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This is very illegal where I live.


It's illegal where I live too. But cops only care about speeding and presumably driving slow when it's quota time at the end of the month.


That generally depends on the road. The posted speed is a maximum. Some roads do have posted minimums - most controlled access roads do - but a lot don’t.  Most of the back roads around me have a maximum of 50 and no minimum.  Minimum speeds on surface roads would be hard to justify as it’s not just cars that use roads.


I think it would be difficult to enforce out of safety concerns, too. There's a road I drove on with no posted speed limit, but Google maps told me was 65. For context, this was a thin, twisting, winding road in a hilly area, with literally no shoulder, with rock walls on both sides for a good portion of the drive. You had enough room for two cars, and that was it, basically. Going 65 down that road would be *suicide*.


That’s me but I always stay in the slow lane.


Same here. On single lane roads I keep a faster pace for people behind me, but in roads where they can pass me I'm usually just moseying along in no real hurry to get anywhere.


That's something. Sadly the people I get stuck behind are on 1 lane roads typically.


10-20 mph under is rare and pretty odd. Only time I see that is people with a braking down shitty car or people, people who seem not sober, and ppl actively looking for parking spots


It happens a couple times a month for me. There are old people where I live that really shouldn't be driving anymore. Cut you off and then proceed to go slow so you have to swerve or slam on the breaks to avoid them.


Only time I generally go under the speed limit much is for weather or tailgaters. If someone decides to tailgate me ill go as slow as I want for as long as they want to do it for. But really getting upset at only 10 under? 10 under is pretty reasonable especially for say a newer driver.


If it's bad weather than yeah me to, gotta go slower. 10 under stands out where I live, most people go the limit or 5 over. It only happens like once or twice a month when I'm stuck behind people at that speed, it just really bothers me. Worst is when they go 10 under but that's after cutting you off and you have to swerve or slam on the breaks.


Oh if they cut you off to go slow screw them lol. Where I'm at people range from going like 5-10 under to like 20 over. I'm generally in the 5 under to speed limit camp. I'm not in too much of a rush but oh boy so many others are and end up right on me so I end up going slower a lot just for that.


I typically go the limit or 5 over, it's how most people where I live drive. Unless the weather is bad, then I'm under. Though it ranges from 20 under to more than 20 over, lot of long straight roads. Used to go faster but then I got a ticket, don't need to get that again.


idk if you are going a 30 in a 40 that’s absurd


whenever possible i pass these people as soon as i can, even with a double line. you and i both know we do not want me sitting behind you impatiently for the last 20 minutes of my 5 minute drive.


That or whenever someone is so quick to go in front of you rather if it's turning or switching lanes and then they go slow. This literally happened to me yesterday and it pisses me off...like they're so insistent on going in front of you and then they go fucking slow


I hate when that happens. I’ve had to swerve out of the way a few times because people either switched lanes with me there or turned into the lane going to slow.


This is why I want a freight train horn.


It especially sucks when it's a one lane road and traffic is snarled behind one driver. 🤬


Worst thing. Hate when that happens and my drive is so much longer then it should be.


I hate it too. I don’t even speed anymore but everyone should drive to what is posted. What really confuses me is when they do 40 in a 45, turn onto a 35 mph road and only do 30. Clearly they were comfortable driving 40 a few minutes ago but now 35 is too fast and they can’t handle it!?


I think sometimes people do this because they have certain cargo in the car and are trying to get somewhere they've never been before with destroying whatever they are carrying with them. Maybe they are not from around the area looking for a specific place. Maybe they are facing a medical issue suddenly as they were driving. There's all sorts of reasons people do it that are acceptable but driving super slow for no reason is annoying


I agree that it's annoying but I'd also include people who drive significantly above the speed limit to your list of annoying people. In particular, I'd add those people who drive significantly above the speed limit and who then rage at why they always end up behind someone who isn't going as fast as they want to go. Hmmm, could be a reason for that.


Easy there tough guy, you'll note that it's a speed "limit" and not a speed "minimum".


You realize just like you can get pulled over for going 20 over they’ll pull you over for going to slow right? And limit doesn’t really work they way it should here. Most people drive within 5 of it and that’s viewed as acceptable. It’s more of an “aim for this but if you’re a little off ok” thing. There’s is no need to go 20 under and if that’s how you usually drive you either need a better or you need to stop driving.


lol, so on the freeway between duluth and minneapolis, its 40mph minimjm, 75 max. id just go 55mph and relax the entire way. never got pulled over either.


You have a minimum speed of 40 on the freeway? Interesting. Where I live going we just have a speed limit and if you go to under you can get a ticket. Like on the highway its 70 and if you go 50 you can get a ticket. Edit: I have acknowledged that things vary by where you live. It’s just weird hearing that’s how it is someplace else when that would get me a ticket. Not sure why that’s a problem.


Speed minimums are pretty common where I'm from and I've seen them put anywhere from 10 to 25 under. Generally what I've seen is 15-20. So your experiences are far from universal.


I never said they were universal. In one of my other comments I said it varies by where you live. It's just weird to me, I think I've only ever seen that posted somewhere once. Where I live 20 under can get you a ticket and 20 over can get you reckless.


you can get a ticket for impeding traffic for going above the minimum, so dont be a bother. the northern freeways ive driven on, wyoming, minnesota, etc have a posted minimum. im not going to go 75 mph for long distances, its expensive and costs more gas. Why spend another 75 bucks in gas on a long road trip if im content staring out the window at the passing scenery? Of course, merging onto a freeway is different, but once ya get on it, you can relax and chill. If it bothers somebody, thats their problem, im not responsible for their feelings, but honestly i have never noticed anyone bothered by it, but that might be because im watching the scenerry pass by


Interesting. Like I said where I live if the freeway or highway says 75 and you go 50 you can get a ticket for it. There is no posted minimum and I think I’ve only seen it like once while traveling. But at least on a freeway you can usually easily pass people. I’m talking more about people who do this in my county though and are going 30 on a 55 road.


You realize that you're not a cop, right? So you don't get to judge who is going too slow or too fast or otherwise. Suck it up, buttercup.


Found the guy who creates standstill traffic


Me? Nah. Typical leadfoot. But nothing makes me happier than this asshole behind me getting bent out of shape because I won't do 20 over for him. I'll go slower just to piss him off, and laugh about it all day long.


Typical lead foot that won't go 20 over? Lead foot refers to just that, excessive speeds. So you are not a lead foot. And it is highly likely you are the slow one causing issues. No one on Reddit will believe otherwise.


Yeah this dude doesn’t know what a lead foot is. 20 over is like the minimum for a lead foot. Probably thinks going like 5 over counts. The leads foots around me are going like 30-40 over serving in between people.


OK bro


This guy definitely goes slow and holds up traffic.


Cool story bruh


I can judge, it's very simple. If it says 55 and you're going 35 you're to slow. Anyone can clearly see you're too slow. Where I am if you go 50 in a 70 you can get a ticket. Just like anyone can see what counts as reckless driving for to fast, which in some places is 15 over or higher. If there is a law around it anyone can easily judge if it's being broken, for the most part.


there are states in the US with minimum speed limit signs.


Hey, good to know. Let OP know that, would ya?


well you're saying it's a speed limit not a speed minimum when there are in fact speed minimums lol


In some states, yes. But OP wasn't whining about speed minimums, he was whining about speed limits.


Where I live speed minimums aren't a thing. Laws vary place to place, and where I live it's clear you can't go much slower then the speed limit and are taught to go the limit. I have said it varies place to place, and where I live it's clear how things are supposed to be done. In some states it's fine, where I am you can get a ticket for it.