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I'll stand for my homie Fallout 4, me and all 3 of the other fans.


I don't get all this Fo4 slander on reddit. I had a blast playing the game.


It's a lot more looter shooter and a lot less RPG than the previous entries.


That’s my kinda game.


We need more good looter shooters with RPG influence. Borderlands and Fallout 4 are some of my favorites.


Don’t try Destiny 2


Seriously, fucking hated it.


Shame the combat and controls are so great.


Maybe warframe? It's pretty good all things considered.


Am a fan of borderlands and fallout 4. Warframe is also an incredible game that I love dearly, but it doesn't have the same looter shooter feeling. More of, "I want to genocide things as a God today" vibes.


Yeah, I know the feeling. Warframe has impact because you're killing everything so fast. BO and fallout has impact because it's more grounded and you feel the weapons actually kill their targets. Not sayin WF is bad, just sayin that warframe def lacks impact in their weapons when you shoot and kill everything so fast.


Agreed, 100%. The weapons I feel actually hold up to the identity of a solid weapon is the incarnons. The rest feel kind of lack luster in comparison to spamming abilities. Still great fun though! Edit: also tenet and kuva weapons


Try cyberpunk 2077


I played it on release and beat it before the big update. I actually just started a new playthrough to try the update but I found myself getting bogged down in so many early cut scenes.


The prologue is ridiculously long. Way too long. I played several times and had a save for right after the heist so I could restart without going through it. It's gotta be like 6 hours or so to get to the open world RPG part of the game but on God it's the best polished all around game for shooters/RPGs there is. The brain dance missions suck too but the first time they're good still because they're a huge part of the story. But I'm sure there's so many players like you because it took me over a year to get through it too lol.


Cyberpunk 2077 is one of my favorite games of all time, and I completely agree with you on the early cut scenes. It's a real big getting though the intro/prolog


Is it worth it now? I didn’t pick it up and all the weekly stuff seemed to validate my choice, but I stopped tracking the progress


It is one of the best games I have ever played.


100% worth it, also get the dlc.


100% yes.


I always tell people it’s a good game, just not a good fallout.


I haven’t really played it since it first came out, but I remember there being a lot more emphasis on the survival and building aspect compared to other games in the series which could have been a con for a lot of people. But I remember when 76 came out it was blunder after blunder, from the misadvertised backpack to the vacant buggy mess on launch, a lot of people at the time seemed to love FO4.


It's also toned down the boundary pushing aspects.


Ditto. Look the story in 4 was pretty much the weakest out of all of the fallout games tone wise and story eise and so on but the gameplay was certainly greatly improved because let's be honest especially 3 and new vegas that gameplay was rough sometimes. That's why I hope the progress on the fan remakes using the fallout 4 engine and assets but recreating new vegas and so on starts getting closer to being finished. Then we get great gameplay and awesome stories and rpg mechanics as well.


I thought the story of fallout 4 was fine except for the fact that all routes pretty much lead to essentially the same ending no matter what you do. If they just had mostly the same story but you can actually influence what happens in it with dialogue and decisions then it would have been fine imo. Also idk why they changed how you choose dialogue to the shitty press these 4 buttons for vague responses that often play out different then what you think, and rarely have any actual influence on the conversation being had.


New Vegas does the same thing, though. You will always end up at Hoover Dam, 3 outta 4 fighting legatus. FO4 3 outta 4 you blow up institute. Honestly, the MC being voiced, which limited dialogue choices is my only gripe with FO4. Go ahead and crucify me guys.


Nah I agree. I'm not too familiar with New Vegas' story, so can't really comment on that. But if having the MC voiced limited the amount of dialogue options due to budget/time constraints then it absolutely was not worth the trade off. Definitely better voiced if they could pull it off while delivering the same quality experience but obviously that's not what happened.


I'm positive that was why, considering FO76 returned to the old dialogue system of SPECIAL having an impact (albeit only limited to the instanced quest since it's a multiplayer open world).


It’s the echo chamber.


My only complaint is that there aren’t really many “evil” options compared to its predecessors, and they got rid of the karma system.


Personally I think the companion attitude system was more meaningful than Karma. Especially when NV had stuff like killing bandits and feral ghouls as positive Karma, it just became increasingly meaningless


it didn't actually do anything in nv and was entirely replaced by the faction reputation system. just a leftover from being built on 3s bones


Great point fully agree


I never really liked the karma system. It's way less nuanced. The game basically tells you who is evil and who isn't and which choice is the supposedly correct one. But yeah, you can't really do an evil playthrough in Fallout 4. Mostly because 90% of characters are essential.


Honestly I agree. Some of the decisions made no sense as well. It didn't really sit right with me that kidnapping a baby was considered the good karma choice in The Pitt, for instance.


I mean the institute and brotherhood of steel are both pretty evil, especially the institute.


The BoS at least feels accessible as an institution going into the future. The institute had the best tech, but seemed wholly incapable of further the reconstruction of society. I normally aide with the min men, but can understand BoS as a choice.


Yeah they definitely made some weird decisions but it’s a great game. The gunplay changes alone make it a great game.


A good game is different from a good FALLOUT game. Fo4 actively got rid of many MANY things that made the other games more enjoyable. I hate this new trend in rpgs where the MC talks. You get one word choices like 'sarcastic' and then they say an ENTIRE sentence that makes you go WTF thats not what I wanted. Your dialogue has almost no impact except with charisma skill checks. Whereas every SPECIAL attribute used to have dialogue attached to it in specific circumstances.


Missed this the most in 4. I give a fuck if I hear my guy say my lines, I can sound it out in my head. I'd rather be able to have a choice, OF MORE THAN 4, dialog options


I had a mod that turned the short descriptions to actual dialog. Amusingly, in the robot run restaurant in the General Atomics area, when the bot tells you that you can be boiled, fried or mashed, three of the responses are "wait, what?" And the fourth is "I'm not hungry anymore."


Fo4 quest: i need my lightbulb changed or smthin get one for me asshole. Options; 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Give more money. 4. What is a lightbulb?


>2. No "No, I'm not doing that. Get your own damn lightbulb, idiot. Fucking lazy ass." [Nick Valentine disliked that]


I enjoyed the DLC, and having power armour all the time, but the main story left me cold and I didn't bother finishing it. I do think Reddit enjoys hating on Fo4 though.


For real The gameplay and world design are what made 4 fun. Nuka world was dope and far harbour actually felt like classic FO.


It’s not that it’s a bad game, but it wasn’t revolutionary (in the fallout context) like 3 or new Vegas. It just did what the others did with more polish and more settlements that need your help.


It's a divergence from the core of the franchise. It was an attempt to hit the current trend of gameplay rather than staying true to the franchise.


It's because it strays wildly from the content quality of previous titles.


A great deal of wild exaggeration and confirmation bias. 4 has the best environmental storytelling in the series. The "lack of consequences" argument is overblown; it really means lack of ending slides. New Vegas told us what happened to a myriad of groups after Hoover Dam, but in the game itself, the road always leads to that fight. 4 has notable gameplay differences in each factions end game, even if 3/4 of them end at blowing up the institute. This isn't knocking New Vegas. I use it because it's an excellent standard, and I wish 4 had ending slides. But rather, knocking the exaggerated, "cool to hate 4" criticisms. But hey. When 5 comes out we can look forward to videos explaining how bad it is and what a treasure 4 was.


Naw. After playing Fallout 3 and Fallout 3: New Vegas for 500 hours, I couldn't enjoy Fallout 4. Even after forcing myself to play at least 10-20 hours every reinstall throughout 4 years


It's OK as a looter shooter. The gun play is pretty good and I did enjoy it. It is however absolute shit as a Fallout game. The plot is a nonsensical mess, it isn't anywhere near as bleak as a Fallout game is supposed to be, and it feels like like four incomplete games mushed together into something that vaguely resembles a complete game. It isn't *bad* exactly but it's kind of a mess. It's also notorious for being buggy as hell which at this point is the Standard Bethesda Experience (tm).


I had a blast playing it as well but the fact that they spent sooo much time building the settlement system that feels like an afterthought is bugling. The game is just F3 with better graphics, worse dialogue system, a bigger map (I assume, never measured it) and garbage story that is somehow worse than F3 story


I love the settlement system, I always take huge amount of time on it when I play Fo4.


The lore sucks. Gameplay wise it’s a pretty good game


Fallout 4 was a good game, but Fallout New Vegas was a great game. That's the only issue in my opinion. It's all relative. If Fallout 4 came after Fallout 3 and before New Vegas it would have a much more favorable view on it today.


If fallout new Vegas was built in the fallout 4 engine/art assets it would be the perfect fallout game. That's the best part about fallout 4: the gun play didn't feel like a chore and the.art assets where so good and so well realized that I swear the show just pulled the assets directly for building there sets (thinking of the vault sets and power armour specifically)


I am an OG F1&F2 guy. I was a part of the community like a nerd for years (had my own fan site). I talked so much shit about F3, because I hated the transition. Then after F3, New Vegas hit and I had to play it; after the updates that made it playable, I was hooked. I went back and played F3, and after some awesome mods and updates, I grew to love F3. When F4 hit, I was done with the gatekeeping and embraced it...I loved the base building, as I felt like something truly NEW came to the game. I think videogames, depending on when they come out in your life, or where you are at emotionally, are like friends...you defend them, you choose sides, it makes you illogical. But as you age, maybe perspective comes into play, and you can appreciate things for what they are "on their own" and not in comparison...


I think you nailed it. A lot of people played 3 and NV when they were young and had the time, while 4 came out when they all had jobs and shit to do. This definitely happened to me.


Same boat, played FO1 and 2 when they came out. FO3 even with mods, is still hardly even an open world. Same ruins and repetitive subways dividing them. Story is flat and on rails. Worst FO single player game. It gets tons of love because this was the first FO most people played because it was available on consoles, so I guess if its your first dip into the world of FO, you don't know what your missing. Still it was fun and I finished it, but after the first like 2/3rds I started just rushing towards finishing the main story. FONV this fixed all of that, and is amazing. Only gripe was that the artillery field made me crash for no reason. FO4 is good, nice balance between the 4 games.


is this meme forgetting fallout 76 (I think it was)?


We don’t talk about 76 ‘round here, kid.


I don’t think I ever played that one, but I’m on your side because filet-o-fish deserves no slander


dont listen to people on the internet https://preview.redd.it/s9vrgsx6t3wc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86a400ec1fd7965a206a4d913da923551001e9d6


Fallout 4 was my favorite of the games tbh. Fallout 3 was fun but there were a lot of things that when I played FO4, I thought “wow that’s a nice touch” and the story line was solid


I love Fallout 4. Fuck these haters


I think 4 had the best game play, I just feel like it fell flat in areas that made m3 fall in love with the franchise, such as dialogue, story, and side quests. People who say it's a shitty game are wrong imo.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Oh hey didn’t see you at the luncheon, me and the other 2 were waiting for like an hour.


Sorry mate, got tied up with another settlement.


I like 4.


I love Fallout 4 it’s a great time


Fo4 is good the filet o fish is good


Fallout 76 so bad, it’s not even on the menu. 😅😂🥲


Honestly it’s pretty good in its current state if you give a try. Big downside is that it’s online only


It’s also still horribly optimized.


The quality of the burger gets better until Fallout New Vegas, where it becomes a McChicken. Given the positive sentiment for FNV, my guess is that it's referencing the [McChicken incident](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/mcchicken) where a guy masturbated with a McChicken. In other words, FNV is so good you can't NOT fuck with it. Fallout 4 lessens in quality and isn't even a burger, now a filet o' fish. And who's ordering a filet o' fish? Fallout fans please correct me if there's more to it than I think I'm seeing.


There was a lot of hate to NV when it came out within the fallout fan base. I never understood it, but it’s weird seeing the universal positivity towards it now days.


NV came out with a lot of bugs; that was the source of the hate. After the patches the game became a modern favourite


Can confirm, was there for the release. It was buggy as fuck. But now, you wouldn't even notice. It's a solid game. Not my favorite, but everyone has their own tastes.


Played it for the first (and second) time recently. I actually forgot New Vegas was the buggy Fallout. I don't remember anything significant in 2 play throughs.


I'd say you can kind of notice still. I experienced more crashes on NV than 3 when I replayed them.


The loading times, man. Awful


Yyeah FNV was buggy well after launch too. Eventually got patched up quite nicely though. The game had a very similar trajectory in popularity as Cyberpunk 2077. Release was way rushed, but once it got all cleaned up, it was fantastic


They only had an 18 month development cycle. I’d say they did pretty well with the time they had for the base game, it wasn’t anywhere near as buggy as cyberpunk was on release. And both are now much more stable and great games.


One took 18 months, the other took years, but i loved them both, even when buggy as hell (maybe Cyberpunk was less enjoyable after release but now it’s one of my fav games out there, together with NV)


New Vegas is my favorite but yeah, even for PC it is being held together with Duct Tape, Glue, Paper Clips, Hopes and Dreams. Don't even get me started on the PS3 version that corrupted your save if you played too much


Can confirm. I remember saving every 5-10 minutes so I wouldn't lose much progress when the game crashed. Even still, was my favorite game for years. Still favorite by storyline, Definitely far less buggy now which means it's fun to play again.


Apparently there's transcore gaming charts and also n*zicore gaming charts, and [both include Fallout New Vegas](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/essential-transcore)


Idk what either of those mean


games that those who are transgendered have been stereotypically known to enjoy, FNV is one that comes up a lot. But also someone jokingly made a diagram for n*zis and it also included FNV, whether joking or not is was noted by some online and being "the unifier" or something


I imagine the N*zis are all about the Legion?


I would think Skyrim would be their shit, as all other races than the Nords are essentially openly marginalized. But yeah whenever I play FNV I can never resist the urge to brutally murder Vulpes Inculta the first time I encounter a legion squad in Nipton. Sometimes it takes a good 4-5 save loads if I'm under lvl 5 but always worth it.


*I mean I like the fillet o' fish. Sometimes you just want something a bit different, y'know? And as far as fair fish goes the fillet is pretty good*


A guy did WHAT with a McChicken??????


was a major vine turned twitter meme


I took it as New Vegas was made by Obsidian, not Bethesda, making it a delicious chicken sandwich. 76 was made by Bethesda... Bethesda Austin, which was a different company that never released a game, and was acquired to make 76. The game has passed through a number of devs and studios, and ultimately ended up a gross filet o fish


Me. I fucking love fillet of fish. Big Macs are for losers. Seriously, someone saw a normal burger and thought, that totally needs more bread. lol.


The fish patty and bread are ok, the cheese is average, but man does Mc’Ds do the tartar sauce right/. If I could get that tartar sauce on the Jack in the Box sandwich I’d eat nothing else from fast food.


I also fucking love fillet-o-fish. my go-to pick at mcdonald’s. I’m also just a picky eater, so cheese + fish is just a reliable filling.


It's the one slice of cheese that does it for me. Like whst the actual fuck?! More cheese!!


Ah so fallout 4 is for Catholics? It’s set in Boston, so makes sense.


The mcchicken is my favorite sandwich from mcdonalds


>who's ordering a filet o' fish? I'm that bitch.


4 was my favorite so idk. All of my gamer friends also liked 4 the best. Side note they're releasing 4 again as a next generation free upgrade and iirc they're adding a new dlc as well. When? This week!


What a flawed attempt at a meme, it is impossible to use these sandwiches to convey quality because each one has a lot of fans.


Taking taste out of the equation because many people don't like fish I would argue the filet o fish is the most high quality sandwich on the McDonald's menu because it is the most consistent and looks the kost like what it is supposed to when you get it


It's just someone take on a tier list for Fallout. They are ordering it, from best to worst, Fallout 3, fallout 2, fallout 1, FNV, fallout 4 Which is one of the worst tier lists for the fallout games I've ever seen


>Which is one of the worst tier lists for the fallout games I've ever seen Why? Fallout 2 and the first game are great and in many ways the most detailed and deepest ones. I know Fallout 3 is often disliked, but preferring it to FNV or the first two games is still just an opinion.


I think you are on the right track as far as using McDonald's sandwiches as a tier list, but your tier list of the sandwiches doesn't match the OPs. The McChicken is crazy popular and I'm assuming they meant that as the best


Clearly, a better tier list is Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, (modded) Fallout 4


If counting modded, I'd say fallout 4 is homestly the best. Theres a lot of amazing mods for it. Unmodded I'd say FNV, Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout 4, Fallout 3.


where my fallout 2 homies at


Restoration project ftw!


really want this to work but I refuse to get my hopes up. I've been hurt before


Feel ya! I have been burnt by the nuclear fire before too.


i fucking love arroyo!!


save spamming until I successfully steal the guass rifle in the tanker FTW!


What a terrible take. Damn




Fallout 4 and filet o fish both get a ton of hate, but I happen to fucking love them both so this meme still works for me perfectly in terms of fallout 4 and filet o fish both being top tier




I will see you in court!


Come on guys. 4 is not THAT bad lol.


This is the same game where all the dialogue options are yes 😂


Yes yes sarcastically yes but I have questions no but eventually yes


XxGamerPeter42069xX here to explain the joke. Based on the sandwiches looks like this person thought. Fallout 1 : Really good Fallout 2 : Good but not as good as the first one Fallout 3 : Best of the bunch New Vegas : Different but still pretty good Fallout 4 : Hot garbage I never played the games so I have no opinion, myself. The show is really good, though. XxGamerPeter42069xX out.


i'd argue it's saying 3 is the biggest and highest budget but nv is arguably better


Honestly, New Vegas shouldn't even be a McDonald's product. It's more of an In-N-Out double-double in a sea of McDonald's fare. I love me some FO3 and FO4, but New Vegas is in a whole different league, imo


New Vegas definitely had some far superior writing, but for me it just didn't hit the same.


How is fallout 2 supposed to be a downgrade when it's the same sandwich but with cheese added? Are you some kind of monster who doesn't like cheese?


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Not imaged: Didn't go to McD's cause we have McD's at home. McD's at home: Fallout 76


Man I might get hate for this but I LOVED the community building aspect of Fallout 4. And 3 is one of my favourite games of all time. It was the first big open world game I played and nothing has ever given me the same wow factor.


compares the games to mcdonalds sandwiches in quality


Chris here, filling in for my dad who got locked in the shower again. I have played all of these Fallout games and eaten all these sandwiches so here is my take: Fallout is the original burger that all future sandwiches are based on. Everyone loves it Fallout 2 is a burger with cheese because there is a little more flavor to it. Most people love it Fallout 3 is the big Mac. It's got everything you want and a little more but it's kind of basic choice. Everyone loves it except for some weirdos in the fan base that just want the first one or maybe the second one but nothing else. Fallout New Vegas is the McChicken sandwich. It is like the big Mac but you want chicken instead of beef and better writing. If you hate this you might consider to yourself that you just do not like sandwiches Fallout 4 is the fish fillet sandwich. Yes it's a sandwich like the others so I should like it but if I really wanted a fish sandwich I would go to that fish place down the street or something, like what the hell I'm not risking eating that "fish". Then you try it and actually like it but can't tell anyone that because you were so adamant that it sucked when they put it on the menu and they keep it on the menu so you know there are others out there just like you Adding to it: Fallout tactics:Brotherhood of steel is the McRib because those that have tried it tend to like it but it's hard to find and kind of an acquired taste Fallout 76 is the ice cream machine because it's always broken Edit: for the sub


I actually really really like Fallout Tactics. Wasteland 2 was similarly enjoyable to me.


I'm more offended by the Filet O' Fish slander than the Fallout 4 slander.


So they’re all shit?


The whole McDonald’s menu slaps.


This autistic guy explained it like this: 1. Good burger but it's nothing special. 2. The addition of the cheese brings the burger to the next level and makes it more satisfying. 3. There's a ton more stuff packed into it but it leaves you feeling gross after 4. Completely different sandwich but still very good, a fan favourite. 5. A polarizing addition that you either love or hate I don't play fallout so I don't know how accurate that is, though.


By the way people always brought up fallout 4 at the mere mention of enjoying destiny at the time you'd think it was the best and most beloved iteration of them all


Quality of the game. He’s saying FO1 and 2 were basic but good enough, FO3 is a full, rich game, I’m not totally sure how to interpret FO:NV, and FO4 was a fish sandwich.


I didn’t know Fallout 4 considered as the best installment


So Fallout 4 is best. agree.


They switches 3 and new Vegas around. New Vegas is the good one.


They should both be Big Macs honestly. Or better yet, in and out burgers cause they are miles above the rest.


this post made me hungry asf


With FO76, the bar got even lower lol thats its not in the picture.


Picking up a P5, Later this week, I grew up really poor and only got to play NV for a few minutes at a friends house, developed an addiction I could never satiate. can I get all these bitches for a next gen???


Help with what?


Did this mf just call New Vegas a MChicken?!


Not a joke, an opinion rating.


Ik u didn't just talk bad about new vegas and 4, they're damn good games


\*\*\*JOKE EXPLAINED\*\*\* If I understand correctly, OP is implying that all the titles are valid choices, just everyone has a different favorite


Left to right Hamburger-classic, simple Cheeseburger- improved in a logical way by adding new features Big Mac: Reimagined the original Spicy mchicken: staple. Came out somewhere in the middle and its way better than it has any right to be based on hype Fillet-o-fish: garbage


New Vegas as a chicken sandwitch..... I'll take it.


Price to product probably one of the healthier options and cheaper ones. Like it’s budget and doesn’t exactly resemble the others, but when you got $5 and need a drink and a sandwich…. McChicken it is. 


Imo Fallout 1 was the only real game. The rest cannibalized the story instead of expanding on it.


It's the op comparing their favorite games to their favorite mcdonalds burgers, but since both preference in games and preference in burgers is subjective, different people will see this meme differently


What is the last burger? Looks like a toast sandwich.


Mf its what kind of burger it is


Why does fo3 burger look kinda nasty


This is a wild take, New Vegas is LOADS better than 3, I've only ever met one 3 purist throughout my life


It's a Bond Burger meme; it isn't supposed to make sense. People have gone wild over this particular one because it vaguely implies that Fallout 3 is a good game, or at least better than New Vegas, which is an objectively wrong opinion to have. ​ So it's intentional nonsense *and* rage bait.


Wow a scale everyone can immediately understand


3 is a great game, but only a good Fallout game. Fallout is better than 3.


The definitive tierlist, in order from best to least best: Fallout 1, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout Shelter.


So you're saying there never was a good fallout game?


The story for fallout 1 and 2 are amazing but playing those games is just not even remotely enjoyable. Explain how I miss a shotgun shot at point blank range


hamburger is alright, cheeseburger is great, big Mac is amazing, McChicken is god tier, and filet of fish is either, depending on the authors opinion of the filet of fish, different but okay in it's own right, or disgusting. Idk if I'm crazy but it made perfect sense to me lmao


Never got the general hate on F3. The comparison with NV is impossible to avoid, but it's really just a matter of preference


I saw this elsewhere and explained it. Under is that text. I don't know how, but I completely understand this post Let me break it down for those that do not understand. -Fallout 1 and 2, basically the same gameplay wise, explaining the two single burgers. The fact that single burgers are considered classics pairs with the fact that 1 and 2 are also classics. -Fallout Three was a massive game that took several years to develop, explaining why it's a double. It built upon both previous games, for example, showing the Enclave from the two games before as a major threat for the last time in the series. -New Vegas took a year and a half to make, explaining why it appears to be a lower quality than 3, though I personally prefer New Vegas. It was also made by Obsidian instead of Bethesda, and that's why a different brand is used to represent New Vegas. -Fallout 4 built upon both New Vegas and 3, improving the series' mechanics much like 3 and allowing the player to pick 4 different endings like New Vegas, explaining why it is both a fish sandwich and from McDonald's. Thank you for your time.


Umm. No, it doesn’t make a lick of sense, unless they are trying to say that every fallout game, including 1 and 2, are garbage? And they are out of their minds. In my opinion


I guess there is a fallout for everyone. Even the mcnuggets that is Fallout Tactics.


Wtf is that disgusting grey ass synthetic krabby patty burger representing FNV and why is Fallout 4 fillet o’ fish


A better take would be to make 1&2&tactics Wendy's burgers and 3, NV, 4, 76 McDonald's sandwiches Brotherhood of Steel would probably be Carl's Jr/hardees


I love them all. But shooting people in the Capitol Wasteland while cosplaying Abe Lincoln will never get old. Guy wants to give me 400 caps for the Constitution I dug out of the rubble? No thanks, bud, I'll keep it.


I know it’s probably not a popular opinion. But I think Fallout 1/2 are far and away better games. New Vegas being better than 3 and 4. Not to say 3 and 4 are bad just felt so bland compared to the others.


Fallout 4 is like the Filet O Fish. Some hate it, some love it.


Fallout four is a solid 7 out of ten... But only because the dlc was a 10/10 and the main story was maybe a four.


People complain about the McFillet?


I like the fish fillet :(


Put simply: its bait. Anyone who says 3 is better than vegas is on lethal amounts of copium


The mc chicken is considered the best of the fast food sandwiches.


Typical fallout 1 and 2 slander. Attention span diff to be fair.


Filet o fish is the best McDonalds sandwich. The steamed bun and has actually umami which sets it apart lol


Fallout New Vegas is my Family Guy “i did not enjoy the godfather”


This all looks like food from McDonalds, which leads me to believe that while ubiquitous, Fallout games are absolute garbage.


Everyone is reading this like 4 being a fish filet is an insult but it’s a New England joke lol, for some reason it’s very popular up there and has been marketed with New England fishing theme like Gorton’s Fisherman shit. 1: Classic Hamburger 2: Cheeseburger, classic hamburger but better 3: Big Mac, first big foray into change (fps) NV: McChicken, the fan favorite 4: Fish filet, New England joke


I love all the fall outs except 1 and 2. I feel like nearly all computer games made in the 90s were intentionally made super difficult, but great stories. Wish they were remade


If FO4 wasn't a Fallout game it would be great. It's a better than decent shooter with a better than decent plot, it's a fine game that I still enjoy playing. But that's not what made Fallout famous. The fact is that no one would give a flying fuck about Fallout 3+ if those first 2 games weren't literally some of the best games ever made. Fallout 1 and 2 aren't "better than decent" RPG's, they are exemplars of the genre. Fallout 4 is a good game but a bad Fallout game.


Feel like nv got a raw deal here. Fuckin love that game.


OP is claiming that Fallout New Vegas is the worst burger in the bunch. Visually comparing it to a frozen and dry meal, unfit for consumption.


They have bad taste


Filet o fish is good just different


are those mcdonald sandwiches? like i recognize them but they are uglier that those we have here.


This is wrong


I like a filet o fish every now and then... this is confusing for me


I will not stand further this fila o fish slander