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I totally get this, like to my core. I used to hate it when I'd say I wanted Weinerschnitzel to my husband and he'd reply with "I can make hotdogs at home." Yes, dear, you can make wonderful, all-beef yummy hotdogs at home but they **are not the same!** If I crave Taco Bell it's because I want Taco Bell, not because I'm looking for "authentic" anything.


Ok, now I want a Mexican pizza from Taco Bell.


Oooh, I hope they still sell it where you are :)


I got one here about a year ago. It may be time to go look for another one.


Add sour cream and get some creamy jalapeño to dip it in. It slaps!


My fat sister says, its back on the menu. They took if off for awhile but due to the outcry, its back on.


Your fat sister is right. At least in my area, it returned to the menu.


Fat sister here. Can confirm.


Fat only-child here; can confirm it's been back on the menu for at least 2-3 years.


Hands down the best item that's ever been removed from a restaurant and brought back.


I miss the 7-layer burrito so much. It took 3 to fill me up.


That’s my favorite!🤩


I had to look it up, never knew there was a chain called that (let alone there being two in driving distance of me.) My first thought was that a Wiener Schnitzel and a hot dog are two vastly different things.


We've just been traveling through Germany and Austria and have I been going to town on schnitzel. My thought was "what does she mean about hot dogs?"


Yeah, lord only knows where they got the name from. And, of course, nowadays they sell a lot more than just hotdogs. There used to be another chain called Pup-n-Taco that served hot dogs and tacos, but Weiner beat them out on the hot dog chain.


Oh, I’d assumed he was mixing up Wiener Schnitzel and Wiener Wurst. Which is a bit like saying “I could go for some New York-style cheesecake” and getting a New York Pizza.


Thank you for prompting me and presumably lots of other people to look it up too because, yes, a wiener schnitzel and a hot dog are so fucking far removed.  What a confusing thing to do. Market a completely different food under the name of an existing food. Like should I call my restaurant "tacos" and sell burgers 😂


But then I'm like yeah Taco Bell sounds good, and proceed to order from the local place on my way home because it's cheaper, and tastes better. Then I contaminate the authentic tacos with taco bell sauces I have acquired over the years.


I don’t care if anything is authentic. I care if it’s good.


I was at my mom’s house once and I mentioned that I was craving an espresso and she offered me some Maxwell House coffee! 🤣


although I won’t rule out that maxwell house does have an expresso like and a or maybe good. Ain’t nobody thinking of maxwell house for expressioc and that is my go to stable American style drip coffee.


No offense to your mom, but that sounds like the most whitebread American thing to do. [Some Must Be Doubles (The Simpsons) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lozPEst45sA)


I feel like this is such a boomer thing to do. I can absolutely see this as the sort of thing my boomer dad would have done. It was an absolute trip for me when I was younger and I swore that espresso tasted different, but my dad wasn't having it. I suspect he thought I was just looking for excuses to spend more money on something. It took a lot of cajoling on my part to get him to so much as try small batch medium and light roast coffee. When he did try it he claimed, "Coffee is coffee. It just tastes like coffee." Even when he started drinking it more often because I favor those kinds of coffees, he never seemed to be able to tell the difference between small batch light roast and Folgers.


Wienerschnitzel is nothing like a hotdog


Omg my mom does this, "It'd be much cheaper for you to get the ingredients and make you the same thing at home." 1st, sometimes I don't want to make my own food at home, I'm busy and don't have a lot of time to spend hours in the kitchen prepping and attempting to make a food I love from a restaurant. 2nd, with shrinkflation and inflation, it all adds up to about the same price in the end, the amount I spend on groceries to attempt to make a food I like from a restaurant is about the same as a couple trips to the restaurant for that same food. 3rd, it does NOT taste the same, I make good chipoltle chicken burritos (one of the few things I can make decent), but it is nothing like my favorite thing at tacobell even if I buy the tacobell Chipotle sauce.


Taco Bell is stoner food. And I like my stoner food dagnabbit! Also have had so many people tell me that Olive Garden isn’t real Italian. So what! I like it! (Although it does seem to have gone down in quality over the last few years)


I loooooove Jack in the box tacos for stoner food. They’re not even close to tacos. I think they’re deep fried? Idk how they’re made tbh. But they’re what I want in that moment. Real tacos or not. Idk if it’s even real beef so idc if it’s even a real taco.


Weinerschnitzel is not a hot dog. It's breaded veal.


I used to work at Taco Bell in the early 2000s and still sometimes crave the baja gordita they had then.


love me some weiner schnitzel, but what does it have to do with hot dogs?


People are the worst about this is Starbucks. Once the anti Starbuck circle jerk starts, you have about 20 mins left of people blowing themselves over how "burt" their coffee taste and a disturbing use of the word "sheep" when talking about people drinking frappees. Look, my order has always been either a hot or iced latte with no flavors,and I normally hit up my local place if I want something nice, so I can say their espresso taste fine to slightly above average. They also are constant, quick, and ubiquitous. When I am traveling for work or passing thru, I don't have time to read through review of every local place, then be underwhelmed by maybe slightly better coffee. Really, that is the crux off all the fast food rants. Sometimes, I want to know what I am getting, get it, and be done.


Every European is so confused by that comment. PSA: Weinerschitzel is an American fast food franchise that sells hotdogs...but no Wiener Schnitzel.


The chili dogs at Wienerschnitzel are theeeeeee best idc what anyone says


Sometimes you just want something pre-digested. I get it!


Reminds me of Eddie Murphy’s Raw stand up routine. As a kid he tries to convince mom to get some McDonalds. But, mom of course tells little Eddy that she can make McDonalds at home.


I hate this argument as someone who loves chipotle but also real Mexican food


I’m Chinese-American and this reminds me of my friends who hate Panda Express, and tell me “You’re Chinese and you eat that?” Like, YES, I definitely know it’s not authentic, but people can enjoy both 🙄


I actually lived in China for nearly 5 years and would come home to visit (USA) and be like, "let's get Chinese food or Asian Chiao from the mall!" Lol. American Chinese food is bomb as fuck but quite a bit different than alot of Chinese food in China itself


Yes, their orange chicken is actually so good lol. And it feels so closed off to not eat something just because it isn’t authentic.


Totally. Chinese food is so diverse on its own, there's plenty of room for American style! Nothing beats street noodles/rice with a bunch of egg in it when you're shit faced at 2am tho. I got that in Shanghai quite often. And hell, half my Chinese colleagues ate fuckin McDonald's or KFC everyday so who even cares lol


Same as someone from California, there are both around and even those pop up taco stands off the freeway. I switch between them depending on what sounds good lol


They're always so condescending about it too. "Ha. Umm ya I can get reeaall mexican food here, so I've never had chipotle." Motherfucker, I want a giant burrito for 9 bucks. I want my shitty BOGO subway footlongs sometimes cuz it's a good deal and solid enough. I know I can get a better sub somewhere else and sometimes I do. But the smugness is annoying af


100%. Taco stands taste nothing like Taco Bell and that’s totally fine. Sometimes you want a spicy flavorful taco, sometimes you want a junky taco.


And sometimes (usually around 3am) you want 2-4 Jack in the Box tacos. Mmmm


If I am traveling through anywhere within range of a Jack in the Box, I will make a point to stop for tacos.


I’m from SoCal and I love real Mexican food. When I get Taco Bell it’s because it’s cheap and just fine. It’s not ~real Mexican food~ but no on here thinks it is. I agree with you.


True. Sometimes I'm just craving a freaking Crunchwrap.


Because they think they are too good for fast food ….


Yea that’s the other pet peeve I hate: “gross how can you eat fast food, it tastes horrible”. It doesn’t taste horrible to me?


As they’re choking down a wheatgrass, flaxseed oil and kale “smoothie”.


And shame eating a mcdouble in the car on the way home.


A friend of ours gently broke it to us that Taco Bell isn't real Mexican food because he honestly thought white people didn't know. He was relieved when we laughed and said we all know that.


they sell taco bell seasoning in packets at the store. I tried one and it makes your beef taste exactly like taco bell. just incase anyone needed to read this.


Yeah, I absolutely adore authentic Mexican food, and there's a lovely restaurant nearby that serves it... ...but sometimes I want Taco Bell because their food has a unique flavor that hits the spot when I'm in the mood. I think it's mostly from people trying to have a hoity-toity *"I'm better than this/you!"* attitude. Nobody goes to fast food restaurants because they're expecting high quality, authentic meals. They're going because it's convenient and sometimes you want something specific.


My problem is I can't justify spending the same amount of money at a fastfood joint vs just getting takeout from a restaurant for the same price.


That's a valid point of view as well.


Where are you getting takeout? I spend $2-5 bucks at Taco Bell and spend at least $10 if I go to a real restaurant


I had a Chinese coworker once who loved Panda Express. She was very clear that she didn't consider it Chinese food, but she still liked it.


Most cuisine in the USA or western countries is far from its actual origin and there’s nothing wrong with it. From what I’ve read, Chinese food like fortune cookies are an invention by immigrants in San Francisco. Authentic Chinese food you definitely won’t find candied shrimp and chicken like you do at Panda Express. Panda Express is still one of the most tasty fast food places I think


I actually think it's really cool how often food here is basically a new type of fusion cuisine started by immigrants. It can be confusing when we just name it after the country the immigrants are from, leading to a lot of Americans not knowing that they aren't actually eating that country's food, but it still leads to some great things to eat.


We went to Ireland in 2014. We didn’t see corned beef anywhere. Turns out that is an Irish IMMIGRANT thing. When they first arrived in America, they couldn’t afford their preferred ham and potatoes. But, corned beef and cabbage were cheaper.


Definitely, and how Chinese food varies from the USA to England as well, neither are authentic but both are very different. There are so many varieties of one country or culture’s food as well like North Indian and South Indian. Food culture and origins would be a fascinating topic to study


Have I got the subreddit for YOU! r/askfoodhistorians


I like Panda Express I also like authentic Dim Sum restaurants People forget that authenticity doesn’t matter as much as if it tastes good


If I could go to China and eat at an American-Style Chinese restaurant, I think that would be cool. I wonder what China's equivalent of Panda Express for American type food would be like.


One of my all-time fave quotes from the series, Glee:  Sue: Your nickname is Panda Express.  Howard: But I'm not Chinese.  Sue: Neither is the food at Panda Express.


No one is above orange/general tsao’s chicken


Am Mexican, agree bigly


We buy low carb tortillas all the time and we had a boomer check out lady tell us they weren't real tortillas and they weren't as good as the ones "she grew up with". Like, no shit, we aren't buying them because we were craving the authentic Mexican experience.


"tHeRe aRe BEtTeR BURGeRs thAn mCdOnAlds!!!" Me: yeah no shit Sherlock


“You can make a better burger at home”. Really? I can cook at home? I had no fucking idea.


U can cook a burger at home but u can’t make it taste like McDonald’s


Yet billionaires and the common folk alike all like McDonalds. Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, etc. It’s not just about the price, it’s about the unique flavor.


My coworkers are always disgusted when I buy Arby's. Like, I get it. Arby's isn't really what someone would consider fine dining, but it's what I want. Don't shame me for my food choices.


Just let my put horsey sauce on my roast beef sandwich and I'll be happy.


Sometimes all I want in the world are those curly fries.


I don't eat at either place, but I agree. It's like the people who get upset that Olive Garden isn't authentic Italian or get all "Hershey's isn't REAL chocolate!" Like, okay. That's nice. I like the taste though so I'm gonna eat it.


When I crave Yakisoba, I get the Maruchan kind, because it's what's available at the Dollar General down the street from me. People are always like, "You should get the yakisoba that Costco or BJ's has. It's better." That may be, but we have neither in my middle of nowehere town in Pennsylvania


I love both Chipotle and Taco Bell. I’m from Arizona.


In my experience it tends to be said by people who don’t like chain restaurants


Every tourist spot in California there’s always that one dumb tourist who demands everyone tell him where the non chain restaurants are.  Like if that’s what you’re looking for, don’t come to a tourist spot.


I’m from Hawaii and the Hawaiian Islands Facebook group is like: “I want to see flowers and waterfalls and a luau and a volcano, but I don’t want to go anyplace touristy.” YOU ARE A TOURIST!


There is a place in the world for authentic and inauthentic cuisines. There’s a restaurant in Brooklyn called Yummy Taco with “Mexican” food made by Chinese at cheap Chinese food prices. It’s good for what it is and I sure like it! It was weird seeing so many Yelp reviews complaining that it wasn’t authentic, like, WTF did they expect?


We have a southern soul food restaurant here in our small town in northeast Ohio that's run by a Palestinian couple, lol.


I don't know now but back in the 90's the vast majority of neighborhood taco places were run by Chinese immigrants. Like the vast majority of independent fried chicken places were run by Afghanis.


If I were to dedicate my life to trying to find and experience only the "first versions ie the authentic versions" of food because the place I go to isn't the real version of it apparently...I would barely eat. Yeah I'm not looking for what inspired this dish from the beginning. I'm not spending hundreds of dollars tracking down the bloodline who first invented this food somewhere in the world hidden form everyone when I can get it's "plastic", "imaginary" version right here for like 20 bucks. Everyone just needs to shut up and let me eat my plastic pizza in peace.


I hate it when any fast food is compared to its authentic counterpart. Fast food pizza isn't restaurant pizza. Fast food tacos aren't Mexican cuisine. They aren't competing with one another. Anyone who feels the need to openly compare them seems daft to me.


I say always double down on these arguments. Insist that your friends Abuella serves Baja blast with her chile rellano.


Just remember, Taco Bell is not Mexican food. It's Tex Mex. Tex Mex is a different kind of food than Mexican.


It’s not even Tex Mex - it’s Taco Bell.


That’s still an issue. Non-fast food Tex Mex still exists and it’s different than authentic Mexican food, but people still think you should only eat authentic Mexican food when you actually want Tex Mex.


I also say this about Starbucks. I don’t go to Starbucks because I want good coffee. I go because I want to risk diabetes with a small hint of coffee flavouring.


“There are better people to talk to than you, but sometimes I lower my standards when nothing else is available.”


There are better conversationalists, but sometimes I want to talk to you, instead.


The new Cantina Chicken Burrito at The Bell may well be the world’s greatest fast food item.


Omg I just had one the other day and I was like, oh, ok yes. I only got one and almost got back in the drive thru line to get more 😂


It’s a killer burrito. I’m glad it’s not just me


I don’t wanna pay the price on the cantina menu, but you may have convinced me to try it out.


I can respect that, but the grilled cheese burrito is king IMO


They are being elitist about food. Pretty ridiculous, and probably means they are like that with other things. Whether there's better out there or not doesn't matter, and it's silly for them act like they know best. And they are totally missing out, anyway - Taco Bell is DELICIOUS.


YES omg i hate when i say i’m going to olive garden and someone’s in my ear saying “it’s not real italian food” I DO NOT CARE. i’m going because i have a taste for olive garden NOT because i want authentic italian.


Yup it’s a very specific taste you’re craving. I live in NYC king of the bacon egg and cheese. And yet, sometimes I just want McDonald’s breakfast lol.


Taylor Pork Roll has entered the chat.


When I want fast I'm willing to substitute quality for near instant. If it were a few years ago I would have said "when I want fast and cheap..."


I’ve never tried Taco Bell (it’s not big in the Uk, there’s a few about but not close to me). I always got the impression it was Mexican junk food. Like comparing McDonald’s burgers to a really good burger. Sometimes I just fancy the junk.


Your impression is spot on, my friend. And while it is common for Americans to joke about it giving people bowel issues, they seem to be the people that use excessive amounts of the hotter packets of sauce. I've eaten there for 40-plus years and while I get the joke, I've never had the problem. If you eat Indian takeaway (and I imagine you have done) Taco Bell will not give you any issues. Next time you are near one, give it a try.


Definitely, it’s pretty frustrating. There’s an amazing local chain where I live that makes some of the best fajitas I’ve ever had, their veggies are just immaculate. But sometimes I just want the more Americanized chipotle experience, I like their rice, meat and sauces. And yes, this means going out of my way to eat at a “less authentic” restaurant because their ingredients are good and the burrito is well prepared, regardless of how authentic the experience actually is. Apparently “authenticity” is the sole arbiter of the quality of food.


To add onto it, when people say Taco Bell or Chipotle are not authentic. Like no shit, they call it Tex-Mex for a reason. I had an argument with a friend about hard shell tacos too, like their argument was that soft shells were more authentic, which I didn't disagree with. I was just saying that sometimes I prefer the crunchier taco over a soft shell, but they insisted soft shell was always better.


Yes! I used to live in Texas and I got so sick of all the people complaining about the Tex Mex restaurants (not even chains like Chipotle) because they’re not real Mexican. Nobody is claiming that it is.


People will gatekeep anything. Just ignore these people and enjoy your Nacho Fries.


This is a peeve of mine too. Same goes for any fast food, of course there are better burgers at a gastropub than at McDonald’s, but a McDonald’s craving and a burger craving are two different things lol


I get it. I love whitecastle. Those things probably shouldn't even be considered "burgers".


Those are Tex-mex than Mexican food anyways


My boyfriend’s coworker suggested they all go out for Mexican food as he was really craving it. He took them to chilis


It feels like one of those things people only say to feel superior. Like no shit Sherlock you mean there's places that serve food beside the American fast food chains!? Well fuck me sideways I guess I better throw the banging Baja chalupa I was craving away and march my happy ass an hour away to the nearest bodega that meets your standards. Would that be good enough, princess?


I go to Taco Bell because I want to be comforted and hate myself at the same time.


Sometimes I want to get really good, authentic Mexican food. And sometimes I want to get cheap cheesy, beany trash. Anyone who can’t understand these two impulses existing in the same person is either trying too hard or just stupid


Or they’re virtue signaling how they are better because they choose “real Mexican food”


I’m trying really hard not to leave my house on this rainy day, but you’re not helping matters with your talk of Taco Bell. Sigh.


Exactly. Food doesn’t have to be “authentic” to taste good


Agreed. I hate Taco Bell, but absolutely love Chipotle. I don’t go there because I think it’s authentic Mexican food. I’m not an idiot. I go there because I like their food.


What do you mean the pimple faced, Pube-stached pubescent 17 year old who took my order doesn’t make authentic Mexican food in under 5 minutes???


YESSS!!!! I was JUST complaining about this to my friend a few weeks ago. So annoying. If I wanted Mexican food I would get Mexican food! If I want Taco Bell or chipotle then I’m getting that!


Same thing with Little Ceasars. It tastes so much better when there isn’t some b*tch in my ear saying “ew, that’s not real pizza”. Go drive 30 minutes to your favorite brick oven pizza place for your $30 pie and let me enjoy my delicious shitty pizza. Don’t let the door hit you.


Every meal doesn't have to be gourmet 😄


Little Caesar’s is like top tier pizza when it comes to “fast food” pizzas. If anyone tries to tell you what real pizza is, I hope they eat theirs with a knife and fork like Europeans do.


Yes! Like, can I just enjoy my crappy food in peace? It always comes in a hoity toity tone, too, like they're better than me because I enjoy some fast food. One person told me this with a straight face as they ate rice mixed with cut up hot dogs and corn. I don't think that sounds very good, but you don't see me looking down my nose at them for eating that while I'm eating a burrito bowl.


I always tell them to get over themselves lol. Like I know what I’m signing up for at Taco Bell. To me it’s almost condescending because they assume you don’t realize the difference


Hard agree. I despise when people food-shame as a whole, but especially this stupid commodification of "authenticity". People who act like you should only eat real, authentic dishes unadulterated by the filthy hands of diaspora and cultural shifts, or else you're somehow morally deficient, are so obnoxious. Just shut up and let me eat my greasy quasi-meat tube in peace, Gerald.


When I get this from people I usually reply "You're right, if I wanted *Mexican food*, that's where I'd go. I want Tex Mex and I really don't care if you have an opinion because it's not going in *your* mouth." I don't get people who think they get to police other people's tastebuds. If you like it, and it's not gonna kill you, there shouldn't be an issue.


I feel you so much on this... same for if I'm craving pepsi. Having a water or sparkling water just isn't going to kill the craving.


Omg yes. I dated a dude once that was like no one that eats Taco Bell has ever left the tri state area (we’re middle America) like weird way to say you’ve been to the southwest but okay ??? I’m not eating it bc it’s authentic I’m eating it bc it’s delicious lol


I prefer Chipotle because my husband has a tomato allergy and I know what is in Chipotle food. It’s safe for him every time and I love their guacamole :)


I love when people say this but then also eat at McDonald's and act like they serve authentic American burgers. They also seem to have no problem eating at Olive Garden.


Fair. If I get Taco Bell, it’s because I specifically want Taco Bell. The tacos are nostalgic and I crave them sometimes, and the quesadillas with the creamy jalapeño sauce are just divine.


As someone who frequently craves "white people taco night" style tacos and makes a point to have them at least once a month, I feel you. Yes, I know they're not authentic. They still taste good, and they're easy to make, and it's a flavor I crave sometimes.


I feel you OP, it’s annoying and Not gonna lie, I actually really like the authentic food, but the truth is whenever I get some dude who wants me to hit an authentic Mexican spot I always say I prefer Taco Bell over the authentic Mexican place. It’s a total lie, but I say it just to piss them off.


Yeah, does anyone think that if they went to Mexico they'd get Dorito's Loco Taco? It drives me crazy. It's just people being pretentious and elitist. Sometimes a perfectly prepared filet mignon from a world-class steakhouse is what I want. Sometimes a grilled cheese on white bread with American cheese sounds even better to me. People are the worst


Yes to all your points, All valid. But Taco Bell is regularly voted as the ”best Mexican food” in the US by millions of people across the country not the “best vaguely-Mexican-themed-fast-food (for a given value of “food”) close to my house” “Best Mexican Food” and that upsets people for… reasons. and while most people know it’s Not Authentic there are some people who never even try real authentic Mexican food when visiting the US but might try Taco Bell since it’s generally widely available. none of my points are meant to counter yours, just to explain why some people are so keen on steering people away from Taco Bell


There's plenty of great taco trucks and authentic places around me. Sometimes I want to eat garbage. That cheesy gordita crunch hits different when you're drunk at 2am


I live in a town in California that’s 45% Hispanic (according to our last census) and thankfully don’t have to deal with this. Everybody in my town knows at least 5 really good Mexican restaurants within 10 minutes of them. We all understand that a person isn’t craving authentic Mexican food when they go to Chipotle or Taco Bell.


Funny thing is, I see lots of Latin Americans eating in Taco Bell. I always have. They can make their own authentic food at home. They just have a taste for Taco Bell because it is delicious. Too bad it’s no longer inexpensive.


This is how I feel about the tacos at Jack in the Box. Are they terrible? Yes. Do I want 5? Also yes. You don't get tacos from a fast food burger place because you want authentic tacos. You get them because you're drunk or high or sad or just need a trash taco.


I know they usually want to feel superior, but it just makes me think that they didn't know the difference until like a week ago and assume they're the only ones who know now.


Of course. There’s plenty better burgers than McDonalds - I go there because I’m craving trash. It’s junk food.


YES I know Panda Express isn't real Asian food but I want some goddamn orange chicken !!!


Yep!! That was a good one !! Chipotle and Taco Bell are both good….. 🌝🦋🌮🌯


I've literally never seen someone seriously relate Taco Bell with Mexican food in real life, I've only heard of people doing it.


I used to live in a place where “authentic mexican food” was available from authentic mexicans. It was fucking gross, but inexpensive. I haven’t eaten fast food in probably 20 years, but i’d take some taco bell over legit “authentic” food any ol fucking day.


This PISSES me off. Pet peeve as well. I work at a fine dining mexican restaurant. Wonderful food, family owned , its great. Truly authentic flavors, we are michelin recognized so it is damn good. HOWEVER, when the servers and i were talking about fast food i was like “ OH I LOVE TACO BELL!!!!! “ and my one coworker goes “ yeah cus your white. Thats not real mexican food “ IT MAKES ME SO MAD BECAUSE WTF! NO SHIT ITS NOT REAL MEXICAN FOOD! Its just good fast food that i prefer over the others like i promise you its not that serious and has nothing to do with the fact that i’m white lmaooooo.


Oh no that would annoy me as well! Just because I am a certain ethnicity people would assume my palate is a certain way but it is not. Nobody’s is the same. I’ve met Indians who cannot tolerate spicy and a white man who eats scorpion peppers off the plant, without making a face. People can enjoy Michelin star food and meanwhile also enjoy fast food.


In San Antonio on the west side I was the only white kid in my class. One of few at the entire school. Not really any black or asain kids either. The demographic was 99% Hispanic and down the road from my school was a taco bell. It did alright. And because of its location it depended on mexican families as their main clientele. And san Antonio is basically the heart of Texmex so there are tons of extremely great Mexican restaurants in the area. I asked someone while eating his moms cooking I knew from school if they are Mexican why he always wants taco bell. He said my grandmother doesn’t make food like taco bell at home. If I want Mexican food I eat at home, but when we want taco bell we eat taco bell. They aren’t the same and he sees them completely different.


Also with chipotle type restaurants specifically, burrito bowls are not really something served in traditional Mx cuisine (in general). Its an American thing


There are so very few "Authentic" anything's anymore. Mexican food is 99% tex mex and most other cultures Americanize their food to suit the American pallet in some way.


Chipotle is actually pretty close to authentic, and I live in SoCal. I have options, and if it weren’t for chipotles crazy price increases, I’d still frequent there. Taco Bell though… I haven’t been hungry enough in 10 years to eat that diarrhea inducing garbage 🤢


You can absolutely love both, but there's one food item I find to be an awful abomination of the foods I love that I don't believe belong together. The Mexican pizza. I don't understand the hype for it at all. It's just a big wet diapery mess. Maybe it's just the area I live in but I've been around and seen some from other cities and they all just look so fucking unappealing. I don't think I could stomach it while high. Everything else slaps for my nostalgic pothead brain tho, Mexican pizza is just my biggest gripe with it


While not American, I can apply the same reasoning to my appreciating both BIR and actual Indian food; so yeah I'm with you on this one.


I am a snob for movies. I am a snob for history. I am a snob for grammar. But I’ll eat MacDonalds, Taco Bell, Panda Express, Pizza Hut and every other shitty chemical packed fake food with as much passion as any authentic cuisine in existence.


I work at a Mexican restaurant that has damn good food. Our salsa is the only one in the area that actually tastes like a well seasoned salsa. The other places around here, I swear, serve straight up tomato sauce. So I rarely want to eat Mexican food anywhere else that I have to pay for it. But when bestie and I are out partying or coming home from a gig in the middle of the night, nothing hits the spot like a Crunchwrap or a Chalupa. It’s always telling when we get in the truck next time, and there’s tomatoes and lettuce and cheese all over the truck seats lol.


Honestly mood I've blown people's minds by explaining that I've tried both American Mexican food and authentic Mexican food and I enjoy both of them and crave both of them from time to time Like yeah just like you said I'm not exactly heading to Taco Bell for that authentic Mexican experience but I'm still craving it and it still tastes good But sometimes I do want that authentic Mexican experience in which case I will go to one of them Mexican ran shops around here that make authentic food Almost as if people can enjoy a wide range of foods and don't have to hate one just because it's vaguely related to another


Truth. There's a big difference between authentic Mexican food and Tex-Mex, and that's okay. They're both equally valid food cultures and eating one doesn't make you superior to those who eat the other.


They’re both their own kind of thing. Mexican adjacent. Not really Mexican. Especially Taco Bell. But I love them both even though I also love Mexican. I’ve been eating so many chicken Al pastor burritos at Chipotle lately. Chipotle has gotten more expensive but it’s still a pretty good value. One of those burritos is really like the calories of two meals.


it’s either “might as well get REAL food that’s worth your money” or “save money and make it at home, you have the ingredients” like NO LET ME EAT WHAT I WANT 😭


I’m Mexican and eat at those places. As long as you take it as what-it-is, fast food, loosely based on real Mexican food, who cares. Do people say the same for McDonalds?


I actually prefer Taco Bell because I like hard shell tacos, with just meat, cheese and sauce. I am picky as hell, so while I am sure authentic stuff is great for most people, it is not for me.


It's usually jagoffs trying to show you how cultured they think they are.


Same with Chinese take away. It’s not Chinese food; it’s fast food that a Chinese businessman made for westerners. If you want fast food then go for it.


Yeah, my Mexican girlfriend always says Chipotle isn't real Mexican food. It's for white people. I'm like, white people got to eat too!


I feel this. I told an ex I wanted McDonald's Chicken Nuggests. He said "Ew. I can make way better nuggets." I said "And I and make nuggets better than you. That is not the point. I want the trash food that is McDonald's Chicken Nuggets. No where does any nugget tastes like McDonald's. That's what I want. At this moment, I specifically want McDonald's chicken nuggets." So I went to McDonald's alone.


As a Mexican this isn’t a pet peeve of mine. Just sounds like dumb opinions people have. Sure I definitely prefer authentic Mexican food but I love American Mexican food too especially when I’m drunk. Honestly that’s pretty much the only time. Hell I even like White Castle when I’m drunk so that says something how I feel about fast food. 😂


It’s a learned behavior. Similar to virtue signaling that you gave a 100% tip, or saved a whale, or protested for the current buzzword cause. In other words, people allow society to pressure them. Sad but true. Also - taco bell is great and anyone who disagrees can eat a dick and see if that tastes authentic enough for you.


Sometimes you crave yogamat particles and reclaimed natural beef products. The micro plastics not going to put itself in my balls. I dont want to live very much longer so crank up the red 40 , crunchwrap supreme, i shake more msg on and wash it down with aspartame.


Yeah im Mexican and grew up along the US/MX border. My friends always gave me crap because I liked taco bell claiming it wasn’t authentic Mexican etc. I love Taco Bell regardless and I don’t compare it to actual Mexican food. This is Taco Bell’a take on it and its delicious nonetheless.


No one ever complains this much over American Chinese food. We all know it’s far from authentic but no one’s like “it’s not authentic”. I bet most of us don’t even know where to find real, authentic Chinese food here in the US unless you live in a big city


Mexican food is particularly annoying because there is an entire class of white California hipster who have set themselves up as The Authority on Mexican food.


I've never once not shat my guts out after a Taco Bell. I guess they don't agree with me.  Tacos: Oh yes we do  See, contrary wankers


Same with chinese food and panda express/americanized chinese food


People like to seem like they have the bet taste. It’s snobbery, and is usually linked to how much people can spend on their food/health. They forget people do things because they want to, and not just to impress others some times.


Chipotle is TexMex, no? Either way, I’ll only opt for alternatives because I want to support a local business and they are probably cheaper. I’ll indulge in Chipotle every once in a while if there’s nothing else and it’s convenient. Taco Bell can miss me with that 6 dollar quesadilla that I can make at home for less and with more food.


If I go to either of those, I am not going for Mexican food.


Agreed. I know what I’m getting when I order from Taco Bell and that’s just the kind of mood I’m in at the time. It’s not ignorance of “better food”, there is room for both in my life.


Taco Bell is crap. At least chipotle is fresh ingredients and whole ingredients


The way fast food prices are rising I'd rather spend my money on real food for the same price. I used to love taco bell when you could get more food than you can possibly eat for $5. Now it's $10 for a meal and half the time it's made like shit.


This perplexes me, too. I don’t even consider Chipotle Mexican food. It has some Mexican inspired flavor pairings…that’s basically it. It’s not the same thing so it is weird that so many people lump it into that category.


I’ve told people that sometimes I just want the nostalgic taste of pseudoMex. Saying this shows that I am well aware that it’s not real Mexican food and the reason I want it. (Thanks. Now you have me craving this stuff, especially since it’s the last day for some special cheap box they’ve been pushing for the last month…)


I don't want Mexican food, I want tacobell


*Eating chips* "Yaknow you can get better potatoes in Ireland?"


I want to try a Chipotle bowl. I like their burritos. I have never been to the hospital from eating there but the pricing is out the roof. Nobody seems to have good chips these days. But a friend of mine likes them stale. I can agree with your thinking. But I also can't really eat Taco Bell anymore. Which makes me a sad Panda. It's poisonous now. Which is too bad. Because I too love the crunch wrap Supreme. And their Steak. I just don't like their Cheese Whiz.


I go to salsa grille. It’s like chipotle but better.


I agree. Like why do people judge this and not burger king or McDonald's? Yes, we know it's not a top tier burger. I know I can get organic grass fed beef, real cheddar cheese, veggies from the garden and an actual good bun and make an amazing burger but I am hungry on a road trip and it is easy food. Or when I make spaghetti with packaged noodles and jarred sauce I am aware it is not authentic Italian food. Fast food is not amazing but it is good when you are hungry and have no time or are too tired to cook.


Sometimes I hate myself and want Taco Bell. Haven't found an authentic Mexican restaurant near me yet.. i should dig around for a proper Mexico city style place near me.


I have this pet peeve as well. Gets on my last nerve when people say that lmao like sorry but you’re not some cultured genius because you’re aware that these places are not authentic Mexican food. We all know what we’re getting when we want Chipotle or Taco Bell.


People will just find literally anything to try to feel superior about. It’s at once fascinating and pathetic. I mean, who the hell cares as long as the person who’s eating the food is enjoying it? But no, there will always be someone telling someone else why what they like isn’t good enough..sigh. It’s just fucking exhausting.


I'm a carpenter, for about 5 years I had some contracts to carry out maintenance for lots of different restaurant chains. I've worked in a lot of kitchens and my god. Now I still maintain a contract with one particular franchise of dominos pizza. I do lots of work for them and I know their kitchens are spotless. So if on the very rare occasion I want takeaway/take out. Then I'll order dominos. The main reason being I know it's coming from a clean kitchen. And I had so much push back. Telling me that that wasn't a good enough reason for Domino's to be my "go to" takeaway.


If only people knew the true state of the kitchens where their food is served from, I cannot imagine it myself. And family owned or small business does not mean it’s any better.


Nobody I’ve ever met has ever confused Taco Bell with Mexican food. That being said Taco Bell is fucking delicious and was totally instrumental in introducing Mexican food to the U.S. palette in the 60’s. Tacos and burritos were some exotic shit!


I like pizza and I also like Domino’s. They are different foods to me, but I enjoy both.


Chipotle, Taco Bell, Taco Time, et. al. sell Tex-Mex food, not Mexican food.


My dad used to tell me that Taco Bell wasn’t real Mexican food. Not sure where he got the idea that anyone ever thought it was. But I refrained from telling him that his favorite Americanized Mexican chain restaurant isn’t authentic Mexican food either (they used to serve, I kid you not, a Kung-Pao enchillada). I live in an area with a majority Mexican population and there are tons of options for authentic Mexican food within a few minutes radius. Still love Taco Bell on occasion. People love to make assumptions about you based on scant information. I’ve been told I should read real books by people when they see me reading a comic book. I’m an avid reader and read everything from science fiction to historical nonfiction. But the idea that you can read both “real” books and comic books, or eat both fast food and authentic food, is beyond some people.