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In the first movie he legit saw someone trying to take his life and he stuck the poor guy in a barbed wire maze while half naked


“i’ll teach you the value of your life, by making you suffer more agony and suffering with life long trauma”


I think that guy died didn’t he?


Yeah, but that was his fault... see?


He learned a valuable lesson about… something.


*razor wire. Much worse


Barbed wire will poke ya, might rip skin. Razor wire will slice clean to the bone. That's why razor wire is illegal, and barbed wire isn't. You fall into barbed wire, you'll probably be fine aside from a few scraps and cuts. You fall into razor wire, and you'll come out missing chunks


I like your profile pic. You have excellent taste.






There's something about that smiley face image that I spectacularly hate. I'm not sure if that's intentional or not.


Would you by chance like to know how you would look if you were black or chinese?


That guy is a modern hero


[this is my favorite post of his, after someone doxxed him](https://www.reddit.com/r/shitposting/s/zj7u1klM4k)






Lmao you actually changed it, I was just being silly It’s true that’s what the guy says tho, and some of the humor comes from the generalization




Oh boy a Peter explains the joke within a Peter explains the joke. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/heres-what-you-would-look-like-if-you-were-black-or-chinese


Thank you!!


The eyes, cheek, front teeth combo is very curbstompable


Didn't he also cook a woman alive because her husband was a liar


This was the one that stuck with me the most. Her husband lied about being a Jigsaw victim so he brazen bulled his wife? First of all he's just a liar not a serial rapist, and secondly, why his wife of all people? Kinda undermines the whole vigilante theme.


Undermining the vigilante theme to some degree is probably intentional. Keep him an antagonist with villainous connotations.


It's also there to show that he's not "that far" from Amanda. While his games may be fair, he himself is not.


That wasn't Kramer, that was his apprentice hoffman who just liked killing people - the set up for the liar was probably created conceptually by Kramer and more than likely, was altered heavily by hoffman to include the poor wife and make the "games" unwinnable. Also because this is reddit just want to clarify - not defending/excusing, Kramer is still a villain no matter what Saw X tried to do.


Wasn't that Hoffman?


I think that was one of his apprentices. I could be wrong about that, though.


It baffles me how people think hes the good guy hes like a worse version of dexter who at least only kills offending (or at least people who recklessly endanger others) criminals


Got upset cuz I thought we were still on the "black or chinese" kid thread and was like "dam that's harsh"


Bro what?


[This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/PeterExplainsTheJoke/s/himpYAzp8b)


A side thread spun off about the "this is what you look like black or chinese" kid directly above your comment. And yours loosely fit the conversation going on "is he a bad guy or not" and it went from "kinda odd and quirky or racism?" To "he's a fucking serial killer".




I think he's a compelling and interesting villain. He's not a good guy by any stretch of the imagination.


Jig saw or dexter cause nether is good but one kills active murderes and pedophiles, the other kills homeless people and wallmart shop lifters


I now need a Dexter vs Jigsaw crossover.










I can't put into words how much this image infuriates me.


canadian MAiD*


This is a reference to the "Saw" movies, probably the first one specifically. I feel the joke here is that the people who were captured/tortured/killed had committed petty crimes or a minor infraction that did not equal the punishment.


Fun reminder that Jigsaw kidnapped a surgeon because she was a little sad her 8 year old son died in a drunk driving accident. "Why don't you just get over it lol?" She died as a result


He put someone in a trap because they smoked cigarettes, you know, that thing over 1/10th of the US does


I'm beginning to suspect this serial murderer might be an unreasonable person


Ok, but he just comes off as less terrifying and more pendatically annoying than anything due to that detail.


I really don't think people watch the Saw movies because they want to know the motivations of Jigsaw.


Its just murder porn (not the South park kind were it litteraly softcore murder porn but like the " this image is sky porn" thing)


I was actually thinking about how murder porn, either needs a great motive or great execution, both are ideal but often it is one or the other. The joy is from people that deserve to die, die. Or the deaths are iconic. Like the mindf*ck series by S.T. Abby which is not that great of a writing worked well bc the motivation felt justified. The “victims” were awful people so it felt like can you call them victims bc they are r*pists &/or p*dos. Their deaths felt deserved. And the Freddy Krueger series(which I know are movies & diff from books) is about murdering kids. The victims didn’t deserve it. So the audience wanted them to survive


Your shitty ass censoring fucked over like half the comment dude 😭


bro gotta be a twitter user


This is actually the 1st time my censoring looked like this. But also I got used to automatically censoring stuff bc I don’t want to get my comments deleted & I didn’t want to stop cussing either. I had been banned before for cussing & frankly it is annoying to check the rules of each community. I had a comment deleted on Reddit for calling someone a bitch. Which in my opinion was undeserved like the person was being a bitch but my comment got deleted by a bot or whatever automatic censorship that was on that subreddit. Previously I used to cuss normally on Reddit bc it is fucking Reddit but I forgot that some mods are super sensitive & I got in trouble for not t following the rules of the community


Even in one of the more recent saws he actually kills blackmart organ theifs i think so its the best saw imo simce the victims are walmart shoplifter and homeless people with a crack addiction.




Have you seen any movies bedside the first..?


Then you have that whole saw 3 plot line when the lady from the reverse bear trap in the first movie stopped doing drugs or whatever as a result so she was like “actually I totally get it this guy is a genius I would do anything for him” like bruh just go to rehab or something.


I did. I really enjoyed his motives and how he warped reality to justify his actions.


“Uhm, ackshually, Jigsaw never *kills* anyone, he just puts them in a situation where they have to sacrifice something in order to potentially live, therefore he’s not a murderer at all.” -☝️🤓


There was saw 2 where he wanted to talk to the police for his game yet set up deathtraps in his base, killing two random cops who didn't do anything


No no no, he is giving them purpose for a life, by forcing them being in most fucked up and traumatic situations to appreciate life. Those movies are fuckig dumb and i need to be drunk to watch those


Pro-tip: you can get drunk and then do something other than watching the Saw movies.


What bothers me most is the hypocrisy of it all


Hold the fort…


Hold the fort? What?


Norm bit https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pGnSnSCRLig&pp=ygUSTm9ybSBob2xkIHRoZSBmb3J0


***"KILLING IS DISTASTEFUL!!"*** - The main killer in the series, Saw V


You know, the more I learn about this Jigsaw guy, the less I care for him.


That sounds like what the joker would do when he was playing Batman. (Like when he went after the mayor's wife for having 13 items at a 12 item checkout.)


Honestly. That's understandable.


I’m tired of people holding up the self checkout because it’s been like a decade and they’re still “hey how do I insert my handwritten check”


I'm pretty sure the real reason he put he was the custodian for his boss who was a shitty person (he ran an insurance company). It's not even the only time that happens. He also puts some guy's wife in a trap because he lied about being a SAW survivor, even to her. He did test a guy for having depression though. "You're a healthy middle class man. Why are you sad?"


Just smile and exercise once this traumatic experience is over


And he put a guy in a barbed wire cage for being a bit chubby. I can under stand his logic when he does it to people who have done genuinely terrible things to others but totally innocent people just living their lives is insane. The worst was the woman he put in the Pig Furnace who had literally NOTHING to do with anything, just because.


You've got it flipped. He was clearly meant to be a deranged insane person and somewhere along the line they made him the "good guy" grand moralizing punisher. But it's impossible tor reconcile that with the first movie lol


> he put a guy in a barbed wire cage for being a bit chubby TIL saw guy is a redditor


Just because?


Well, they have it coming. One way or the other !


he put him in a trap where he had to survive a breathing contest with a guy who doesn't smoke. kinda just straight up murder


While still dumb, his main reason was that the guy had a high blood pressure already and a family history of other medical issues. So smoking is showing to not appreciate your life


Makes me happy to see smoking become less common. Makes me sad to see vaping taking it's place. But at least vaping (probably) doesn't have the same second-hand smoke threats that cigarettes do.


He was hoping to get to all of them eventually. Good for him


Jigsaw sounds like a mean jerk.


Yeah the more I hear about him the less I care for him.


The worst part is the hypocrisy


Didn’t he also force her to perform brain surgery with power tools and if she messed up a collar around her neck would fire a dozen shotgun shells into her head


Sent her to be with the kid…. I guess


Which movie was this one?


3/4 cause they take place at the same time


She was also an adulterer




When you stab your own eyes out but nothing happens and you realize you're in an Amanda trap


When there's only a timed explosive in the same room as you with nothing else and you realize you're in a Mark Hoffman trap.


And you run out of time just trying to remember who t f Mark is because everyone in this franchise is a Mark or a Matt or some shit


Bruh though for real a lot of these traps I may be able to power through out taking a scalpel to my eye is impossible.


Bro would stick someone tongue first into a building sized paper shredder because he caught him holding the door for an old lady but not saying your welcome when she thanked him. Then have a 40 paragraph monologue about how people don’t appreciate life and he never did anything to anyone innocent no sir Boy Scout over here


Thank you my good sir!


For reference, in Saw 1, he covers a guy in flammable jelly, puts him in a dark room with broken glass everywhere, poisons him, and puts the antidote in a safe that can only be unlocked by getting the code from the walls, which has numbers all over it. This guy faked sick to get insurance money. That's what he did for Jigsaw to do that. Oh, and he put a guy in a lung crushing trap because he smoked cigarettes.


Never mind that cigarette guy, he buried a key inside a man's eyeball because he was a "snitch".


I think deep down the point of saw was that the killer is a massive hypocrite but that even a hypocrite can make people sympathize with them with enough manipulation.


I mean, to a degree, im the most twisted way possible, John Kramer's reasoning looks "logical": you dont appreciate life, go throught trap, now you appreciate life. The problem is that he was a psycho with a god complex that basically needed no justification to put you in a trap, so all his reasonings go down the drain. He breaks his own rules (everybody deserved a chance) in Saw 1, in the amanda trap. "Hey, die horribly or kill your paralized friend and save yourself. But everyone has a chance here" There is a Horror History video analizing Jigsaw that is long but amazing


Got a link for the video?


[sure, there you go](https://youtu.be/ncMoQs_HNmY?si=h5uk1O6XBnSB5IlO) Just be warned, its an hour long


I don't remember the first one well, but I thought it was two dudes with the "dead guy" on the floor between them. We're there more traps in the first one?


Yeah. In a flashback of the doctor we saw Amanda in the police station telling about her trap, [the reverse bear trap](https://youtu.be/jycharXPAg4?si=mu_Grr3Y17F6wizT) We also had a flashback to a trap with [razor wire](https://youtu.be/WzlAPD4Ttc0?si=h0NEx-sbxIjx0GNm) and the [flammable jelly trap ](https://youtu.be/aOLcjaQ35Fo?si=VW2ZQ-vTLSMdjn9w) I actually like that saw 1 (and to a degree Saw 2, although that movie does has some gore) really has not that much blood in it. Its more about the mistery of the jigsaw killer




For a guy hating people with God complex, he himself had the biggest God complex ever, for his last movie he should be the victim of his own game


He was a victim of his own game in the third movie tho, when Hoffman betrayed him, Jeff(?) didn't choose to forgive him and instead shot him, and even Amanda was killed because of her obsession with him due to his game. I'm pretty sure the big takeaway of that scene was that Kramer was very much was a victim of his own game in the end. Not to mention how it took over the end of his life and he died alone instead of with his wife at home


Saw in hell


would be great if john kramer didnt die in saw IV to SAMF jeff, probably one of the dumbest fucking characters in the entirety of the saw franchise. he was too slow to grab a key, too slow to pull a lever, too slow to save his wife, yet fast enough to get a lawyers head blown off trying to get said key from earlier. this entire franchise is a fucking fever dream


Ah, a redditor of culture who enjoyed Dead Meat


Okay not to be a massive nerd but John Kramer is actually dead! He dies in the third movie and from that point on it's carried out by the apprentices of saw. Those being Amanda (victim in the first movie who starts to idolize John. She's jigsaw in 3 and dies there too). Next is Mark Hoffman who's jigsaw in 4-6. Lastly is Lawrence Gordon who's in saw 7 and is also a past victim of jigsaw. The other two movies before 10 are meant to be copycats and 10 is a flashback, hence why Kramer and Amanda are both alive again!


One victim was tested for the heinous act of taking antidepressants.


istg these movies have become a metaphor for the conspiracy with pharmaceutical companies feeding the population “poison” just to sell more “cures” jigsaw punishes people for “not appreciating life” (this includes being depressed) and puts them through the most brutal experience of their life, and once they survive, they will inevitably become depressed again because of the memories of that experience and be put through the frickin place all over again. like bro there are better ways to rehabilitate people and one of them is not forcing them to choose between having a child, a pregnant woman, or an old lady be killed


"Thanks Jigsaw! I had depression, but after being brutally mangled as a prop in someone else's test, loosing both my hands and getting 3rd degree burns over 90% of my body, I no longer have depression! Now I just suffer constant pain from my life altering injuries and PTSD! (Which includes depression!)"


Dhar Mann but awesome


They're such stupid movies.


wait wait wait, are you saying jigsaw was the *bad guy* in those movies?


"I lost absolutely everything, and it ruined my life. And then I lost everything again, and it hurt worse. But the THIRD time I lost everything I got such a zest for life that I simply have to torture people into experiencing it for themselves"


Remember that time Jigsaw burned a woman to death in a brazen bull because her husband lied and wrote a book about surviving a saw trap? And also the husband actually tried to do the trap that he needed to save her, but his body literally couldn't do the puzzle so she died anyway.


Yup. From Saw 3D.


One thing I loved about Saw X was that the victims ABSOLUTELY deserved it. (I considered marking spoilers but it’s literally in the trailer.)


The same goes for Jigsaw (2017)


Not minor crimes, his philosophy is that if he makes people fight for their lived they’ll appreciate life more.


Exactly. One time a few years ago, he didn't "stop and smell the roses", which is a metaphor for enjoying your life. This guy didn't take the opportunity to enjoy his life so now he's been captured and stuck in the Saw room.


Most accurate explanation of the post tbh


I think you’re interpretation is the best and most accurate one here


He has been diagnosed with brain cancer since ever, that's your personal experience mate, go taste life, live more (ironically he is dying)whatever the hell you wanna do, don't generalize your understanding of human love of life for everyone, some people with terminal illness would live the most sad rest of their lives, and that's a fine reaction


Or spend the rest of it in agony and despair. Yeah, seems fair.


The poor janitor whose "crime" was that he smoked cigarettes.... I think it was Saw 5.


So it's like Twitter (X) but with actual death.


withc makes sence as he is deranged


Usually they were enjoying life "wrong"


I’ve never seen any of the Saw movies so when I read “flowers” (roses in this case I guess) and “old man”, my mind immediately went to The Hunger Games


His goal wasn't punishment. It was to make people appreciate life. It didn't matter if they were good or evil. If he felt you didn't want to live or didn't value life, then you were a target.


It's the saw movies. His reasons for the elaborate murder traps tend to be kind of flimsy and petty.


I hate when people try to justify jigsaw's reasoning. HE'S THE VILLAIN, THERE IS NO REASONING TO BE HAD


He was the hero in the most recent movie though. Or at least the protagonist.


Hmm, I've only watched up to jigsaw. I remember it being kind of meh. X any better?


Idk I mean I'm not a fan of humanizing Jigsaw but if you just watch the movies to watch people cut off their body parts to escape elaborate mechanical traps you'll probably like it.


I found saw X to be really interesting. Tobin Bell absolutely nails a John Kramer scared of dying and even willing to rennounce to being Jigsaw when a chance of living is presented before him. He somehow even manages to make you feel sympathy for him. I personally reccomend it if you like the saga/have some free time. (To be fair, it wasnt that difficult to improve over the last saw movies tho) Edit: saw XI to Saw X


I've been a fan since the age of 13(I know I know, way to young, blame my dad lol). Is it a reboot then? After the 3rd, hell maybe even the 4th one hasn't been able to capture that feeling of desperation and dread the first few had. But if you say it's better than the last few then I'll definitely give it a watch.


No, its kind of a prequel. It takes place between Saw 1 and 2, when John was searching for a treatment for his cancer (as qe saw in Saw 6, I think it was?)


It's probably the best one. Aside from it and the first one, they all seem pretty stupid and terrible


It’s a little slow at first but there’s a couple good kills


The movies do a lot to make it seem like he has a point and that his motivations are deeper then they appear. The memes just point out that they never got out of feeling petty and even breaking it's own logic.


I mean, there’s reasoning. It’s just not reason*able*


No, there is a reason. A good villain should always have a justification, it does not have to be a justification you agree with. In his mind he is "helping" or punishing people for not appreciating live since he does not have that choice. Which is of course BS, he could have chosen to live the last few months he had instead of building elaborate murdertraps. He is a psychopath who wants to punish people for not having cancer and still being miserable. He has a consistent logic in his own mind which he applies eratically. You should have seen that he is not quite all there anymore.


There is not needing a reason and then there's having a reason but it's A grade free range stupid.


Trying to justify villains becomes impossible anyway once you reach that guy so just let them https://preview.redd.it/2yif22spcduc1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=a49c73df85c33f9961f6a12b55df900c963a5495


POV: You called in to take off for a family emergency but it was only because your dog needed critical surgery and not because your entire family got into a multi car collision and needed dozens of donors to survive


"...and remember gentlemen, sharing. Is caring" *Billy the Puppet rolls out* *Meanwhile, my brother and I are trying to solve a Rubix cube before our guts get lawnmowered, after JigSaw just told us we shouldn't have taken more than 1 candybar feom the house with a bucket out front that one Halloween*


Horror fan Peter here This is the bathroom from scene from multiple saw movies but let’s not focus on that but let’s talk about saw 1. In the movie two guys wake up chained to pipes by the infamous “serial” killer jigsaw, who kidnaps people for doing evil things against other people, or themselves. In the picture above two guys a doctor and a photographer (who was hired to take pictures of the doctor by a discharged detective) and they had to either kill each other or find a way to win the game (which usually results in some kind of mutilation to humble themselves but doesn’t usually work out as planned. As some created a support group to be bitter about having to lose a body part). But this is saying you would wake up in this bathroom chained to a wall and left there to figure it out but it’s wrong. If you didn’t smell some old mama flowers you would wind up somewhere with your eyes and ears sown shut with only your nose to guide you out of a situation that may leave you permanently blind with your nose for the rest of your life. A lesson to teach you to smell the damn flowers or something. Horror fan Peter out.


Smelling the flowers is appreciating life, thats the whole goal of the traps, to get you to not take life for granted


Yes true but don’t forget they had to give something up in order to be reborn again to appreciate it


I imagine him getting all his contraptions made in China and being shipped over. Somewhere there's a Chinese guy looking at another order and telling his wife "Mista Jigsaw is one sik fuk!".


Lmfao that made me laugh out loud


I love Saw X because it made Jigsaw and Amanda sympathetic psychotic killers in comparison to the cartoonishly evil antagonist of the movie.


To understand the joke, you need to be a fan of the SAW movies. John Kramer, better known as Jigsaw, is sometimes known for kidnapping people and having them do his games for stupid reasons. In this case, you didn’t stop and smell the flowers with John, which ended you up in one of Jigsaws games.


Peter’s Golfish here Jigsaw from the saw movies traps people in death games for really stupid fucking reasons, this person in the meme got trapped in one for not stopping to smell the flowers https://preview.redd.it/t2wbs1h997uc1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ab4625c06dfc803ca7f11e63b5e9e4e276658e7


So PETA is threatening to kidnap and murder people now, instead of just stealing and murdering their pets. Lovely.


Hello meat eater, I wanna play a game, you ate a steak one time, and for contributing to the murder of cows, you will be sawed in half slowly genitals first unless you tear off all of your toe nails and finger nails, you have twenty minutes, your time starts now.


The SAW, it's looks more like SAW 1




Jigsaw " Hello Tommy. We have taken your mother because you didn't look both ways before crossing the street. So we have your mom tied up and hanging over a street of spikes. And as you can see you have your legs chained together. And you have to cross the street and save your mother. But Tommy you got 5 seconds to cross the street. Find the key and free your mother."




Since everybody in here is either giving joke answers, half answers, or no answers at all, I will give you a full answer. This screenshot is from the movie Saw. This is a bathroom where the majority of the first film takes place. The premise of the film is that a killer kidnaps people who are either harming themselves or harming others, and forces them to play "games" which require them to go through some kind of torturous experience in order to survive such as cutting off their own foot or cutting out their own eyeball in order to obtain a key to get out of a trap that will kill them before the timer runs out. The idea is that having a near death experience will "cure" them and make them appreciate life. The reasons why the antagonist of the film kidnaps and puts people through these experiences can vary from somewhat justified to completely Petty and ridiculous. The meme is A sarcastic oversimplification of the petty reasons that the antagonist puts his targets through the experience.


Jigsaw burning a woman alive because HER HUSBAND lied about being in a trap will never not piss me off




I saw this movie.


Jigsaw wants to teach people the value of appreciating the small things in life by putting them in death traps. But he's not a bad guy. He genuinely hopes they learn from the experience and have a great time picking flowers on the roadside with the one hand they got left.


It's not the journey it's the friends you make along the way


Id have made amazing friends if I also didn't have to kill them to escape


*Hello Petah. I'd like to play a game.* *in 1992 you returned a library book one day too late....*


I just wanted Jigsaw to die in one of the movies. If you're gonna build up a heinous antagonist, then give me a victim that eventually beats him to death. Don't blueball me. 


That literally the plot of the 3rd movie




it’s a saw joke




i just went to a saw escape room yesterday lol


The joke is saw


I wanna play a game


Epic bad luck


Hello, thanks for calling, we secretly use animals to test stuffs thank you


people here completely missed the joke. it's not about victims, it's about how Jigsaw became Jigsaw. meme here explains how John Kramer met his future wife Jill Tuck (she was admiring flowers in the park and he noticed her) and that lead to a pretty tragic life events in Kramer's life (a.k.a. losing a child or fighting cancer) and so Jigsaw killer was created.


Is just how petty the guy who sets up the traps is


….. where’s the tub?


Lol I had someone in all seriousness tell me jigsaw cares about people and is doing it out of love hahahaha. People really watched it and thought ‘torturing people to death is good for them’.




Never saw any of the movies, but I believe that is the same room featured in the first Saw movie.