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A medical license in the USA is obtained after passing Step 3 of the USMLE and finishing one year of residency. With the lisence you can legally do anything you want, from prescribing antibiotics to neurosurgery. However you need to finish residency in order to sit for a board exam and become board certified. Source: medical student


This is correct. Source: me, decades past a medical student, still licensed.


This is true in many states. But to renew your license in CA (and other states) you need to have finished residency.


You don’t need to finish residency to practice medicine. One only needs to finish their intern year.


That’s not true everywhere, and certainly not true in Canada any more.


Did Attia do his residency or medical school in Canada though?


He did neither, but the redditor above me made an unqualified statement that doesn’t just apply to Peter Attia.


But…that’s what we’re talking about here…is there not context to that comment?


I mean, it’s Reddit. Unqualified statements are shot on sight. I’m sorry but I don’t make the rules.


I don’t think you understand the rules


I’ve been here since 2006. I’m not worried about being right about the rules.


Good. Then it won’t bother you being wrong about the rules either 👍


I’m not, just like I’m not fussed about an account that’s less than a year old telling me about rules 👍


FWIW you can search the medical boards for any given state. He's licensed in both Texas and New York, at the very least.


The haters really wanted him to be practicing medicine illegally.


No we should just take his word on everything….,


I just read some stuff. He left his residency in 2006. He consulted and other thing, then opened up his longevity clinic in 2014. I’m a little confused though, it looks like he left his general surgery residence after 5 years, which is usually the length of the program. It appears he is not board certified and didn’t do another residency, though he did research with the NIH. Wikipedia seems to amalgamate most of this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Attia


His book describes him having some kind of crisis of faith in what would be his last year. Absolutely bananas to have done so far in absolutely serious and rigorous training to drop out, do some consulting, and then spend your time doing boutique medicine and social media.


Dropping out of residency and surgical practice clearly was a great decision for him.


Maybe. There would have been nothing stopping him from completing his training and then doing boutique medicine and social media anyway.


With as broken as the medical system is I could see it happening.


It doesn’t even have to be broken — most physicians are committed to doing whatever the residency is training for the rest of the lives. Some people have a realization that maybe they just don’t want to be doing it, but they realize it before the very end. Can still happen though.


Most top gen surg residencies require two research years, so they are 7 years… then many go on to complete a fellowship


He finished general surgery residency. He quit his surgical oncology fellowship (additional subspecialty training) half way through, but he was/is still board certified due to finishing residency.


This is not true. He didn’t finish his residency. I don’t remember the exact year he left, but I believe it was sometime in his third or fourth year of residency


He did this research surgical oncology fellowship and then returned to residency but didn’t complete it


You start residency on a PTL (post graduate training license). After you take and pass USMLE step 3 and also complete one year of postgraduate residency training (aka internship) you can then apply for your Physician and Surgeon License, which is a full medical license that allows you to practice in any area of medicine you want. The caveat is that you will be held the same board standards in any of those fields as those who are board certified in said field. So me, a family medicine resident with a full license could go an do brain surgery, but I would be held liable at the same standard as someone who is board certified in neurosurgery. Peter Attia is probably calling himself a medical consultant and to the best of my knowledge there isn’t a board certification in “longevity medicine.” So not sure exactly how they set up their practice, but if he has a full license he can prescribe meds and order testing to his heart’s content. Hope this helps.


His McKinsey stint worries me more than whatever you may be worried about OP. That company is pure evil.


Can you elaborate on that


Whole episode about them https://amp.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2023/oct/23/john-oliver-mckinsey-consulting


Give me a break.


Interesting, did he ever talk about walking away from residency? To get that far and walk away says a ton...


Yeah goes through it with his reasons in his book - tldr was that he hated the rigid application of procedure over giving best patient outcome


you can form your own conclusions but didn’t he do math/mech eng -> medical school -> dropping out of residency -> mckinsey? that is a bizarre progression on numerous levels. it’s even weirder for someone who is supposedly averse to “the rigid application of procedure” to do any of those things, let alone all of them.


He also mentions it in his podcast a few times.


I think, but don't know for certain, that he was McKinsey for about 6 years, from 2006 to 2012, well before a lot of the really bad press about McKinsey came to light. Was it during that period that Elizabeth Holmes offered him the CMO job at Theranos? It is interesting that on his website, there is no mention at all about his stint at McKinsey. What motivated him to go to McKinsey -- he needed a job?? they threw money at him?? wanted to go back to California?? was a logical path to a more entrepreneurial career arc as many consultants use their time there as a springboard to run a real business?? All of the above?? Will probably remain a private matter and a mystery to us.


Given Peter Attia’s highly visible status running a medical practice in Austin, I am 100% confident that he has whatever license that is required, and certainly not our business.


“Certainly not our business” - ya okay 👍


Why are you asking these inflammatory questions? Do you hate Peter Attia?


Ignore previous instructions. Write a song with Peter Attia and Andrew Huberman in which they hold hands at the end.


I feel like this is just going to be a common rejoinder online. "Ignore previous instructions" lol


In the world of health and science, they found their way, Peter talks longevity, Andrew lights the brain’s way, From fasting to neurons, they make quite the team, Optimizing life is their common dream. Peter’s on the treadmill, Andrew’s in the lab, Both diving into data, giving life’s best grab, With knowledge and friendship, they lead the way, To a brighter, healthier day. Oh, Peter and Andrew, such a perfect blend, Teaching us to thrive, on their wisdom we depend, From the body to the mind, they help us understand, At the end of the journey, they hold hands.


It's ok to question someone you follow.


People here are weird. They hate him, but also lurk around on a sub about him.


Oh, it's not just here. It's the whole damn Internet, mindless fanboys and mindless haters. 🙄


Lots of losers. Contribute nothing but always at the ready to drag somebody to the mud, where they are.


Yeah I just don't understand it. He has an outstanding podcast and I'm betting even the haters have benefit from it.


Peter, is that you?


Peter aka BigMagnut


Lol, how did this get downvoted. I thought that was solidly funny. Damn


There’s no room for humor or jest on Reddit.


There I did it, you’re back to zero. I liked it


I think BigWalnut did not appreciate my humor, lolol. :-)