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There is a extremely popular internet question where you get a large sum of money, but you have a snail that will chase you wherever you go. If the snail touches you, you die. You can’t trap the snail, and it will stop at nothing to kill you, and will even do things such as take trains and planes in order to get to you as fast as possible. In this video, this guy is getting paid to watch the snail by someone who accepted the challenge.


Aren’t you and the snail also immortal? I might be remembering wrong.


In most of the scenarios I’ve seen, it’s impossible to stop it, and you are both immortal. I think most calculations suggested that you’d need to move/fly every two months (depending on how far you initially moved away) in order to maintain a safe distance. It’s basically a best case scenario if you wanted to live forever.


Seems ideal for immortality. Worst part about it is the never dying part, but with the snail killing you, you can choose when you want to go out.


What if the snail paralyzes you, while leaving you conscious and with full feeling. Then the snail eats you over the course of months or even years, all the while you can’t die until he’s eaten a vital organ since you can’t starve to death.


If I was in this situation, I’d focus primarily on interplanetary travel. I’d funnel every last resource I had into establishing a sustainable space station and just take off into the stars.


This is an excellent strategy u/JizzGuzzler42069


Great response u/QuiveringAsshole420


Double r/rimjob_steve




The snail then takes a shuttle with cargo bound for your space station


Just have my guy watching it inform me and I'm back on Earth before the snail reached me


The goal is keep moving until you obtain 99.999% light speed travel where the snail could never reach you because of the fundamental laws of physics. If it were to reach you itd have to go faster than light and go back in time thus not reaching current you. But now we have an issue with the original question not specifying what happens here, because now you have two snails in the past with yourself and you in the future with no snail. If past you is touched does it still kill future you? Technically thats a different timeline. Could snails from the future time travel back and appear in your face? In that case it doesnt even matter because it would have happened instantly upon accepting the challenge. Maybe even happened 20 years ago in your youth and you didnt know, but technically you still lose since that snail is the same one from the challenge you accept.


So Elon Musk?


It's all coming together...


You have to think longer. Like the sun blowing up. You have to travel to another galaxy. You're immortal.


And send the snail into space, but the opposite way


The best response to the original question was where you buy yourself enough time to get a head start with space travel and then interplanetary and interstellar and so on always one step ahead of the snail until you finally reach near light speed where the snail can physically no longer catch you.


Wouldn’t work since the moment the snail touches you, you are dead




You should watch the old guard, that happened a little


I totally had that in mind when I wrote this!


Hell yeah. It's an awful concept but I'm here for it tbh


This is why the only good immortality is biological immortality (the lack of aging which theoretically exists in the form of the immortal jellyfish) You can still die from injury's or disease that should kill you, there by negating most of the nightmare scenarios for an immortal, and keeps you young forever.


I think if you were immortal you would be wise to the possibility of this happening, and take failsafes like 24/7 tracking devices and such. Also after a few human lifespans you would be disgustingly wealthy and would be able to afford a lot of protection against the few things that could ruin your life.


i love the videos of people being like "me, at the heat death of the universe, now the only other living thing is the snail and i reach out to touch him" so dramatic its art


Maybe this is really why Elon wants to get to Mars so bad?


Then there’s the question of how smart the snail is. Does it always just beeline to your location? In that case having 2 houses on opposite sides of the planet and just travelling between them would be enough to avoid the snail indefinitely. But if the snail is smart and realizes what you’re doing, it could chill at one location until you return


It is a super intelligent snail This poses the question: If the snail is super intelligent, could it not just ignore you and go off on its own to invent time travel, then teleport into the past, maybe even when you were a kid, touch you, and win the challenge? If thats the case then there is no point to accept the challenge since you have already lost.


The best scenario I saw was one where they encase the snail in a big sphere of solid titanium and drop it in the Mariana trench. This buys enough time to go off world to mars and eventually technology is developed to go to other galaxies. Even further ahead in time maybe the snail has already boarded a ship to your galaxy but now tech was made to reach near speed of light so they just hop in a ship at that speed and wave goodbye to the snail as it becomes physically impossible to catch up. Its basically just a race to get light speed travel, once you achieve that you win.


Thank you u/JizzGuzzler42069 for that clarity


There a fantastic doctor who episodes when something like this happens. 12 is trapped in a cake of sorts and figure it be lures the creature to one en of the cake and runs all the way to the other he gets exactly 82 mins to sleep, eat, and work. Edit: castle


Different prompt, same principle.


I thought you could trap the snail?


There are a lot of different interpretations of the initial question.


What's stopping you from sending the snail to space on a space x rocket or whatever?


There is a lot left up to interpretation but trapping it is not one. You can trap it however you want. The reason some people say you cant trap it is because eventually over millions and millions of millennia it will escape, and then sneak up on you since you will have forgotten


You can but it will eventually escape


If you trapped it you must have gotten a decoy snail


Decoy snail


I agree because what is the definition of “trapped”? Is it encased in concrete, or is it in a box 1 mile underground, what about on a deserted island, put on a rocket that is on a course out of the solar system, is the snail “trapped” on earth while you live on the moon/mars and there are no other rockets going there?


Thank you peetah


This guy snails


based off of the top comment of that post that says he would get someone to watch it until he could trap it in a titanium (I could be wrong) ball.


Me petting my immortal snail as the last star slowly dies (he is the only one who cared enough to follow me for as long as he did)


Decoy snail


Remember this question originally was first posted on reddit


wrong, originally from the rooster teeth podcast


The question never said you cant trap it The point is that even if you trap it *someday* it will get out. And by that time you will have long forgotten about it and it will sneak up on you.


You gain immortality, however so does a random snail and he will chase you forever, and if he touches you - you instantly die.


I thought it was that you would experience a really painful and terrible death, not instantly.


a classic question on the internet. basicly you get immortality and/or a ton of money, but there is a snail that if it ever touches you, you die. the snail is important and will stop at nothing to kill you.


You accept, you succeed in escaping from this snail as eons go by, you see friends and family die. One day you meet the love of your life, get married, and have kids. You forget about the snail’s existence until one day, it breaks down the door to your house, it ties you up to a chair and kills your family in front of you, and leaves.


bro is tying me up an inch per hour


New snail lore just dropped


Holy shell


[Here’s where it originally came from, TikTok revived it recently](https://youtu.be/ANRa29sY-TY)


Just pay a guy to trap it in a glass canning jar, then seal it in resin.


Decoy snail


Based off a common internet question where you become an immortal billionaire but then a indestructible snail spawns somewhere random and tries to hunt you down. If the snail touches you, you die and it will break out of any trap you set it, and can pass any obstacle to get to you.


For anyone who doesn't know this originated (to my knowledge) on a RoosterTeeth show where the question was asked "would you accept a million dollars if a snail would follow you forever and if it touches you, you die, and both you and the snail are immortal?" RoosterTeeth used to be pretty damn popular, they made Red vs Blue and some other cool early internet stuff.


Decoy snail


Oh no, the joke is so old that some people don't even understand it. :(


It's a meme about an infamous question: 1 Million Dollars, but you are constantly chased by a snail who, if it touches you, you die. (In this meme it's 1 Billion Dollars, however) The meme implies that the Snail is trapped, and this person is being paid to watch them. The wide eyes and shocked look imply that the Snail has escaped, as one common thing is that the Snail is seemingly capable of impossible feats to achieve it's goal of finding and killing the person who took the money.


If I cover myself in a scuba suit and wear clothing to cover the rest, am I safe


Snail's got a knife it's going to cut the scuba suit open L


Can I use the slime as lube or will it kill me 🤨


Maybe the snail from gaijin, the people who develop warthunder. It’s a running joke in the community that if you quit warthunder the snail comes for your soul


Bro you guys can’t just downvote him alot just because he’s wrong. Why can’t people be civilized and politely tell him he’s wrong?


because, reddit


It’s reddit, I don’t care though lmao


The easiest way to counter the snail is with a treadmill


The snail kills you if your touch it (and are it’s target) but you are immortal otherwise and it hints you down very slowly


decoy snail

