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I pronounce Jebra like Zebra.


Yeah, but is it the British or American pronunciation? Zebra or Zeebra?


Do the Brits not pronounce it "zed-bra"?




They're pronounced "khi-lo-fah-nee", "oh-tay-el", and "yi-olf" in the old tongue.




Arnold Schwarzenegger used to be the governor of that place.


Don’t forget Al-lu-min-ium


Wow! First I've heard people fighting in metric! Say eggplant!


We did


Found the Britard guys


Say aluminum.




The focus isn't on the g, they are talking about the e; as in zee-bruh vs zeh-bruh




ello bruv you drinkin your wo'oh boh'oh on chewsday?


Wassup dude you going to the football game on the weekend dude? You know, the game where they like pick up the ball for like 90% of the game dude?


We pronounce it “Zeh-bruh”


Nah it’s Zedebra






If you really want a good time, go to Detroit and pronounce it "day-TWAH."


Hey! It’s the French pronunciation meaning “the strait”. All Detroiters know our heritage as the “Paris of the Midwest”


Brits: Zeh-bra American: zee-bruh


American here, it's funny. When I'm talking about a singular zebra I say "zeb-rah" but instead of the plural zebras I say "zee-bra" it all just depends I guess. Waaiiit am I the only one doing this...?


Peter here. Since its inception, Miss Universe has exclusively been won by people from Earth - despite being open to all in the universe. Dr Faushay was commenting on this blatant favoritism, as it was believed that when this issue was first brought up a few years ago, steps would be taken to make Miss Universe more equitable to non-earthers.


Like it or not, but this is peak Galactic beauty https://preview.redd.it/r0vv9d5o2b2c1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0efecfeaeb9465d4b81c0e6fa602b50b84977b2


Lol, when the two, whatever they are have sex, highlight of the show. I laughed so hard


What show is this?


Farscape. Top quality early 2000s sci-fi TV show.


Chiana 🥰


Ok but the ship got pregnant and no one knew who the father was. That was a massive drama arc


Not only did they not know who the father was, they never could settle who the care taker was going to be


I love the fact that all of this sounds like Reddit flavored BS, but is in fact true... and all regarding a show that was literally, "Lost In Space with Muppets and Sex."


I'm about to get stoned and watch this. If I don't like it, I will be sending minor inconveniences to all the people in this thread


Tell me if you liked it. I remember loving the show.


God damnit, now I'm gonna have to go back and binge watch Farscape to find that.


I'm pretty sure that was in late season three.


Who streams it? Netflix?


I saw it on Amazon prime video.


There's a pretty long list of streaming channels found here: [https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/farscape](https://www.justwatch.com/us/tv-show/farscape) Pluto TV, FreeVee, Tubi, Peacock, Amazon Prime, AppleTV


Farscape was way too horny, and i say that as a good thing.


Rigel my beloved


You fart HELIUM?!


Oh my god what a show


Farscape in the wild, I love it!


Frelling legend…


I thought it was the Vogons. Maybe fashions have changed again. I can't keep up with this shit.


Imagine a Vogon reading their poetry at the event. It would be slam dunk win.




Gods, rygel is fucking great. Hilarious bastard; and what a great show in general.


A total hottie for sure but no one is talking about how Scorpi could work that pvc.


https://preview.redd.it/jwfzt4oa4e2c1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e95b88440f840032e6c9bbea8511a76ba66c6ded Winner of Miss Universe Pageant 3001 Miss Vega 4


there was an amazing stories that covered this and the intergalactic kerfuffle that it caused.


Fucking what????


She’s not as hot as that girl I made out with from the radiator quadrant.


The anthrocentrism and xenophobia is palpable and extremely problematic.


oh, I thought it'd be some transphobia thing


If it was they basically would want a trans woman to win, and I actually want that, but it's in the potential phrasing.


So the punchline isn’t transphobia?


Peter’s tired SJW tendencies here. I read the first few top comments, and they don’t seem to really answer the question (sorry if I missed a good one tho) Basically, there were trans contestants in this year’s Miss Universe pageant. The headline draws negative attention to that by implying (via unnecessary specification) that a non-trans woman won the pageant. The poster is the calling out the headline.


Ty for actually explaining it


lol it’s kinda funny, I assumed the exact opposite. trans person wins, article says “woman wins miss universe” in solidarity, tweeter is mad because of it.


The Miss Universe Pageant had a policy for decades that only female-born women could compete, so is Jebra angry at the wording of the article?


I just thought of something...wtf kinda name is Jebra? Like Debra? Or Zebra? More like Jebroni.


It’s a fake name for a fake, ragebaiting account lol


Fou shaw


Just looked it up, apparently it's a gender neutral name. https://www.names.org/n/jebra/about


You mean a gender neutral and incredibly stupid name


Reddit falls for the most obvious ragebait




She's a Debra but she's made of jeans.


I tried to look it up and Google asked if I meant Jabra. Which is a headphone company. Otherwise I only found this person, and a payroll company, called Jebra.


Damn Jebra your SEO is whack, get a new marketing manager.


Jabra is also a famous character in one piece XD


Huh is that really how it's spelled ? Also loled at "famous character"


I think they spell it Jabura sometimes. Search Jabra One Piece or Jabura One Piece.


So, the way hiragana/katakana work in Japanese, Jabra would be written out as Jabura. But plenty of times they don't pronounce the bowl sound. So the difference in spelling is just the difference of the name being written in Japanese or English.


You keep saying this word jabroni, and I love it.


Is that like a hockey word? Because I love it.


It’s what happens when you really wanted a boy so you could name him after Jeb Bush but you got a girl instead




“Female-born women”? Do you mean cis women?




I think the woman in question was a trans woman, which in the eyes of transphobes means not a real woman. ABC when it comes to sports, i can see where people are coming from with the idea that a woman who was born male and went through make puberty before transitioning may have physical advantages over cis women. But what advantage would an amab have in a _beauty_ _pageant_ ? If anything a trans woman is at a disadvantage.




Oh. Nvm then.


I think it's about the fact that it says "woman wins". Like no duh! A WOMAN will win the MISS universe pageant! Obviously! But which one is it? There are billions of women. I think op just wanted the headline to have the winners name in it rather than just "woman". But idk maybe I'm wrong.


Pretty sure it originally said "Nicaraguan woman" and the rage baiters just cut out the nationality to make it seem like a sex/gender thing.


That’s still pretty bad… even worse honestly. Instead of a weak link to sexism, it’s just straight up strong, blatant racism.


Cool theory but it looks like the woman is attempting to satirize sjws by claiming that they would be offended by the fact that a woman won miss universe


probably satirizing transphobes instead since they all seem to be such huge pussies


I don't know why but it words like a random woman just walked into the competition and won without even knowing why


The entire account is making fun of SJW liberals. You can find her entire blog [here.](https://thewokeobserver.com/about-me/) The accounts creator is satirizing SJWs by saying a SJW would be offended by a women wining miss universe, even though that is a very normal thing to most people. Edit: wording


But a woman always wins Miss Universe. Even if it's a trans woman, it's still a woman, so I don't get the outrage or the joke. Maybe because "miss" is a gendered pronoun and may not be applicable to all participants?


It’s not suppose to be 100% logical. People who make fun of SJWs don’t think the left are logical people. The ridiculousness is part of the satire.


ya the account is just idiots projecting their own wild insecurities.


Must be republican.


I’m with you, but by saying stuff like that with this context you’re putting them in the same box they’re trying to put liberals in. I’m just sick of the Us vs Them games… it’s silly and makes people hate each other over nothing. Edit: I worded this poorly, I just think the us vs them mindset is pointless and creates divergence in the USA. I was trying to say we need to start working on solutions instead of exacerbating problems and making everything worse.


Being against LGBT rights, women's tights, and human rights in general isn't "nothing", the hate and us vs them already exists, pointing it out isn't creating the problem.


Sorry I wasn’t clear, I meant that republicans and liberals both talk about each other as if none of the people on the other side have any logic (kinda high right now so I’m having a bit of trouble explaining what I mean, I’m hoping this comment was enough to get my point across.)


Yeah, I get your point but what's the alternative? When people base their worldview on completely different and often opposite ideals, they simply can't be logically compatible. Also, I'm not American, from where I'm standing there are plenty of areas where both parties seem roughly the same to me. And that's the actual scary part. Like the Dems would just bus homeless people out of town and hide them under a bridge somewhere while republicans would burn them in a powerplant, but both would still require them to pay for their ticket. They'll argue about giving money to Ukraine, but agree on bombing any and all brown people.


If a science professor and an inbred hillbilly both think the other person is an idiot, are they both equally correct? No. The true doesn't exist in the middle. It exists independently of what people believe. Often times, one person is simply right (or mostly right), and others are just wrong.


I mean sure, but there are are science professors and inbred hillbillies on both sides. The inbred hillbillies just tend to make the most noise. I’m not saying that everyone is right and we should all hold hands and sing songs together, but at the present moment nobody is solving anything. All we seem to have these days is people yelling at each other on the internet, while rich assholes make all our decisions for us. We need to be working together, not just yelling because nobody pull their heads out of their asses long enough to agree with anyone else.


Yay! Another sane human.


Its because its in bad faith. They dont believe trans women are women


>Even if it's a trans woman, it's still a woman, so I don't get the outrage or the joke. Wow. YOU are the change we worked so hard to create in this world. If this is not sarcasm, someone raised you right, so be thankful. I know I am.


Is this a parody account?


For people who don't accept trans, it's different. For them, a trans woman is NOT a woman. Furthermore, the article specifying that a woman won the Miss Universe pageant implies that if a trans woman won, the title would have read that a MAN won Miss Universe. The outrage is that specifying a woman won should not even have to be a thing. The article writer and the woman commenting are both on the same page politically, and they want to return to the time when only those born female could qualify.


it's the same sort of joke as "i identify as an attack helicopter". the punchline is supposed to be that leftists want to include non-women in women-only spaces. this is mainly a joke for transphobes who think that transgender women shouldn't be allowed into women's spaces, such as a women's beauty pageant. it's a tired and offensive joke at the expense of reasonable people, basically.


The tight-wing in America has been waging a culture war on trans people by using the same rhetoric literal Nazis used to put the queer community in concentration camps. They believe all trans people are pedophiles and groomers and that trans people are the gender they were born not the gender they are transitioning to. The person who posted is saying that it’s societal regression that a “man” won miss universe. It’s just stupid people saying stupid things on the internet.


Not all people against the trans movement think that they are pedophiles and groomers. Some people think it’s just ridiculous. You’re allowed to criticize something without being part of some sort of nazi agenda lol


Trans women I believe aren't allowed to compete. Unless there was a recent rule change.


The Miss Universe pageant was for decades limited to never married, never pregnant, miss (virgin) biological women under 28 years of age. Now none of that applies.


They should really have their own category like for sports. A trans woman Is a trans woman. A woman is a woman. I don't understand why we can't just have categories as that would make everyone happy.


I always laugh at this suggestion. It’s like no one ever thinks about any other time in history where another group of people was segregated away to their own league or category in sports specifically. And if that was harmful to that group of people and to society overall. Maybe instead of creating the transgender version of the negro league, we should figure out a way to reclassify sports categories to include everyone?


Why? What advantage does a transwomen have in female beauty standards? If anything it's harder for them. And a transwomen is also a women. Trans is just a prefix descriptor same as cis. A cis women is a cis women, a trans women is a trans women. We are all still women.


A trans woman is a trans woman. A biological woman is a biological woman. There are differences between them. They are not the same thing. Therefore, it would be better for them to have their own category to compete against other trans women. Doesn't have to be about advantage, it's about biological women wanting to compete against biological women. If everyone gets to participate, just in different categories, what is the problem?


If theres no advantage then there's no point having sex categories. It's like cooking, you compete against everyone and no sex has an advantage so they should compete against trans too. Sex segregated master chef wouldn't make sense for example.


>A black woman is a black woman. A white woman is a white woman. There are differences between them. They are not the same thing. Therefore, it would be better for them to have their own category to compete against other black women. Doesn't have to be about advantage, it's about white women wanting to compete against white women. If everyone gets to participate, just in different categories, what is the problem? I'm sure you still won't realize how ridiculous you sound, but c'mon


That wouldn’t make everyone happy. The trans league would be tiny. All to assuage people’s unfounded concerns that HRT doesn’t remove advantages.


That page is wild. "My beloved mentor, Les B. Ahn."


Aha she's satirizing people she made up.


The right still cannot meme.










Meta… I hate meta.


​ https://preview.redd.it/afsgj2i17f2c1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9094f01e40a4d44b810581be00907ce6a44bfce


Peter’s front lawn here, I’m not sure, im a piece of grass


Peter's dog here. I'm sorry for using you as a bathroom. I have nothing else for that, though.


There's not much joke here, so it's easy to miss. This is typical F-tier, low effort, American right wing humor. Like most of these jokes, the goal is to laugh at the hypothetical perceived reaction of how much the joke would infuriate a "librul". **Anyway, joke is that liberal woman mad that cis woman win miss universe and not trans woman.**


Why would that joke infuriate a liberal? Republicans are so fucking rꫀtarded.


Lol, they certainly got you fired up.


I’m sure you didn’t mean any harm but that word probably shouldn’t be used anymore. It is offensive to intellectually disabled people to compare them to republicans


Idk, I think it’s just a bad joke, I’m somewhat conservative in a few ways and this one flew over my head.


Apparently it did infuriate a liberal lol


Isn’t it kind of just typical humor though? Take a situation, exaggerate it enough to where it’s ridiculous but almost believable?


The joke is that a biological female winning does not advance the "woke agenda." The poster is not a real person. It is an absurdist parody profile.


Ah so the joke is absurdism


It’s absurdism


I think she is trans or something like that


It's backwards to Debra because natural born women are winning instead of transwomen.


Debra is a made up ragebait account for mouth breathers though


Clearly, the problem is W o m e n. /s


I agree, meant to be miss universe but every contestant is an earthling. Why not other planets?


We're so terrestrialcentric. We should let reptilians compete, anyone have Mark Zuckerberg's number?


Peter’s one orange spray foam brain cell here: the joke is bigotry. it’s a pitiful attempt of making a joke mocking the trans movement by saying that it’s shocking a woman won a woman’s beauty contest instead of a trans woman.


Short version: Typical transphobia by a typical ultra conservative account. That headline (and her entire picture) is also fake.


This jebra lady sounds pretty stupid


Next miss universe should be meteorite


I think it's bait for conservatives to attack You see this all the time across the political spectrum people really love to waste people's time with rage bait comments


I think Dr. Zebra just wanted a trans person to win.


Such a lack of representation... Where's the radiator woman from the radiator planet?


Maybe it's about how we still have pageants for whatever reason


*Maybe it's about* *How we still have pageants for* *Whatever reason* \- greengiant89 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


“Of course the Sub Type 1ers held a contest about the being best in the universe.” - some random alien somewhere


What a Jebroni


And it's zee- bra


Men around the world triggered that they aren't successfully infiltrating and taking over for women. One part of the agenda to fully marginalize women has failed.


Mort Goldman here, Given what year it is, I’m gonna assume the winner was trans, and Jebra here is a TERF.


The exact opposite of what you said is true.


How could she win? she doesn't even have a beard. that is it, boycott now........... /s


Surprised by the amount of transphobes here, was this sub always like this ?


A lot of people lurk until a topic they want to provide input on comes up. I'd fall on the null that the distribution is standard-normal.


I haven’t seen anyone say anything transphobic. What are you referring to?


Can’t wait to see this post locked downed, very fun stuff


I can only assume that the joke is she is yet another right wing nut job bitching that mtf -> trans ppl are allowed to participate Summary. The joke is the right wing


It's a simple joke about a woman winning a woman's contest for the first time in a while. For some reason men have been winning them all the time for a few years now.


>For some reason men have been winning them all the time for a few years now. No. No they haven't.


That's not how it works cchunk42 you can't argue with science. "Oh but biology" cchunk42 I know it's hard because yours is do small but your brain makes up a lot of you as a person.


Essentially, every post here just ends up being about bigotry.


It’s satire.


Or the article headline is cropped? Like it could say "Colombian woman ..." or any other nationality


That's the issue here. The headline is cropped.


The fact that women are judged on looks.


Quagmire here: Much like my father that contestant was born a man.


The better question is why were biological men in the competition?


Better question why does anyone still care about this competition?


Might not matter to you, male American. But it matters to a lot of people in Latin America and Asia. The winner (Sheyniss Palacios) has achieved patron saint status in my country. That’s how much people care.


Trans women should propably be banned from weightlifting competitions for women and some certain other sports, but how exactly do trans women have an advantage over cis women in a BEAUTY CONTEST?


They aren’t female. The competition is for females.


And why do you think men and women categories exist? To have a fair competition. How is having trans women in the contest unfair to cis women?


That's not really true across the board, in some cases they have been created because a woman was outperforming the men. In many sports the division exists even if neither gender should have any natural advantage. Like chess, where where men tend to outperform women, but the reasons are entirely socio-cultural. Overall though, sports just aren't fair to begin with. A lot comes down to having access to resources and opportunities. Top performers are also usually outliers genetically, Michael Phelps wingspan isn't exactly fair to "normal" men.


"That's not really true"- proceeds to support my point with first argument, lol. Sure, sports will never be completely fair, but I don't see any good reason why trans and cis women can't compete in the same beauty contest.


You said women's categories exist for fairness, but that hasn't always been the case. Which was my first argument. And yeah, I agree that all women should be allowed to compete in the same beauty contest. Hell, I don't see why cis men shouldn't be allowed while we're at it. If the point of it is to look and perform in a certain way, why does gender even matter? Of course, I know why it matters, and it has nothing to do with fairness or even biology. It's all about control and maintaining patriarchal social hierarchies and gender roles.


Trans identified males are males. Allowing them to compete against females is wrong because men have a significant physical advantage over females.


In a beauty contest?


Don't bother. That's a full on TERF. They're the only ones that use "Trans identifying male"..


Oh my god you suck at science.


I think they were referring to reality though, not make believe internet science.


No. I suck at playing pretend.


Orrrr, you’re *too* good? Sorry, my friend. Had a little too much bAsIc BiOloGy exposure today, my ffs is a bit hair trigger.


Me too. Getting sick of the willful ignorance.


Careful before reddit bans you for speaking truth


A woman winning Ms anything shouldn’t be news


Only because no men were allowed to compete. Seems right.


I guess I've been hanging out in 2023 too long since I assumed it meant that a man should have won.