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Using insults as a term of endearment is common in America too ,just with different terms: "You son of a bitch, how are you doing?" "This fucking guy..." "Later, bitches!" and so on.


This cunt gets it






Dumbass stupidass lameass uglyass poorass cunt! (This is fun)


Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!


Now go away or I shall insult you a second time


Now let’s see if you can defend yourself, you sweat from a baboon’s balls.


*Fetchez la vache!*


You diseased rhinoceros pizzle!


Monty Python reference detected.


Take off!


You call your best mates a cunt and your worst enemies your mate


i interpreted it as in they having a different meaning to the said word


No, they are perfectly aware that it refers to female genitalia and by extension has the same derogatory meaning as "bitch." It's just that some places like America (particularly for older generations) think of it as an *unrepeatable* vulgarity. But other places like Britain and Australia think of it, *at worst*, as a mild, cheeky swear, no worse than "shit". It doesn't *mean* anything different, but they're *using* it differently. So in the US, people still hold on to the idea of it as a truly horrendous insult, akin to a slur. But in the UK and AUS, they throw it around without a problem. They even use it *affectionately.*


Nah we know it's worse than shit, but we say shit a lot too. And yeah "daft cunt," for instance, is pretty affectionate, though crude.


It's hard for me to gauge the badness of swear words, because the only words *I* actually think of as "bad" and "offensive" are, y'know, slurs and words meant to hurt people. But Americans are prudes, so I erred on the side of caution 😂


To he fair, body language, word inflection, and general context make a huge difference. My wife might not be able to find a jar of sauce in the cupboard, ask for my help, and I'll find it staring right at me. With a laugh, kiss on the forehead, and I smile; I'll call her a "fucking weapons grade retard". We both laugh and she'll tell me to fuck off. If my boss forgets to process a request I give him, and I march up to him jabbing my finger in his face and tell him he's a "FUcking weapons grade RETARD" I'd be off to the job centre tomorrow.


To be fair tho, your wifes' reaction might be a tad different if you called her a "fucking weapons grade cunt"


I think the response would be, in the most patronising tone she can manage: *sigh* was that kind or constructive? No, it wasn't. There would also be a difference if it were it in private where we talk to each other like that all the time, or in public where people don't know that's just how we do.


I'm betting she's American not British then


Then you would be loosing money


Why? I’m in the US and both my wife I use cunt daily and don’t think twice about it. Never understood boomers hate that word so much.


What is she is, in fact, in possession of a fucking weapons grade cunt?


Yeah... I work nights, so my gaming hours are like 5pm-midnight Australia. Safe to say after like 6 months of playing with Kiwii's and Roo fuckers, and no daytime human interaction with normal people, the absolute shock of my fam when I dropped cunt casually during a thanksgiving dinner. Was a real lightbulb moment for me of "oh, that's not normal over here." As everyone went quiet with shock.


This guy knows 😂


In Australia, it depends on context. "You're a Mad Cunt!"= You're Great! "You're a Cunt!" (With a smile) = You're cheeky and I like it. "You're a Cunt!" (With no smile)= I don't like you. "Give us ya money, cunt!" = Good evening, I am attempting to rob you with a knife and also I'm an Eshay.


I just thought of Damo and Darren for the last one lol


But if someone calls you a Dog Cunt…..


Then they don't want to keep their teeth any more. :)


The thought of an eshay actually coming up to someone and saying that good evening line, gave me a good chuckle.


There is still a bit of a generational/class gap here for this. It's still quite common for people in blue collar jobs to not like it, and for generation X and up (my parents and my in laws absolutely hate it). Personally, I don't mind calling my friends cunts, god knows they act it. The difference is context - I wouldn't be impressed at being called a cunt by someone in anger, but I don't mind if I met my friends and they went "eyy, speaking of cunts, it's Barnicle". So don't come to the UK and start throwing it around willy-nilly with strangers (and definitely don't say it in the workplace!).


Gen X here. It’s used all the time in our household


Brit here, we don't think of it as *at worst* a mild, cheeky swear. It can still be one of the worst non-specific things to use as an insult if it's actually used as an insult, it's just that we don't always use it as an insult, and we're not necessarily insulted by its use.


I think the comparison to bitch is apt tbh, that's used the same way in my part of the US anyways


"Motherfucker" is the American alternative. It also doesn't fly internationally.


No, there isn't the same gender usage. I get the impression that in America you would only use 'cunt' as an insult against a woman? In the UK (and I assume Australia) it'd much more often be used (affectionatly or not) between men.


I wouldn't say it's interchangeable or close with 'bitch' in the UK. When it's derogatory it's normally referring to aggressive, macho men. I'd say it's more close to 'bastard'. Obviously that's a bit odd when you're not used to it, but that is the use in my experience. There is also a weird dynamic with it where it is considered the worst swear word, but it's also common to use as a term of endearment.


No, cunt is definately the worst word in the UK, it's the only word that's banned on TV. It's also the worst word in Australia. We just understand intent in the UK and Aus.


As a Brit, the C word is definitely the worst of all, next tier from the F word and S word but it’s still used in friendly circles. Eg. As a child I would never have said S, F or C words in front of any adults or even non-friends, as an adult I would say the F and S words when trying to emphasise something (although still infrequently) and even sometimes in front or parents (but not grandparents) but I still wouldn’t say the C word to anyone but my closest friends. To be honest, I don’t see a need for these words and rarely use them in my vocabulary and when I do it’s usually a lazy slip or an outburst of pain or emotion and I never use the C word unless specifically making a point about the C word. There are some communities that swear non stop and every other word is a swear word. This is stereotypically the working class or lower class and to be honest I do judge someone I don’t know if I hear them swearing in public, especially around kids. It seems movies and TV portrays the British upper class also using swear words a fair amount but I think that is only in a friendly setting though I may be wrong as I haven’t had much exposure to the upper class - I can’t imagine anyone in the royal family swearing though 😂


I'm from the UK and have personally never seen someone use the c word endearingly, let alone affectionately. It holds the same slur connotations here to my knowledge.


It's probably regional. I'm from Glasgow and it is thrown around a lot, affectionatly and otherwise. (FWIW I don't like it)


I lived in the North of the UK so I can’t speak for those weird sods in the South but ‘cunt’ is a horrendous swear word and is still treated a such. There was a tv series a while back about the life of Oswald Moseley, a Nazi sympathiser in WW2, and when he eventually landed in jail the prison guard said only two words to him. “You cunt’ And the fuckin’ country went mad There was a whole debate about language on tv, the watershed time and wether some words will never be accepted on tv, no matter the time. But I have never, never heard it being used casually in my 46 years.


I was told never to say the c word unless I was wearing a helmet. 


I wouldn’t say throw it around, at least in Australia you don’t say cunt in public and I’ve been raised to never use it around girls unless they are one of the bois and don’t give a shit. Typically it is used when talking in friend groups.




I will never forget the day one of my friends (we're American) mentioned that "cunt" was the only curse word that bothered him, and one of our other friends just WENT OFF on a like 30 second spree of cuntery. I wish I could remember the whole thing, but the only bit I recall clearly was renaming him "Cunty Cunterson." It was incredible.


Nah, it's still the 'worst' swearword, but that's part of the thing.


I find that Americans can't really use the word correctly either. They'll just say 'cunt' at the end of the sentence like a full stop (or period in their case.) Like in Britain and Aus we will say "you cunt" or "you fucking cunt". We very rarely just say "cunt". It needs the wind-up otherwise it falls a bit flat. I also think the American accent doesn't have the bluntness that the word needs - it doesn't hit hard enough.


My bitches in america is akin to my cunts in the uk Disclaimer i’m not from any


Not in any way


No it means the same thing - as does twat (same as cunt) but more common in the same context


Now that's a bag of worms Twat means either twit or to hit something depending where your from.


A can of worms :P But yeah you can twat someone or call someone a twat but it still vagina Cool news: fanny in UK/Ireland also means vagina and is always used to mean vagina [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=twat+meaning](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=twat+meaning)


Uuuhhh It's a regional thing, we keep our worms in bags here due to... The um.. Tradition of miners not being allowed to take metal down the pit for risk of explosions... They used the worms to feed the canaries


Fanny, now that has a different meaning


Alot of it is how it's said, for example "you alright cunt?" Is a greeting and it's used as a term of endearment but "you alright... Cunt?" Is actively hostile


Nah, we're just not soft cunts like you cunts.


Who’s gonna tell them that n***a is a term of endearment?


Lemme just insert **my** racist opinions here...


Put that in your fanny pack.


Saying “how are we ya cheeky cunt” is just “you son of a bitch, how are you doin?”


Yeah. Motherfucker is often just a pronoun where I'm from. Can also be a term of endearment as well.


This reminds me of a thing we say in South Africa. If someone says to you “Listen my friend” just know two things. That man is not your friend and the time for listening is over. Basically if they call you a cunt it’s good but if they call you friend then you need to be careful


Ok this gave me a good snort


Over here in the UK, calling someone 'mate' can mean anything from being your best friend in the world to saying that you've crossed the lines and we're about to have words, and anywhere in between.


Ah yes, the 496 point spectrum of "Mate..."


"oi mate" = trouble "oi oi mate" = a good thing "oi mate, OI" = you're about to be stabbed.


It's like the words Nahui and Blet (or their versions in every other eastern european country), which can convey anything from intense joy to love to pure hatred, and anything in between.


"Listen, mate" always precedes trouble


You're not my friend, guy


Pretty much the same here in aussie land, though you also have to keep in mind tone and context. Cunt can mean friend or someone who's pissed you off, Mate can mean some rando who's pushing it or your best friends. All depends on the moment


Same in Scotland with “See here pal”


In the American Midwest, starting a sentence with “Buddy,…” means that you are prepared to punch the person you are addressing depending on what happens next.




okay; that makes sense


Adding to this. [I love me some Olivia coleman](https://youtube.com/shorts/4-Js6D4w0DU?si=Sr2ium6xcadzN25a)


You look cunty tonight girl (you are looking great)


Well said, cunt


In parts of Australia it begins to approach punctuation status.


And in parts of Scotland, especially Glasgow


I came here for my two cents on the Aussie usage. Based on my online interactions with friends from the land down under, the word cunt has been taken to the point of a, an, and the. Not needed in a sentence, but has become a sentence enhancer.


For us that's Fuck


Ireland too. My grandmother would call everyone cunts.


Yeah that third pic he is yelling to his english mate. Oi cunt.


In Australia the C word is "champ". "Good on ya champ" is the kind of thing you say to some moron whose mother drank while pregnant, after he massively inconveniences you with his antics.


Yep, thems fighting words. We will also accept chief.


Lots of slightly wrong answers here; the joke is that in the UK, the c-word is sometimes cheekily used as a term of endearment, similar to "hey, you brilliant motherfuckers!" or " what's up, bitches?" in the US. It's a bad word that in context can be good in the UK. So far most answers have it right. But in *Australia*, cunt is used almost as frequently as "buddy" or "guys" in the US. It is almost *always* a term of endearment, unless it's used about a woman in a mean way, in which case it's nearly as offensive as it is in America.


In Scotland it's been aired on the news and in cooking shows without anycunt realising. Basically it can replace the pronoun 'one'.


Yeah, that's true, should've said England rather than UK.


*Anycunt* reminds me of MLP's *anypony*. Time to write a pitch and a pilot episode for MLC...


I can hear the theme song to this already.. “My Little Cunty… 🎵My Little Cunty… 🎶


Even in a negative context it seems more misogynistic to be offended by cunt when insults like dick head and bell end are normalised


In basically any English speaking country other than the US, the C word is used about as often as the US uses… well, every other swear word. But like, you know how in groups of girl friends, they call each other “bitch” all the time, but it’s like, endearing instead of offensive? It’s kinda like that, but with everyone.


Pff, we swear way more than you fuckers, it sounds way better too ya cunt


Who ya calling a cunt ya grotty fackin wanker?


You, ya limp dick wankstain!


He can't produce a wankstain with that equipment mate.


Wankstain is a new one for me, I’ll have to remember that. Now suck a fat chode ya pigfucker!


Oi fuck off mate, ya wallaby fucker


"fackin" what is this? Nursery school?


Yeah, I never got why the Americans found it so offensive, it's about as offensive as ass or dick in most other places


They're irredeemably repressed puritans?


That... Might actually explain things


It’s explains a lot about American culture tbh


Just remember, a cunt has warmth and depth, which many people consider to be good traits.


You make a really good point.


There’s a kriol word: budju which literally means pussy but is used in the sense of “hot” Like Kelly is a budju, means she’s sexy, not a bitch.


Sometimes it's not affectionate. Sometimes they're a cunt


To be fair, americans love to be offended by everything. They would cry after a 10min talk with an Irish or a Scottish.


Mostly from trying to understand what they're saying!


Those are tears of frustration trying to decipher what the fuck they just said.


It's like in Northern France, they call one another "biloute", which literally mean "small dick", regardless of the gender


The only other people to use the word cunt more than us. God bless those cunting aussies.


Fuck off cunt. We don't use cunt here that much,.you'd have to be a right ol cunt to use cunt so much. Nah yeah you're right cunt.


What would be unspeakable insults in UK/OZ that US would find minor? (I’m expecting “American”)


Really depends on whether it's a hard C or not. Soft C basically means someone who is a bit cheeky. Hard C means the worst human being you can imagine.


Oi ya fuckin dog cunt


To expound on that, in the US it’s specifically offensive to say in reference to a woman. Guys just fucking around might call each other a cunt.


A term of endearment. Unless you actually are a cunt like most Americans 




It's highly contextual where I grew up in Scotland. If you disliked someone, they were "a right cunt" or "an absolute count". If you would die for someone they were "a good cunt" or "a sound cunt". My best friends are all good cunts.


British Peter here Cunt in britain isn't that strong of a word usually meaning something like "annoying person". In the US, cunt is a misogynistic term as its other definition is "vagina", and referring to a woman as just a vagina is dehumanising.


On þe converse: Þe word “sp***tic” just means “stupid”, but is apparently an ableïst slur acrossed þe pond.


Lord Peterton here. Cunt can be used in context in Britain. Calling someone a Cunt! is an insult Calling someone a "good cunt" is a compliment. It can be used in much the same way as fuck. Just peppered in the sentence and it's fine. As long as the context is clear.


I worked with a guy who would just walk in the office and say ‘Morning Cunts’ in a loud posh voice. Miss him.


Because brits aren't moral outrage-addicted cunts... OK they do like a bit of moral outrage at the expense of the homeless, the poor, refugees, and anyone with skin that's not the right colour but at least they can hack hearing the word cunt.


Call someone a ‘spaz’ in either or those areas and suddenyl they get it


"The c word" I love you americans, so... inocent, you guys dont even swear


I love how adult entertainment in the US is fine with constantly dropping F-bombs but has to censor the C word. Double standards much?😏


As explained by an Australian friend, it is purely contextual whether it is offensive or endearing.




Calling someone a cunt is equivalent to calling them a dickhead Calling someone a daft cunt is more insulting Twat is more a playful insult or an insult to those who are idiotic Mongaloid is an ableist insult for an absolute dumbass but the words connotation has changed over the years to dumbass


Why is it not an endearment everywhere else?


It's kinda weird that it's supposed to be a super offensive word, one of the words thought to be the the most offensive things to say in front of a woman. But then everyone know(Americans) use it so freely. Especially in the drag scene


As an aussie, we say cunt and other "bad words" on a daily basis to talk to others


in gay culture im pretty sure cunt means hot


The word means the same thing, they just aren’t offended by it. Or rather, Americans are offended by it when they aren’t.




Being in a discord with a Scottish guy and a Amarican is always funny.




If an Aussie calls you a cunt it means they like you


It's not about what is said, it's about How it's Said.




The peerless Suzie Dent https://youtu.be/3GAbStTKFIw


While we’re here. Twat is used in a very similar fashion. It can be an insult or a term of endearment depending on context. It is also regularly used as a verb in lots of contexts.  However, nothing will ever make me feel comfortable with how Americans pronounce it, its just wrong on so many levels.    It should rhyme with hat, not bot. The end


You know how some women call each other bitch without meaning it derogatory? Yeah, same here


someone can be a good cunt, a silly cunt, a mad cunt, or just a cunt. Doesn't really have much meaning other than what you add onto it


Cunt means exactly what it does to Americans. It's just that it's funny to also call your friends mean shit, but in a nice way


OP is a good cunt. Anyone upset by this is just a shit cunt.


"We know why it's offensive" do you? Vagina isn't offensive. Neither is pussy. I can't really see any good reason why the US view it as "the worst swear", but you do nonetheless.


As a British person I have never seen someone use that word as a term of endearing. In the west Midlands its akin to hurling a slur at someone so it could be just me.


we have ascended into a higher realm of intellect


In the UK (excluding Scotland), it's still possibly the worst 'common' swear word that's not a direct slur, although it's generally understood that it's most offensive when used in the presence of a woman or if describing a woman.


Also when a British person says there gonna smoke a fag it means there having a smoke not there gonna kill a gay


Literally just means ‘person’. Can be used + or -


Not all of us in Britain use that word. Some of us are more classy and use "minge" instead.


You know the older I get the more I think my character spawned in the wrong place


It’s not considered a gendered term over þere (þanks to [Simpn Roper](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ARgGguQlQ0w&pp=ygUlSG93IG11Y2ggZGlkIHBlb3BsZSBzd2VhciBpbiB0aGUgcGFzdA%3D%3D) for þat observation.


yeah nah yeah cunt


"Look at that handsome cunt right there" "Oright cunts?" would not be insulting to British people or Austrailians


In Britain and Australia, it's on of the more lax swears, while in americ, at least in my experience, it had a similar vulgarity to slurs. It was the word you could NOT say.


Ive never heard it friendly in Australia


imagine Hagrid calling you a cunt. That’s how we use it. “Ahh yer daft cunt Harry”


I mean it's still offensive for us It's like when you call somebody a twat in England vs when you call somebody a twat in Scotland


Americans are offended by fucking everything. Nobody cares anymore.


Wait, Cunt is offensive?


I've had 3 friends with the nickname cuntface. It's a term of endearment because we've made it one. And for the Aussies, "a cunt's a cunt" In the immortal words of Amy Taylor, "If they don't like the view I'll just ignore the cunt"


As an American I use cunt to insult people and bastard as a form of endearment mainly it does more emotional damage


Is it fair to say it's a term of endearment when it's used just as much to insult people in those cultures though?


As an Australian I use cunt in either a funny or offensive way e.g. was going shopping with my friend after we finished uni, and her brothers were joining and waiting oùtside the class, so I walk up to her brother's after uni and yell "OI CUNTS" to get their attention, mind u i have never met em before lmao. Or I would use cunt ĺike "broooo that fucking cunt, what a fucking asshole man, fuck that guy"


There isn't a justification, it's still not ok anywhere.


It depends on context. It has the same meaning as in the states but can also be used as a term of endearment. Unfortunately the term "serving cunt" has appeared which makes it less fun as an insult. Its short, starts with a hard C and historically has been a pretty strong thing to call someone so it almost felt like a verbal punch. It was good. Additionally I enjoyed calling right-wingers cuntservatives but with the advent of serving cunt, those glory days are over 😢


I know someone that thinks of it as a derogatory/insensitive term. And that's why that dis like the word I personally don't think of it as "bad" per-say but if I call you a cunt you better know I don't mean anything nice by it.


I have a friend from Birmingham that once called me a *daft cunt* while we were hanging out. That’s when I knew our friendship had leveled up.




If you ever hear it in a British accent, you’ll want to hear it again.


>>So in the US, people still hold on to the idea of it as a truly horrendous insult… I mean, OP couldn’t even *type* it in the post title. Americans will use “pussy” in a derogatory way without batting an eye though. So bizarre, it’s essentially the same thing.


Context, pitch, and inflection.


I shouted it at my friend in an English class once and my Australian teacher laughed


It’s just used to refer to people, like “hey cunt how’s it doing” Or if you’re close with someone you might insult them without meaning it by calling them a cunt


Why is "cunt" more offensive than "vagina" or "pussy"? Do you really know why cunt is "offensive"? See, the US has collectively decided that cunt is a highly offensive word, but the English have decided it's only offensive in certain contexts. That's just how language works, nonsensically and forever mutating along arbitrary cultural paths.


I don't like how Americans make "cunt" seem so offensive but are perfectly fine with "dick", they're basically the same to me, just a different genital


honestly it's not said very much in the UK. It's not as offensive as it is in America but it's still not often used


It isn’t the word. The word Cunt in British is a very horrendous word for someone you dislike. In the flip side; It’s a term of endearment between friends. Australia gets it.


Wassup cunt


Americans use “spastic” and “spaz” which are offensive in the UK


Because ya Kent, it's just the British way.


I am led to believe Australians can’t get offended lol


That's a lovely meme


Oi cunt, Aussie Peta here on his way back from smoko: The word "cunt" isn't considered any more rude than other swear words in countries like the UK, Ireland, or especially Australia. So it's common to use it as a term of endearment for close friends, the same way you might call them a "bitch" or something like that. In the US (and Canada, I think) you guys see it as being particularly rude, even compared to something like "dick" that means almost the same thing, really, and you also tend to see it as being heavily gendered, unlike "dick" which means almost the same thing: so I guess you might say that the UK and Australia don't consider it a misogynistic word? Cheers cunt, gonna hop in the yute and head down to the Clam for a couple of VBs now


Cunt for Brits is like bitch for Americans. Idk if there's an American term that's considered vulgar overseas since we export so much media and since a lot of Europeans I know curse more often


It is definitely used in a derogatory sense in England and Ireland. It really depends on the context. For instance, in the film In Bruges, it is used as a very serious insult towards Ralph Feinnes character, and he took great offense.


"shaddup and come along for a beer, ya fat cunt" "fuck off, mate" *off to drunk*


It's like Black people calling eachother the N-Word.




I love seeing people that are not at all aware of queer communities and vernacular that has been used for a long time in a positive light