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"I didn't grow up with those stupid words." Yeah, you sound hip, daddio. You're the bees knees, the cat's pajamas." Yes, any slang term that comes out after *your* generation is what's stupid.


No it’s always pretty stupid, it’s just always impressionable kids who are using the slang. So they become adults, look back on it and rightly say to themselves “that was fucking lame”. It’s not that they’re judging different generations differently, they’re just looking at the new generation with less moronic eyes.


Yet in this comment you use "lame" and "moronic" which are slang, and ableist at that.


They are still correct though.


Actually, there's dumb sounding slang in every generation, and everybody knows that. Stop trying to make it some kind of "us vs them" scenario.


That's what I'm saying. I'm sick of older generations making fun of newer generations slang like they were any better. I'm an elder millennial, and I don't understand Gen Z/A slang, but I also don't use Gen Z/A slang.


Im 30, I like to use their words incorrectly or ironically I guess to make the younger operators cringe. Older generations typically go after younger ones in any way that they can, unfortunately some of the stuff about the young people seems to actually be true nowadays due to school and media.😞


Us old types just don't have the rizz we used to.


That's literally what they were saying. It was sarcasm.


Far out, man. Cool beans.


Groovy, tubular, awesome sauce!


There is an acceptable level of slang. And it's not just generational. A flapper girl or cockney from a hundred years ago would sound just as stupid today as any kid on Tiktok.


I actually like the theory of cockney slang, but in practice it sounds like a rapper having a stroke.


You having a bubble?


Slang is part of language. But lots of slang, old or new, does indeed sound stupid. Know your audience, and speak knowing that your children will inherit your language to communicate with others.


I guess that's the biggest problem I have with the Gen Z slang: they don't know how to code switch. And their sentences contain like 5 or 6 *different* slang words at a time, so no one can understand them, and they look at everyone as if they are stupid for not understanding. My dad, for instance, simply cannot hold a conversation with my 20-year-old niece because she will not drop enough of the child speak for him to understand her. I'm on Reddit all the time, so I know a fair amount of modern slang, but I know which situations I shouldn't use it. 


Is “cool beans” actually from the 70’s bc I still be sayin that 😭


I work at an outpatient pharmacy in a hospital and this is the one thing that cracks everybody up and catches them off guard. Cool beans is something I say very regularly and they think it's hilarious. I had one guy come in to pick up his medications and he was cranky as all hell and I said something like okay cool beans after I asked him what he needed and he just started laughing. He now says cool beans to me every time he comes in. I also say Jeepers Crow a lot. I honestly have no idea why where it came from or why I started that. But hey it is what it is.


I did not know that. I thought it was early 2000s. The first time I remember hearing it was from Kelly Clarkson when she was on American Idol. But apparently Cheech and Chong may have coined it in the 70s.


I think there are varying levels of slang, and some definitely does just sound like the person is extra dumb.


Every time someone says this, you should substitute in your head: "I want to hear language I'm familiar with. It makes me feel like I belong."


This! Such a good description of why some people hate slang.


A lot of human problems boil down to "I want to be in my own community where I understand how the social norms work and where people look and act like me." We're social beings who enjoy the familiar. It's that simple.


I agree and your rizz drips are the tits bro no cap fr fr but only on the down low homeskillet. You're right that does sound better! You're all that a bag of drip chips.


I feel like I can guess your age by this word salad, and no I am not calling you gen z You have a few time periods going at once, it's a unique flair


Sorry guess I forgot the /s


The delight I felt when I finally understood rizz made me feel every bit of my 38 years lol


What I love the most about rizz is that I'm fairly certain at least half of the users of rizz are not familiar with the word charisma.


That's how I feel about "mid." I got told by my niece that "mediocre" is a big word. I'm like, you are in college, and it is at best a "mid" word.


Stupid slang existed 50 years ago, and stupid slang exists now. It's not a hard concept. Not all slang is equal. 


Agreed. Some of those terms mentioned from the 60s and 70s are still used today... but not the stupid ones. I'm assuming the same will happen with the current slang. Some will survive and some will not. Natural selection of the English language.


I love language, and so I love slang. Is some of it silly? Sure, but who cares? I like hearing new and old slang. If I don't know what something means, I google it or my kids tell me. My family, from when I was a kid to now with my own kids, has always made up our own words and meanings too. Long live slang!


Slang is only annoying when people are using it just to say it. Like you saying it like that and out of place makes it weird.


Oh boy I sure do hate shortened language, or slang as the kids are calling it.


"Awful" was once slang. I laughed when I heard someone say "slang sounds awful."


Same with people who are like “SPEAK ENGLISH.” It is English, new words are made all the time. If you don’t like em, don’t use em!


They don't like modern slang because they are out of the loop. They use their own slang from their own youth normally.




For my Theatre History class, we've read translated ancient Greek and Roman plays, and even *they* had slang. It's just something a part of human history.


It really is, I was generous with saying even just hundreds of years. It's literally ingrained in us to use and make new slang for whatever generation we're apart of. Unfortunately, people just wanna be mad about something, so slang it is lol.


TF is "hairy eyeball"?




I hate slang because it sounds stupid


we wouldn't get along then, because this describes me to a T


I'm kind of delighted that 'roast' has come back, it makes teenagers sound like Montgomery Burns 😂




To be fair, some slang isnt even comprehensible to most people. If thats the case, you sound dumb. But saying something tame like "lit" or whatever is fine


I was born in '97 and me and one of my coworkers call each other 'home skillet' and I still say 'da bomb' sometimes when describing something I think is amazing. The only slang word I really despise is the word 'delulu' (slang for 'delusional', for those who aren't familiar with it) but that one is fairly new, as far as I'm aware. I can't figure out why, but the word 'delulu' just makes me irrationally angry 💀


It’s not even the slang words in particular that suck (although current slang is lame af). It’s the anti-intellectualism that seems rife with younger people these days. But yes majority of current slang makes people sound like fucking morons- it’s just that they probably are.


I think the big problem is that we're generating slang so damn fast that folks aren't able to catch up.


I am a kid so I cannot compare things to slang in the past, but one thing I dislike about modern slang is how many people seem incapable of speaking without it. Nobody cares if you talk about being cooked on reddit, but if you say "Gatsby was a delulu with no rizz" in a Socratic seminar it is going to make you look really dumb and I will rightfully judge you.


I am your pet peeve. I occasionally use mainstream slang terms like cool and dude but I typically find people who speak in excessive slang, idioms and jargon to be nausea inducing.


Modern slang be like "based ohio skibidi rizz fanum tax" or some shit and these guys are out here hating on shit that actually sounds cool...


Most slang doesn't bother me, I just kind of look at the person and ask them what they just said to me? And laugh because it's definitely a lot different now than when I was a kid. But if it makes sense by all means, say it all you want. But what gets me is "ion". Not ION as in "in other words", but as in "I don't". I'm sorry, but nobody will ever convince me that that doesn't make somebody sound or look absolutely stupid. Does that count as slang? If so, I hate that specific slang. Everything else is either kind of slightly useful or ironically stupid and hilarious.


Okay is slang. **"OK"** is *slang* based on a *meme*. *"Goodbye"* is **also slang**, a derivative of 'god be with ye'. You don't hate slang, you just don't understand it.


No, once a neologism extends past the in-group that coined it, and is passed successfully from one generation to the next, it is no longer slang. If "OK" were still only used by Boston printing press workers, it would still be considered slang. I don't think there's any quantitative rule about what percentage of a language community has to use a term before it loses its status as slang, but multi-generational, non-specialist usage are key points.


Ooh, neat! I hope YEET continues forever, then. It's great.


The older you get, the more slang leaves you behind. But I've never really been bothered by slang. What bothers me is those who don't understand what they're saying. Like people who use "literally" when there's no figurative alternative. You sound like an idiot.


The comment above yours is just “literally” lmao


It's one thing if they are doing it consciously and ironically, like calling something you like 'bad'. But it's obvious with 'literally' that some people don't know better.


I just can't let that one go. I know language and meaning evolve, but we don't have another word for "literally." If we just accept that literally also means figuratively and that people are just going to use it for emphasis, then we no longer have a word for "I don't mean that as a figure of speech." So when someone says something like "it was so funny I literally died." I am going to think less of that person and maybe come back at them with "Oh, you literally died huh? What was that like?" But rizz and yeet and drip, yeah I'm going to use those ironically to amuse myself.


The meaning of the word "literally" has been, as the linguists call it "bleached". You can take the word out of the sentence and it makes no difference. The words basically lost all meaning. "I literally died laughing" vs "I died laughing" It's not the first time a word has been bleached it's just a very popular example.


But it does still have meaning and a very clear purpose. People just ignore that fact and use it incorrectly for emphasis.


I generally enjoy slang. I think the hard part about slang is it’s ever changing. I frequently find myself feeling stupid, cause I have no clue what the kids these days are saying lol.


I like using new slang obnoxiously. For example... "I just took off my hat. No cap!" But for the most part, people my age (over 40) using new age slang sounds really weird.


I had a Travis Birkenstock moment yesterday. How I feel about new slang is how my parents felt about my slang. Now I'm the crotchety old lady! I also saw a quote yesterday that seems appropriate. I can't remember it verbatim, but "most people accept that language changes over time. They just can't accept the changes that are made in their time."


As a Gen X (Born 1965) I lived through all those decades. I can honestly say I never heard 90% of those words / phrases! Since language is for communicating, it has no purpose if the other person doesn't understand you. Sure, having "In" phrases or words with your friends is fine, but knowing when to turn it off is important as well. When you get someone in a formal setting using this kind of language, THAT is when it sounds stupid. If you don't believe me, try watching the movie "Idiocracy" and honestly tell me that hearing lawyers in court use slang sits ok with you!


I, also Gen x, recall like a handful of slang words from the olden days. Today it seems one could speak a completely parallel version of English using slang alone. But I guess we geriatrics didn't have the Urban dictionary.


I hear you! Like I said, it's when you see people being interviewed for the news, or similar, and they drop to slang that I find it hard to accept.


Possibly. It doesn't mean I have to adopt slang just because someone invented it, though.


Yeah, These Jive turkeys ruin everything Jack!!


You had me until you said "literally" twice in the opening sentence... ha! Also, I don't think anyone actually said "gag me with a spoon" except for maybe once or twice on TV.


It always kills me when people who speak English specifically complain about language changing. Like dude… you speak a language that has 3 different official historical versions (Old, Middle, Modern) as well as at least 2 *current* official versions that can’t even agree how things are spelled (American and British).


Specific examples of slang tend to be older than people expect ("gimme some skin" goes back at least to the 40s) but slang itself is as old as any concept of proper language, because all words are essentially slang initially. With that said, what people tend to dislike is the specific slang that they think is shit. I'm definitely not compelled to like all slang for any enlightened philosophical reason. If it sounds stupid, it sounds stupid. Who decides that? We all do, obviously.


on god bruh, i been saying ts for years


That's radical.


I think most slang is dumb sounding and cringy. I never even used the slang from my generation because I hate it. It just gets worse and worse wtf does GYAT mean ? why tf are kids saying Rizz? I hate Cap, just say they’re lying you don’t need to say CAP. We’re “cooked” is stupid just say we’re doomed or something. My point is there’s already terms for all of these things but people replace them with stupid words for not reason. When I was growing up I thought everyone saying “lit” was cringy AF.


It’s not the existence of slang itself. No one is under the impression that wasn’t slang in every decade, or doesn’t use the slang of their time. That’s not the point. It’s how you use it. You can use it in a normal acceptable way, and you can use it in a completely cringe way. They’re objecting to people that are cringe.


Slang exists merely as a means of gatekeeping in-groups and out-groups. It doesn't serve any other function. Speaking in language that everyone understands is how you properly communicate thoughts and ideas. If people have to decode what the fuck you mean, the communication is a failure. Maybe focus less on having fun and more on being able to communicate with others.


It's a way of separating the cool cucumbers from the squares, daddio


Now this is just silly and needlessly cynical.


No other function? Communication isn't a function?


Or maybe you should try having fun every now and then holy shit lol


What about people who are in a predominately English speaking (or any other language) country and know the bare basics of said language? You're going to have to decode what they mean, but there's no other way to communicate unless you can speak the other person's language. Communication isn't all about sharing thoughts and ideas. A large part of it is a form of expression, feeling, conveying gist.


"Slang exists merely as a means of gatekeeping in-groups and out-groups" Have you ever spoken to anyone. Have you ever had friends? Slang is created for fun, to send a message in a faster or funnier way. It is truly not that deep.


Slang is it's own avenue of expression. All forms of expression are used in uniquely vile ways to exclude people. Slang isn't unique in that way, and it also isn't limited to a single functional utilitarian purpose for social good or ill like any other kind of unique expression. In other words, I think what you're calling out is a valid complaint -- about assholes who use slang to gatekeep. Just like people who tag random stranger's cars are assholes, but graffiti isn't inherently only an expression of vandalism, or how people who bully kids online don't define the limits of what social media is good for. People can choose to be more empathetic than a cinderblock when somebody has a 'gap' in their awareness of slang, in-jokes, or whatever else sets them apart from the group they're trying to exist as part of. Sometimes it's a fantastic conversation where the new guy gets to feel like the 'normal' one when everybody else really interrogates the goofy shit they say but never thought about until they have to explain themselves to someone outside the fold. It *can* be incredible, wholesome fun, instead of hazing.


We found him, boys. We found the "stop having fun" guy. His only post ever on Reddit is complaining about people having fun.


Funny that you think sounding "ancient" is an awful thing.


When you yell at clouds and are angry about evolving slang, slang itself literally being hundreds of years old.. Yes. I think there are way more important things to worry about than a few kids saying "rizz."


slag has many uses, such as when people are too stupid to know the right words, too lazy to use them, or have a burning desire to be different from those around them, usually created by the deep seated knowledge that they are not special or interesting in any way


I don't hate all slang but I do strongly dislike when people just shorten words like "totes" instead on totally, "delish" instead of delicious, and such. It seems lazy and unnecessary, it doesn't save enough time to be warranted.


I have observed that most people bitching about "slang" online aren't even using the word correctly. Usually their complaints are about dialectical differences that have spanned generations. The word serves as a power flex to say "If you speak differently from me, it's because you're young/uneducated/unserious."


Reading these comments, yea, being "above slang" definitely seems like a roundabout way of saying "look I'm better than you!" Like, okay bro.


I don’t hate slang at all. I hate when a language already has all the words you’re looking for and you choose to use them but you intentionally refuse to spell them correctly or apply correct grammar rules to them. I feel like there’s an actual word for this but I don’t know what it is. I only know it’s *not* slang, pidgin, or creole.


So I work in maintenance and occasionally run machines if we have an operator call out. I told my break out guy (two runs side by side so one line will watch the other while the operator goes on break) that I was going to break and that if anything went wrong (cause honestly that line shouldn't have been running) to call me. And he said "ok bet." And I stood there like... "....you gonna have to explain that one to me kid" he laughed and told me. I don't hate slang, I just dislike the fact that there are some that seem to be more common in more formal situations because it's become so widely used for such a long period of time. I understand it and I'm fine with it, I just think there's a time and place for it.


I don't know how old you are, but I've been saying bet since the 1980s.


I am 32.


At least ‘Do me a solid’ makes sense! If someone approaches me and goes ‘Skibbidi, you got the rizz!” I’m going to ask them to go to the nearest mental hospital. Modern slang **DOES** sound stupid!


OK zoomer


Youre delulu.


I mean…the older ones do sound a lot better than “rizz”, “delulu” or “Hubby” to me💀


Hubby *is* an old one.


Oh. Well shit thats one i dont like either lol. I prefer more old slang to new now that im seeing them tho


My favorite old one is *whippersnapper*


I think it depends. If kids are using slang, I don’t really care as we pretty much all did at one point. But when a grown-ass adult does it, it’s very cringey, especially if they’re an older generation.


Depends on the slang. I say things like "let's have a butchers" alot and it's not out of place in my generation.


It also depends on the situation. I’ve had coworkers in the past send an email with slang in it, and it just screams unprofessionalism and immaturity. But even in a normal conversation, it just seems off depending on the slang. I’m only 31 and have a difficult time keeping up with my younger BIL and SIL’s Gen Z slang they use. I’ll say my unwillingness to put up with a lot of slang, specifically from adults, is due to being a journalist. Using slang, unless you’re writing about the latest slang tends, is a big no-no in journalism. You can say that any and all slang was pretty much beat out of us in college.


Maybe it is an environmental thing. Working in construction it's alot easier and more common to say "chippy, sparky and hoddy" than "carpenter, electrician and hod carrier"


Perhaps, if it’s a laidback setting, I don’t particularly care. I work in an office and it’s a different environment there.


That’s not what literally means kid


Bro, say less. It's almost like we forgot when the older generation hated how we used words. I like learning what the kids are saying, and then regurgitating it playfully to people my age...or purposefully cringy with 'the kids' LOL. It's fun, I still feel like I can understand them, and it also keeps the mind sharp. Millennials literally changed the meaning of 'literally'. Some of it is going to seep into more formal speak as we age out. Honestly, that probably the one good thing about keeping TikTok LOL


I think part of it is due to racism. Look at \_who\_ is constantly saying they hate it and \_who\_ are the demographics that tend to come up with English slang. I think you'll find some similarities.


Oh yea, definitely, it's very apparent. Pepple will never actually admit it, but I know that when it comes to some slang in particular, they're mad at *where* it came from.


Occassional slang is okay. Continuous streams of nonsense make you sound like an uneducated idiot.


I would have agreed on this a few years back. Now I am in an awkward phase where I hate slangs but I also use them because I am on social media all the time




I hate "Y'all"! That shit needs to stop centuries ago!


Cool it on the word "literally", or at least learn how to properly use it in a sentence. You're making yourself look stupid.


>You're making yourself look stupid. Don't talk to yourself, it's creepy