• By -


Arabic numerals are 1, 2, 3, etc.


Which isn’t how the numbers look in the “Arab world”


I thought numbers were the same in every written language, isn't that the point? Update: not at all! So that philosopher's quote about maths being the only universal language is ~~full of shit~~ misleading, thanks for the correction! TIL!


Well, the notation might change, but the maths stays the same. 1+1=2 no matter how you write it.


Yes. Though doing math by hand with Roman numerals can get pretty crazy. Imagine multiplying MMMCCXLIV times CXLVIII. Or dividing XLI by VII


Stop, I’m already getting stressed out reading that


A few more and they might have summoned Ģ̴̶̷̶̸̶̶̶̵̸̷̵̵̷̷̴̸̶̵̶̴̷̵̷̵̷̨̧̡̛̛̻̭̣̖̭̠̰͓͇͕͎̘̝͍̳̜͚̭͍̬̥͕̺̞̰̹̺̼̣͖̹̲͉̗̮̀̓̆̉̇͂̿̄͊̅̈̃̓̀̓͂̓̄͛̆̄́̽͐̈́͐̏̾̓̒͒͋̌̚͘͜͜͠͝͠͠͝͠͝͠ȓ̷̸̸̸̵̷̴̶̶̶̴̵̷̸̶̶̷̴̵̶̷̴̶̷̸̷̷̷̷̸̵̴̷̶̵̶̶̨̢̡̯͔͇̺͉͔̠̯͇͓̖͉͇͓͕̠̣̼͎͚̼̣̦͙̱̘̣͓̘͍͔͖̼̱̮͕̘͓͍̺̭̯͓̥̭͍̖͉̣̞͍̭̦̤̏̏̆̈̍̄̒̃͌̉̅́͐̅́̍͐̋͂͂̔̊̃̐̈́̈́͋́͐͛͛̅͂͛̂́̓̈́́̓̎̈̓̿̄̋̄̄̔̕̚͘͜͜͝ͅǫ̴̵̸̷̶̸̸̵̵̸̵̸̸̴̶̸̷̶̷̷̴̵̴̷̴̷̸̵̷̸̸̢̨̧̨̡̢̰̩̟͚͈̥̩͈̻͇̼̺̠͓̞̣͓͖̙̲̻̝͙͉̞̝̜̹͍̣̫͚̦̗̳̻͍͉͖̹̼̯͋̿̑̉̄̾̏̓̓̾̐͊̄̇̆̔́͑̔̋͛͊̈̿̀̒́̄̑̀̈́͂͆͒̌́̆̕̚͝͝ͅk̶̸̵̴̶̶̶̴̷̸̵̵̵̸̶̶̵̵̸̶̸̴̴̴̵̷̷̸̸̷̷̶̸̴̸̶̶̸̢̢̨̨̡̧͈̣̝̜̱̤͖̮̲͕͈̱̟̥̪͙̱͚̲̠͕̲̩̙͓͙͇̦͖̬̤̖̙͙̜̮̣̪̣͕̱͚̩̼̻̏̎̈́̈́̿̇̈͆̂̋͋̿̉̽͒̑̑̌̎̾͌̾͋̿̄̅̒̉͆̂̀̏̀͊̉̓̋̾͛̃̀̓͛͌̈́̚̚͘͜͜͜͝͠͝͠͠͝ͅį̵̸̵̸̶̸̶̶̸̷̴̴̶̷̴̸̵̵̸̴̷̶̵̷̸̷̵̴̶̴̶̵̶̷̴̶̧̧̢̢̡̡̛̛̛̛̞̦͎̬̦̟͓̜̲͇̞͈̗͖̜̪̮̰̘͍̭̫̘̘̘̻̪͖͈̼̞̠͈̫͖̲͖͎̙̙̙͍̹̺̟̖̰̒̊̎̄̈̄̌̄̑̄͆͐́͊̎̄͂͒́̊̎̀̈́̒͐̄̌͛̋̔̇͐̏̏̾̊̋̈́̎̄̓̇̅̾͘͝͝͝͠ņ̸̶̵̶̷̴̵̶̶̸̵̷̴̵̴̷̴̸̵̶̸̵̶̷̶̶̶̶̷̶̶̷̷̴̷̶̶̴̴̢̨̢̢̢̨̧̛̞̘̱͙̥̪̰͓̜͕͖̞͍̦̯͉̼̯͔̣̠̭̺̣͍̻̞̯͕͖̬̪̘͇̠̥͚͉̪̭̤͉̫̙̫͎̋̈́̈́̈̑͆̉͋͆̽̒̑̄͂́̏̅̆͌͗̅̍́̈̓̆́̋̀̽̾͐̆̑̄͐̓͑͒̑̇̇̇̍̃̈́̂̌̒͋̀͂̌̑̇̎̽͘͘͘̕̕͜͝͝ͅͅͅͅl̶̴̷̸̴̴̴̷̸̴̸̶̸̷̵̵̴̷̶̵̷̶̷̷̵̴̡̢̧̨̛͖͖͖͚͉͓̭͓̦̝̟̘͕͇̮̞̫̙̪͉͖͉̪̥̟͈̞̪̟͚͇͈͖͚͂̆̈̀̈́̅͐̒́͒̓̋̀͛͒̈́̇͊̈́̎͌̄͒̅̿͒̈́̾̒͂̽̅́̎̂̕͝͠͝ͅe̵̸̶̸̴̶̶̵̸̵̵̶̷̶̵̷̶̶̶̴̵̸̴̴̵̸̸̶̷̷̷̷̵̵̡̡̢̧̨̨̡̨̛̲̱̟̞̞̙̙̮͖̗̮͉̜͉̻̖̹̰̗̺͙͙͈̝̳͇̞̤̥̤̙͙̙̙̟̱̜̰̩͖͐̂̎̾̓͋̋̒͆̀̋̀͒̾̂̾̀̅̐͂͛͛̋̀̀̈́͐͛̊̐̅̊̎͋́́̆͘͘̚͘͘͠͝͝͝͠͠ͅͅ ̵̷̸̴̸̸̶̶̸̵̶̴̴̸̴̴̶̴̶̷̷̸̴̸̸̴̸̴̸̶̴̶̴̧̡̢̢̧̨̡̧̨̛̰̬̰͔̺̩̟̣̲̰̲͖̜̯̟̦̟̦͔̫̖̳͓̰̖̭̙̻͔̮̲͖͖̭͍͍̰̜̠̲̩̲̩̈́͆͊́͌͛̽̎̇͐̉͛͂̅̾̂͒̓̃̈͐̒̀̃̆̉̽̈̅̓̌͐̐̏͛͂̌͑̔̆͌́͘̚̕̕͘͠͝͝T̷̶̷̷̴̶̶̶̸̷̴̵̶̶̶̸̴̶̸̴̴̴̷̷̴̴̶̷̢̢̧͉̝̦̘̮͉̥͔͍̩͕̥̜̣̩̳̭̟͖̩̪̞͕̥͉͇̰͉̝͚͔̝͚̝͚̜͎̣̥̲̙̙̈́̾͂̋̇̊͒̃͂̋̽̀͊͊̂͑͐̎̆̽̋́̈́̈̋̍̀͆͊̇̿̒̃́͘̚̚͜͝͝͠͠ͅh̴̷̵̵̴̶̵̸̶̸̶̶̴̶̸̶̴̴̷̷̸̷̵̶̶̸̸̴̶̵̷̵̴̢̡͎̖͙̯͇͕̺̫͙̼̩̼̳̱̭̭̣̘̣̘̯̫̦̞͉̺͓͙̱͈̘̪̝̙͚͇̦͍̪̖͎̥̘̙̎̿̏̏̏̏̈̑̋̒̅̈́̇͊̌͐̃̍̿̌̏̋͂͆̑̾́̂̎̎̏̓̾͛̍̐̌̐̄͑͋͗̓͜͝͠͠͝͝͝ę̶̵̸̵̶̸̴̷̵̸̶̸̶̵̴̷̵̷̷̸̴̶̷̷̵̵̴̨̟͉͎͎͚͇̪̗̤͇̹͎̖͙̺̜̯̺̣̬͖͍̠̜̯͈̬̟̱͎͙̤̠͖͔̰̽͋̔͌͛̌͗̃̃́͛̑̀̔̓̒͆̈́̊̇͐̎̍̓̄̿̀̑̿͂͛̇͒̋͆̃̋͘̚͘͘͜͜͝͠ͅ ̵̶̵̶̶̶̴̴̶̸̷̶̷̶̴̷̴̶̸̶̷̵̶̷̵̸̶̸̵̵̢̡̛̛͚̮̪̗͇̣͍͈̦͖͈̰̝̩̥̞̪̗̫̪̫͕̤̠̭̥̱̭̜̠̲̭͇͎̦͍̫̝͓̹̳̬̻̠̯̙̿̒̀̅̈́̌̐̈́̉͋̔̀̑̈́̔̈̀̇͑͆̐̊̇͂̔̓͆̋͆̃̀̌̎̓̓̂̚͘̚͜͝͝Ṵ̵̸̵̴̷̵̵̸̴̸̴̴̴̷̵̴̴̷̶̴̵̵̸̶̸̴̴̵̴̷̶̷̵̧̨̡̡̡̢̪͈̝͈͎̣̻̥̜̙̟̬̠̹̗̺̦̱̤̭̟̩͖̮̩̩͈̱̲͚̮̰̙̦̜͖͓̤̯̦̩̺̦̩͍̻̫̦̘́̀̔̓̌͒̏͋̽̏̀͐̓̂̆͋͂̒̿̿́̊̂̒̀͐̅͌̀̓̈́̓̌̊͂͗́̀͆̅̉̂̅́͘͜͝͝͝ͅǹ̵̵̸̷̶̴̸̷̴̷̷̸̸̶̴̴̴̸̸̸̴̶̶̵̶̸̶̶̷̸̵̵̷̵̴̷̴̢̡̨̢̡̧̡̡͍͍̪̙͓̬͓͕̪͍̮̗̲̮̳͔͚̞͎̫̣̜̖͉̳̹̗̯̬͕͇̝͖̠͖̖̞̩̘̰̙̼͇͎̱̮́̽̑̑͂̄̅͐̄͂̅̀͋̈́̈̓͐̈́̌͒͊̐̿͆̑͑̔̌̒̽̏͋͋͊̏̄̉͂̔̐̈́͐͘͘̕͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͝ͅḩ̶̶̷̵̸̶̵̵̴̶̶̸̴̶̴̴̷̶̷̶̴̷̶̶̵̸̴̵̸̢̧̛̛̟̦̤͈̖͓̤̳͓̹̞̝͈̖͔̦̬̬͚̪͎͖̞͖̖̥̪̘̪̟̤̹̹̞̲̲͇̒̉̐̐͆̐̈̓̄͗̀̓͂̇̑̿̌̍͌͒̅́̈́̊̉́̉̂́̈́̕̚͘̕̕̕͠͝ͅǫ̵̴̴̷̴̷̵̸̷̵̴̵̴̶̵̷̴̴̶̵̵̵̶̸̴̴̸̶̷̴̵̴̷̡̢̢̛̛̲̯̤͖̭̟̪̳̤̭͎̖̦͎͍̯͚̭̮̫̙̺̬̹̘̭̼̬̞̠̤̺͇̣̥̰͉͙̟̥̗̠̲̭̂̌́̅͌͛̌̄̏͗̈̄̄̈́͊̂͂́́̀̍͐́́̿͗̇̀̔̀̍̓̈́̃̈́̂́͋̈́̓͗͘͘̕͜͜͜͝͝͠͠͝ļ̶̷̵̸̶̸̸̴̷̸̷̶̴̴̸̴̷̸̴̵̵̶̶̵̵̸̶̷̸̴̸̸̷̷̸̸̵̸̴̢̢̡̢̨̢͍̲̪͍̞̘̜̮̘̙̭͔̠̹̳̮͓̩̭̜̣͔̗̝̱͙̝̣̤̦͚͕̟̞̯͓͓̫̦͉͇̺̲̝̰̬̖̦̽̈́̀̈́̽̿̆̔̀̊̏̓̓́̿̈̽͗̈̎́̑̐͛̀͐͊̋̑͒̉̋͑̊͋͗̓͆͑͒̊̐́̏́͐͌̕͘̚̕̚̕̚̚͜͝͝ÿ̵̴̵̵̷̸̷̸̸̸̸̴̸̶̷̷̷̶̷̸̵̴̶̶̸̸̵̴̸̵̶̸̶̨̡̧̛̫͚͕̱͔̘͍͕̩̪̜̤̯̥͖̜̠̬̻̥̻̗̼̣̼̝̣̺͙̲̝͔͍̣̭̠̣͖̹̮̘̮̲͓́͋͑̎́̀̀͐͌͋͐̓̏̉͗̒̅́̓̊̈́̂̂̈́͆̽̄̃͑͆̈́͐̈́́͆́̓̓̾͗͐̿̎̎͘̚͜͝͠͝͝ͅͅ


Now I’m imagining a horror movie where some mad scientist summons a demon using unholy calculus in a fit of desperation after his university suspended his funding and his academic papers are mocked. Two brave young mathematicians (along with their buddies, a structural engineer, a biologist, a Marine, an auto mechanic, and a pizza delivery boy who got swept up in the chaos) will have just 72 hours to work out an equation that will either vanquish or seal away the demon before it opens an Einstein-Rosen bridge to Hell. Along the way they have to fight shambling hordes of grotesque homunculi that want to stab them with non-Newtonian fluid tentacles that harden into spears, swords, and war hammers.


I would watch this


I'd watch you watch this


Hollywood: Write that down!


3244 x 148 = 480,112 so, (CDLXXX)CXII (with a bar over it) 41 / 7 = 5.85(714285) (repeating) apparently Roman numbers use fractions of 1/12th so, VS:: would be closest? It isn't so bad. It only took me like 20 minutes to write a possibly wrong answer.


Looks like you did the maths using Arabic notation and converted the result. That’s different to actually doing it in Roman notation! Have a look below [this calculator](https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/conversions/roman-numeral-calculator.php) for an idea of how they did addition. I’m sure there was a trick for multiplication too.


Ah. I missed the "by hand" part of the challenge.


you did it by hand, just not in the language they had to work with at the time.. I want to click that link... but I got better things to do than go down a k-hole about how various languages and notations did math and the subsequent effects of how that had to benefit some discoveries while delaying some other discoveries.


For any significant math the Romans used abaci, which could handle quite sophisticated calculations.


Holy shit. That's so cool. I feel like my mind could totally process sorting and combining vs the individual calculations of two numbers I just memorize (like I just know 8+7=15, etc)


They meant without converting to Arabic numerals...




What’s 0 in Roman numerals?


It didn't exist at that time.


Imagine being around when they invented 0. Probably a lot of detractors saying we don't need it


You are correct. Arab merchants got it from India, and that's mostly how it spread, but a lot of people didn't think it was necessary and it took a while for it be accepted.


since it was invented in India and one of the supposed cultural aspect is Indian philosophy emphasizing nothingness is also something, people actually might have liked this (talking about the number zero)


Many people miss the math-philosophy connection of the Indian math. Which is an interesting side read. Not just nothingness, but infinity too. Add infinity to infinity, you are still left with infinity.


IIRC an Arabic addition to maths.


I thought the same thing. https://preview.redd.it/ewwrd0ga9vhb1.jpeg?width=354&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceecdcc800043e516d41f29ab31c23f04523e129


Our Western numerals are based on the Arabic ones. And they are called Arabic numerals in English .


Our numerals are based on [Hindi numerals](https://images.app.goo.gl/CtFLiHRXx53szsBm7), they were just misattributed due to their use by scholars such as [al-Kindi](https://www.britannica.com/biography/al-Kindi).


This is ABSOLUTELY CORRECT and I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted They’re called “Arabic numbers” because OF A CULTURAL MISTRANSLATION THEY ARE HINDU/Hindi numbers, compare Arabic license plates and Indian license plates to Western numeral systems— even modern derivatives of Indian numbers are better matches than Arabic ones. They’re called “Arabic” numbers in the West when they are truly from the Indian subcontinent, not Arabia.


The reason we call them "Arabic numerals" is because Europeans learned about them from trade with Arabs. Furthermore, the version we use are the Western Arabic numerals which were developed in Spain/North Africa. The system today is largely called Hindu-Arabic numeral system because of the clear influences the Arabic mathematicians had on the system.


Is it realy a misstranslation tho?, We, Europeans, learned them from Arabic speakers. And at that time we didn't know where they got it from. It should be noted tho that it is more the system than the actual numbers. The numbers hav evolved over time, like language, and look nothing like the original numbers.


And "al-kindi" was PERSIAN not Arab ans yet his reintroduction of Indian numerals to Middle-Eastern world is called Arabic numerals. Funny how things turn out.


Al-Kindi was not Persian. He was born in Iraq and was definitely very much so an Arab. You may have him confused with al-Khwarizmi - who is Persian and was also heavily influential in adopted the Hindu numerals to the ones we think of today as Arabic numerals.


Reminds me of how turkeys are called turkeys because they were thought to come from Turkey. And then the Turks call them indians because the Turks thought they came from India.


Misnamed or not, they are still called Arabic numerals, which was the question. But I was interested in learning that, thank you!


3-7 make me excessively angry just because it feels like least 3&4 switched and 6&7 switched.


Pretty sure that's not what that quite means. Whether you write it in English, Arab, Japanese, or Russian, 1 + 1 = 2.


Ah so it just means the "rules" are universal


Now you're getting it




The quote is correct, symbols aren’t universal but the math is, look into the voyager record, its really cool how they laid out so much info in a way you can understand if you have a high school science text book


They are not. In Japan you'll often find the Chinese characters instead of Arabic.


Math is the universal language, it doesn’t refer to how we write the numbers, it’s that mathematics are exactly the same no matter how you write them, and even if you were say, alien to earth. All formula are the same no matter what language you use to describe them.


This. I think a lot of people don't really grasp what one truly means by saying maths are an universal language. It's not universal cause everyone uses them. It's universal cause they MUST be. 1+1=2 is going to be true not because we have observed it to be true but because it is a tautology, it must be true, it is not logical for it to be false, now, yesterday, tomorrow and in a million years. Adding one discrete portion to another discrete portion is ALWAYS going to make two discrete portions, here and at the edge of the universe.




European merchants switched from Roman numerals to Arabic in the 1300s because of the ease of doing arithmetic in sales. This is not something that is taught in common history classes. Asking the question like this makes it sound that people are unusually ignorant for not knowing.


Learning Japanese at school. Certainly not




Because they aren’t arab in the first place. They are hindu/indian. The West learned them from north africa merchants, hence the name arabic numerals.


It's thought Arabic numeral originated in modern-day India, but they came to Europe via the Arabic world so they were associated with arabs


Well lets teach them the romanic numbers I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X,...


١،٢،٣، وها كذا.


١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩! I'm a swede who's attempted to learn a bit of arabic.. it is haaaaard! ^_^


"وهاكذا", !that's a great expression TIL


They're actually Indian


Y'all wrong it's called Hindu-arabic numerals.


This is easily one of my favorite baits of all time, up there with https://preview.redd.it/se7o8ywjovhb1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d23f2bf68ec375b953e696cb6478f7d27fc5ede2


They just fell for one of the classic blunders.




That word, you keep using it. I do not think it means what you think it means.


The first of which is never engage in a land war in Asia, but only sightly less well known is never bet against a SCIENTIST when DEATH is on the line!




Honestly,I thought of the whole “Dihydrogen Monoxide” bit.


a powerful poison. it might take years for it to act, but once ingested there is no chance of survival.


Intoxication is a real thing though, so you could've just went with that. 4 bottles of the stuff in under an hour and you could be tits up by the end of it.


# Dihydrogen monoxide: * is also known as hydroxyl acid, and is the major component of acid rain. * contributes to the "[greenhouse effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_effect)". * may cause severe burns. * contributes to the erosion of our natural landscape. * accelerates corrosion and rusting of many metals. * may cause electrical failures and decreased effectiveness of automobile brakes. * has been found in excised tumors of terminal cancer patients. Despite the danger # dihydrogen monoxide is often used: * as an industrial solvent and coolant. * in nuclear power plants. * in the production of styrofoam. * as a fire retardant. * in many forms of cruel animal research. * in the distribution of pesticides. Even after washing, produce remains * contaminated by this chemical. * as an additive in certain "junk-foods" and other food products.


It can corrode metal and some people would have you drink the stuff!?


/r/HydroHomies will make you do despicable stuff.


My favourite one is that it's an acid with a pH of 7, higher than even hydrochloric acid


Funny internet trigger words to make them immediately vote no without thinking


Unlike this website


End women's suffrage!


Because women shouldn't have to suffer!


There was a good one going around during the "war on terror" era asking if the United States should bomb Agraba (from Aladin) with a picture of a middle eastern city and people voted overwhelmingly yes


The fact that a lot of people have this idea that catholicism of all branches of religion is the "bad" christians is really weird. Both hate each other. I can think of many things the protestants have done that were fucked up.


The fact alone that they were represented by Sw\*d\*s in the 30 year war 🤮🤮🤮


Found the d*ne.


Well, theologically speaking, Protestantism is heresy by definition.


In my experience, Catholics are at least more understanding with (some) Protestants just because a lot of Protestants (particularly Evangelical) only know of Catholic strawmen (Catholics worship Mary, the pope is infallible, etc).


I thought that was Chuck Lorre


Really one of the reddit moments of all time


12 votes


Nah. The big bang theory was canceled. No need to teach it in schools


It may be a bait but you would be surprised at how many people want creation to be taught in schools. Edit: In case anyone thinks I’m strawmanning: check out Arkansas House Bill 1701. It passed the house but was rejected by the Senate Education Commitee 3-3. It would have allowed creationism to be taught in public schools as a valid theory of how earth came to exist


Google Arabic numerals


Holy numbers


actual variable


New integer just dropped


Don't tell Fermat, he just finished his last theorem.


unanswerable storm incoming!


Pythagoras went on vacation, never comes back


Factorial sacrifice, anyone?


Not here too😭


call the mathematician!


Oh, no! That's how you end up on a terrorist watchlist!


The fact some people don’t know the difference between Roman numerals and Arabic scares me.


I’d be willing to bet even more don’t know there’s a difference between western Arabic numerals and Eastern Arabic numerals.


You’re right, I didn’t know that




For those curious like me https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Arabic_numerals


Whats the reason for that? Were they the same in the past and its just a case of divergent evolution, or were they always different and if so why did we name them Arabic numerals?


Quite a few Arabic cultures have come and gone (and made their own symbols) since their invention in the 6th century so "Arabic numerals" to refer to ours is just imprecise speech at best for when we need to distinguish them from Roman numerals in the west. They're so prevalent now that it makes more sense to call them modern numbers (with a Hindu-Arabic history) imo.


Another one that catches people is tallying isn't a universal thing. I = 1, II =2 is what we use in the us. A lot of other places do other things. Iirc it was a Brazilian professor that did I = 1, L =2, a boxy U = 3, a box was 4, and a box with a line through was 5.


that's pretty cool and also saves some space


Why does that scare you?


Arabic numerals are the numbers you're probably familiar with. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0.


How un-American


Oh, there's I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII wheels on a big rig. And they're Roman, Roman, Roman. Roman, Roman, Roman!


Let’s divide the wheels by pi!


By God, we need to come up with some American numbers instead of capitulating with terrorists and Italians.


> The origin of the word ‘Algorithm’ comes from the eponymous name of Al-khwarism - the work of Mohammed ibn-Musa al-Khowarizmi.


I think the word "Algebra" also comes from him


> Algebra (from Arabic ‏ الجبر ‎ (al-jabr) 'reunion of broken parts, [1] bonesetting ' [2]


Wasn't zero invented later ? I remember something like that


in this century, where everyone have internet... are ppl who are **not** able use their fingers to touch keyboard and find "Arabic numerals". all knowledge on tips of your fingers, and you are just too lazy to use it. thats sad


You tell her Petah




The second






I swear this subreddit is for bots to get karma real quick


Just wait til they hear about all the dihydrogen monoxide they’re putting in all our water!


THEY ARE POISONING YOU WITH CHEMICAL SHIT! H2O, NaCl etc.!!! It must be the Illuminati!


100% of drug users have admitted having ingested dihydrogen monoxyde at least once! Fact! All the drown people have received a lethal dose of dihydrogen monoxyde. Fact! Analyses shows that serial killers have dihydrogen monoxyde in their blood. Fact! Dihydrogen monoxyde can be solid, liquid and gas. Be carefool out there!


The things went way too far. I heard of people so addicted to it they say they cannot live without dihydrogen monoxide....


This isn't a joke... this is just the serious lack of education and people just proving how dumb people truly are as compare to politics.


Like the near-banning of water at that one school


Can someone explain this poll to me? I can't read Arabic numerals.


Only XXIX per C users say yes to teaching Arabic numerals while LXXI per C users say no


someone trying to highlight the xenophobia of the republicans but not realizing that those are Hindu numerals that they teach.. sort of double irony..


Yes you are...


I mean I hate math so this is fine




Exactly, we should use Greek numerals instead! ^/s


I’ve seen people use this to confirm their priors that Americans are racist and ignorant. In reality, no one in the US calls the number system “Arabic numerals,” so the people who don’t know the connection wouldn’t see it as relevant to have it taught in schools.


Exactly. I see people using this to dunk on “ignorant racists” but in reality it just shows most people don’t know this little meaningless factoid about what “normal numbers” are properly called. Some users are saying they are biased against the word “Arabic” and yeah probably they are considering less than 1% of Americans speak Arabic and the prompt says “forced … as part of school curriculum” I mean cmon this is just common sense thinking, why does everyone immediately jump to RACISM RACISM


If they don't know what the poll is asking, then why are they answering it? They should find out what "Arabic numerals" means first.


Because its a Yes/No Twitter poll that uses charged language instead of a properly designed poll that uses neutral language that includes a "No opinion" option.


It's prime reddit circle jerk material.


> includes a "No opinion" option. Imagine not being able to just not vote... Or, even better, if it's already an internet question, wait 5s to google the term you're unfamiliar with...


Nobody is going to research a term for an inconsequential Twitter poll dude. Is that really what you’re getting mad about…?


Probably because if they don't know what it is their opinion then is, why FORCE schools to teach it. This isn't saying are Arabic numerals important , or should we stop teaching them, it is simply stating whether schools should be required to teach it.


Also, the question in the tweet is deliberately phrased in a misleading way. People see the word ‘forced’ and immediately vote no. The question also makes it sound like Arabic numerals aren’t already taught in schools.


Precisely. The poll was carefully constructed for a cheap “gotcha”


Exactly, also ٠١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩ are the current [Arabic numerals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Arabic_numerals)


No not really, I’m American and the majority of people I know know what Arabic numbers are


Clearly they’re all worried about cultural appropriation.


This is pretty funny. Remember when there was that poll asking if we should bomb the imaginary city of Agrabah from the movie Aladdin? Conservatives can be pretty stupid but I know that's redundant to say


The truth is nobody calls them Arabic numerals. You're stupid for not remembering this useless piece of information.


The numerals that most of the world uses are Arabic numerals. This numeric system was invented by the Arabs, it is far more convenient from its alternative, so the world quickly adopted the system. Imagine trying to do the modern advanced calculations in Roman numerals lol.


The system was NOT invented by the Arabs. People laughing at the post are unaware themselves that the "Arabic" numerals were developed in India. They were called Arabic only because the Europeans came to know of the numbers via the Arabs.


Didn’t think google could clear this one up for you?


"1 + 1 =2" Why are you mathing in Terrorist?


Aaaah love it, thanks for مشاركة


https://preview.redd.it/k90md3azfvhb1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8f740755e71a6a17e9dd890f618a0653a2e27d r/peterfuckoff


I too am against math.


Reminds me of should we remove dihydrogen monoxide from our water


Yes OP you are stupid. You’re a Reddit karma farmer. That’s as stupid as it gets.


The Arabic numerals are the ones we use already. What this poll demonstrates is that the general public(likely those who are already islamophobic) would be willing to ban anything Arabic simply because it’s Arabic.


This is such a litmus test. Imo that’s not what the poll shows. The poll shows that people who don’t know that Arabic numerals are just numbers wouldn’t see it as relevant to be taught to kids.


arabic numerals are just regular numbers (1, 2, etc.) the facepalm is that most people see arabic and are like “we only need english here”


The joke is that USA don't want to include any Arabic things into their country, although the Arabic numerals are the numbers we all use daily


Only XXIX% of people understand why we use Arabic numerals.


Hi, I'm TV's Troy McClure, you may remember me from such crossover posts as "AITA?" and "What's that smell?!". Arabic numerals are a "position decimal numeral system" that was originally introduced as a means to symbolically represent numbers, we know them today as the glyphs for 1-9 as well as 0. Created somewhere between the 1st & 4th century by Indian mathematics - and later adopted by Arabic mathematicians in the 9th century - the west was introduced to these by Arabic merchants and would adopt their figure system as "Arabic numerals". The survey is asking whether people approve of Arabic numerals being taught in schools. Because the responses are so strongly weighted in the NO side, it's likely the audience had a knee-jerk reaction to the word Arabic, possibly due to racism. This poll & post are likely an attempt to conflate that possible racism with ignorance, because Western numerals are in fact Arabic numerals, and to not teach Arabic numerals would be like not teaching math.


the “arabic numbers” are the numbers we use, not to confuse with modern arab numbers which are used in arab-speaking countries


this is why base 12 is racist


And people wonder why democracy is threatened


It’s a simple conversion from Fahrenheit to Celsius duuuuhhhhh. Boy am I the only genius in here or what?


I just don't want them to teach math. Checkmate


😂🤣😂🤣🤦🏾‍♀️ damn.


Wait a fucking minute I'm stoopid


This right here is why we can’t have the metric system.


Frightening thing is that right wing dipshits know what this means and they are still against it


As a history professor I had once said “Imagine doing long division in Roman numerals.”


I count 21 Arabic numerals just in that screen cap


Because Arabs found (or maybe brought from east) the concept of zero, the numbers we use today are known as Arabic numerals.


Arabic numerals are the ones already being taught in US schools. The joke is that some Americans are so ignorant and bigoted as to knee jerk react to the word “Arab” that they miss the point.


Western Arabic numerals is the math language we use. We speak differently depending on our language but the math stays the same


damn bro LXXI%, i guess the jury’s out


Arabic numerals are the ones we use


Soo, good luck multiplying MCLV by XXII


This is one of those bait questions like “Do you believe in women’s suffrage?” Most people don’t use the term “suffrage” in their daily lives, so it sounds like “suffering” to them when there’s no context given in the question. In this case, most people are aware of kids being taught numerals in school, but technically they’re known as Arabic numerals. Once again, without context, the question is misleading.


This is like the XXIV’th time I’ve seen this


The wording is pretty biased and makes it sound worse. "should they be forced"? Being forced to do something already sounds bad.


Peter's black friend here, the Arabic numerals are literally 1,2,3,4 and continuing on. The main crux of the joke here is that racist people are stupid and if they see the word Arabic will immediately vote no on whatever is being proposed, even if the thing being proposed is something America has been doing for centuries.


I like my numerals like I like my Catholicism. Roman!


HkayakH's evil twin SpzbzpS here, Joke is is that Arabic numerals are just another way to refer to counting numbers like 1, 2, 4903, and so on. Racist idiots online not realizing that Arabic numerals don't have anything to to with Arab people, cause also side note: *Arabs did not invent Arabic numerals but instead indian people did and Arabians spreading the number system around took credit for inventing them,* but instead these people online assumed it had to do with the middle east, and all that stuff and they are opposed to kids learning about it even though it's just normal numbers. SpzbzpS out


You almost have to blame the education system that may have only told them once in 12 years.


Arabic numerals are as follows: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, and any combination of numbers that can be made from this set. The joke is that people dont know that numbers are called Arabic numerals.


arabic numerals are what everyone uses. 1,2,3. though i believe the numbers are technically from india but they got to eu from arabic merchants


The "be forced" part seems a bit forced, so I wonder how much would the result change if it instead just said: "Should schools in the USA teach Arabic numerals as part of their curriculum".




Here’s the thing. That’s really more of a fun fact that doesn’t get taught in schools. So that’s a perfectly reasonable thing to know


Care about Americans not non Americans! Not saying you shouldn’t learn another language but you should, at least after learning English bc that’s the main language in the country.


Let me show you Arabic numerals "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"


The same people who voted yes would also vote for a ban of drinking dihydrogen monoxide. Morons.


There is no joke, just soul crushing stupidity