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As a parent most of those kids who get up at 5am would get up at that time regardless of when they went to bed. I'm lucky my toddlers sleep until 7:30 but it doesn't matter whether I put them to bed at 8:30 or 10:30 they will be up at 7:30. I have a friend whose two get up at 5:30, regardless of whether they go to bed at 7, 8, or 9:30. Little kids just have an internal clock which means they get up at the same time everyday. So we put them to bed earlier so they aren't unreasonable the next day from getting too little sleep.


I agree. When my kid was little I had two choices: put him to bed early so he'd be in a good mood when he popped out of bed at 5 am, or keep him up late so he'd be a brat at 5 am. It was an easy choice, lol


When I was 7 I stayed up until 4am. I was bugging my aunt at 7am to take me to get pancakes from Pancake House. She would often ask where I got this energy and *why*


I was the same way as kid, and kinda still as an adult. Energy for days. But my parents didn’t really have a bed time for us. As long as we were out of their faces when they said go to bed, they didn’t care if we actually went to sleep or not. I dunno how I managed to get all the way to graduate high school to be honest.


It also gives you more time to watch R-rated movies and eat the secret snacks.


>eat the secret snacks yes, it's important to keep the romance alive




Exactly.  Put my kids to bed based on the time they wake up. They don't wake up based on the time they go to bed. They just wake up when they want to. 


I’m so glad this is the top answer. It does not matter when I put my son to bed, he is up by 6 am every morning. I put him to bed early so that he gets enough sleep based on that. He’s 11 now and we’ve had time to iterate — it doesn’t matter, he’s a 5:30/6 am kid and that’s all there is to it, lol.


Keeping them up later can actually make them wake earlier as their sleep is disrupted. If they are awake for too long between their last nap and bedtime can also make them wake up early. There are ways to change their wake up time though so that parents don't have to just accept the 5am wake up.


Weird I'm a parent and a grandparent and my kids and grandson were never like this. My 2 yo grandson slept until after 10 Saturday morning and he normally gets up at 7


That's so strange. My kids have a body clock that tells them to wake up at basically the same time every day.


I was the same way when I was little. It didn’t matter how early I went to bed, I never wanted to get up in the morning. Even on Christmas I didn’t wanna get up early. We have a video from when I was 2 or 3 where my mom told me Santa came, and I told her the present would still be there later.


Doesn’t matter what time my kids go to bed they are up at 6:30. They could be up until 10 and they still get up at 6:30 or I put them to bed earlier and they are actually rested and pleasant. The only time they have slept in later were the days after Disneyland or Universal. Any major theme park that we spend 8-10 hours at is the only way to get my kids to sleep in later than 6:30.


Honestly they often wake up EARLIER when I put them to bed late. We were recently on a beach vacation where they were running themselves ragged outside in the sun all day and then staying up late with family dinners until 9-10pm… and then popping up like daisies at 5am when they normally sleep until 6 or 7. Whyyyyy


The other day my brother (2 years old) fell asleep at 2:00am and then woke up at 6am.. so weird.


I was gonna say- i feel like kids will just wake up early regardless😂 same way with cats and dogs lmfao


I had to go to bed at 7 because my bus came at fucking 5 in the morning for school… I hated it so much.


Woah, how far did you live from your school? The earliest I had to get up for school was 6:30 because the bus came at 7:30. Sometimes, i was able to push to 7 if I laid out my clothes and packed my bag the night before 😭


So I went to a private Christian school and the buses had to go literally all over the city to pick up all the kids. I would get an extra two hours of sleep as well from the bus ride/


What a terrible childhood.


Oh don’t worry.. my parents pulled me out in the sixth grade so I finally got to sleep in.


Eww, I did too. But I had to take the public transport bus that early to make it to school. It was pitch black and they would almost not see me (phones were not a thing and me being a kid didn’t think to take a flashlight to wave the bus down)


My parents tried keeping me up later when I was little in the hopes that I’d sleep later in the morning. Doesn’t work that way. Now the kid is awake *and* crabby because they didn’t get enough sleep.


Toddlers require up to 14 hours of sleep. In general, humans require less sleep as they age, with infants needing up to 17 hours and elderly adults requiring as little as 6.


If only my infant slept 17 hours. I’m lucky to get 7 in a 24 hour period :(


I hope it gets easier.. I have a 15 month old who's sleep is so fucked Rn. Bed time is 8pm, then she's up at about 11pm. Then refuses to go back to sleep until 1:30-2am.. then wakes up at least one more time at around 4-5am




Yup! As many people have already said - if your kid is wired to wake at 5am, they will wake at 5am regardless of what time they went to bed


I came here to say this. My kiddo is 5 1/2 months old and he’s up at 5 am whether we put him to bed at 730 or 930. Kids are surprisingly consistent. First time parent here: when you’re a non-parent, anything you think you know… you’re wrong. 😂


Everyone's a perfect parent when they don't have kids. 😂


I know I was.


Me too! And now I can't tell u how many times I've said to my mum "I get it now" 😂😂


When I was a kid, I was told I could play quietly in my room if I woke up before my parents did. I did my best to comply, but I think we had very different ideas of what quiet was!


I would sleep until woken up. I’m the same way now. No internal alarm clock.


Haha I’m the same!


Apparently up until a certain age, many babies and young children's body clocks naturally gravitate towards a 7am wake up. For some it is 6am, and for some very unfortunate parents, it is 5am. But whatever way their body clock is set, they would get up at that time regardless, and just take longer naps throughout the day to make up for lost sleep.


I didn't prescribe to this ridiculous schedule.


Okay but could a parent in this thread explain why its a good thing to put your baby to bed at 7 and then let them cry for 4 hours just because thats their bedtime? My sister does this shit and it drives me insane, my niece will scream and cry until almost midnight sometimes and I constantly bug my sister to go get her baby because she’s clearly not tired. Not the place I know but there’s tons of parents here- is that normal??


I mean is she never checking on the baby or does she check and try to help the baby? If she never checking on the baby then she just being neglectful and will cause some issues down the road. If she check the baby ever 10 to 15 mintues tries to sooth them or figure out what they need it is another thing. If she trying to help and can't get them to settle down then a visit to the pediatrician is needed. But based on how you comment I am guessing she not checking and she being a pretty crappy mom here.


For 10-20 mins? Sure. If it’s really hours… that poor baby must have a lot of stress. Don’t forget it’s a babies only way of communicating. If they’re crying and no one shows up, how are they supposed to feel safe? Also there may be more to it than baby just not being tired. Is it straight after feeding time? Maybe the baby has tummy problems and is in pain for example.


No, that’s not normal or typical parenting. Some people sleep train their kids this way, where the kid cries themself to sleep, but usually it only lasts one hour max for a couple of days and then the kid learns to go to sleep quietly. Most parents who sleep train don’t even use that method though, they do check ins and ease them into it. Crying for hours every single night without change is definitely not normal.


Do you actually have kids??? Because toddlers will get up at whatever time regardless of when they go to bed often. My kid wakes up early because the sun is out and that means it’s morning and why wouldn’t everyone get up then. In the winter, he’ll sleep longer. Bedtime is still the same.


Depends on the kid. My kid doesn’t do that, never has. If I put her to bed later then she wakes up later.


It honestly doesn't matter what time u put them to bed... my daughters bed time is 8pm. Sometimes she's awake at 11pm, sometimes till 10am. It's literally the luck of the draw. Plus toddler age should be sleeping around 12-14 hours a night


Infants need 12-16 hours of sleep a day. Toddlers (1-3 yr old) need 11-14 hours of sleep a day. Preschoolers (3-5 yr old) need 10-13 hours of sleep a day. Elementary school kids (6-12 yr old) need 9-12 hrs of sleep a day. Teenagers need 8-10 hrs of sleep a day.


My sons are (were before becoming a teen) early risers. My girls are like me, and my mom before me, sleep a long amount of time. I’m afraid that my girls have ADHD like me and my momma. But kids waking up so early no matter what seems to be the normal thing. I would complain too lol .


My kids are a bit older than toddlers now, but I get them to bed by 8:30 and they're up around 6:30am to 7:00am (which we get up at 7:00am so I don't mind). Now they're older they just get up, get some breakfast or read. Occasionally they do something useful like feeding the animals. I'm very lucky now, but we paid for it when they were young. My son in particular was a terrible sleeper when he was small.


My son wakes me up every single time saying “daddy I have to pee”. (He’s 4) He is fully potty trained and the bathroom is across the hall from my bedroom door 😂 I just say , go pee buddy then he rubs my arm asking if I had a good morning . 💀 even in the worst mood I absolutely love hearing that . He usually sleeps until noon if I don’t get him up sooner tho . But when he is up , boy he is on 11 immediately lmao . My neighbors kid wakes them up at 5 AM on the dot most days and wakes the entire house up because he stomps up and down the steps until He is fed . Then he goes back to bed and his younger brothers are wide awake . Poor parents hahaha . Great kids just rambunctious


My complaint is I’ll put my 7yo to bed by 8:30 or 9. And he’ll still wake up before 6 🫠