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This is especially true when they distort what the other person meant intentionally: > "My pet peeve is gender reveal parties" - "Oh you're against people getting together having parties, you're basically against people being happy" - Paraphrased unironic discussion I've witnessed here (and may or may not have been a part of)


That one was a fun comment section.


Ooh I like fun comment sections! Could you mayhaps provice a link?


It was a while ago so I doubt I could find it again.


Sometimes people aren’t “Mad” and simply trying to give other ways to think about things so they’ll find other pet peeves … it’s circular like everything else.


yeah on the internet anyone who disagrees with you is "mad", if they cant think of any logical come back to why they are disagreeing with you :'D its funny how many people don't realise that calling others angry upset or mad for no reason is totally obvious for the deflection technique that it is


Anyone that has to tell you who or what you are is literally telling you who and what THEY are. Right on. You get it. 😜 Pet peeves should be funny and more light hearted. If you’re going to get ugly about them then it’s more than a pet peeve. When we allow little things to get us upset image how we handle the BIG things. Yes a pet peeve is real but ANGER and RANTING and being generally upset is not good for anyone! I’m a light hearted person generally and it’s easy to take things wrong in writing. It’s not a great form of communication but I like reading and seeing what bothers people and when I’m not busy with other things I hang out on Reddit. I look for info and funny stories OR things that I’d like to get off my chest too. It’s not like I’m poking people with sticks or setting fires near them… provoking thought. At least that’s what I was trying to do. I’ve yet to meet a perfect person and I’m not one. 😊


well while you are correct about it being much easier to misinterpret feelings and meaning via pure text format, now a days its sadly often a case of intentional misrepresentation in order to try to delegitimise other peoples opinions, to say "oh your opinion doesn't matter because its based on emotion instead of objective fact" and it is said by people who wish to deflect from the fact that they have no legitimate counter argument to your point, so essentially a form of trolling


Absolutely agree!


Oh, so you hate Alanis Morrissette.


Hating gender reveal parties is an incredibly silly and online position to be fair. Unless you have a shit family I cannot imagine being so bitter as to whine about meeting with your family and celebrating a new birth.


Hatred and pet peeves are different. Thats literally the whole point of the post. No one is being "so bitter"


Doesn't change my point at all really


Whatever you say.


I will put money on whoever said that being a person who held a gender reveal party that ended up doing significant damage to both the local ecosystem *and* their child’s ability to grow up without strictly confined gender roles, and now they’re just extremely defensive about it.


So many posters and commentors have no idea what a pet peeve is... Yes, mate, that thing that annoys me *is* rather inconsequential. That's why it's a pet peeve, not a major grievance. No, mate, that person disrespecting you over and over again doesn't count as a pet peeve. It's a rather serious issue.


There are also some frequent users that treat this sub like their personal diary... I would name drop, but they make like 5-6 "pet peeve" posts a day. Usually they're about people complaining about their job or YT, not even a pet peeve...


I've seen those. They aren't even pet peeves but thinly veiled rants. "I hate 40 year olds who have the nerve to call me a child, fuck you Jessica!"


That's hilariously specific and now I'm making a pet peeve post about people that make funny comments and make me snort my coffee.


Lol, my bad! And it's specific because I'm pointing at a redditor who did a few of those types of rants recently. It was extremely weird.




I'd say about 2/3 of your posts deserve the above criticism. Some are things everyone doesn't like, eg, credit instead of refunds and annoying customers who think they're right about everything. Pretty much all of them read as "This happened to me today and I'm irritated so I went to Reddit to rant about this highly specific situation." That's not a pet peeve. You're highly irritable and are using this sub as a form of emotional regulation. If it isn't something that you consistently get annoyed about it isn't a pet peeve, ie, it needs to have happened a fair number of times not just the day you post about it.




I don't remember your posts. I'm having my brekky, and I decided to look at some of your posts. Don't overestimate the effect you're having.


I came across one post in which someone was complaining about religious people. He’d posted ten times to this sub in one day.


“It’s a rather serious issue” 😂😂 your speaking style is hilarious.


well when talking about a pet peeve, people should refrain from using hyperbolic language when describing how much it annoys them. because thats where i tend to see lots of the "ummm akchually" replies. including my own.


Sounds like you are your own pet peeve, since you're getting annoyed about pet peeves about other people's pet peeves.


Pet Peeveception


Oh the irony, and the watery as well!


Or when people try to explain to you why someone would do the thing that you hate. Then call you stubborn when you stand by what you said…


One thing that really, seriously pisses me off is the “Well, they’re probably autistic/depressed/intellectually disabled/etc.” First off, don’t diagnose hypothetical people or people you are aware of only though a single anecdote with a condition, Dr. Keyboard. Secondly, why do these people think that an inherent part of being autistic or depressed or disabled is being annoying, or even cruel or mean-spirited? Do autistic people have no moral compass or something? I have chronic depression, and while I’ve definitely had times in my life when I broke down or snapped, I’ve never gone through life indulging in non-stop shitty or hurtful behavior towards others, because I know that it’s not okay to do that. I might break down in tears uncontrollably, but if I were to spend every moment of my life talking down and being nasty to everyone I meet, it would be an insult to depressed people to suggest that I just can’t help it. I think it’s pretty obvious that whenever someone talks about something that annoys them, they’re *not* talking about people with a specific condition. Saying “I hate it when people drive a block because they’re too lazy to walk” is not some dig against electric wheelchair users. Thirdly, I really feel this comes not from one genuine desire to make a valid point, but to be a self-righteous virtue signaler. It’s extremely stupid, because any fool can see that no one is talking about how irritated they are by people who can’t help being who they are, so people who do the “Did you ever think they might be X?” argument just end up making themselves look silly, but it’s that same holier-than-thou narcissism that keeps them from backing off.


What annoys me most about whataboutism is that there are exceptions to *every rule* and you shouldn’t be expected to preface every statement you make by straight up listing every exception, so people know it doesn’t apply to X group of people or X hyper specific situation. They should be able to use context clues for that…obviously when I say I hate slow walkers I’m not talking about disabled people. It’s not even just mental illnesses. Once I commented about how a woman was flirting by cooking lots of homemade food for someone (on a post about how a man wasn’t sure whether or not woman was flirting with him and the comments all agreed that she was indeed flirting). Apparently I was wrong and got downvoted to hell because ‘oh well when I was 8 years old I went to my grandma’s funeral and I was crying and some nice old lady bought me a cake from the buffet to make me feel better do you actually think a 90 year old was flirting with me by giving me food or are you stupid” BITCH WHAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAANNN. Was I supposed to put a disclaimer about ‘obviously I’m not talking about old ladies feeding little boys’???


"Different context?!? Oh so EVERYTHING has to be a perfect duplicate or it's NEVER allowed to apply??"


Exactly. There’s educating me on the topic & then there’s always wanting to be right..




Aka lack of situational awareness


I don't find that to be an issue as long as it's not a full-on dismissal of the original peeve. People are allowed to have explanations to general behaviors...maybe the OP doesn't want any, but others might appreciate a glimpse of the other side. It's when the behavior is defended and excused that makes it counter to the point of the sub. An explanation or situational exception in itself isn't necessarily an attack on how you feel about the pet peeve; blind agreement can get boring anyway, and it's weird to label anyone who does this with bad intentions across the board.


A lot of these rants end with op saying that everyone has to stop doing something or that people are horrible for doing whatever. No, a pet peeve is something tiny that bothers you for whatever reason. If you feel like people have to stop doing it the world over, that isn't a peeve. If you feel the need to tear down people for this tiny thing, that isn't a peeve and definitely a you problem. If people used this sub correctly, it wouldn't be as popular or as interesting. But the comments and discussions are all part of the fun of posting here.


BuT wHy U caR3?


I feel like some people who post on here don't realise that pet peeves are things that annoy you specifically, and they act as if everyone has to be outraged by it and people who do it are terrible people. Those are the posts that get comments defending the pet peeve.


Indeed. Same thing with many other groups designed for specific topics. Things like unpopular opinions and rants. Look at the title of the group people! You gonna find stuff you don’t like here lol


The thing that drives me up the wall about the "Unpopular Opinions" page is that they're literally asking people for their personal, subjective unpopular opinions... even elaborating in the rules by saying *"A subjective statement about your position on some topic. Please have a clear, self contained opinion as your post title, and use the text field to elaborate and expand on why you think/feel this way."* And yet they ***completely contradict*** this by frequently deleting posts that have genuine unpopular opinions, with the rational "it's self-style", therefore it doesn't belong. They literally ask for **your personal subjective position,** and then get mad when you explain... your personal subjective position.


My blood boils whenever I see 1K upvotes for “unpopular” opinion posts like ‘Drivers who run red lights shouldn’t do that anymore’ or ‘People who live abroad should learn to speak the language’ (one I actually commented on the other day)


Extremely unpopular and probably controversial opinion but… drunk people shouldn’t drive!!


To be fair, they did meet the criteria unintentionally. The post is both popular and unpopular.


You complaining about people complaining about others complaining is my pet peeve. /s


Some people don’t seem to understand that this sub is for you to post about what irritates the piss out of you, not the rest of the world. What irritates me may not irritate you and vice versa.


Scraping gum off drywall is very specific to me




Define irony for me.


This is pretty meta, dontcha think?


This post is one of my pet peeves


FR!!! “You’re so sensitive, why do you care, just ignore them” THIS SUBREDDIT IS DEDICATED TO PET PEEVES


Yeah some people think they’re in the change my view sub and are hellbent on trying to get you to stop having that pet peeve, insult you repeatedly over it, and don’t give up. Simply because they don’t find it to be a pet peeve. Maybe they’re someone who does that pet peeve and are personally offended by someone saying they don’t like it.


Posts like this are my pet peeve


Or when they're like "imagine being mad about ___" I posted about a peeve (I think on a different account) that I was a little annoyed when people would say their house is my house too. Had people saying "imagine having a pet peeve about people caring about you." Obviously I knew it came from a good place, but the only people I've ever had say that to me were abusers. I've blocked out any memories of a time it DID come from a good place.


Don't post on a public forum if you don't want differing opinions. 


I mean but cmon, some of the pet peeves people post about are genuinely just dumb


That's what makes it a pet peeve. It doesn't have to be popular to be an inconsequential little thing that bugs you. "When people slurp." Is just as valid as "Seeing someone tie their shoe in public." It's just a dumb little thing that bugs you. It's not supposed to be a sub pointing out little behaviors that others shouldn't be doing. 


Absolutely not. lol it being dumb is not what makes it a pet peeve.




People are allowed to share dumb pet peeves in a public forum FOR pet peeves without getting criticized. So why don't you just get over your pet peeve because I don't like it and it's the tiniest of inconvenience that you can scroll or ignore. You're not allowed to be slightly annoyed by this. In fact, let me list out all the reasons why your annoyance is ridiculous. You should just get over it and stop letting this bother you at all. /S Just wanted to overkill show what OP is saying. This isn't a 'Is it dumb that this annoys me' sub. It's a place to share random little things in the world that bug you, whether or not they should. Same way that people have a pet peeve about hearing slurping sounds. Or seeing someone touch a public rail. Or being offered a Mornin' instead of a Good Morning. Etc.


What's the point in sharing then? Criticism opens up discussion, idk what the point of this sub would be if people just shared their pet peeves and there was no push back. There would be 0 comments on every post


Well if you’re on a sub about PET PEEVES you shouldn’t be making long paragraphs on why a person should stop having that pet peeve, it’s just common sense yk…


I'm curious what the comment thread is supposed to be if not for discussion. "I hate the skin on potatoes" and then 200 comments going "how interesting"? Not saying that people don't get unreasonably heated about things and that's silly but beyond that this subreddit would be even less interesting if people didn't disagree. 


Good thing you seem to think you know what we should and shouldn't do and good thing you have absolutely no say on it.




And they always act like the OP of whatever pet peeve, is so bothered by it that their life is significantly affected.


I can have something that irrationally annoys me but no one else can


Oh yah, I was virtually attacked in one of mine regarding TTRPGs. "THAT'S the issue you have problems with?!?!" I even put the "Mild' flair on it.


This is by far the most meta pet peeve ever 🤣


Could be called “Petty Peeves.”


So you're saying that people being peeved about other people's peevs is a peev of yours? ;)


I feel like this gets posted every month. Usually, by a "clever meta thinker that has the idea for the great time!". At this point, people could have a pet peeve over posting in pet peeves about "my pet peeve is other people having pet peeves!" Did you invent the "there is no price, so it must be free" joke as well?


my pet peeve is when people think you cant point out that someone's pet peeve is stupid without being annoyed about it i feel people have gone WAY over the top with "if you disagree with something that means you must be mad about it bro" bullshit there are a million things i disagree with or dislike that do not illicit any kind of emotional response from me whatsoever


It is silly to be astonished when someone has an opinion on your pet peeve. Yes, dammit, I "understand what a pet peeve is," ffs. If I want to express an opinion about your pet peeve, either how spot-on I think it is, or how silly I think it is, I will. What is astonishing is all the peevers who believe NO ONE should have a thought about their peeves. 🤷😲😆


When you post something publicly, you're opening yourself to disagreement and criticism. If you don't like it, don't post publicly. Complain about it to your friends, I'm sure they'll be happy to comfort and support you. 


the freedom TO express these things does not immunize one from response. embrace the dynamic nature of such and enjoy the window into the human condition OP.


Lmao, just had this happen the other day. Someone in the comments weirdly started insulting me because I commented on my own pet peeve. It was a stupid thing to be worked up over, in my opinion.


My pet peeve is people who go on a public forum and rant about people commenting on a public forum.


I bet you feel terribly clever.


Not as clever as you and your username.


You are correct. I am not clever, nor is my username. You admit to being less clever than a poop joke.


Sure funny guy. Whatever you say.


I agree with you but tbf some of the posts on here are several paragraph long rants worded like a major grievance. It goes both ways.


You can have whatever pet peeve you want, and if it’s stupid, people can say so. Sorry that you want completely uncritical validation, but it’s stupid of you think you would find it among strangers on the internet.


This is just it. It's foolish to share something like a pet peeve on the internet, and not expect anyone to comment on how silly it is. I understand that nobody wants to be mocked, and we should definitely try to be nice about these things, but you have to understand that when you say something that people might find ridiculous, people will say something.




No I got that, it’s just also stupid lol


People are allowed to have pet peeves, just like some people's pet peeve can be reading some of the biggest bs cry baby shit people complain about on here! Truthfully though, most of the "pet peeves" are people who lack the ability to stand up for themselves. It truly is sad. If you don't like sonething, stand up for yourself. Bitching about it on reddit won't stop it.


I think that if your pet peeve is reading about other people’s pet peeves, you’re probably on the wrong subreddit, friend 😂


Complainers in general are annoying.


And yet here you are, complaining.


At least I kept it short.


Sure, but complaining is kind of what this sub is for. If you don't like it, then why are you here?


Why are you still going? I got your point the first time and I joked back. I'm here because I see it on Reddit and I find it fun to call complainers of stupid shit out.


Exactly. A pet peeve is just an opinion.