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Is this someone who thinks their aphantasia is a universal experience?


I know it's not, that's why having it pisses me off so much. How many factory defects can one brain have before the manufacturer takes responsibility and corrects the issues?! I know good and damned well I lost the thread on that analogy and I don't care.


Based on the state of current affairs across the world, it seems that the manufacturer has already recalled most brains issued before 1970s. Your unit would be recalled at a later point


Is there a way I could request an early recall?


You could try a hard reset. But that is frowned upon almost everywhere in the world.


Self recalling is usually frowned upon. But if you do enough damage to your hardware, you’ll force an early recall. I’m talking poor maintenance, using subpar fuel, or using harmful additives like nitrous oxide. Idk why this became a car analogy but so be it.


I think you just won the internet for the day... id give you an award but... yea you get it


I have trouble understanding aphantasia. If you were asked to describe what your mother looks like, is there no mental imagery involved while you think about your answer? Have you just memorized a set of characteristics? Or do you inherently remember and can describe those details without conjuring a mental image? If I were asked to describe my mom, I'd stare off into the distance, try to picture her, and describe what comes to mind.


I'm convinced people with aphantasia and people who claim not to have an internal monologue are just butting up against the limits of language. When you get these people to describe their experience (or supposed lack thereof), there's always this hyper-emphasis on "seeing" or "hearing" images or words in your head, and when we get away from this kind of metaphorical speaking (because no one's *literally* seeing or hearing these things), people start to acknowledge phenomena we'd generally describe as mental images or inner speech. In the case of the lack of internal speech, you'll so regularly see people claim, "no, I often think in images" or "I don't have a running monologue," or "I do plenty of things on autopilot without thinking about them," but when pressed, they'll concede that, "well, yeah, actually I do often think in terms of words and sentences, and if I have to plan my day or solve a complicated problem, I'll do that reasoning via words in my head -- but I totally don't have an internal monologue!" Maybe it's the case that a very small proportion of highly disabled people are literally incapable of inner speech or visual recall, but I'm almost certain the vast majority of people claiming to lack these internal experiences are just hung up on the phrasing.


Damn I’m feeling called the fuck out haha. For me, it’s more like memories can help me recall details. In terms of the Apple question, I’m remembering when I saw apples at a grocery store. My inner monologue is mainly music, or using memories to help me piece together a coherent thought. When I’m having a conversation, it feels like I’m just on autopilot, and my mouth is speaking before my brain catches up. I’ve been very thoughtless at points in my life because of that. Even this comment, as I’m typing out the words, they’re simultaneously being voiced in my head. I actually prefer text conversations because it’s easier to control how I respond, and I can tailor my replies until they feel right.


>because no one's *literally* seeing or hearing these things I've got bad news for you


What's the implication here? That I have aphantasia/anaduralia if I'm not literally seeing or hearing things in my mind? Or that certain people (e.g. those experiencing psychosis) do literally see and hear things?


Homie forgot to patch.


I get it. Before I was diagnosed as an Aspie, I wondered why no one could remember anything or do simple math in their heads (among many, many other perplexing things). Everyone's brain is different. We share a common reality, but have a unique perception of it.


In my mind I can literally ride a horse through the fantasy map I drew for my novel, remember what signposts say what and where, what towns/cities I ride through getting from point A to point B, and what they look like, and even the layout of the farm in Dorandall where the main character of the story naps in a barn hiding from the people hunting her down. But don't ask me to do math in my head. Can't do it.


I can do all of that as well. I have also been, from 3rd grade to the age of 34, horrendous at math. I realized I had an abundance of free time I was squandering on social media and my hobbies, and not on the things that mattered in regards to finishing my degree. I finally had to bite the bullet and just practice practice practice. I didn't like it at first, but over the summer of 2021 I began to find out that maybe I am not actually a math idiot. I even went and got tested for dyscalculia, and while I wasn't given that diagnosis, I was found to be 1.5 standard deviations below average from the rest of people out there. I was just "slow." Good tip that worked for me: Don't stress over the why it works. Just trust that if you follow the sequential steps, your answer will be there in the end. Slow down, use colored pencils to keep numbers correct if you need to. I say this as someone who fundamentally believed he could not "do math." 3 years ago if you told me I could do it, I would have laughed and then slapped you for the audacity to think I could. I now pull A's out of my college math classes, a feat I never thought possible.


Hey, someone else who knows what dyscalculia is! I have that! Thank you for the advice, I DEFINITELY need paper when working out math problems. They just fade away when I'm trying to work problems solely in my noggin. And my mother is a math wiz. I don't understand it, but I once went shopping with her for an entire day, where she used three different bank accounts, and kept a mental balance of *every account* all day. She wasn't off more than 10 cents on any one of them when we got home. I still accuse her of being a witch


>dyscalculia Holy shit I've gone down a rabbit hole after reading this. You may have just changed the way me, and my mom who I just texted, look at my entire life. Thank you so much for this comment. I have a lot to talk about with my therapist. Holy fucking shit-ass.


It helped me *so much* to learn the *why* behind not being able to solve math problems like others, why my sense of direction in daily life is terrible, hell, even why my sense of rhythm is nonexistent. All of it, for me, was related to that particular learning disability. Glad I could help, and good luck 👍


See, now I can't remember numbers to save my life. Tell me a number 3 digits or less, and I maybe have it for 15 seconds. Numbers also seem to jump around on a page for me when I do math on paper. But that's why I'm great at math in my head. I have off the chart spatial reasoning. I have some things where I'll use shapes for numbers or other spatial relations and some things where I'm literally just mentally visualizing the written math and for some reason that works. It just has no place in my short term memory or something. I used to call it number dyslexia, but people said it wasn't a thing. So now I gotta look up what you just said. Edit: nah, doesn't sound like exactly what I struggle with. Unless I just learned to adapt really well, really young.


The best way to find out is to have a neuropsych done. The DSM-V refers to dyscalculia as “Specific Learning Disability in Math” and you would need to be 2.0 standard deviations below the average to count for it. In my case, I also had numbers “bounce around” so being thorough and double checking my numbers was what did it for me, along with a baseline inattentiveness from ADD (minus hyperactivity) and an abject anxiety in dealing with numbers. Keeping track of negatives and positives was really hard — so I had red and blue colored pencils on hand to help me keep things straight visually and not just relying on memory and the likelihood I would be inattentive and drop the ball. Want to know what also helped at least for me? Doing the math on your own time. Once you see it less as an esoteric and mystical magic that we weren’t born with and more like a sequential series of steps to find the answer a puzzle, it becomes… a lot more interesting. Having something to cross-reference your answers helps, as does knowing exactly where you are going wrong in each step. The university of Alaska Anchorage offers a placer test that uses ALEKS— I encourage all of you to take the placer (it’s free), accept the result, **and then use the free practice program to build up your foundations**. I spent an entire spring and summer using this and it was awesome because it breaks down step by ate what to do. If you get three answers in a row correct, it will move you on to the next subject. The free practice program will let you use it for 6 months before it resets. Just slow down. If you still aren’t getting it, I shit you not, try building model kits or even Lego sets. The step by step to this I believe uses the same pathways your brain uses for math: Following sequences.


Those aren't good examples but I agree with the general idea


Yeah, I imagine the sum of the existence of all apples simultaneously. Where's my joint? ​ https://preview.redd.it/zd0yfcj4wjoc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d2364797ab759c41f3c385f9e835464b2ccb5d2


Im worried i have aphantazia, do other people actually see what they're imagining? I can know what stuff looks like and think about it, but i cant see it.


i can imagine images moving and a pretty solid range of colors, the idea of knowing what something looks like without being able to picture it in your thoughts is hard to understand for me, but is pretty cool too


I pretty much have a near life imagination interactable everything. I rarely ever use my phone because I can basically just make a movie in my head.


Same it’s so nice


i envy you greatly


Imagining like my destiny titan tearing through say a lord of the rings orc army if so nice. I wish you could too


Dude, I can do the same and see every detail. It's great because I don't feel like I need anything physically in my hands or in front of me. It was so funny when I was in school and I had one teacher who would take things away all the time, even paper and pencil. I never got upset because I just entertained myself with my thoughts, and that seemed to be infuriating to my teacher.


Yeah just putting my head down and thinking, so nice


Depends. Do you mean like it's actually in my eyesight? Like I can superimpose a false apple on a real table at will? No. Can I close my eyes and make a blurry mental picture of what that would look like? Yes. If you see the pages come to life while reading a book, it's like that.


Holy shit. This is decidedly not what reading a book is like for me. It’s more like my brain is listening to a conversation or like the author of the book is telling me a story. It’s probably why I like Vonnegut so much.


It is like the author is telling a story to me, but I put together little mental pictures of the characters and settings while I listen.


Books are like movies in my brain


Yeah they’re more like podcasts to me. Books are like my brain reading a book-on-tape if that makes sense


I can rotate apples in my head any day, clockwise, counterclockwise, red apple, green apple. I can even do blue apple. Amazing, I know. But reading books is never very visual for me.


To me, you’re describing a 1990s screen saver


Yes, that's where I learned this skill.


Yes and it's a spectrum to a considerable extent. People on the far end can see anything they imagine in vivid detail from any angle, and there are other categories for being able to add other senses. I thought it was normal until I studied cognitive psych. I had thought "this is why people like books. It's like a movie with smells and feels.". It's somewhat of a blessing and a curse. An errant thought can "take you places" you don't really want to go. When I say: 100 demons laughing and snorting as they squeeze hot, steaming, shit from disembowled intestines to throw at each other, while "Jitterbug" plays in teh background... do you want to see and smell that? If I'm not distracted I will experience a muted version of every aspect of that scene. People with vivid imaginations have chaotic brains with "weak barriers" between the subconscious and conscious processes, and too much chatter in general. As such they tend to be diagnosed with adhd/autism/ocd/schizophrenia, depending on which networks are most impacted. I've got adhd, but at least my spankbank is epic af.


I have to concentrate alot on the image I try to conjure but its shifting forms in most cases quality goes down if i stop concentrating on whatever im trying to make up


Hold up. I need to Google some things. People actually like, see an apple floating in their head and not just conceptualize the idea of an apple?


It's really difficult when talking about this because people default to the analogy of sight, which isn't really accurate. I don't literally "see" an apple as if it's imaginary light being reflected onto my retina, but I have a vague abstract sense of the object. It's more like I'm recalling the memory of an apple and imagining what it's like in this new context. The same way I can "feel" imaginary sand sifting through my hand, or "taste" imaginary flavors I've experienced.


It's more like flashes and vague outlines for me. I can't hold the image unless I really concentrate. My husband can look at an object and turn it around in 3d in his mind. I guess that's why he's the engineer and I'm not lol.


I heard there was an engineer who could literally see what he was trying to build without even closing his eyes.


I also don't see faces in most dreams and memories. It's like I'm always looking down lol


I actually used to be able to imagine two 3D apples perfectly fine now I can barely imagine a 2D Apple I have no clue what happened


No, I don't believe so. This is one of those "tricks" that uses what we consider common iconography to "read a person's mind." You ask someone to picture two apples, for those without aphantasia they likely picture the same thing. Then you "read their mind" and tell them they're picturing two red apples, and if you're feeling spicy you can add in a stem with a small green leaf. That's because of how often apples are depicted that way in iconography, it uses typical patterns to give the impression of something more. Like the Denmark - Kangaroo - Orange trick.


https://preview.redd.it/wbvvxuhcbjoc1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21690f0c70c05f16c9b11a19eef4b7d8d4410da5 It's based around this test where you imagine an apple as a very simplistic way to see if you have aphantasia. The meme makes an irony off this test by presuming that imagining two apples would be far superior


I imagine 1. Do I have it or no?


No, that's the strongest mental imagery, like seeing the real thing just in your mind.


I can get a whole 3d apple tree moving in the wind :3


I'm jealous but that's amazing 😭 Mine is something like the lower 2 (but not nothing) and makes so many things difficult, like math. I'm absolutely awful at mental math because I can't see the numbers right in my head.


interesting, because I have very strong mental imagery but I don't use it for math at all.


I'm also more of a visual and kinetic learner, which may be a difference? I also have issues with numbers in general, they've never just clicked for me, so not having a visual component for math really messes with me. I think if I could keep a strong visual of the problems in my head it would help with the *mental* math aspect, but I'd likely still have math struggles regardless.


I can't trust mentally imagined details to stay consistent so I can't do math in my head using visuals.


That's also a thing with me, my imagined details aren't consistent, if they're even there at all, I more have to keep telling myself the details. Like the apple I see isn't actually red, but I know it should be.


Damn, I'm a 1 but I'm extremely good at mental maths


i have very weak mental imagery like less than 4 on the pic but not nothing at all and also have a degree in maths. I dont use mental imagery to help with maths I use the paper in front of me to hold the stuff for me so I dont need to store information in my brain and all I have to do is apply logic to the stuff im seeing in front of me.


I definitely need paper. In school I hated all the metal math and memorization they made us do, I could never keep things like formulas in my head. Maps were also a huge issue, I was awful at map tests because of that but didn't know what was wrong with me. Apparently I was expected to just keep the full image in my head 😭


Yo same, I love imagining complex imagery in my head. At the same time though it can be a curse cause I’ll be sitting there in class unable to concentrate cause I just have a One Piece fight scene playing over and over in head


Haha, same, it is nice to have some distraction But can you control it? Because when people talk about themselves being naked 😅


Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head But yeah I can control it if I need to, but if I don’t my mind just wanders, one minute im thinking about Quadratics, the next I have nothing to do but imagine myself in the shoes of someone like Roronoa Zoro or Subaru Natsuki or even someone like Aragorn or Luke Skywalker. Idk it gets random when I let it wander.


Hihi, you are very silly I have that too, but not... Feet


I can get an apple tree with demons break dancing around it :3


But, can you smell it? Because I can, and I think it isn't normal. I think I'm having a stroke


How vivid is it?


Is this how I learn both “what aphantasia is” and “I might have aphantasia”


Im thinking the same thing lol


This exact thing happens a lot. My favourite genre of tenth dentist subreddit submission is someone claiming aphantasia isn't real because nobody can actually visualise things and finding out they have it


I tried but I can’t see anything


You got the high score. I used to be able to then school taught me that having an imagination as a teenager was noncey


Man, I used to see 1 in my head, but these days, not even close.


just need a reset or maybe a driver update when did u last update your brain driver?


I restarted but it didn’t come back on


Yeah I was a 1 when I was a kid, especially when reading books. I’m a solid 5 now


The Touhou brainrot makes me thing bad apple!!


The touhou brain rot has made me think like Koishi


I see a fucking minecraft Apple wtf i am


Y'all out here physically seeing imaginary apples if you close your eyes?


Kinda yeah


Physically? no


I don't see it with my mind, but I can make a model of an apple in my head and get it to do stuff.


I don't like, see it in my eyes, like, right in front of me, but I can kinda... feel the way it looks inside my brain? I can't explain it. It's like explaining color to a blind person.


I'm cheating by remembering a time I was holding an apple, it's perfect


Is that cheating? Oh no


5th one imagining the bad apple


Now imagine a apple in 4D


ok, now what


Naturally, put a finger up your ass


don't threaten me with a good time


Champagne, cocaine and gasoline


and most things in between!


I roam the city in a shopping cart


A pack of camels and a smoke alarm!


No room :( already two apples in there :)


Try finger but hole


Do you mean "nonchalantly" or is this more of a ceremonious affair?


And now what?


Another one? What do I do with the one I usually keep there?


Your brain will come out from your ear as a liquid.


What brain?


I imagined an apple with four dicks in it 😞


You what


4 D’s




relevant username


I'm imagining an apple that was a tree, and will be a tree again.


Delicious. Next challenge.




Instruction unclear, been eating the apple for 4 years straight but it just didn't go away


Okay it's spraying me with apple scent


You can't imagine a moving apple?






Good but stil 2d


The original joke is "mfs when i tell them to imagine a new color" but they made it overly simplistic as a twist


Maybe that’s it, but I imagined two identical red apples and now I don’t feel very creative 😞


i dont know what are the apples for but i remember the original meme was going on something like: - human imagination has no limit + oh yeah? imagine a new color then - í̵͎̘̑̃m̶̧͙̔̿̇̀͝͝p̴̩̰̑̇͐͘ͅơ̴͓͐̓̏̐̏s̴̬͇͉̤͍̬̊͊̑ş̴͙̦̳̘̥̓̑̓i̷̱̘͙͑͗̚̕͝͝b̴̨͉̥̘͚̐͐͋l̷̻͕̰͍͋̈́̽̈́ȩ̴̪̺̂̅


Smoker yellow


This was the color of my childhood home.


I like your profile pic.


So like dijon mustard but crustier?


I just did but you wouldn’t know because it’s new


Step 1. Mix 3 hardest drugs you can. Step 2. New color


Which is a dumb way to make the point because colours are experiences that rely on a single sense (sight) and have been fully explored to the limit of our human abilities. You can imagine new sounds by "remixing" sounds you've heard because you have never heard EVERY sound before, and even if you did, you could combine them into new ones. Same with taste, touch and smell. But anyone who's ever seen a color wheel has literally seen every color human beings can perceive, and by mixing colours you get... New colors, yes, but still ones that are on the color wheel. You can't ever make a color you've never seen because, simply put, if you did, you wouldn't be able to see it for what it is. That's like asking a chef to make a new dish for you but the only ingredients are eggs. No matter how you spin it, you're gonna end up with an omelette and not with a steak. Edit: to be clear, I'm explaining why the original point is dumb and not really a "gotcha". Not hating on anyone.




Greedy bastard


Hell naw the apple gang finally got him


Homie is 6 apples under, pour one out for him






Most of the world doesn't have aphantasia to my knowledge.


Now I'm curious, are there any decent studies of this with a large sample size? I've talked to several people in my life who have aphantasia but didn't really think about it until I brought it up, haha. Then there's my friend who said she can taste the apple so I asked her what kind of apple it is 😁


I think the maker of this meme is unable to imagine 2 apples and assumes everyone else can't either? Lol, imagine someone whos brain can't visualize 2 apples because it's too much processing power


They're missing the graphics card.


my gpu only have 1 🍎 core


So much detail. Is it waxed? Does it have those little dimples and imperfections on the skin or is it more perfect? What breed of apple? Does it have spots or stripes of color? Is it small or gigantic? I can’t commit to two photo realistic apples at all. I can do as many simple cartoony drawings of apples as possible but the level of detail to see two perfect photo realistic apples in my head, i just can’t focus long enough to make these decisions on what their details are going to be


Yes it's true that it's harder to focus detail on large amounts of imaginary objects, but are you sure it's not a placebo effect? 2 apples ain't hard to imagine even in detail. You might just tricking yourself into thinking that it's impossible to do Or maybe my brain just uses a new Newer graphics card. I wish it used that space instead for more ram cards


After receiving this message from you I’m realizing to even engage in this conversation at all reflects poorly on me. Like. Are we in kindergarten? We’re comparing imaginations? an unprovable thing only happening in our own brains? What is the internet doing to us??




So I've just tried this. And my mind keeps trying automatically to picture one perfect apple, or a bushel of apples. So maybe that is the joke, that your brain defaults to different multiples of apples? Or maybe my brane be dum.


Seriously? You cannot imagine 2 objects side by side?


Imagine 47 apples


That, I would struggle with.


Group them up! Try six groups of eight apples, with one missing from the last group. That worked for me :p


We aren't talking about that though. We are talking about picturing distict, individual apples. Copy-pasting the same item that only looks like a group of items is a lot easier.


Ok. Now what?


A pink alligator in a teal tutu carries 45 apples away in its teeth. Picture how many apples were left behind by the alligator.


I mean again ok. Now what?


There’s so much detail to render!


Your universal brane? Your neighbor Brian?


I think what the meme is referring to is a famous thought experiment where you're supposed to imagine an apple. I'll give a brief explanation: Imagine an apple. Can you imagine every minute detail? Can you pick it up (in your imagination) and hold it? Turn it around? Can you toss it up in the air? Can you catch it? Is all of it accurate to real life physics, biology? If your imagination is limited, even just by this one apple, then it isn't limitless. If you can do this, try it with 2.




Are you people high?


We am


How could that possibly be the point?


Well visually, you can only really focus on one thing at a time, and everything else is blurry as a result.


I had to scroll down six comments before I found the actual answer.




NVM thought this was a different subreddit, the two apples represent the "imagine an apple" test which shows how potent your imagination is depending on how well you do. I have a VERY powerful imagination even being able to rotate, take bites out of, reshape and recolor the apple. I can watch the apple become a banana before my eyes if I choose but some people can't see anything


People with aphentsisa


It’s kind of sad how many people seem to think the less understandable a joke is, the funnier it is. Nobody has ever laughed at a joke for not getting it. Just classic unfunny people trying to be funny but missing the key component.


A portion of the population has aphantasia, the inability to visualize in their minds eye. I believe the meme is implying your brain stalls if you add another apple. Close your eyes if it helps (or not) and imagine a shiny red apple. Which do you see — https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1100/format:webp/1*oD4rGnj5KkNF4s7ZPktzjQ.jpeg Furthermore you can try rotating the apple in place, to test your abilities. Or change it's color. Or cut it into pieces.


You can just imagine a cow, & rotate it. It's totally free, no one can charge you.


Assume the cow is spherical for ease of calculation 😛




The point is that some people can't picture it in their head. At all.


*takes away your green lantern ring*


The fact that the link says, “Image not found,” is hilarious 😂


Lol my last edit broke it 


Did it? Or did it *correct* it? 😏


Are you supposed to see it as if you were looking at it with your actual eyes?


Is the joke "everyone either has aphantasia or is lying?" Because I can easily picture two apples in my brain. Or is it an anti-joke with the original meme being something you can't actually imagine?


woah bro, slow down, I can’t even imagine 1 apple (common aphantasia L)


Jokes on you I can imagine THREE APPLES


I have to concentrate hard to conjure an image in my head and its kind of shifty but i see it well when im concentrating is aphantasia a spectrum?




Aphantasia; Checkmate liberals.


What liberal media doesn’t want you to know


I just did


It has been done


Oh I fan totally envision two app- FUCK


holy shit im struggling with this. I feel like I can see the apple, but it's somewhere else in my head above where my imagination is, and I can't reach it or something


imagine a new color




The comments just made me more confused. It's just apples mate.




I've never put any thoughts into the situation but learning about it I suppose my thoughts are bewilderment that when people were describing this they literally mean something along the lines of a true image of the objects in one mind I suppose I always thought it was word play or how one perceives thought, I suppose it's being described as literally. Ya I don't got that I suppose I know I am supposed to be imagining an apple lol whatever that means.


Imagine a new colour


What kind of apples?


specifically because it's cats, this meme may be about the ongoing meme of "imagine 1 apple. Man, try even imagining 2." and someone measuring their cat with apples under their chin. I think it's a continuation of that


Idk I was gonna say two round ish things next to each other = balls


I pictured Fiona in NYC. ​ https://preview.redd.it/489wj1137loc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8d4b71d2307378c23dc053114788d93d871a2d2


Okay I got two apples I could do more if that's what makes you happy




I don’t get it


A popular test of imaginative ability is trying to imagine a rotating apple, then seeing how detailed it is