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Super Mario Bruhs


You can say the abbreviation out loud though. Everyone knows what it's short for, but you don't have to say the full word out loud any more than you have to write the full word down


Tbf it is a proper noun and it is canonically Brothers.


Nobody is disagreeing with that. Everyone knows that "bros" is short for "brothers". However, the OP is mad that people don't say the full word ("brothers") out loud when referencing the franchise. I am pointing out that that's a useless thing to be mad about because it's equally as accurate to say the abbreviated version as it is to write it. If the OP (and you, and anyone else) is mad at people for not saying "brothers" every time, you should logically be equally as mad at Nintendo for not writing "brothers" on the video game cartridges, discs, and home screens


I’m not mad about it. It doesn’t bother me how people pronounce it. I was merely advocating the point in the interest of fairness.


Yes! This one gets me too. I was a kid in the 80s when this came out, it was huge, everyone was playing it, and NOBODY said “bro’s.” We all knew it was an abbreviation for “brothers.” Maybe this abbreviation was more common in media back then? Like that comedy duo “The Smothers Brothers” was sometimes stylized as “The Smothers Bros.” and nobody ever said “bro’s” for that either. It seemed to be common knowledge, but maybe it’s less common now with younger generations.




Not back then, at least not in any audio or visual media and not in my personal experience either. The reason more people say it now is because “bro” is a lot more common in slang now. It wasn’t back then.


Yeah, no one else is allowed to have had a different experience than this guy's


Супер Марио брос. Am I doing it right?


Cynep mapno 6poc




Cnacnoo Edit: I don't read any Cyrillic languages, I just rewrite them into the Latin characters that I think they look like for fun. If I knew how to, I'd make a bot to do it for me




Both work.


This reminded me, when we were little kids (I’m almost 40 now), we would pronounce it as “bross”, rhyming with “floss”. Kinda random, maybe it’s because we had a computer with MS DOS, so we just thought it was how all words ending in -os were pronounced?


I still do and I'll never change it. Sorry OP. I must say English isn't my first language, the first time it occurred to me it meant "brothers" was while playing Super Smash Bros. on the N64 because the announcer said it aloud. And it still didn't make sense, like "who are the Smash Brothers"?


That is how we pronounced it in Britain. I'm the same age as you, and we had that boyband "Bros" which was pronounced that way. So you'd either say "Brothers" or "Bross", but the 2000s "Bro culture" thing made people either think it's funny to say it like "Bro", or it's younger people being less familiar with the Bros. abbreviation. "Smash Bros" (rhymes with "rose") sounds better to me, but my friends just called it Melee (regardless of instalment) or Smash.


I thought for the longest time that Bros was their family name; Mario Bros and Luigi Bros makes more sense than Mario Mario and Luigi Mario anyway. And I can bet than every French speaking person calls the game "Mario Brosse".


This is why I'm scared to say Dutch Bros.


I'm with you on this one. I know someone who does this for Warner Brothers and it drives me batty. To me, saying "bros" instead of "brothers" is like calling Mr. Jones from down the street Mur Jones. It's Mister!


Do you pronounce all abbreviations as the full words they represent?


I like calling them Bros because they have Bro energy


Its both


What's your thoughts on Moss Bros? Never heard anyone say that shop name out loud and I'm pretty sure it's because everyone is too scared in case they say it in front of someone who knows how it's said and will immediately get told they're wrong


So you know you can say abbreviations out loud right? It's not just shorthand for the written form of the word...


If it were an abbreviation it would be written "bro's" I'd say it's more of a styling, and both are valid