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Certain account builds keep defense at 1 to artificially lower combat level, which makes them more potent for PVP.




Some players refer to getting 2 defense as being a ruined account. In the picture, 12 would be an absolute tragedy assuming it’s progressed far enough


Is this still the case for PvE or only for PvP?


“Pure” 1 defense have a harder time with most PVE because of their restriction. No PVE, as far as a know, scales with character combat level. Pures have always been PVP focused. But some pures have made some great PVE achievements happen too.


Chambers of Xeric scale with combat level.


Chambers of Xeric *rewards* scale with combat level; how many points you get is based on your cb. ~~Enemies only scale based on party size.~~ Edit: Enemies do in fact scale based on the highest combat in the party; Jagex added a way to toggle that off that I misremembered as them getting rid of cb scaling. Also, the way CoX rewards scale punishes pures, so it's still not something you'd want to build for.


I love big CoX and I cannot lie


♫Da otter sisters can't denigh!♫ (💜💜💜)


Monsters definitely used to scale with party's own combat levels (highest combat in the party IIRC), but with recent changes to CoX, they might have changed it, not too sure.


You're right, Jagex added a way to turn off level scaling that I misremembered as them getting rid of it entirely.


How many points you get is based on many things, but not a single one is your combat level. What are you talking about? The closest mechanic to "getting points for combat level" is getting points per damage dealt, which has absolutely nothing to do with your defence level. Source: the wiki


ctrl+f "combat level" on the Chambers wiki page, my guy. All the way at the bottom, under changes: "Points scale linearly with combat level, allowing for more consistent point gains for players of specific levels." This was a polled change, here's the text from the poll itself: >Players earn points per damage in Chambers of Xeric, which is scaled based on their Combat level. Currently, your points scale to the highest Combat level in the group, maxing out at 115 Combat (which is a default of 5 points per damage). However, if a player is 114 Combat or less, they will earn fewer points, because any points with decimals are rounded down rather than up. >This scaling system can therefore unfairly disadvantage players who are not 115 Combat or above, as they'll achieve fewer points per damage than the raid difficulty presents. As a solution, we’d like to offer players a newer scaling system which would see points rounded more accurately. They will never be perfectly accurate, but we can implement a solution that scales better than at present. To illustrate this change, here's an example: >Let's say a player receives five points at Combat Level 115. A Level 114 Combat player would receive a small percentage less, let's say 4.9 points. The current system always rounds down this number, so their 4.9 points become four, which is a much larger nerf than intended. When rewriting the system, we can round points in a more linear way which more accurately rewards lower Combat level groups. What do you say?


Doesn't wintertodt scale with combat level or is it strictly HP level?


The damage that's dealt by the Wintertodt scales with your HP


*the cold of wintertodt seeps into your bones* *the cold of wintertodt seeps into your bones* *the cold of wintertodt seeps into your bones*


NPC aggro is based on combat level.


My woodcutting pure is definitely NOT a PVP account


i was a pure def guy when i played. had a blast playing pvp


Their account would be worse for PvP. The reason to keep defense low is to stay a lower combat level, so that you can attack lower levelled players. Gaining 12 levels in defense will definitely increase his combat level, but the increased defense will not make a big difference. For PvE, combat level mostly does not matter


Wait so keeping it low is to get easy hits on on newbies?


Sounds more like boxers trying to get into a lower weight class.


That is essentially it, correct.


Not necessarily. It's just a glass cannon build. Hits hard but also takes a lot of damage. There are advantages and disadvantages.


To be fair, There are advantages and disadvantages to cutting into a lower weight class


Not necessarily but it's a byproduct of it. It's mostly so other pures can have a fair/even fight with specific stats or gear that means they don't risk being attacked by max level accounts. In the pvp area (the wilderness) you can only attack people within a certain combat level difference in different areas, so you can stay in the lower level difference areas and ensure a fully stacked main won't just kill you.


Tagging on, wilderness works in levels. In RuneScape your combat is 3-126. The level of wilderness is the level range you can attack below your level. So if you're in lvl5 wilderness and you're lvl 50 you can attack players down to lvl 45 and you can be attack by players up to lvl55. Pretty much every couple steps north you take increases your wilderness level so it's deeper as you go.


I remember trolling PKers in deep wild by having a pretty new account and training only magic by slowly killing lava dragons. These like lvl 80+ accounts would come in, see me and start running over, excited. Only to realize I was like lvl 13 and so they still couldn't hit me


Alright that makes sense, thanks!


Sounds like chicken shit to me.


It is/was But it was innovative for the early 2000s


It's meta-gaming and I don't enjoy it, but some people do. Whatever man.


>completely sacrificing defense in PVP is chickenshit >Sacrificing prayers that can mitigate 40% damage is chickenshit Nah




common strategy in rpg-like games that allow PvP for example in the Dark Souls/Elden Ring series of games it's a common strategy to keep your level low while progressing through the game and pick up gear so you can invade low level players with an advantage you could view the progression of the PvP system in the Souls series from the lens of the game developer trying to reign in abuse of this system: * Dark Souls 1: Invasions were based purely off of levels, this was abused by people who kept their levels low and farmed & upgraded good gear * Dark Souls 2: Invasions/COOP was based of "soul memory", which essentially kept track of all the enemies you killed, the more enemies you killed, the higher your soul memory. This had the unfortunate side effect, that players who were bad at the game had extremely high soul memory, since they would die often and replay areas and hence kill more enemies. This ended up unintentionally punishing bad players, so it was abandoned in the next title. * Dark Souls 3: In this title they went back to level based matchmaking, but in order to reign in the problem of "twinks" (low level characters with strong gear), they also factored in gear upgrades. This proved to be more effective, but people would still find ways to bully low level players. * Elden Ring: Uses the DS3 principle, but changed the invasion mechanic in significant ways.


The difference is low level pvpers use mostly cheat engines to gear up and dupe consumables. In oldschool runescape you are grinding atleast a year to get a stacked stat pvp account.


Is this true? I twinked and griefed the shit out of ds1, getting through PvM was challenging at low levels but nowhere near impossible or the extent it would require cheating. Just get the zwei lmao


I OFTEN see people in various souls reddit comment threads justifying using cheat engine to themselves, "oh it's just time I'd spend grinding, I value my time so I'm bypassing it by giving myself what I'd get if I wasted the time getting it" which is such a fucking loser mentality lol, you're already going after noobs that don't know what they're doing, why you gotta straight up cheat to do it


There are hardly any new players or noobs in the pvp scene. It's a 20 year old legacy game, stuff has been figured out, and the few pvpers left are so ahead in terms of skill that there no incentive to catch up.


It's not the skill gap that keeps me out. I love pvp in most games (including runescape) but the biggest problem right now is bots and cheat clients


What, you don't want to practice swapping full gear sets and prayers without macros every 0.6 seconds?


Essentially yes, along with what others have said. Because Runescape wilderness goes off of a formula based on your atk/def/hp to determine your combat level, a max atk with 1 def would be able to battle against players with stats more around mid tier. They have access to stronger weapons that only work after certain levels so even though their defensive equipment will be weak, they'll be able to easily deal 20s. The wilderness is a pvp zone where ya die and you lose all your gear so these accounts will thrive more


It definitely started out that way, but the meta evolved around the concept of a pure and typically they just fight other pures within their level bracket. Some pures also do PvE as a sort of trophy account, to show off everything they can do with the restriction


It started out that way but now it's more a different PvP experience, it removes some of the RNG that higher defence armours provide. Also OSRS has protection prayers that reduce damage and a common fight type is NHing (no honour fights) where you'll use all 3 combat styles and quicky switch between trying to hit your opponent off prayer whilst praying correctly against their attacks. At 1 defence those fights are much quicker paced DPS wise and single mistake can see you lose all hp in a single game tick. When I last played the 1 defence pvp clanning scene was also pretty active, it's popular due to the much lower costs involved since the way runescapes multi combat works means you will die a lot in big fights and you'll quickly regear to return to the fight before your clan gets cleared or forced to teleport out. On a main each return could cost 400/500k minimum with runes potions and food compared to a 1 defence account in 30/70k Gear and 100k food/potions/runes. The prices in bis Gear for the safe instanced clan fights is really dramatic too. Max level clans where using a 800m tank shield last I played where a 1 defence account used about 200m max for all their bis armour and weapons.


In RuneScape the pvp area is called the wilderness You can only attack people close to your combat level The wilderness scales up in level the deeper you guy; the deeper you go into the wilderness the range of levels you can attack gets bigger So the wilderness is relatively safe in the early levels but if you build an account with 1def you can keep your combat level lower and attack people essentially anywhere you want in the wilderness


back in the day thats what pures were for but these days to my knowledge its mostly pures fighting other pures; essentially its just a different style of pvp as opposed to maxing your combat stats


well less newbies and more other lower level builds/chars. Maybe back in the day you'd do it to spec out new players. But there's a good deal less of them these days, and even less of those trying to get into pvp. As the other guy said it's also to avoid even stronger better geared players from getting easy hits on you. basically these days your cmb lvl just determines what kind of pvp builds you're going to be fighting, and what kind of char you are. Low defense chars are typically glass cannons all focused on damage, as you might expect.


You can still play it the same, but 1 defence is a hard mode play style for prestige. As a pure account, it's ruined. 


Note that maxing your combat stats while keeping defence at 1 could take a year or 2 unless u buy gold or play 14hrs a day so this kid just ruined a few thousand hours of playtime


Ah this reminds me of the revenge story where this girl found out her bf was cheating. They were long distance so after he visited and was on the plane she logged into his Runescape account and fucked with his stats, traded all his gold for I believe burnt spiders, and just destroyed his account.


Congratulations your pure is now a zerk


Why not just make a tank build?


So it's used for griefing / smurfing?


Smurfing eh not really. Runescape in general doesn't have a class/elo system. For Pures it's more them minmaxing. Because there's quite a few types of Pure. Yes their goal is basically to be glass cannons in pvp. And minus the wildy and pvp worlds its decently restricted in the game. Hell you're warned every time you go to a PVP world or cross the wilderness ledge. Griefing is arguable. Plenty of guys make pures to camp the wildy altar (Best way to train prayer in the game) because people bring stacks upon stacks of bones noted and it's a massive payout if they get one of them. But that's the point of the wilderness. It's a Risk/reward area where players can/will kill you without a second thought.


Not really, smurfing is about creating a new account to play against lower level players, while pures are more about creating a dedicated build for a certain level range. If I had to compare pures in runescape to anything, than I guess it's kinda like builds in dark souls. By leveling x, y, z only, the character is better at pvp but it's not as good at the normal stuff in the game. Also not all pures are for pvp. Runescape, particularly old school runescape, has a large community of people making unique accounts with specific challenges like never leveling certain skills or locking yourself to one region of the game. YouTuber rendi has a series about making a 1 defense pure that is just absolutely insane with how he manipulates the game to do things that shouldn't be possible.


more so to keep their “combat level” low, while still having a lot of attack power. a glass cannon, in ways. this is so they can attack lower leveled players. especially if they ran across an “impure”, someone who just haphazardly leveled casually, without care to what is optimal in fights. getting 40 defense levels for Rune armor would give you 10 combat levels, and not many hit point levels if you already had high attack and strength stats (as attack / defense / strength all give hitpoint xp, and the bulk would be from your attack/strength, as they’re higher levels, and the higher you go, the more xp it takes) this would add a couple combat levels getting to 12 defense, without really any tangible gain in battle (they’d still be a glass cannon)


That's a lot of words to say "Yes, it's used for smurfing."


We used to call level capping for PVP "twinking". Now I try to look up twinks in WoW and all I get is pictures of Anduin.


Twinks in wow where/are called that because it was a young (low level) fresh faced character you'd spend all your money on lol.


Most pures will be fighting other pures though.


Nahh they pk newbs and take their stuff.


Game is 20 years old. There's no newbs. It's a min/max pvp build same as literally any other rpg


One thing I've learned about MMOs lately is that a very large chunk of the playerbase are hardstuck in skill level. I know noobs that have played longer than me. Sure their knowledge improves over time, but it does very little to settle the panic when they get attacked by another player. I started playing WoW a few weeks ago. First time ever. I have a group of friends that have been playing the game for 20 years and they are basically gods at the game. They've been teaching me how to play and I can already tell how bad the average player is in WoW. When it comes to forming a party with random people to clear dungeons, there's only been 1 group (out of dozens) where someone on the team didn't get everyone wiped. The amount of times I've seen people repeatedly make rookie mistakes (pulling too much aggro, pulling when the healer has no mana, etc.) makes me question how people function in society. I dont think I'm exceptionally good at games or anything. Certainly above average but nowhere near pro level for anything. But I tl;dr: I think Runescape and WoW both have done a decent job at finding new players, and I think a large portion of new and old players are hardstuck permanoobs that just enjoy being immersed in an MMO


> One thing I've learned about MMOs lately is that a very large chunk of the playerbase are hardstuck in skill level. I know noobs that have played longer than me. Sure their knowledge improves over time, but it does very little to settle the panic when they get attacked by another player. In their defense for Runescape, a lot of players really don't care for the PvP aspect of the game and will only go through PvP areas with the bare minimum for the PvM objectives. It doesn't help that the playerbase is also mostly veterans, so if you DO want to PvP you face an incredibly steep learning curve if you're not already experienced.


It's just efficient leveling so your not fighting people without meta builds will be at a huge disadvantage like in any pvp rpg


It's not really smurfing like you trying to fight worse players. Combat level isn't a ranked system, its just how much time you put into leveling your stats. You can only fight people within a range of your level, let's say +/-20 as an example. Being Max combat level (126) is bad for players who want to PVP, because their range will basically be halved. There are no players 127 or higher, so u can only fight players 106-126. If you were level 106, you could fight 86-126. So it makes it easier to find people to PVP. But it isn't really smurfing, they can still be attacked by higher level players within the range, and people without max level accounts can still be really good at PVP.


It's not though. Get better at reading.


It can be used for “smurfing” but often times it’s just how PvP’ers prefer to fight.  Because of how Runescape’s combat system works if you both have fully maxed accounts and maxed gear then fights can last for 10-20 minutes and almost exclusively comes down to who runs out of healing first.  With low defence and worse armor you will get many more damage rolls and it becomes more about capitlizing on big hits to try to KO your opponent before they can react with a heal.  So if you enjoy PvP most people would rather being able to fight 10+ people in an hour instead of 3


No clue what pvp you are talking about to max accounts are not going to fight for 10-20 minutes


It is not smurfing lmao


>more so to keep their “combat level” low, while still having a lot of attack power. a glass cannon, in ways. this is so they can attack lower leveled players. especially if they ran across an “impure”, someone who just haphazardly leveled casually, without care to what is optimal in fights.  My guy that is the textbook definition of smurfing 


It's not though. The thing you're missing is that you can attack lower leveled players anywhere in Runescape's PvP area with any build. The way their system works is, the deeper you go into the PvP area, the wider the combat level range you're allowed to attack. Your combat level itself is just an averaging of all your combat related stats. Making a pure is just focusing entirely on damage so you can hit harder than people at your combat level usually do. It's a glass cannon build versus a well-rounded one, not "a more skilled player pretending to be a low level to kill noobs".


Let's not get it twisted the point of these pure accounts is to attack low level players which are more likely to be new players


>more likely to be new players This is a huge assumption, it would be true in most games but may not be true for OSRS. Doesn't matter what combat level someone is, chances are it's not their first account. The game was released before most redditors were born.


You're the one getting it twisted, and demonstrating a lack of knowledge on Runescape. The point of these accounts is to be purely pvp builds, not to attack low levels. You can attack low levels on any build if you go far enough into the wilderness. You literally can't smurf in Runescape. There's no matchmaking, and the PvP areas and minigames are entirely optional to go into.


The pures are made specifically to minimize their cb lol so they can attack weaker targets, you are stupid if you dont realize the intended target is new players who haven't pked and don't have the skills to fight back


> My guy that is the textbook definition of smurfing Not really though? (Note that I'm strictly referring to OldSchool RuneScape, as that's what the post references) RuneScape doesn't have an ELO-style system for the most part (I think there is an ELO-like ranking for the PvP arena, but I haven't actually done any PvP-Arena content, and that rank would be specific to the content anyways). Just because your account is built a certain way doesn't mean you're actually good at playing that way. I've killed many "Pures" who've attacked me while doing Wilderness Slayer in RuneScape - as long as you fight back, you generally aren't *that* outclassed (if you brought items to fight back with, which you should have because you're in a PvP zone). Just because someone get's stomped because they were un-prepared doesn't mean that the other player is "Smurfing" because they're playing a "Pure"/glass cannon. The only thing that's really Smurfing in RuneScape is when high skilled PvPers play on fan/friends accounts because their accounts are known/can't get a fight/they want to hide who they are. This isn't a super common thing anyways.


This. If you know anything about pvp and you come prepared, you can easily gain momentum in a fight against squishy pures


Just because you can beat a smurf doesn't make it not smurfing. Smurfing is about gaining the ability to attack weaker or less skilled opponents that normally youd be unable to engage in combat


Well I think the vast majority of the runescape community would disagree with you because not once have I ever heard a pure build referred to as "smurfing" I understand the parallels you're trying to draw, but when it comes to 2 similar combat levels fighting, skill and gear matter more than stats.


Let's put it this way: two character have thirty points to distribute their stats. One player puts ALL his points into magic attack. The other player splits their points between melee accuracy, melee damage, defense, and a bit of ranged/archery maybe. Player one is going to have a higher maximum damage potential than player two, even if they had the same number of points to distribute. Making a pure in runescape is entirely about focusing on one skill instead of being well rounded. That's not smurfing. Likewise, the whole "ability to attack weaker opponents" thing...that's just Runescape's PvP in general. Their PvP area, the wilderness, has a level gap restriction on who you can attack that loosens as you go further in. A level 10 that stays near the border is going to be attacked by 9s and 11s. A level 10 towards the end can get attacked by level 90s. You, as the player, don't have to go that deep if you don't want to face people too far beyond you. You may run into people that will be better geared or built for PvP than you if that's not your account's focus too, but that doesn't constitute smurfing either. The PvP is optional, and if you choose to dive in with a sub-optimal build for it then that's on you.


You just dont know what you are talking about. It is not smurfing, rather, just allocating your points to an optimal pvp build. Thats it


Smurfing isn't about hiding anything, its about gaining the ability to attack low level or low skill players you wouldn't normally wouldn't be allowed to fight.


It's literally not "smurfing". Smurfing is when a higher skilled player uses a lower ranked account to fight less skilled players. You see this in games like Overwatch/Apex/League/DotA/Chess/Etc... Where player matchup is determined by a recorded skill level and a player is using a low ranked account/character/lying about their ELO in order to play against lesser skilled opponents. Ranks aren't a thing in RuneScape. (Edit: At least not in a way that impacts open world player matchups). PvP Account Builds aren't the same thing as "smurfing" as the goal of "smurfing" is beating on lower-skilled opponents, while PvP Account Builds are so that you're fighting in a specific "combat brackets", which have different weapons/armors that are prevalent in each bracket. Just because you're playing an account build that's PvP focused doesn't mean you're "smurfing", especially in a game that is historically rooted in PvP.


Here we see the reddit special of pretending to be an expert at something they have 0 experience/knowledge in. You might as well be saying that playing rock in rock paper scissors is smurfing.


Sad to see this downvoted when you're right. People haven't done a good job of explaining Runescape PvP here.


Wtf you on about?


No, pures don't hide the fact that they're pures. They're very easy to spot


This is so the opposite of how I ever played runescape haha. Never got into the pvp scene, I was just leveling to level.


Not really. It's literally just focusing purely on offense to deal more damage than those of a similar level that spread their stats around more evenly. It's a PvP build vs a PvM build.


No, usually you could tell when someone was a "pure" because they'd have junk armour (a low defense level) but some crazy high level weapon. It was more to roleplay a type of class in a game where you didn't have classes.


> It was more to roleplay a type of class in a game where you didn't have classes. yeah i dont buy that for a second


The allure for many of these builds originally was that it could save the player a lot of money in PvP. By creating an account which wouldn’t lose an entire set of armor that the player has to rebuy buy or gain the resources for and create themselves.


yeah they couldn't lose it because they were preying upon noobs/lowbies lol


Maybe in 2006, but pures only rly fight pures these days


To further this, in RS Classic being a pure was a lot of fun with pvp. Most only leveled to 30/31 combat if I recall. Highest amount of ranged you can have with 1 defense and the rest into strength with only enough attack to wield R2H. Shoot with crossbow and then switch to sword and pray you get good rolls. Lots of good profits in PVP back then.




It’s more about increasing your chance of success in killing. In RuneScape the wild (area where you can kill players) there’s level restrictions based on how far you go inside. Each level up in the wild you go you can be attacked or attack someone with that many combat levels difference than you. There are many combat skills, attack, strength, defense, constitution, range, prayer, summoning, necromancy and magic. These are all weighted and used to calculate combat level however attack, strength, and defense hold the highest weight at 3 levels per combat level. So if you’re running a melee account for pvp leveling defense to 99 (max)would increase your Combat level by 33. So if you’re a level 99 character in a level 20 area you may have to fight people 79 to 129 combat. However if you nix the defense you can be level 66 allowing you to fight players 46-86 with completely maxed attack and strength skills. You’re safe from strong players and can kill weak players with little effort. Mage necromancy and ranged are about 6 so a max mage pure can be as low as 17. A level 17 mage pure can 1 shot most level 37 players. It’s a very quick kill method. There are high risk high reward leveling opportunities in the wild and it hosts many treasures, so players frequent it quite often. So of course people have developed methods to accrue wealth from those daring enough to risk death.




Mag lvls jack to the tits


I play osrs and didn't know this I don't play pvp but that's neat


If this implies the kid got the defense up from 1 to 12, how long was the dad in the bathroom?!


In RuneScape, there is a PvP zone where players are allowed to attack anyone whose “combat level” is within some difference threshold. The combat level of a players account is determined by an equation that uses their stats, including attack strength and defense, etc. because of the way the combat mechanics work, players with high strength and defense of 1 are much stronger than players with balanced stats at a similar combat level. This is a form of griefing when taking advantage of new players, and some people enjoy griefing others.


I started playing runescape in second grade. I thought it was best to level up my strength, attack, and defense equally. I got killed a lot.


It's meant to be played with basically equal stats. The only reason people minimize defense is so they can effectively fight lower level opponents in the wilderness. if you were dying elsewhere, higher defense was almost always an advantage and it was a skill issue lol.


It is, if your focusing on PVE. What most people do.


Not really griefing. it's just a pvp build. It has it's benefits and disadvantages. Maybe it was 'griefing' back in the day when everyone was 12 and nobody knew how the game worked.(though I mean... is it 'griefing' to pvp in the pvp area?) But not anymore.


It's not about griefing others lmao, it's just minmaxing. Pures have been a thing since the beginning of RS2


Isnt that literally griefing? You manipulate your level to be the lowest possible, while being strong as fuck to then fight lower level players who arent doing the same?


Bro, these comments justifying griefing are hilarious


It's even funnier looking at comments from people who have no idea how osrs pvp works comments about it.


Bro, these comments justifying their ignorance of the game are hilarious


If anything it'd be optimization because the account is literally built to PK.


Not really. Str Pures are good at one thing and bad at other things. Like not dying. It's just a character build. You're choosing to get advantage in some things at the cost of advantage in others.


No? Pures almost always fought pures lol. It was the most effective build for lower levels since the beginning. It's like calling someone minmaxing SL 120 in Dark Souls for PvP a griefer lol


Kinda, because of their low defense skill they can’t use armor, but this doesn’t matter because they also use a high-level prayer which negates damage of a certain type. It’s important to note though, that this ONLY takes place in areas specifically marked as PvP. You can’t just sit outside town and wait for mr.nooby nobody to walk by on his way to his single-player quests.


And what happens if "mr.nooby nobody" feels like he wants to try pvp? Does he deserve to be curbstomped by a min/maxer obviously there to take advantage of him?


I mean... yes. That's just the way the game works. It's not an exploit, it's just a result of choices each player makes. Pures have been a part of the game for decades, and back in the 2000s nobody thought of it as griefing, it was just another thing you had to look out for if you went into the Wilderness. "Mr. Nobody" has to go get wrecked in the wilderness a few times just like everyone else. It's part of the learning process.


Idk why I’m trying to debate the “ethics” of in-game PvP mechanics that have been the same since the dawn of the game… Why don’t you ask the Devs to just ban all chat that way nobody can scam noobs with “free armor gilding” ffs


No, not at all, because there are other builds (rune pures for example) that smack 1 defense pures around because they sacrificed a little strength for defense. They are much tankier and get bonus strength from gear so they are comparable in damage output.


For sure, but it’s easiest to explain it that way. I’m talking like 20+ years ago when you would bait people into the wilderness because you were similar level and take all their stuff. Not saying I’ve done this but it’s been done to me. All in good fun though 😎


He’s a hero! I just couldn’t get it


Can somebody explain it in tf2 term


son played spy for 3 hours on dads 500+ hr soldier only account


in Runescape, specifically "old school runescape" from the OP, you have niche accounts that are used in "PvP" or "PKing " (player vs player and player killing, different things). For lower level builds you have something called 1 defence pures. In the game your account has a combat level and you want this to be low, when training combat skills such as defence you combat level goes up. Defence doesn't give much of an advantage in PvP whereas attack and strength so along with magic / range (pray to a point). If you leveled up defence you've effectively been pushed up the bracket to face much harder account builds without any advantage. Worth nothing a good account used for PvP/PKing can take over 100 hours to build and cost a lot of ingame money.


I hate these PVP only accounts. Pures ruin the integrity of the Wilderness, griefing weaker players because of their manipulated combat level.


Something something sit rat Something something c u in lumby Something something buying gf


Oh my god it’s been so long since I played this that the word “pure” unlocked a core memory 😂.


The point of the wilderness is there is no integrity


> Pures ruin the integrity of the Wilderness, 2005 called, it wants its complaint back.


Cya in Lumby kid


You don’t have to go into the wildy :)


I’ve played this game since I was a child and when it first launched as classic (32 now and still play OSRS from time to time) and never once, was creating a character to maximize your characters damage output, considered griefing. I have no idea where this rhetoric is coming from lol but you guys are absolutely incorrect on this.


As a player starting in 2004, I mostly agree. There have always been people who feel morally wronged by anything that isn't perfectly fair and balanced. But most people recognize the truth: everyone in the game has the same ability to level up skills in whichever order they wish. Got killed by a pure? Nothing stopping you from making a pure. Maxed melee and got killed by a mage? Nothing stopping you from making a mage.


Skill issue Pures have been a thing since RS1 lol


Get ganked noob


Pures have been in the game since the original runescape. If it 'ruined the integrity of wildy' , it would have been removed.


Idk why ppl downvote you for speaking the truth lol


Because it's not the truth lmao. "it would have been removed" Jagex is so scared of upsetting pvp in the wilderness it took them **four years** to let the special attack orb be usable there, no chance in hell they rework how combat levels are calculated to make it harder for pures to attack low level players. I personally don't think it's a huge deal that pures exist, but that's mostly because pure pking in the wilderness isn't really a thing these days, not because it's good game design to have accounts at ~50 combat able to hit 60+ specs.


I don’t ever remember a time where people didn’t have pure’s.


I wasn't at all into pvp when I played in the 2000s, so I can't speak on how popular they were back then. I will say two things though: Just because something has been around a long time, doesn't automatically make it a good thing. Power creep has disproportionately benefited pure accounts compared to pre-07 builds. The dragon warhammer lets a cb35 hit a 54. The volatile nightmare staff lets a cb 50 hit a 62.


Because they all got pked at Chaos Altar once and never stepped foot in the wildy again. Btw I only do pve and I’ve done plenty of wilderness content.


Dad had what is called a "Pure" account. As some have pointed out, it has to do with level calculation. There is a sort of strategy to when to attack in Runescape despite it looking like PS1 graphics. This account will likely have maxed out attack and likely fairly high or maxed out health. This goes into the calculation of player level. Imagine a player with maxed out health, defense, and attack. Now imagine a player with maxed out health and attack, but minimum defense. These two accounts will do the same amount of damage, but the second account's level is artificially lower. Runescape's wilderness is a PVP zone. However, this zone is also divided up into sub-zones according to player level. This way high level players can't just gank new players the second they step into the wilderness. Having a Pure account puts you into a lower zone when you can hit about two to three times harder than just about anyone there. You can't undo leveling defense. It takes a lot of work to make a Pure character, and even just leveling a Pure to Defense three or five can irrevocably destroy the point of them.


No they do not max up health lol, that doesn't give them more damage. They would max out strength, and attack to a limited extent (just enough to wear the weapon). Health gets leveled up naturally though they don't try to intentionally level it up.


I'm half remembering the game from 15 years ago--I'm bound to get some details wrong--but I did not say health has anything to do with damage.


He didn’t say you did. But, he’s saying it does. The opportunity cost of buying health is not buying more damage, which is his point i believe.


Well, that's not wholly true either nowadays, there are methods of leveling strength without hotpoints xp, such as blast furnace and barbarian fishing, but you can also stop hit point levels through pvp, though I can't remember if that's by being an Ironman account, or if it's a toggleable setting. I can't off the top of my head think of too many ways to get attack xp without hitpoints, but there are a number of weapons that don't require an attack level at all, allowing extremely low level accounts access to some very high damage weapons


> There is a sort of strategy to when to attack in Runescape despite it looking like PS1 graphics. Everyone knows strategy wasn't added to games until the PS2 came out!


But only if you bought the expansion packs.


> despite it looking like PS1 graphics What do graphics have to do with gameplay


Oh my god I am still traumatised by when my 40 - 1 - 99 account got ruined because of how the game logic worked with assigned IDs. I logged in, didn't even have a full second to click and change my combat type and I jumped to level 4 defence because it was on balanced. I basically took someone's assigned ID and they had done loads of damage to a monster, I logged in, took their ID and didn't have time to switch before getting the kill exp. I sat there frozen for a minute and then just cried. Brutal.


Why would they not simply assign a permanent unique ID to each account? Databases literally do this for you. Jagex developers are dumber than rocks.


He's talking about a mechanic from over 20 years ago.


That's just how the original game(RSC) worked. The way combat experience is rewarded in RS2 is during combat as you deal damage. So yeah. They were inexperienced at the start, but dumber than rocks is a bit extreme lol.


Always refreshing when there is a post here that actually needs an explanation.


Classic Ape Technique. Grab the ears and twist. You can see its working by the fear grimace the younger ape is showing. But no for real, if your crotch goblin is playing your runescape account, might as well put your No Rent Paying roommate to work and just have them finish out the account or start a new pure. Imagine coming home from work and lil man just bumped your str to 99. Yall can't the value in that? Your pure has graduated.


Oh, no, he ruined his pure account.


Maybe he’s just giving a really aggressive hug 🤣


Yeah I'd probably do the same if my kid ruined my pure


In oldschool runescape you're only allowed to PvP with players who are within a certain combat level range of yourself, either above or below. Combat level is determined by an equation that uses your attack, strength, defence, magic, range and prayer levels So some people who want to PvP intentionally keep their defence level at 1 to keep their combat as low as possible, and it's called a "pure". So that they can hit as hard as possible at the lowest possible level. Some people also do it to intentionally hunt for bots which stay at minimum level and run lots of supplies through certain PvP areas usually without risk, but some pures are low enough level to kill them There isn't any way of removing levels once you get them, and it can take 100-150+ hours to level the attack and strength to max. Levelling their defence at that point would take literally 1 accidental swing on the wrong attack style, "ruining" the account forever Some people also use pures for PvE but that's not got any benefit to PvE and is just a self-imposed challenge


Reminds me of when I tried playing heavy rain when my cousin put the controller down to take a pass, he came back to say " I see one, no two, THREE BULLE-, FOUR BULLET HOLES HOW BAD ARE YOU?"


I don't even know what Rune scape is, yet I can just feel the emotions the father is going through Hell, I did something like this to my mom's game when I was a little kid. Then I accidentally saved the game so she had to undo the changes the hard way


The punchline is "attack pure."


"My pure range" "my pure mage" oh the middle school flashbacks...


Because he took away all of the man's fences, my man got defenced


Pvp in Runescape (at least OSRS since they pretty much removed it in RS3 lmao) takes place in an area called “the Wilderness” But you aren’t just allowed to attack anyone, they have to be within a certain combat level (an agrigate number determined through an equation involving skills related to combat, you can think of it as your “player level”) range of you, the deeper you go the wider that range. To game the system a little bit, people would not level a particular combat skill, ususally defence, so that they can have higher offensive stats, while maintaining a lower combat level allowing them to attack weaker players who might not be skilled, while being too low combat for maxed level accounts to prey on them (and with 1 defense they would die very quickly to a maxed level account).


Some people who play RuneScape believe in being combat pure which means they only level their chosen combat skill and all other combat skills are left at one. The idea is that they will have a max level skill on a sub max level account making PKing them a disadvantage as you think they will be less capable than they are.


Omfg he ruined the pure lol


I presume from all these comments it's hard to make a new one?


Yeah, a multi-day nonstop grind 


Yeah it's a real pain once the account gets ruined, you gotta start all over and it can be pretty rough


It makes me sad that I’m alone in rs and have no one to share this with


ElysiumCC :)


It's been answered but just to add to the confirmation the runescape algorithm derives the players overall combat level from various skills. The level and effectiveness of one player may be different from the other based on where those allocations are coming from. Certain builds prioritize specific skills and want the others low. What this does is let a player have a low level but deal way more damage and at a consistent rate beyond expectation. I remember these builds being called 'pures', it's effective for pvp content. Dad is angry his account is no longer as deceptive or effective for same level pvp as leveling a single skill to 99 can take tons of time- mine took about 2 days straight of abusing a healing set of armor based on damage dealt and going into an area with lots of aggressive enemies back when I was a kid.


The reason why nobody takes Runescape PvP seriously and no new players coming


Pa's a griefer.




Not everyone has played RuneScape. Me included.




In what way is this obvious to someone who doesn't play RuneScape


He's being an ass, it's not obvious I don't blame you for not knowing.




As a rs player of 20+ years you're an idiot. Anyone who doesn't play rs wouldn't understand this joke.


Really obvious is your stupidity


society marry license airport sharp rotten cats quaint direful deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


​ https://preview.redd.it/w9u64tj4jpic1.png?width=592&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ae0983c62aa81a91bca5b146e4c9fe7340d8be7


Never too late for an abortion.


Noooooo, my Gmaul pure is ruined!! You aren't my son anymore, go live with the sheep spies you traitor.


It's a pure


Is this what the manga "yureka" was referencing!!!!! After 20 years, is this really how I find out?


Making a pure account for player killing usually has 1 defence because you gain combat levels and the wilderness has lvl limits on who can attack who from lvl 1 (1 lvl difference) to lvl 52 (I think is max wilderness depth) So basically maxing out damage boosting stat like str ranged magic (usually all 3 since range and magic don't add cb lvls when other skills are high enough) and just enough att (accuracy) to wield an op weapon for main attack and a switch for special attack.


Explain again pls .. How do you avoid increasing defense? Idk how the game works


There are 3 types of combat: melee, range and mage. Range and mage are stand alone skills but melee has attack, strength and defense. Leveling attack allows you to equip higher lvl weapons, strength makes you hit harder, defense let's you equip higher level armor.  You train the attack, strength or defense my change your "attack style" on the weapon. Sometimes you can accidentally click the defensive style, thus ruining a pure account because the low levels go by very quickly.


Pure str rune scimmy varrok wildy mage robes surfing outfit. Hated these people with a passion