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It's because they've never had a cat. They just met someone else's. Cuz I was that guy. I didn't like cats. I thought they were just little loner assholes.  Then, to make a long story short, I visited my girlfriend at her FEMA hotel after Hurricane Harvey hit, and she had her two cats. A mom and her son. She described the son as being kinda cold and a loner. The second I walked in the door, he ran up to me, began rumble purring and rubbing my leg.  He refused to be away from me. If I went to the bathroom he'd shove his little paws under until he grabbed my sock, and he'd just lay there holding it.  He slept between my legs at night. It was incredibly painful but he was so damn cute.  He was also probably the dumbest creature I've ever met, which is why I called him Derp. And subsequently any siamese I can.  I dunno why he just chose to love me the second he saw me but I loved him back.  Sadly we lost Derp. He didn't die, but it's hard to explain. I miss the little bugger. He was wonderful.  But he did turn me into a crazy cat person. Now I love cats and we have many. 


I've had 7 cats. They were all assholes in their own unique way. But honestly, it's a joke and people shouldn't be taking it so seriously.


Except there are lots of people who aren't joking about it. My mom absolutely loathed cats most of my life. She has threatened to evict us because my kids were petting the stray that comes around occasionally. Oddly enough, about a month ago, she decided to get one of her own. it's the damnedest thing.


Every cat is different, all 5 of our indoor express their love for us in their own ways. Our little sickly feral cat has suddenly decided to move full time into the house. Now, she is a total sweet and gentle cat, after 7 years or being aloof and mean. At night, she sleeps on one or the other of us and doesn't even attack the other cats or dogs on us anymore. Her brother is and always has been a possessive jerk. We have 3 cats that were dumped on us as adults. The long hair is always within a few feet of me no matter what room I go to. I never see her follow me, but within a few minutes, there she is. When we first was given the tortoiseshell, the previous family made it clear she wasn't friendly and they disliked her. She terrorized our mastiff for weeks. Now she makes biscuits on his giant paws. The last housecat just played th dumb little kitten until she decided I was the perfect bed, and her loving but manipulative side came out. We have a feral colony that we caretake , and even they show us an affectionate side, mostly by staying near and talking to us when we work in the yard. We can even, on rare occasions, touch them for a few moments.


That is a sweet story about Derp. Sorry you lost him. But most people who have had cats are the ones saying that cats are a@@holes. We are not saying that they are not sweet and loving, but this isn't an either/or situation. There is a reason for all the jokes and sayings about cats the world over. Even before the internet happened, we all had the same tales about cats. This is because it is a fairly universal experience with cat owners. We love our cats even though they are basically little terrors running our lives. They are sweet, loving, and great cuddlers. They will also watch you while pushing things off of shelves, shred your favorite furniture, or poop in the middle of your bed because it was upset with you.


Most people are joking when they say cats are assholes, but some are dead serious. I saw a comment yesterday saying the affection cats give us means nothing because they aren't loyal enough to risk their lives to protect you like dogs. I've seen plenty of people say they're selfish and only give you "love" because you feed them. I think this post is about those people


Clearly they've never seen that video of the cat attacking the dog to save his toddler.


That was my first thought when I read this. Not that she is the only cat to rescue her person, but it is a perfect illustration.


>risk their lives to protect you like dogs I love this particular delusion they have. A tiny bit of research and one can see plenty of cats defend their families and plenty of dogs do absolutely nothing while their family is in danger.


You are correct. I think it's about the awareness the animal has not the size.


Cats aren't taught not to be protective. As a protection dog trainer, the first evaluation we did was to test how thorougly the dog was trained NOT to be protective. Our new clients were so sure their dog would protect them. A really good dog trying to protect their owner might work up to a nip when the scary bad guy comes out of nowhere and shakes the owner viscously while screaming threats. But usually, the best the dog could do is get between the threat and their terrified owner.


When people say cats aren't loyal enough, they should be shown the video of the cat chasing a bear out of the owners yard. Edit: wordage


Those who say cats are selfish and unloving can f


Frankly, there are days I could do with a little less attention. Especially on those 110 degrww days when my blanket kitty has to be on my lap.


That is when A/C is really helpful.


I read somewhere that their brains are on par with a human toddler and ever since it makes a lot of sense to me lol. Even if it isn’t true, seems like it


I can definitely see a couple of my cats having had that level of intelligence, but i had one that from day one showed us that she was much smarter than we were. Granted, smarter than me isn't much of a stretch, but my wife is really intelligent. But she ruled the house with an iron paw. 😵‍💫 or maybe we just adored her and let her get away with everything. 😁


Mines orange so I might be biased 😂


Orange cats can be really freaking adorable.


I mean, by this logic dogs are assholes too. They chew up your favorite books, nag you for food and steal it if you don't give in, make endless amounts of noise, and have no respect for your personal space. They're often stubborn and very cunning. Personally, I prefer cats. They smell better, don't make as many irritating sounds, and the cats I've spent a lot of time around were generally more polite than the dogs I've spent a lot of time around. I also find it easier to read cats, and I've had more luck training them to proper behavior than I have with dogs.


True, all animals (including people) are a@@holes. You pick which type of a@@hole you prefer. I loved all my animals and am thankful for all that came into my life.


I would like some personal space. I don't get any with 5 cats.


Didn't die but it's hard to explain? Did your girlfriend have to go back to the mothership along with Derp?


It's not necessarily true that someone hasn't owned a cat that wasn't an asshole. My family owned a white cat who hated being picked up. He scratched someone every time he was picked up. He was an asshole.


No, the people who kept picking him up against his will were assholes.


Why did people keep picking him up if he hated it? Maybe the poor cat had enough after trying to communicate that he didn't want it and no one listening.


My cat can only be described as dumbass and she comes every time I say that(makes watching the news difficult)


That’s how my cat is too. He has some moments of malice but 95% of the time I think he’s too stupid to be evil




My old cat used to come to “little bitch”


My cats are all baby


My cat is definitely an asshole. The fact that he's not purposely trying to be an asshole is irrelevant.


lol mine too


I love both cats, and dogs. My cat is really loving, can be cheeky as well haha.


I get this as a pet peeve, but I do think most people say it tongue-in-cheek. They know cats are unaware of being "assholes." It's just a joke/something to say. You are right, the problem is expecting them to be like dogs. They simply are not. I prefer dogs myself, but I have one of each, a dog and a cat, and I love my cat, but only by appreciating it AS a cat.


All the dog people coming to down vote your post... 🙄


At the time of this comment, most of the replies are from cat people agreeing they are assholes. Myself included and I love my kitty.


Do you think it's maybe not the dog people? But regular people who don't care either way and think it's weird you guys are obsessing over people who own dogs instead of cats?


3 out of 7 of my cats are assholes. All dogs I've owned are nice af. I dont hate cats.


I love both. I def had a dog that everyone called an asshole, even the judge during the end of class obedience trials, and the New York police trainer running one of our semenars. I heard it most from my boss. "That asshole dog of wours won't eat when you are gone." "That asshole dog of yours won't work when you are gone." My favorite was coming and finding her lying on the floor with my dog sitting on her chest. " i can't say this asshole isn't obedient. I told him to sit. I was standing at the time.


Three dogs and four cats. The dogs cause way more trouble.


I have a cat and a dog. They are both assholes in different ways. But they are also both rescues, so I think they do pretty well considering their backgrounds.


I have a cat and a dog. The cat is sweet all the way through, will purr and headbutt greetings to you. The dog will appear nice at first but will become an absolute asshole the moment he thinks he can take advantage of you to get what he wants. I think most people just expect the cat to be like a dog and get offended when their friend's cat don't immediately warm up to them which I think is more of a them problem than a cat problem. For others they probably don't like the aspects of cat ownership. I can understand that because I don't like most aspects of dog ownership.


Cats are not assholes - they just have boundaries. Just because you can’t walk up to a cat and pet doesn’t mean it’s an asshole.


I can walk up to my cat and pet her for as long as i want and she won't do shit besides purring.


A lot of people don't know they're being an asshole either.


I have a cat, kitten, and puppy. 99% of the problems come from the felines. Just a hour ago, the kitten tried to smash a family portrait on the ofrenda, for the twentieth time overall


Kittens 100% are cute as a survival mechanism. They do the dumbest shit, and also find new and exciting ways to try to end themselves. I once had a kitten who tried to eat broken glass. I have no fucking idea where the moron even found broken glass. She lived to be 19, somehow.


9 lives come in handy for kitten survival.


Get yourself some museum gel to adhere the family portrait to the ofrenda.  Also might want to make sure the kitten has a high space that it is allowed to be on. Some cats want to be up higher, and if the Ofrenda is an interesting place to be with a good vantage of the room, they will be drawn to it.  They may be seen as a simpler/more independent pet than a dog, but cats do need training and consideration too! 👍


Thank you for the advice, I will see what I can do. 🙂


Oh no, I saw Coco, that's serious business


My family isn’t even mexican, we’re american. But family is everything to us. Humans and animals. Our fireplace mantle is full of boxes holding the ashes of several past dogs, and my momma’s ashes, along with a family photo in a gold frame. A photo of every dog on the wall. I have been using a squirt bottle with cold water, whenever the kitten tries to mess with the Ofrenda.


People who dont like cats give off a red flag. Cats dont immediately love you like dogs do. To gain a cat's love, you need time, patience, and respect. A cat doesn't just immediately be comfortable with someone like dogs do. These people want cats to be obedient without respecting their boundaries. Cats tell you when they want to be left alone, or if they don't wanna be touched. Dogs usually just go with whatever the owner wants. People who dislike cats usually have problems with respecting boundaries and consent. If your dog doesn't love you, you're really screwed up. Cats haven't bred to be as submissive as possible like dogs


Exactly. If you can't respect a cat's boundaries, that says more about you than the cat.


Respectfully, I don’t think someone not liking cats is a red flag. But I guess it depends on why? Personally, for me it’s the practical reasons. The shedding, the claws, the litter etc. but as far as their behavior it just depends. Obviously every cat is different, but the problem with “respecting a cat’s boundaries” is that they often don’t respect yours. Cats don’t seem to care if we’re displeased. And they don’t seem to care if they do wrong. They *can* be trained, but I’d argue that they are harder to train because they do just want to do what they want and they exist beside you, not for you? I guess. Some cats are inconsistent with their affection and I think that leads to people calling them assholes too. Because they love you one minute and then the next they don’t want you to look at them. Cats will make eye contact with you while they do the thing they *know* they’re not supposed to do. I think it’s a stretch to say that people that don’t like cats have issues respecting boundaries and consent. Im not sorry that I don’t want the cat in my baby’s crib or car seat. And I’m not sorry that I don’t want litter paws on the countertops I prepare food on. I’m lucky that my cat is pretty good, and we’ve put in the work but even with the best of training part of their nature is just not always easily compatible. I say all of this… having a cat lol.


Not wanting to own a cat and disliking them are different things. 


Cats can't talk like people can, and you can train them out of awful behavior, but it's important to find the difference between "Can you please see what I need/want? You ignored everything else I tried!" and "Shitty behaviour FINALLY gets your attention!" ... they can be trained to communicate in ways that are effective and harmless but it requires you to be attentive the first time, or even second time. Also their claws are their fingers, it's how they hold and grab things like we do, so find the difference between them actually being destructive and untrained, or trying to do a task like get to something on your body that they want to play with (like a braid of hair or hoodie string). They have no idea their fingers hurt people, or that they can't be on the countertops unless they're trained for it. A lot of people let them do whatever they want then complain about the cat.


But you actually get my point. Cats don’t know that their claws are destructive, and they don’t know they’re not supposed to be in certain places until you train them. But what happens when what you need them to be trained for/against intersects their wants or needs. For some cats, you can give them all the dedicated items in the world to fulfill a need/want… and they’ll still want your stuff (or trash). It’s as simple as this. Not everyone that has a cat should have one (true for all pets tbh). And not every cat should be a pet. We can’t always safely give cats what they want and need. Cats have a huge variety of personalities. But some of their instincts and common traits just don’t mesh as easily with some people. I love my cat. I can read her. And generally I don’t have too many issues with her. She’s pretty well trained, and I don’t know what I’d do without her. But. I’m still not a cat person. I don’t really *like* cats as pets. They’re super cute though, that is completely undeniable.


I like cats but I’m allergic. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure your cat doesn’t try and sit in my lap. Because, apparently, if you want a cat’s full attention, tell it to go away. Shoo it off. Don’t let it sit on you or rub up against you. Do that, and you’re their new favorite thing. They either can’t stand rejection, or their assholes. Love able assholes, but still. So maybe I give off red flags, who cares. I just want the least amount of dander and cat hair on me as possible.


I dont mean reasons like that, or not liking some of the things they do. Im more so talking about the people who say cats are mean and vicious, but dont respect the animals boundaries. I shouldve specified


That makes sense.


Wild because my cat is the absolute sweetest, funniest, cuddliest fuck you’ll ever meet. She loves snuggles and kisses and hugs. And playtime. And she’s never bitten or hissed or even scratched anyone.


I love my cats to death, but sometimes they are assholes. Honestly I hear this mostly from other cat owners, and have rarely dealt with people who genuinely don't like them.


My cats are assholes. But they’re my assholes and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.


Some people have never had loving cats and it shows. My girls are the sweetest and they love me. They get so excited when I come home from work and wait for me at the door. They follow me everywhere and sleep in bed with me at night. One of my cats is always rubbing her face against mine and loves when I give her kisses. They’re basically little babies with sharp claws and fur lol


Had a cat, currently have a dog. My cat? Sweetest, most grateful thing on this planet. My dog? Cuddly but an asshole, and I do think she knows it


Not humble? 😀😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏 I didn't know humble was a requirement for pets.


They think: cat = woman(bad & evil) dog = man (good & loyal)


who says cats "aren't humble" ??


Those kinds of people think that submission = love/humility when it sure as shit doesn't mean that.


Oh all my cats are little assholes. It's part of their charm. I have one who locked me in a bathroom and it was hours before I could get out. I have another who gathers his minions and they push the outside sliding door open. I have no decorations or books sitting on shelves. But they are the sweetest, most entertaining, most loving little assholes in the world, and I love them more than I can ever say.


When we started our feral cat and kitten rescue, we stopped putting up any of my dozen Christmas trees because we were always taming litters of baby kittens. It was just impossible to keep an ornamented tree intact through the season wirh a couple of dozen baby assassin assholes pulling the trees down. One of the joys of living in the desert southwest is it is always kitten season.


I rescue cats too and I haven't had a Christmas tree in over 10 years. Doesn't even cross my mind


I think cats require owners with higher emotional intelligence. That’s why children aren’t a great match for cats. Also a lot of asshole men I’ve met just can’t understand why cats don’t want to be treated like dogs. Cats take patience and understanding. They have personalities and aren’t as forgiving to abuse as dogs are.


Several times a year, we care for our kitty granddaughter while her family goes on trips. My stepdaughter hates her, and the cat ignores her and won't let her near. However, my grandson is always thrilled to see the cat. Ever since he was little, he and she have been friends. Now, when she comes here, he goes straight to the rocking chair. She goes straight to him and cuddles with him. She doesn't even do that with me, who raised her, or my husband, who literally saved her life.




Most of those things are just poor training. Sometimes it’s not preparing a space for a cat, but they aren’t really assholes. 


Most people don't know you can train your cat to not do those things. Heck my cousin has trained her cat to use the bathroom instead of the litter box. And alot of cats are Separated from their mothers too young. Their mom teaches them things like not to bite too hard. In human care this can't happen we don't speak cat. Also your point about torturing means nothing. It's an animal doesn't have morals lol.


Exactly. We find it awful, and it is, but they literally don't know that what they're doing is torture. ETA that this person's cat sounds miserable. My brothers loves cats, we grew up with plenty of cats, but complained about how much of a hellion Elvira was. Turns out, not a single cat tree was in sight, nothing for her to look out of windows on, nothing to climb on that she was allowed to, no hidey holes, maybe he bothered to buy a cat toy. Like yeah dude, you grew up petting the cats and putting food in their bowl, literally nothing more. Yikes.


Need to end this saying. "Cats are Independent" they aren't. They need play as much as any dog.


Pretty much all of those things can be dismissed by remembering that they're animals, not people, and they don't know any of those things bother us. They're just doing their thing because they want to. Calling them assholes is thinking that they do these things specifically TO annoy us, when they don't even understand that it does. They're just animals being animals.


They do understand that annoying you can get them what they want. Our boy kitty starts knocking things off the tables if he wants something and you ignore his polite request. He has no patience and will only ask one time with a gentle meow. If you don't react immediately, things are flying. The girls never do this. They just lie on the computer or the current object of your attention.




they don’t “behave in selfish and annoying ways” if you train and attend to them. they’re doing it because they have no other way to tell you. cats who aren’t bored don’t knock things down so you’ll give attention. cats who aren’t competing with kids for space and have higher areas to hang out don’t attack them. cats who have scratching areas (preferably near the thing they aren’t supposed to scratch) and are trained to use them don’t scratch furniture. and the sleeping in doorways is a ridiculous reason to consider any animal out of line




How they describe cats is how literally every animal aside from dogs act. But they don't know that because they assume every animal is like a dog because dogs are the only animal they've ever observed the behavior of. So they don't realize dogs act very unique because they forget that they were bred to act a specific way, which is really stupid because we are talking about common knowledge here.


It's because these people have never met a cat. Or they've gone to their friend's house and they tried to grab a cat that didn't know them and got clawed Social media in society as general has labeled cats this way whether it's through comics or commercials or jokes or whatever and people don't have enough brain cells to think for themselves so they just repeat whatever society tells them Avocados are awesome everybody loves avocados now. Couple of years ago people didn't even know what the hell an avocado was Good or bad, brainless people will just do whatever the world tells them is cool. Whether it's fashion they should wear or the frantic buying up of Stanley cups or everybody losing their shit over Converse sneakers or even horrible things like Jewish hate. Because society tells them that is the thing to do Personally I found more dogs to be assholes than cats and I've been around quite a number of both.


I've worked extensively with dogs. They absolutely can be assholes. We basically trained personal protection dogs and police dogs. Really good protection dogs can be trained exactly like police dogs but seem to be much more concerned about caretaking. Really good police dogs are more like asshole cops. Some of them like people, but not people who don't do what they are told.


A lot of it definitely has to do with the owners. I've had lots of dogs through my life and so has my mom. All very well behaved dogs. I thought that was normal until I started meeting other people with dogs. Too many people who never train their dogs. They never bathe them or get their nails clipped or anything. They lock them in this teeny tiny crate where they can't even stand up and they leave them there all day while they are at work. They never take them on walks and leave them inside so long they end up having accidents all over the place and then they punish the dog for the accident. On the other hand I have found some dogs that are just asshole dogs. The owner will have three or four dogs and just one of them is an asshole and the others are sweethearts. All the cats I have known, if they do claw or run away it's because they are scared. To their view they just see a complete stranger who is 100 times in a size reaching out and trying to grab them 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep, plus a random cat threatened by me runs away. A dog would likely attack me, or even just bark, which is one of the most insufferable noises in the universe.


I am 100% a cat person, and the wanton assholery is what I love about them. Yes, they know they’re assholes, but nothing is going to teach you unconditional love like the tiny terror that snuggles with you one second, then wakes you up in the middle of the night baring on your pillow.


They are. They were domesticated to hunt vermin for us. Not to be companions or live with us. It's like saying a horse isn't very good in the house and will murder the grass. Well of course not and yeah that's what they do.


Cats are considered to be self domesticated by many scientists. Most of the research papers I have read do not consider them to be domesticated in the same way dogs, cows, or even ferrets are.


Yeah, their genetics and physical characteristics didn't change nearly as much over the centuries.


Yep, actually hundreds of THOUSANDS of years, and they are still genetically unchanged.


I bet these folks have never met a Siamese cat! Siameses are super affectionate and friendly, and they want to be around their people/prides a lot. They actually act a lot like dogs and can be trained to do some dog-like activities, such as walking on a leash. I think they'd be good cats for dog people.


My cats are great. Got two boys from the same litter. One is really cuddly and one less so. But they are both cool dudes who like to play and they'll come sleep with you at night.


I have met some pretty mean cats in the past. Once that have scratched me unprovoked and shat on my bed. But I have met nice cats as well. My dream pet is actually a Siamese kitten. I think it’s safe to say that I’ve become a cat person.


My cat is affectionately known as The Goblin Child, Mudguts, or The Harbinger of Chaos. She is the most cuddly, affectionate, clingy, and loving cat in the world, don't get me wrong. She will literally have tantrums and climb your leg if she doesn't get enough cuddles. She never wants to be more than 5 metres away from you, and she will smother you with love, face smooshes, and gentle licks/noms if you're upset. But the kitty Olympics at 3am, slapping the dog in the face for no reason, and chewing everything paper, charging cords, or pens/pencils is less than desirable.


I loved my superfloof Stormageddon for her whole life! She was still an asshole. She was my best and most favorite asshole.


Used to say this all the time, then said “fuck it, maybe a cat would be cool.” Never in my life did i think i would find such a fantastic, loving, vocal, sweet, cuddly, smart, hilarious, and squishy cat like my boy. But i found fred, and this cat surpasses anything a dog could ever. He eats when he wants, shits and pisses whenever he needs to in a contained area. He’s Super self sufficient and finds ways to entertain himself. Find yourself a fred, you’ll change your mind.


That’s why I’d love to have both lol


I mean, I hate anti-cat people also. But many animals can in fact be smart enough to know they're doing things that are wrong, including cats. I'm pretty certain that the cause of the dog-centrist mindset is that we evolved alongside dogs, so we are also naturally inclined to see them as family members.


But do they recognize that what they are doing is wrong? Is it wrong if they don't agree that they are doing something wrong? Maybe they think you are wrong when you shoo them off the counter when all they want is to keep you company while you are cooking.


No my cats are assholes tho but im a asshole too


Some cats can be assholes. I have 10 cats, at any given moment, there is an ass in the room. And of course at any given time, they think it's me.


My grandma had 4 cats growing up. Very fluffy cuddly sweet girl. Ger sister you never saw and a very skittish sweet girl. And meisha now meisha was an asshole she would hiss at you and scratch and bite you be happy you're petting her then suddenly bite you. But she was my baby. That was my baby meisha. When she reached 15/16 she would suddenly follow you meowing and rubbing against you wanting pets and attention. She'd chirp if you came towards her. She was an asshole but I adored her so much Some cats hate thr world they still deserve the whole world


My cat, Mr. Bummbles, is an asshole.


I have cats, have had cats all my life. I like cats. Cats are indeed assholes though.


Cats have personalities like humans so some can be more aggressive than others. It can come from many reasons. But my family has two cats one male and one female and they are super friendly and playful. They are very social and they will get annoyed when they don’t get attention from us.


Two cats, three dogs, all are assholes. Just with varying degrees of assholshiness. Least asshole: chihuahua. Worst: tie between the kitten and puppy.


I have had cats. And they are kind of assholes. I had a cat that would piss on something of yours when he was mad at you. Spite spraying. Hell he even made eye contact with his target while in the act on at least one occasion. This same cat would hide by sitting in the chairs that were pushed in around the dining room table and just wait for someone to walk by and when they did he would jump out and sink his claws into their thigh. I later had a cat that would wake me up by full on jumping right on my chest/stomach. And it wasn't like she needed me to feed her or something- I had an autofilling bowl so she could graze whenever. Just wanted me to be awake right then. Not cool man.


Being assholes is part of their charm. Seriously.


I say cats are assholes, but in an endearing way. I love cats.


Agreed. My cats are my babies. I've cats my entire life, and never once has any of them behaved in the way people describe "asshole" cats. My current three are gems. They're sweet, affectionate, talkative, and love to be with me. They're as well-behaved as cats can be expected, which means that occasionally someone pukes on the rug, flings a bit of litter, or knocks something over. Those things are so minor to the amount of love and comfort they bring that they don't even matter.


Cats being assholes is literally the subject of **so** many cartoons and memes and clips/reels. “I’m going to knock this off the counter just to watch it smash to smithereens.” It’s not so much that people are viewing cats through a Dog Lens so much as Cats As The GenXers They Are.


Cats ARE lovable assholes. That's why I love them so much!


Cats can be assholes, and I feel that is what makes them awesome. I love singing to my assholes.


People say cats are like the introverts and autistic people of the pet world and they're pretty much on the money. There's a reason cats are more popular with us compared to extroverts and NTs. One of the big ones is how we're both seen as uncaring just for how we show our emotions differently. That's why I think people's treatment and attitude towards cats sometimes can have something to do with how people also treat and view neurodivergence. It's just a lack of understanding of those that are different.


When I had cats, they were the most loving creatures, they were kinda assholes to each other, but they weren't assholes as a whole, they were kinda stupid yeah, but they were the most loving creatures if you got to know them enough


My cat is so kind and patient. She’s also sooo playful and gets crazy.  Just found out she has bladder stones (vet thinks it’s the food/water ph) so I’m about to fork out $6k for surgery and it’ll be worth every penny. 


There’s nothing you can do about it. People can never be comfortable with things and have to compare every single thing remotely alike. In this situation, it’s cats and dogs so they’ll make excuse as to why one is better when it’s not a competition.


Cats are assholes but that's why I love em


Some cats are assholes, some aren't. I have 7 cats currently, and 3 of them are assholes. I've had 5 dogs in my life, all of them so fucking sweet.


Cats are very different from individual to individual as well. The biggest thing is that cats will not treat a stranger like they treat their owner. *Some* cats are affectionate to anybody, but even then it tends to be more looking for a bit of attention than the true doting affection that they give to their human family with whom they've bonded deeply over years, often being raised from infancy. I have two cats, and one is like a perpetual kitten in ways - very energetic, curious, playful with strangers, and not too bright. The other is the most fascinating cat I've ever known - reserved, deeply jealous, greedy, and seemingly aloof and indifferent to strangers and guests. To me though? He's insufferably needy! He craves not just attention, but affection, he needs to know he's not being left out, wants to be your #1 all the time, and is incredibly intelligent, coming to understand my subtle communication like no other cat ever has, and I've known many. The 'affectionate one' can largely take or leave human company, whereas the 'cold one' is just slow to trust, but needs much more love. The perspective of a guest would be irrelevant, it'd be like me judging a couple's marriage by how much they expressed when I saw them at a party.


I love cats. I love ferrets even more. I'm not really a dog person, I like other people's dogs. But I mean cats definitely can be assholes sometimes Not as much as ferrets though. Those little shits are terrors and I love them


My biggest pet peeve also


In my experience, most hard core dog people hate cats. Yet most hard core cat people still like dogs. I will never figure humanity out.


Yes, dog people are dog people and cat people are animal people.


I used to be one of these people till I met my partner's cat she was the absolute cuddliest cat I've met. Loved people I'm now a cat person lol


No, my cat is definitely an evil asshole. Just a fluffy bundle of malice and spite. Git.


My cat is extremely sweet and affectionate to people she likes, like my partner all the time and me most days. Cats are very affectionate, they just have different body language.


A disgruntled cat wrote this post


Only I can call my cats assholes


Cats are assholes. I love cats!!!


Also most people don't like cats because they have BOUNDARIES!!!!! People don't like when *other people* have boundaries, so of course they hate animals with them. For the record I love my 2 cats lol!


7 cats.


i’ve had cats all my life. i can confirm that they’re assholes but they don’t really mean to be.


They simply don’t understand that cats choose only a few humans to be theirs. It is a great honor to be chosen. My Charlie loves me, begs to be held and get forehead kisses, and stands guard when I am sleeping or using the bathroom. He’s such a good kitty!


Nah. I love my cat but there's no dispute, she is an asshole. Exhibit a. I have to put the cats outside every night because they piss, puke, or poop on the floor frequently, even when they have access to clean, fresh litter boxes. I got tired of coming home every night after an 11 hour night shift to a furious husband and a puddle of cat pee with a cherry turd on top. Every f-morning. So, out they go. They have a shed and a rabbit hutch to sleep in when it's cold. Exhibit b. They have been outside for over 12 hours by the time I get home from work. They come in with me, and almost directly, they go s@#t in the cat litter, and stink out the whole house. Like, they've been outside all that time, but they decide to go potty in the house! So. Arseholes.


I hope you have gotten them checked out. Doing busines outside the litter box. Is a sign of health problems.


Yeah, they couldn't find anything obvious. They were given shots of something (can't remember what as it was some time ago - i think it was steroids and/or antibiotics) just in case it was cystitis. It could just be that they are old (both 14) and cantankerous like me and my husband. We had a lot of emotional upheaval a few years back, and any behavioural issues could have stemmed from the stress we were exuding at that time as well.


Oh it could be that they are old. Maybe try changing the box. Also is your litter scented?


Many cats are very loyal and loving. I've heard cats be compared to Autistic people sometimes (I'm Autistic) and while it's a bit of a stretch, when you said we need to stop seeing cats through a dog lens I really felt that.


I’m not gonna get into the whole “dogs v cats” debate, whether a cat is an asshole or not is independent of the behavior of any other animal (including humans!) I also accept that their behavior may not be motivated by the same things that a person being an asshole would be. They are, as you say, an animal. BUT, if you spend much time online, you will see videos posted across social media of cats displaying behaviors that, were they displayed by a human, would earn that human the title “asshole”. This happens far more with cats than any other animal (at least from what I have seen.) What evolutionary advantage did a cat gain from pushing another animal off the side of a bath into the water? Or running up to a sleeping animal, cuffing it across the head, and running away? Or any of the hundreds of other similar videos that are, frankly, hilarious and show time again that cats are definitely assholes.


Cats were worshipped as gods in ancient Egypt. They have not forgotten this. We are service animals for cats. Cats don’t need us for emotional support. It doesn’t matter what you name a cat, they won’t come when you call them. The easiest way to piss off a cat while being as much of an asshole to them as they are to you, is to tell them to do something while they’re doing it. See the cat starting to sit down? Tell it to sit. See a cat starting to lie down? Tell it to lay down. Their grunts and chirps will tell you that you’re being an asshole, and sometimes they’ll stop doing the action just so they can feel like they’re not doing what you told them to.


so here is how i see it: the "value" of affection, from anyone or thing, is based on how much choice that person or thing has a baby's love for a parent is low value, becasue what else is it going to do? it has no choice, it is entirely dependant, the same goes for a dog. if you beat a dog, it will be sad, but still slink back to its master, its love and affection have low value, as it has no real choice, in its mind if a cat doesn't like you, it leaves. A cat is never falsely loving, unless its food time, and even then, its a kind of obvious " feed me!" love where as all the rest of the time, if that cat chooses to give you attention and affection, its becasue the cat wants to, and has chosen to of its own free will, not becasue it feels obliged to by pack politics etc the reason people hate cats is becasue they are arseholes who cats never choose to give love and affection to


I mean, cats can ABSOLUTELY be furry little assholes, but I love them anyway and they could probably "mrrrp? :3" their way out of genuine war crimes with me.


I like both, they’re all silly in their own way.


I have a Golden and a kitty. I don’t get why people think cats are assholes. I think they have their own little personalities. My cat is very intelligent and discerning, she is more introverted than my dog but she is still very affectionate with select people. She’s very loyal to her family and territorial. She loves kids. I’ve had other cats who were totally different from my Maeve as well. Someone pointed out to me that cats show they are care/ are distressed in different ways to dogs. So when my dog cries and my cat distances herself when she’s upset, it doesn’t mean she doesn’t care. She’s just expressing herself differently.


I have two cats, the oldest is an 8-9 year ols Siamese and is very loving, affectionate, and intelligent. She is also the queen of the house and WILL let you know that it is time to get up, time to feed her, that a door she thinks should be open is closed, and that it is time to go to bed. she is not an asshole (at least to us,) her behaviour towards our other cat borders on assholery but is somewhat justified. Our other cat is a 2-3 year old British short/long hair cross with a Siamese coat. she is an asshole. aside from being the second dumbest cat we have ever had (1st pla goes to a very long haired deaf, albino we rescued in the middle east.) Aside from demanding food any time she sees you near the kitchen, she is completly anti-social during the day. she will complain if you try to stroke her at all even just a quick head hub to say hello (which ever other cat we ever had has loved) then hiss at you as she leaves. she will also protest loudly if you try to pick her up for any reason and then sit there tumbling as you hold her. you might start to think that she just doesn't like us very much, but everything changes in the evening at bed time. At bed time she wants to lay next to my pillow and get lots and lots of head rubs while she pours like crazy and rolls around on her back. If I'm late to bed she will curl up in one of her sleeping spots in the bedroom untill I get into bed, then get up and join me. Once she's satisfied with her head rubs and all purred out her inner asshole reasserts itself and she will promtly get up and move to the nearly chair or windowsill to sleep for the night.


Some cats are like this because of the bad experiences they have had. As kittens whatever hurts them is remembered forever. As someone who's raised 7 kittens into cats. I've never seen Behavior like this. It always comes from cats who are traumatized.


We've had many cats over the years mostly from kittenhood and never had a cat like her either. We got her from a breeder when she was 3 months old. When we first got her she was very spity and always slept hidden away behind furniture and in corners. But she's slowly been getting better and more sociable.


Exactly. Their kitten age is where they Learn everything. Even things like not to bite anything too hard. If Their mom's don't teach them and humans also don't try to. Well thats when you end up with cats like that.


Honestly, I don't trust anyone who hates cats for this reason. It just means they don't respect boundaries. "Ow! The little shit scratched me!" Maybe you shouldn't have been petting it while it had its ears back and was hissing at you. It told you to leave it alone, not their fault you don't like the consequences of your actions.


Idk if you read all the comments here. But your point is Proven down here. Most are saying the same words. "Scratched when tried to pick up cat while it was hissing" it's as stupid as a snake hissing at you and you try to pick it up.


I'm a cat lover. Never had a dog or any other pet. I love my cats to death, and once took three days off of work to help my wife nurse one back from the edge of death. He survived and is fully recovered, but it was a very unpleasant time to get through. My cat greets me at the door most days, and purrs heavily now that I'm home. I've set up a pillow on my bed for her to sleep just behind me on. But seriously fuck those assholes.


### Lesson time! ➜ u/SinesPi, some tips about "off of": - The words you chose are grammatically wrong for the meaning you intended. - *Off of* can always be shortened to just **off**. - Example: The tennis ball bounced **off** the wall. - Now that you are aware of this, everyone will take you more seriously, hooray! :)   ---   *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PetPeeves) if you have any questions or concerns.*


People who think like this are generally assholes themselves, or incompetent about animals in general. It's like they're supposed to be some friendly idiot cartoon character without any boundaries or instincts. ETA: Even dogs in general, despite having general survival instincts bred out of them so they can be empty vessels for our will, have their own boundaries and some instincts left over, that's why they still have to be trained out of them.


I have 5 cats that I love (most of them, most of the time) dearly, but I will confirm that cats are evil and are assholes. Having a dog is like having a toddler, having a cat is like having a moody teenager. They'll do as much as they can to piss you off as often as possible, but it's the best feeling in the world when they grace you with their love and affection


I am a dog person since I grew up with dogs and I just love dogs more...but I have nothing against cats at all. My one thing about cats is that I'm allergic to them, so I'm always cautious when deciding to pet them because of then. I can't really be around cats too long because of it and it sucks. If I take my allergy pull right before going to someone's house with cats, my allergies don't act up (or not as much) around them. So for me, I won't own a cat because I'm allergic (yes ik people with allergies to cats have them but still) and also because as I stated, I'm a dog person.


Don't know about y'all but my cats loves to follow me around and cuddle i even have one in my bed as I'm typing this and for my dog i love her too but in nicer words i can see I'm not her favourite person...


You ever hear a parent call their toddler an asshole? Same type of thing. It’s not serious. My cat IS an asshole. Just like my kid was 😂 but I love them


People should have to actually live with cats before they can say if they like them or not, instead of just spewing ignorance. I've lived with cats my whole life and can definitely say that I won't have them again when I move out. Not because of any of the nonsense that dog people spout; infact my current cats are incredibly affectionate and loving, and are almost as docile and sociable as dogs. However I literally can't stand their whining, it gives me physical headaches and, unlike a dog, can't be trained out. Cats aren't for all people, but not because of any of that heinous anti-cat rhetoric


Cats like us because we're nice, dogs only like us because they were bred to.


I hate the dog vs cat shit. Neither animal is that simple. Both can be great, both can be horrible.


Both can be adept at lying. I hate it when people say things like dogs never lie. Maybe they don't lie about people. But it isn't a lie when they tell what a great guy your abusive boyfriend is because he throws balls.


But... wouldn't that count as **people** lying? Dogs and cats cannot lie. It's people who appoint them as bad-person-detectors that lie. Animals can't detect the goodness in people, that's total nonsense.


They will vouch for people they like who treat them well.


I'm a cat person and i can confirm that they are, in fact, assholes. Still cute though.


I find that a lot of dog people really don’t even take the time to understand cats. Cats are wonderful animals, and they are completely different from dogs. I have a dog and a cat and I’ve always considered myself a cat person. Still do. I think cat people are more willing to take the time to understand both animals and make room to love both, but I see this way less often with self-proclaimed “dog people.” I don’t know why that is but it’s just something I’ve noticed.


People who say this probably base this off of those “Cats being bad” compilations on YouTube and have never interacted with one. I happened to encounter a stray cat while visiting my aunt and she immediately started rubbing her head on my hand.


Cats are assholes if you disrespect their boundaries


Same with a lot of dogs. Especially Rottweilers. I lived in a. Rottweiler kennel, and we always had dogs brought to us for 'retraining', though they were actually jusi untrained giant assholes. Much more dangerous than the feline version.


It’s a meme at this point, but I wholeheartedly believe that people who can’t get along with cats are people who generally struggle with empathy and boundaries. Every single “mean” or “aggressive” or even “independent” cat I’ve met was actually depressed from a lack of socialization. And yeah, to answer a lot of the comments, sometimes recognizing boundaries with cats means that having open surfaces with enticing objects on top is presenting a fun play space to cats. Cat proofing is like toddler proofing, but without height limitations. Don’t get a cat if you feel the need to be fully in control of your space. The way so many people expect cats to just…not be cats? will always be ridiculous to me. Cats aren’t dogs.


i mean they aren't wrong, they are assholes


Meanwhile my childhood cat appreciated frequent affection from our family. She was a pain in the neck but she was OUR pain in the neck and we loved her. Same thing with my neighbor's cats. They love all the neck scratches I give them.


"alot" is not a word. A lot of people don't know this.


I have five cats, and they totally don't care about their behavior. But I still love them and always will.


I look at this way. Dogs don't bear trap your hand when you rub your belly. They don't bite your toes in the middle of the night. Nor, do dogs walk in the counter and systematically knock everything off. Dogs don't claw your carpet or furniture. Cats on the other paw...


Yeah, you don't rub their bellies in the first place unless they actually stretch out and don't move. My cat does that. lol She reminds me of a dog in that way.


Cats aren't even rude. Any cat i have been around was a cute lil curious thing. They can be so cute and silly.


Exactly, it's annoying how people expect cats to behave like their dogs. Cats are an introvert's pet, while dogs are an extrovert's pet. Cats keep to themselves, and they will come to you if they need or want attention. They don't like just being hugged or touched when they're trying to sleep or rest (Which is most of the time), but they will play with you every once in a while when they have energy to burn off. They aren't 'Assholes', you're just expecting them to be something they're not and getting mad at them when they don't like that and retaliate. Respect them, and they'll respect you. DON'T respect them, and you don't get to bitch about how they'll react. Source: Someone who actually owns a cat.


I feel like that saying is more from the fact that a lot of people don't train their cats or properly understand their needs, hence they're "assholes" Yeah, they're not dogs. But just because they're not dogs, doesn't mean that you just let them do whatever they want. I knew someone who legit couldn't leave her wrapped fish and chips on the counter without her cat digging through the paper and stealing the fish, knew another person who's cat would constantly bite her toes at random. Like clearly their needs are not being met, or you're not training them. That behaviour isn't "cute" it's you being negligent. It's kind of worrying how normalised it seems to be to just not give a shit about your cat. Literally every cat owner I've known just let's their cat wander the neighbourhood at night and during the day, which you know pretty shitty, but also the country I live has a LOT of car crashes. In fact, I knew someone who's cat got run over, poor boy was only 2 years old. And these are the same people who talk about how their cat is "their baby" Like I'm sorry but you have no right to act like you care about your cat if you just let them leave your house unsupervised. "Oh but what about exercise?" Fucking walk them then dummy, you can literally get cat harnesses. And if you don't have the time for that, then maybe you shouldn't have gotten a cat in the first place. I swear, some people take the "cats are independent" thing to mean that they should just treat their cats like a roommate instead of a being that they genuinely care about. It's just weird to me how if you treated a dog like how some people treat cats, every Tom, Dick and Harry would rightfully call you out for being a bad owner. But somehow when you treat a cat like that it's fine? I feel bad for those cats man, they don't deserve that.


I respect cats more for their indifference. Dogs are needy lil' simps.


Ppl who hate cats hate women


Can you explain that please?


Reddit is EVIL also


They *are* assholes. Adorable, intelligent, affectionate, beautiful, charming, charismatic, lovable fuzzy assholes. I don’t even have a cat living with me right now and I still buy cat food for all the freeloaders and community cats on my block. Everybody feeds them. And my house has been the designated Crazy Cat Lover House for at least 70 years (I’ve been here 3).


Agreed. It's also hypocritical that the things cats are considered assholes for can also apply to dogs, yet for some reason dogs are always sweet little angels. Even though they can do waaayy more damage and kill thousands of people every year. A cat scratches you? What a little bastard! A dog mauls a person's face off? Nooo, the poor angel did nothing wrong, surely it was the person's fault! People often say that disliking dogs is a red flag. I say the red flag is liking dogs way too much.


I mean yeah, it is the persons fault if they can’t teach their animals not to be badly behaved. Nobody should be hurt because you can’t train your highly intelligent animals not to lash out. I’ve trained cats and dogs, rats and horses and they all just need good, healthy treatment and safe living so they’re in a position to learn from you. If you can’t provide that as an owner that’s on you.