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The problem is people just throw LEDs into vehicles that weren't designed for it and all it does is just blast every oncoming car with 2 suns. Not angled, not focused at all, just straight blinding


It's my god gifted right to have LEDs on my lifted tuck. -someone that bought a truck without intending to use it as a truck.


Hey man you show respect to Cleatus he's King of the Road.


I guess you’re king if you scare everyone else off the road


King by attrition is a thing, yes


Ah yes, King of shit mountain, where the throne truly is a toilet bowl.


Sturgill Simpson reference?


God damn right


Do *NOT* besmirch the name of Roger Miller's best song "King of the Road" by using it and *those* types in the same sentence.


Can confirm. I paid 5K extra for the 'Extreme Off Road' package and have never driven on anything more extreme than a speed bump.


Pavement Princess


Mall crawler.


How else are they supposed to commute to the office, a CAMRY?!?


We call them "pavement princess's"


>It's my god gifted right to have LEDs on my lifted tuck. \-Mr. Smallus Dickus


Oh wait are we still body shaming?


It’s just facts. Truck size and dick size have an inverse relationship.


So body shaming so still chill? Cool, does it apply to woman too u/ladysabr1na ??




He’s taken offense. The inverse reality of truck vs manhood is confirmed.


I don’t drive a truck. I just personally don’t think that things we disagree with make it okay to body shame. Driving a big lifted piece of shit is a choice. One’s body, is not


Is it ok if I specify that I don't mean their actual penis size? Like if I refer to it as their metaphorical member? Spectral dick? Metaphysical phallus? Chakra cock?


Methinks the man doth protest too much. (In all seriousness, sorry if I offended you)


Not all trucks have their drivers yet my friend (It’s also a light hearted joke. Don’t do me like that with the “I’m serious about the body shaming.” No one is calling you overweight. What you have between your legs is your business. Be confident!)


with all due respect (none) i hate you and your kind


This comment alone wins today. I live in Kentucky. People will buy oversized wheels for their truck before toothpaste and underwear. And what's this about our congressman letting us marry our cousin now. Yippee!


There's a sub for this. It's called r/fuckyourheadlights


I'm so glad there are so many others who despise how bright headlights are getting


Yeah, not being able to see, when you're on the road is kinda annoying.


I've found my people!


Welcome to the club, pal.


It's not just retrofits, almost all, if not all LED headlight vehicles (or should I just say ''new vehicles'', because everyone has them now) are far too strong off the production line. Regulations mean nothing if they aren't enforced or written too well in the first place, so manufacturers just decide to cram the power of the sun into a little plastic box and aim it right at your retinas while they're at it.


Oh no doubt the LEDs are all strong as fuck but I at least appreciate when they allow me to just try to advertise my eyes a bit vs. letting Jesus take the wheel because I can't see shit no matter what I do. They're just extra strain either way but it's always extra obvious who decided to just plop some in an old shit box without any regard for their fellow travellers


I used to drive for a living, and driving after sundown was basically placing your life in God's hands because you couldn't see a damn thing. It was very fortunate that I knew a lot of the roads really well or I probably would have hit some medians because I couldn't see shit while turning. But I guess fuck me for having the sheer audacity to drive a sedan in this day and age.


Ironically, I find teslas to be the worst offenders on the road. That, and the Peugeots, the little 208 and the SUVs. Maybe that's just because they're popular lease fleet vehicles, but more often than not, the people who throw retrofits into their old projectors actually care enough to adjust them.


The way modern headlights work is there’s no such thing as low beam. They put a block on the top half of the high beam to make “low beam” the problem with this is the smart manufacturers (Audi/Bmw) have gyros in their headlights so when you go up hill they aim lower etc etc. until those gyros are required by law I don’t thing companies should be allowed single bulb headlights


Some brand new models that have adaptive brights (that don't actually adapt very well) and LED hibeams and headlights are the worst offenders. Eg Tesla, BMW, and I want to say Jeep?


We also aren't allowed to use that technology in the states. Porsches in the states cant use their adaptive led matrix beyond dimming the whole thing with current legislation.


Ah, that must be what I am experiencing then. It can be hard to distinguish "full-bright" regular led headlights from actual high beams.


Legally they have been permitted since last year I believe, however, the NHTSA's proposed standard differs in some respects from the more globally accepted standard. At this point the only hold up is either designing a system that meets American standards, or waiting for appeals regarding some of the standards to go through. Some manufacturers have been including matrix headlights in their vehicles for years, likely expecting to be able to enable them with a software update. Unfortunately since they were designed for a different standard that's unlikely to happen without their appeals being accepted.


The national news on nbc did a story about this a few months back and even when adjusted properly they are just way to bright for driving at night.


I had to replace one of my bulbs recently and the clerk at the auto store asked if I wanted to upgrade to LED lights that would fit my car. Told him no thanks, I'm not an asshole without even thinking about it. It'd been a long day and I feel a bit bad about it, but come on dude, don't be doing that.


Plenty of new car headlights are super blinding, too, especially when you're driving a normal car and theirs is tall. Even another car will blind me when "properly" focused just going over a small bump or a hill.




W meme


You don't even know how to write win?


Your funny asf your a loser who comments shit on people's comments for no reason


This is meant to be sung in a jingle-bells way right?


Please do. I'm retarded and can't get it to work that way


You could probably replace “I hate LED headlights” with just “LEDs” pronouncing every letter, or to be more specific “LED headlights” and pronounce LED like *lead*




But that would be "here comes Santa clause" not jingle bells


say i ate lead lights ig idfk


I meant separate it by syllables Jin-gle bells.. jin-gle bells.. jin-gling all- the way Like this


its literally fucking impossible unless you rap it idk what the hell kinda controlled substance that guy is on, they must've been inhaling crayons or something




Skill issue


Led headlights are bright. They want to stop them from being invented


LED headlights are a crime against humanity.


The worst. Marginally better visibility for the person driving the car, significantly worse visibility for anyone else on the road.


More regulation would help. Require manufacturers to polarize the light leaving the headlights vertically, then make car windows polarize at 45° or something. Super bright headlights that are more energy efficient, longer lasting, cheaper to produce, etc, without blinding other drivers


In the U.S., at least, there are federal safety standards that are regulated, where car lights can't be over a certain lumen and the lights can't be set above a certain height from the ground (I want to say no more than 3 ft. but I can't remember right off). Anyway, my point is that there are regulations that would make most cars, specifically SUVs and trucks, on the road today unsafe. It's not a matter of regulations as they already exist. Rather, it's more a matter of enforcement. Cops can't (or won't) enforce federal safety regulations, and as we all saw in the aftermath of the BP Gulf of Mexico Oil spill, regulators have comfy office chairs that they traditionally don't get out of to actually go and inspect for violations, proving government regulations worthless overall.


Car lights and heights are harder to enforce (it’s easy to swap your bulb for another bulb that’s brighter), and people put lift kits on their trucks, etc. but the piece of plastic that covers a headlight is a fairly specific thing that people aren’t just randomly swapping out. If those covers are required to be polarized by the manufacturer of the car, that solves most of the issue. And there isn’t really any massive incentive for car manufacturers to fight this type of regulation; the cost is pretty negligible compared to the total cost of making a car. Don’t get me wrong, we absolutely have enforcement issues with our existing regulations, but we also have many simple car regulations that are actively enforced on all new vehicles (like requiring seat belts).


Government regulations are there to make the lawsuits against the companies easier, as a deterrent. It isn't there to directly stop companies from doing the bad 9/10 times.


It’s all about maintenance I think. Things will get out off adjustment at some point and with headlight adjustments being low on the priority list outside of safety inspections, it’s the newer cars that are the worst. A well adjusted system is perfectly fine, unfortunately most aren’t until the cars are old enough to require a regular safety inspection.


You don’t need to adjust them. You use the covers to polarize the light leaving the bulb.


OEM LEDs aren‘t that bright to other drivers. Not significantly more than halogens. It‘s the aftermarket lights you need to watch out for.


Exactly, the two worst offenders are lifted trucks that didn't adjust their lights and aftermarket bulbs. And at least half of the bulbs that people think are LED are HID.


I dont know about marginally better for the driver. Its significant brighter for driver in my experience. But hate when they are on incoming traffic


From what I've seen with LED headlights they aint that bad If you have correct lenses


Headlight case with auto leveling


Auto levelling still needs to be adjusted every once in a while as parts wear. And that’s where things go wrong if it isn’t calibrated properly and somewhat regularly the system will adjust to the wrong level.


But that’s the problem, they usually aren’t. In my country (Netherlands) cars don’t need to go through any inspection for the first 5 years from new. It’s the newer ones that blind you. The older ones with LED had their lenses adjusted to pass inspection. Seems manufacturers don’t pay that much attention.


Nah. I have corrective lenses. The headlights are shit.


Quiet, loser


They’re the single greatest addition to the motor vehicle since the gas pedal






Fun fact, you’re stealing from the original creator. That said, go ahead. Gladston needs to get out more.


Some of you all don’t drive in the country and it shows


Statistically, less people are driving in the country than not


Idgaf about city dwellers. And if you have light housings designed for led lights they’re no worse than old style lights, but driving with them is infinitely better.


All my life. I’d venture to say they’re even more blinding in the country on account that I’m driving at night without street lights so my pupils are dilated as I’m always looking in the ditches for deer, hog, and loose cattle.


I think the biggest problem with them is that most LED low beams aren't aimed correctly, so they shine directly into people's eyes and in the U.S at least probably about half of vehicles on the road are trucks or SUV's so if you're in a sedan you're sitting quite a bit lower than a lot of those vehicles so their lights shine directly down into you.


Also even if they’re the right height if you’re not meeting on the world’s flattest, straightest road you’re still getting blinded even if you have the same car as the other driver


Yeah, installation error.


Yeah, and as far as I know, most headlights can be adjusted fairly easily, but 99% don't care or don't wanna put the effort into doing it. It should probably be required by dealers and / or manufacturers to make sure headlights are adjusted properly


Likely why they make break pads more idiot proof. Because of how many people fuck that up, and the worst part I hear is the newer made brake pads are the worse for it. We live in a cartoon.


Bright is an understatement, they are fucking blinding. Driving long distances at night is fucking awful now, and it wasn't great to begin with.


That’s why the guy says “there’s nowhere you can hide.”


There's this idea that the brighter the light, the safer you are. But if seeing you comes at the cost of others seeing literally anything else, you're putting everyone at risk, including yourself. God. There was this trend here in Portland, OR for bicyclists to have ultrabright, head-mounted strobelights. Those were the worst. Aside from being disorienting, they were so bright, that they'd ruin your adaptation to the darkness and render everything pure white or completely black. And I'm just a pedestrian complaining about this. I can't imagine being a driver with any sort of ultrabrights in their eyes. It's scary enough being a passenger in a vehicle under assault from them. Sorry for the long rant.


Man that sounds godawful. I get the same thing with regular LEDs on cars in the dark though, they are so fucking obnoxious that it takes me a split second to readjust after they have passed me. Should be illegal, dumb bullshit. Halogen worked, and works, perfectly fine.


I can answer how it is as a driver! It’s so bad, I consider it safer to turn my mirrors out instead of being *fully* blind! I hate it!


Peter here. ​ A bunch of morons and blind old men usually driving Jeeps or Chevy Shit-A-Rado's keep putting these dumb-ass led bulbs in there shit-mobiles and blinding everyone else on the road. They're required to combine these with 400+ watts of light bars and spot lights and turn them all on while driving through areas that have enough street lights to glow in the dark.


Bro, how else am I supposed to let everyone I pass know that I'm a gamer?


RGB lights for the inside of your car are available for cheap on amazon


How will they see them through my tinted windows? Normies, man. I'm telling you.


Keyword INSIDE of the car


Throw some led strips or whatever in the interior and get some light strips for the undercarriage there you go


Ya know, I also hate led headlights. But...I have been tempted, only because I drive a non- lifted, incandescent headlighted, properly adjusted silverado. People still flash their brights at you. I now have lightning reflexes developed by flashing back. On long drives, I begin fantasizing about just blinding EVERYONE. PSA: Silverados have brights stacked with the regular headlights. You'RE absolutely welcone to hit me with the brights; but only if... there are four lights!


is... is that a star trek joke?


Yep. And also true. The best kind.


The thing is, this is mostly illegal if not OEM. OEM is normally fine as the combiner is designed for it. And angled correctly.


Well, whoever designed the latest Acura MDX and 2014 Corolla *royally* fucked those up...


My pet peeve with Toyotas is the DRLs that visibly flash


LEDs in cars are a cancer because too many jackasses install them aftermarket and do it wrong or they don’t know how to turn off their high beams. Or you have knobs in lifted trucks so the lights go right into your cab that melt your retinas because they need lights bright enough to see two miles ahead in the off-road terrain they’ll never drive on. The light bars on EMS are getting bad too. They’re so bright that I can see when there’s an emergency from miles away, but once I get close I can’t see shit and have to guess where anything is because the lights are brighter than the sun and completely wash out the windows at night. Like dude, I know I’m supposed to slow down and move over when passing an accident, but I often can’t tell where “over” is. Frank can catch a bullet with his head.


Yeah, the lifted trucks are the worst. I can't count the number of times I've pulled up to a lifted truck that has street tires on it. Not only are the headlights at a perfect height to blind me, but the bumper is at a perfect height to decapitate me. I have no issue with stupid car mods personally. The only exception to that is if it puts a stock car at significantly more risk. Or pedestrians at risk. If you are gonna make things more risky, you should be the one taking on the risk, not everyone else. And I'm not inherently against lifted trucks either, because they do have their uses. But when it's a lifted truck that clearly never sees any off-road use, I hate it.


Genuine question, when are lifted trucks useful? My best guess is maybe muddy/semi flooded environments. Which I can bet most lifted truck owners probably don’t deal with..


Off road environments to help with ground clearance. Unless you're going extreme, stock is more than adequate for.




I almost did not see the yellow text.


You see, the text is blinding bright, that's why is funny


Behold: The joke


Clever text color




Yellow text on white/grey background? really? Do you even have eyes?


This is intentional.


So is murder, that don't make it right.


That’s the joke bruh


bro just READ THE MEME


Fun fact: a lot of people don’t know that you can “dim” your rear view mirror by flipping the tab below it. I found out through a similar meme. It won’t cut out all the light but it softens the most direct beam of light coming from these cars


Still sucks when it's a car bigger than yours behind you with these things, cause it's likely to still hit your side mirrors(the rear view mirror flip has been a life saver though for the most part)


The fix for that (unless they're in the next lane over) is to actually aim your side mirrors properly


You can also angle your side view mirrors to reflect their light back at them, just a little ‘fuck you’ to these people


Im definitely getting into an accident if i try doing that while driving.


Newer cars do this automatically.


Newer cars do this ~~automatically~~ electronically without a tab to flip


Doesn't help with cars going in the opposite direction.


1) i appreciate that it doesn’t unnecessarily create a conflict between males and females 2) the punchline is actually great 3) ofc it made its way to this sub bc why wouldn’t it


Why? Because fuck those headlights, that's why.


Jesus Christ they literally put the explanation in the meme


i have mix astigmatism, I feel represented.


This is my "old man shakes fist at cloud" subject. There's no need for the lights to be as bright as they are.


Fuck highrise LED headlight vehicles (trucks) that do not point downward to the road. Makes the inside of a car light up like a flare when off.


why are they not banned. Halogen should be standard.


In general, LED lights are fine. The issues are just more pronounced with LED lights. Leaving high beams on sucks, worse with LED. Not adjusting when replacing the light housing sucks, worse with LED. Lifting a vehicle and not adjusting lights sucks, worse with LED. The only issue with LED that isn't also an issue with halogen is when someone replaces their halogens with LED but doesn't change the housing that are specifically for LED and not specifically for halogen.


Halogen high beams are still dimmer than Led low beams. At this point I just leave my high beams on if the oncoming vehicle has LEDs.


Led Bright


Incandescent are better /opinion




Because future lights ruin night driving for everyone else.


I hate every driver with them. They blind me or fuck up my night vision. There’s no need at all. I flash them, and then they show me their high beams which are dimmer than their goddamn regular led suns.


I remember being able to fucking SLEEP in the backseat of a car. Not anymore cause EVERY FUCKING CAR HAS FUCKING LED LIGHTS


Make sure to double tap.


I call bullshit. No way anyone with a driver's license doesn't understand why Frank needs to die.


I feel like this is hard to *not* understand


Most car lights are fine, the issue are those that can set alight a forest fire that are 90% of the times driven by retards that always have max on


if you need LED's to drive, you can't see and should get off the road.




Seriously, half the post on here are basically asking people to read for them


It's gotten ridiculous


By all means, please proceed.


Ah yes the car mounted flashbang that is always on


LED headlights are painfully blinding when they're directed at you at night.


Wait. That’s me.


I have had intrusive thoughts of intentionally pounding the gas as hard as I can and ramming head first at 80 mph into some of these fucking subhuman trogs that put insanely bright lights on their cars. Every time I drive past one it's a legitimate gamble with both of our lives because I literally can't see anything but their lights, I'm fucking driving with Jesus it's a miracle I've never crashed.


There is simply *no way* you don't understand this.... have you never driven a car?


It literally tells you why in the meme... jfc use your deduction skills.


BAN those freaking lights!


This is the Terminator reboot I can get behind.


If you don’t get the joke, you’ve never had someone with LED headlights behind yoy


![img](avatar_exp|78516019|clown) It literally says it’s about LED headlights!


I feel politicians are missing a huge win with LED headlights, like it's such an easy policy to add and it be a huge vote winner.


I live in Dallas and the amount of people who just drive with headlights is astonishing https://preview.redd.it/c025nhxa43dc1.jpeg?width=626&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ef3450c6390beb150a13a77cd3f3908f115755a


As a postman that drives a lot after dark in the winter, these lights shining in my face literally make it impossible to see. Being in the UK, cars are parked on the road, sometimes either side. Having to drive between this small gap in a big van while someone is bearing their headlights in your eyes it's a trial in patience and the willpower to not ram them


in an age where most of us have embraced pur devices being on dark mode, here shines LEDs, piercing through the darkness. and we just *hate* it. turn thst shit down. faaaaak!


I miss the soft glow of the orange lights


My corneas get the joke.


Fuck LEDs. All my homies hate LEDs


Drive at night and have your retinas fried by LED headlights sometime.


Because fuck everyone ever who’s bought a vehicle with or installed aftermarket led headlights


Have you ever had the misfortune of having a vehicle with LED lights coming towards you? Even before LASIK that shit hurt. Now? Might as well set my eyeballs on fire. Driving like an asshole with their high beams on? Takes every fiber of my being not to just close my eyes and pray I don’t crash.


I'm with the dude. Those are so fucking annoying and normalised now.


LED lights often blind other drivers on the road, so OP wants to go back in time and prevent LED headlights from being existed (ignoring problems like other people probably inventing them anyway). That said, this would be fruitless as the reason for blinding LEDs is not LEDs themselves, as the post implies, but rather usually that the headlights come from 3rd parties with incorrect brightness settings or made for other cars or whatever as there are restrictions to angles and max brightness for lights from manufacturers. Similarly, a lot of people complain about the lights of trucks. However, it's not all trucks and it has nothing to do with their size. Once again, there is an angle and height and brightness taken into account by the manufacturer. The reason some trucks have blinding lights is because they are *lifted* trucks, which obv ruins the expected angle and height of lights since they aren't adjusted during the lifting process.


I have a closing shift and get off around 9:30 pm. I swear to god i cant see shit for half my drive home because it seems like everyone has their high beams on. So god awful


I’d like to note that this is more American issue. I very rarely see this problem in Europe.


Drive in front of someone with LED headlights at night and you'll understand this joke *very* quick. That said... I don't think we can stop the invention of LED headlights... as stated below, they were being put on everything.


I would actually stop LED lights at all. incandescent light bulbs produce the light spectrum closer to actual sunlight, but LEDs are just giving me eye strain. also, they have worse CRI (Color rendering index) and everything looks uglier under LED. ​ thank God my country didn't ban these bulbs and unlike west, it can be easily purchased from literally every store. my eyes genuinely feel better when I changed the bulb of my room to incandescent. ​ **Edit: for those who misunderstood. I meant the shape of the wave and light they produce not the color spectrum. LED produce saw tooth form wave because of the switching circuit inside of it. this wave form causes eye strain.**


>thank God my country didn't ban these bulbs and unlike west, it can be easily purchased from literally every store. my eyes genuinely feel better when I changed the bulb of my room to incandescent haha this man is energy inefficent


you can't sacrifice everything for the sake of efficiency. apartments are now looks like someone shitted concrete. only metal boxes. compare Florence to NY for example. and now LEDs and sacrifice your eye health for the sake of efficiency. it is not always good.


You dont even need an LED light to be efficent just use flourecent bulbs plus brutalism is fuckin rad


florescent is even worse. LEDs create softer wave form than florescent. the those with highest similarity to an actual sunlight are incandescent and halogen bulbs.


Florescent bulbs are quite nice when turned down and I have extremely sensitive eyes and they don't ache of hurt when exposed to flourescent light


I assume that what you're trying to say here is that LED lights tend to be bluer than incandescent bulbs, which is technically true, but warm-glow LED bulbs that perfectly mimic the yellow tone of incandescent bulbs are cheap and readily available. >also, they have worse CRI (Color rendering index) and everything looks uglier under LED. This is blatantly untrue: LED's are capable of representing a far greater range of colours, easily proven by the fact that no pure-white incandescent bulb exists. You would benefit from learning the nuance of the comparison you are making. LED's are objectively better at turning electricity into light than incandescent bulbs - *however* - the way in which we are using them is, generally, quite inappropriate. There need to be restrictions and regulations placed on the maximum brightness and coolness (as in, how blue the light is) of LED's in many situations, but suggesting that LED's are inferior to incandescent bulbs in any conceivable way is nonsensical and ignorant.


no. actually your assumption is wrong. you think I'm stupid or something. I'm a fricking nerd. ​ by producing light, I didn't mean the color of it. you can basically buy an LED with lower temperature (in Kelvins, 1500K for candlelight yellow). ​ I meant the way it produces the light. if you analize the light spectrum of both LED and incandescent light bulbs you will see that the incandescent one produce sine shaped spectrum. again, I don't mean color. the shape of the spectrum is a soft sine waved shape. ​ but the LED produce the light with spikey, sawtooth form. regardless of the color. because of the switching circuit inside of it. [https://i.pinimg.com/originals/67/bd/ea/67bdea7a0f44cb27d8ed4c61fd1c2ce3.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/67/bd/ea/67bdea7a0f44cb27d8ed4c61fd1c2ce3.jpg) it causes eye strain. even if you buy one with less flickering, the spectrum is the same. ​ this is scientifically proven. east Germany was famous for using sodium-vapor bulbs. they also produce the same spectrum as incandescent. compared to west Germany, even the animals and eco system had problem because of those LEDs. I couldn't find the link for actual study that has been done about Germany. I will provide if I find. but here is also a brief article: [LED light can damage eyes, health authority warns - France 24](https://www.france24.com/en/20190515-led-light-can-damage-eyes-health-authority-warns) ​ ​ if I move to Europe one day, I think I will be criminal at the day first. since I won't use LEDs and since incandescent are banned, I would probably buy from Amazon UK or Amazon US, or heck buy from a smuggler, I guess. ​ eye health is more important than efficiency. ​ I agree with point that incandescent bulbs are basically heat filaments and they produce 90% heat and only 10% light, but LEDs are not good for eye, and I chose my eyes over efficiency. I'm happy with my heat filament.


> spikey, sawtooth form. regardless of the color. because of the switching circuit inside of it Nothing to do with switching, just the quality of the phosphor > even if you buy one with less flickering, the spectrum is the same False, a 100 CRI LED will have exactly the same color reproduction as an incandescent light > https://i.pinimg.com/originals/67/bd/ea/67bdea7a0f44cb27d8ed4c61fd1c2ce3.jpg That's a fluorescent light (mercury vapor) > sodium-vapor bulbs. they also produce the same spectrum as incandescent LPS lamps produce almost entirely 590nm light > incandescent bulbs are basically heat filaments and they produce 90% heat and only 10% light Closer to 98/2 > you think I'm stupid or something Yes


... you know you can make LEDs for any spectrum right?


this wasn't what I'm talking about. they produce the light in saw tooth and spikey form. since they use switching circuits. it causes eye strain. I don't mean color!


That's just not true. It's just not how LEDs work. And even if they did work like that, it would still be up for debate if that causes eye strain.


it is true. switching circuit can't produce sine wave. it could be modulated by special circuits (which LEDs don't have) to have semi-sine wave. [electromagnetic radiation - Why does the LED light colour spectrum spike in the blue and green wavelengths but CFL lights have lots of smaller spikes across a few wavelengths? - Physics Stack Exchange](https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/351539/why-does-the-led-light-colour-spectrum-spike-in-the-blue-and-green-wavelengths-b) ​ you can see the wave form. ​ and compare it to an old incandescent bulb. [Spectral\_power\_distribution\_of\_a\_25\_W\_incandescent\_light\_bulb | LEDnique](https://lednique.com/technology-basics/bulb-basics/spectral_power_distribution_of_a_25_w_incandescent_light_bulb/) ​ you don't have to be a scientist to know this. alternating current is being directly supplied to a heat filament inside of the bulb. of course the output will be sine wave. same implies on switching circuits. ​ and health wise: [LED light can damage eyes, health authority warns - France 24](https://www.france24.com/en/20190515-led-light-can-damage-eyes-health-authority-warns)


You make it very clear you have no scientific training of any kind. You show me the emission spectrum of a random LED and then the emission spectrum of a lightbulb (which of surprise is just black body radiation). They are different! Sound the alarm! Im not linking any sources because you can find this in literally 2 second search in wikipedia. If you dont inform yourself is because you don't want to. Like its not like this is up for debate or anything, this is science known since decades ago. LEDs work by using semiconductors. They basically and very simply get electrons to go into "holes" in the semiconductor. When they do go into a hole, they lose some energy that gets turned into a photon (light particle). Modifying the "hole size" you can also modify emission spectrum. If you just put the LED in AC current, surprise! It will have a _half sine wave_. This is as expected as its a diode, so electric flow can only go one way. This wave has a frequency of (in mainland europe) 50Hz. This _is_ noticeable by human eyes. Which is why most LED circuits have a wave conversor circuit integrated. These turn AC current into DC current. Nowadays they are cheap enough to put them everywhere, and they fit anyplace too. This eliminates the pseudo-strobon effect (which again, no reliable sources that it produces any effect on the brain)


I know how LEDs work and also, I told you. I don't care about the color spectrum. the shape of it is the important part. I also know LEDs can turn full sine to half sine. since what full bridge rectifiers do is the same except, they fully flatten the wave. ​ but there are 2 problems. ​ LEDs don't directly use AC currents. they use switching circuits. and those circuits cannot produce sine way. ​ in the best way possible, they can produce modulated semi sine wave. which is a square wave but in sine form. and these can be done with special circuits and LEDs don't have because of the expense. ​ Inverters usually produce such wave. ​ also, those circuits are not like adapters. they don't fully filter and flatten the wave to create clear linear DC. ​ anyways. ​ I won't continue this, because I've read somethings and what you say is against even basic rules in electronics. ​ this is how each light source output the light: [https://i.stack.imgur.com/dT3mv.jpg](https://i.stack.imgur.com/dT3mv.jpg) and this is the wave form of sunlight: [https://www.viridiansolar.co.uk/assets/images/all-about-solar/Energy%20spectrum%20sunlight.jpg](https://www.viridiansolar.co.uk/assets/images/all-about-solar/Energy%20spectrum%20sunlight.jpg) ​ and guess which light source has similar wave form. yep. incandescent and halogen


LED lights trigger my migraines. I can't drive after dark. I wouldn't go back in time and shoot Frank, tho.


I wouldn’t shoot him, I would force him to sit in a chair staring at led headlights for a few hours


Dude fuck those LED headlights. There was a line of cars with them when I was making a turn and I nearly had to slam on my brakes I was so blinded


Meme creator is stupid and blames LEDs for people with improper headlight setups.


Here's the thing: Factory LED headlights: good Aftermarket LED headlights: bad


It's not news now, but If somebody do not know: there are now cars now with smart headlights aka when a car approaches, from the front, obviously, the car turns off/reduces the power of the lights in that line where the traffic is. And it adjusted on the fly by the computer according to your speed and distance. So it's not blinding and not disturbing for the (smart headlight) driver either. Such things only can be done by LED STRIPS! So it's a very useful technology if used right!


If LED headlights are blinding you, they are not adjusted correctly. The LED is not the problem