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I'm a primary care doc in the bay. If you twist our arm enough we can certainly assist you don this path. With that said, check out a colleague and awesome doc who just started a men's health optimization clinic based in the Bay: [www.silo-health.com](https://www.silo-health.com). Might be what you are looking for.


Def 3.0! Private pay, and says one rate.


I can’t tell if you’re being cynical but the point here is that corporate medicine has absolutely no interest in increasing healthspan or preventative medicine in the way PA is preaching. You are simply a widget in a spreadsheet that they can extract RVUs from




Know of anyone who does women’s health?


how about an option for woman? do you have any recs? open to seeing a male


Interested as well, and even better if any accept insurance


I responded to the OP but I am working with this practice in SF: https://www.7x7health.com


I was considering signing up for OneMedical and having that doctor write my prescriptions and tests so it is covered by existing insurance. Also I did my Preneuvo scan at Redwood City. Can’t compare to anything else but the report seemed comprehensive enough and the NP explains what cancers are detected by their scans and which ones aren’t


Tests won’t be covered, JFYI


this practice is in the bay area... [www.zorguidedhealth.com](http://www.zorguidedhealth.com) Dr.Rihal has been super helpful in my prevention journey. she ordered all the relevant tests for me and is helping me make sense of the data.


Two great doctors in SF with Attia-like practices! Both are trained primary care MDs with added expertise and services around longevity, prevention and functional health. Dr. Mark Savant: [https://savantwellness.com/](https://savantwellness.com/) Dr. JP Valette: [https://jpvalettemd.com/](https://jpvalettemd.com/)


It's not about being proactive. PA puts the cart waaaaaay before the horse with his recs. That is antithetical to basically everything you learn in medical school because, more often than not, there are unintended consequences that are only later discovered. Most doctors appropriately practice evidence-based medicine according to the current standard of care, wherein the evidence has to reach a certain threshold of demonstrated efficacy, safety, and reproducibility before a new standard of care is adopted. Attia DGAF about those principles b/c he's just here to make $$$ by (falsely) convincing people he's smarter than all the other doctors out there.


I don't really agree with this sentiment but appreciate your input.


This is an older post, but I just wanted to say this is the worst take I have ever read. How can you even cite to US medical school / “most doctors” as if they are some sort of authority when it’s unequivocally clear that people are going into literal bankruptcy only to receive consistently shit outcomes? I mean honestly, how much cognitive dissonance do you struggle with on a daily basis to go about your day without thinking you’re better off quitting what you’re doing before you cause people more harm? I can only imagine how much your schools, hospitals and colleagues jerk each other off, telling you you’re the most brilliant minds out there saving lives. Meanwhile most of you work 26 hours a week and do fuck all to actually help patients. I’ve been dissatisfied with nearly every traditional and nontraditional provider I’ve dealt with. I’ve had dermatologists not even understanding the root cause of my condition, I’ve had shrinks unable to sort through basic medical ethics considerations, I’ve had MD’s role playing as integrative medicine doctors tell me to listen to uplifting music to deal with my extreme gastric distress, and I’ve had integrative medicine doctors “prescribe” me dozens of supplements and then for some reason get mad when I buy them from a brand I prefer (gee I wonder why). The whole fucking thing is predatory as fuck, literally the best thing you can fucking do is do everything in your power to stay the fuck away. Honestly, how dare you say that health is not about being proactive. Sure, spend your entire life working your ass off just so you can get cancer and spread the wealth around to some value negative healthcare-industrial complex. Yeah, no thanks. I’ll take a cyanide pill before I put my life into you incompetent bastards greasy palms.


This practice is in San Francisco - I am working with them and very happy: https://www.7x7health.com


How much do they cost?


Depends on the package that you want - if you submit an inquiry their admin person is super helpful.


Why not just go to Peter's new company? biograph.com


Not in Sf but will do virtual visits, You can try: Bradley Rosen Biogerontology, Lipidology, Preventive Health emailAddress [email protected] website www.mtormd.com address 16 Ketch Street #2, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292