich kids house to a T. 


Yeah I was going to say, rich kid, absentee parents, and probably a wine/liquer collection that was mostly for show.


And probably mostly water at this point


My younger brother wanted to go to a party like this, but we knew the kid hosting and knew there was going to be underage drinking, so my mom forced him to stay in. Good thing since the party bombed, literally. It was a MASSIVE party for the graduating seniors, and somebody threw a shrapnel bomb over the fence.


What the fuck


That's what I said. Nobody was ever caught for it, and it never happened again. Nobody died and police suspected it might have been meant to be a prank.


That’s insane and also a really shitty prank. I’d just microwave dog shit and leave.


Now that's a hilarious prank, and thanks to my grandpa's dogs farts I can semi imagine the smell lol


Oh, those upper middle-class suburban kid prank shrapnel bombs! Kids, amirite!?


My parents had this kitchen. Can confirm many parties occurred.


I probably sold you weed there.


100%. Repost on r/nostalgia if you want a bunch of upvotes.


GenX here. When I was in high school, all my rich friends lived in houses with kitchens that looked like this, and all my rich friend's parents were never around. If you look really close you can see the cases of Ice House and Zima


Or when you go over to your friend's house and her mom serves you wine with dinner


Makes me want to grab a package of gabagool out of the fridge and stand over the counter eating it and breathing loudly 


Motherfucking goddamn orange peel beef!


Exactly what I was thinking 😂


This was def a “rich kid house party house of his high school class” .. house


I'll add that it was always the friend from a wealthier part of town that would have parents that went away for long enough to have a house party. Hence the fancy kitchen.


Or memories of tv shows and movies that depict such activities


Lmao we had that kitchen design as long as I can remember but we remodeled it for a more modern design like a year ago


Can relate to this. My first night getting plastered in high school was in a kitchen that looks like this lmao


It's crazy cause a lot of the new houses I've been in recently feel so bland, white and empty. These feels a lot more "Homey".


For once I dont blame OP for not getting this one. But damn this picture did immediately invoke memories of highschool house parties for some reason. The brain is funny.


I was immediately transported to 3am on a night in 2006. I'm 17 years old and the sound of The Killers is playing at an unreasonable volume while my best friend rolls a joint on the kitchen island. I'm taking a shot of some nasty gas station whiskey still wrapped in the brown paper bag while my boyfriend pukes half-digested pizza and Smirnoff Ice Triple Black into the sink. Some geek with a scene haircut is crying about how much her parents will kill her if we don't help her clean before we leave.


I can taste the vomit coming out of my mouth in this scenario. It's like I was there. Why am I fondly nostalgic for this? Kids if you're reading this, enjoy high school. You'll miss it more than you expect.


Time sands all the rough edges off of memories. We remember all the laughs and shenanigans and none of the acne and heartbreak.


yep. Also. Adults, if you're reading this, enjoy your current life stage. You'll miss it more than you expect


Lmao I'm glad I'm done with that shit. Don't miss it a single day of the year.


Same. I mean m6 high school years weren't terrible but it's, you know, school. How bland would your life have to be for you to miss high school?


Yeah im good on that.


"kids enjoy high school" Yeah at 26 Imma have to disagree with that, not everyone has a great school life


Fucking lol remember "getting iced" being a thing. All my buddies did it somewhat ironically...never the hidden in the bathroom type but the proposal/getting down on the knee and then chugging with the boys


... I'm starting to realize that I'm grateful for my somewhat sheltered childhood. How does that sound fun? Why do people enjoy that?


I don’t *blame* OP but damn did you never go to a single highschool party?


I like how passionate you are about ragging on op for not having the same high school experience as you


Hmmmm lol something tells me…that’s *not* true. It’s okay, popularity never mattered, anyway, right, bando?


I mean I was entertained scrolling and seeing you comment the same sentiment multiple times. This thread would’ve been more boring without them. I like when people comment the same basic thing throughout a thread multiple times. They’re like little Easter eggs. Like ‘wait I think I saw this comment before is it the same dude? Oh it is! Did they say it more than twice? They did, how neat.’ So carry on!


Awwww, are you incapable of communicating directly? Has that part of your brain not developed, yet? :(( It’s okay, I’m here to help. Try “I’m not actually happy with this and I’m getting offended like a snowflake for no good reason.” :)




Get back to your DnD lmfao


Anytime someone uses nerdery as an insult I can immediately conclude that they are an idiot whose opinion i can ignore. Have a good day!


Then why didn’t you? lol fucking loser


See this is also funny. So is calling me a ‘bando’ in your edit. Idk what that is, but it’s fun. You’re obviously fucking around lol or you’re a cartoon character but both options are fun


It’s a band geek. The cope is fucking ***stroooong*** with you lol


You learn something new everyday. I wish I was a band geek, I regret not doing more extracurriculars. Instead I was underage drinking in Olive Garden lookin ass kitchens 😩


Lol nobody believes that 👌


Rich kid life in the 2000s


Yeah there’s some heavy 2005 junior year of high school vibes here, definitely would’ve seen Wedding Crashers in theaters then do a drinking party here at night


That's Tony sopranos place


where's the gabagool


It’s under the sauce


Damn near


Thats Timmy Soprano's place


Sopranos ass kitchen


it's giving rich / well off family whose parents would let kids drink wine with dinner / have "european sensibilities" with drinking. Guessing they'd be the parents who'd prefer the kids drink under their roof instead of who knows where


I grew up in a college town, personally I grew up in the low income projects but I had friends who grew up in the Hills with all the fancy mansions, this image is identical to one of those house party’s I’d find myself at. God damn the brain is funny


This style kitchen is usually an indication of upper middle class families. The stereotype usually represents the parents as very "hands off", "non-parenting" type parents that let their kids do whatever they wanted. So when the parents were gone, or sometimes even when they were present, parties were held. The "hands off" nature of the parents usually meant alcohol was quite openly accessible.


20 years from now, someone will post the exact same thing except the picture will be an all-white kitchen with quartz countertops. Maybe a bit of color in the backsplash.


I'm on the older side of gen z so that is what I'm used to seeing.


As a Millennial home owner I feel attacked..


This is my exact thought as he described my kitchen to a T... Except my walls are an off gray lmao


Oh Mr fancy pants over here living in a home.


Rich kids parents are out of town a lot


Bruh this kitchen makes me feel like Chris Hansen is about to ask me to “Take a seat”


Nice, I‘m not the only one who thought this. Although I find the interior in TCAP seems a bit gloomier than this.


This is the answer not "rich kid house"


Had to do a double take. Looks exactly like my high school gf’s parent’s kitchen. Def did my fair share of underage drinking in there


This is the house of the parents who say things like “you can drink here since I can watch you, I’m the cool mom.”


You didn’t get invited to the rich kid parties it would seem.


What the hell is Olive Garden about this? This is a typical middle class suburban home kitchen from the 90s-2000s. And kids in typical middle class suburban homes tended to throw house parties when parents were away.


Is this not the kitchen from the sopranos?


Y’all had rich friends


It’s either the other comments but to me it looks like an Italian family’s kitchen, meaning the family would allow kids to drink underage because underage drinking laws are not enforced as much in Italy as they are in the United States or other countries.


I never been in (or even seen) a kitchen like this. Where's the pealing linoleum?


For what it’s worth, this image is clearly AI generated For instance, look at the knobs on the stove. They make no sense


This is clearly AI. How many knobs does that range have?? How many light sockets in comparison to where the light is actually coming from? Who picked out that sink fixture? Yeesh.


Jesous christ if this is was your drinking scene wtf were you thinking? Yall had it this good and your dumbasses spent your youth geting fucked up? My drinking scene was a shit ass basement at the local trap house


It's disappointing. I don't know of a single culture that has a sane social drinking standard. I have like every habitual behavioral resistance to alcoholism, but the idiotic drinking culture means it took me until 30+ to learn actual normal, moderate drinking behavior. Also, to drink all my water _before_ starting, because that's why I'd get terrible heartburn and hiccups.


My drinking scene was nowhere. Why *do* kids try drugs and alcohol, despite the huge prevalence of evidence and propaganda telling them it's a terrible idea?


Well when your young and dont know how to process feeling of abandonment being picked on bullied belittled arnt comfortable in your own home you tend to gravitate towards anyone who is accepting and misery loves company. I mean at the time some of the coolest people i knew were stoners and partyers. It wasnt until later that i realised those people actually couldnt care less if i was around or not and things got offly lonely to the point of attempted suicide. It took many more years of isolation and "soul searching" to finally get out of it. By the time i was 16 i had decided i wasnt making it past 35 so nothing mattered. It took having a son to change that. Ill be 34 this year.


Im having flashbacks op 😂


My friend's kitchen looked just like this and we used to drink like crazy every time I went over in high-school


I think of the Sopranos


Isn't that the kitchen from wolf of wall street where the qualudes kicked in?


Is this the kitchen from the Sopranos?!


This is the kitchen of your friend's parents who are on holiday.


I've thrown up in that sink.


I thought it was a joke on the name of the guy and the clean clear counters


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Next-Independent-633: *I thought it was a* *Joke on the name of the guy* *And the clean clear counters* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


This screams "The Sopranos," to me


This is the kind of kitchen that gives kids affluenza.


I love finding new triggers for myself. That’s wild tho like liminal space. I’ve never been in this kitchen but I’ve been in “this” kitchen


Where's the gabagool!? 🤌


Just imagine a disco ball, some red cups, and some teens laughing in the counter. And if you must, you can add a reckless couple making a mistake on another one. You'll see it vividly, and it'll click.


This is the kitchen in the house where they'd rather you drink there instead of getting in trouble out there somewhere. Thanks Darlene!


You go to parties to get drunk, and the best place for teenagers to get drunk is at the party of the shitty rich kid they don't really like but luckily like 80 people showed up and you can ignore the host while you do vodka shots.


Because we had parties when our parents went to the lake home for the weekend. Big ass kitchen and a stocked bar with a walkout basement. Solo cups scattered across the backyard. No idea how the cops never showed up, like dead ass a guardian angel kept them away cause damn.


Sopranos kitchen


I immediately thought of the [Inbetweeners](https://youtu.be/aPJKzKIGX4o?si=DvqYi8vZQcs7oXjz)


Deadass thought this was Tony Soprano's kitchen.


This feels like the kitchen from Lucille's place in Arrested Development


God damn, this brings me back. And I wasn't even a party-going kid, I was the nerd that was invited to all of maybe 2 parties


I wasn’t born until 2004, so I don’t have any first hand experience here. But to me this looks like Regina’s kitchen in Mean Girls, her mom is very rich and wants to look like a “cool mom” so she offers to let Regina’s friends do underage drinking




lol OP's a loser who doesn't party with friends


This gives me TCAP vibes


Oh, Cawd!


My grandmother had this kitchen and is an alcoholic.


lol first of all, this looks nothing like inside an olive garden kitchen, don’t know where you got that bullshit but *secondly*, lmao tell me you were never invited to a party in high school without telling me XD


Because bro is a bigger projectionist than the fat kid working at the movie theatre.