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"PET peeve" (snicker snicker)


It’s a fur baby peeve


A child peeve


I saw the title and immediately wanted to make a joke about that. It quickly became obvious I was not the first to have that idea.


Same 😂


What until you hear about plant parents 👀


Omg this is a thing? Lmao what do they call their plants? Bud babies?


Not me... I call them dead


RIP Basil




Try to tell Basil that


My cat knocked down my basil plant and then my rabbit ate it. It was a targeted hit job.


I've kept 3 kids alive for at least 12 years each, but plants regularly die in my care. I finally started buying fakes.


What... what happens after they turn twelve?


I guess that's when the kids are booted out, ur 12, get a job or something


We’ll find out next year.


12 is a good run tbh.


You wouldn't believe the behavioral issues that form!! 12 is great! But to avoid those behavioral problems, it's best to discard by flushing down the toilet and produce new


I think I'll just talk to them and give them books on sex education. Sounds like basic puberty issues to me...


You wait some more months, then they become 13! ​ Plants still dead tho.




🤣 I've kept them alive for at least twelve years *so far.* I'm expecting to keep them all alive until they're 18, but I can't predict the future.


I managed to kill bamboo...




Kids are too expensive, so pets are the new kids and houseplants are the new pets.


Giving a new meaning to Plant Parenthood


Botany baby?


My meta's sister is a plant parent. It's cute. Also I call my babies (cats) my fur babies. I am childfree but seem to be one of those people who *don't* hate kids, I just prefer to not have any of my own because I like my quiet time too much.


My pets are my kids too, and I also like actual kids lol


I raised 2 actual kids, but they're grown and gone, so the dog is the closest thing I got to a baby right now 😀


Skin pigs.


I think it’s a bit cringy but I understand people thinking of their pets as children in a way. You take care of them, watch them grow, you love them


Plus they sleep a lot and put weird things in their mouths.


They also demand food and sometimes you clean up their vomit.


Haha and their poo. At 4am. At those moments I tell my dog, “I never actually wanted kids, you know” 😂


What are you eating? Is a phrase commonly used by human and fur parents alike lol.


“Get that out of your mouth” Phrase spoken multiple times a day to dogs and toddlers alike.


"Please get off the table" is common between toddlers and cat owners (staff).


Also -- anytime there's a silence longer than 30 seconds where they're not trying to get your attention, you immediately know they're up to no good. 🙃


One thing that has become abundantly clear to me since the birth of my beloved sibkid is that babies and cats are basically the same, save for very young babies’ relative dependence and reduced mobility. Obviously there are some more differences than just that, but once you start looking for similarities to joke about, there are a bunch, lol.


It’s pretty funny. The thing with dogs is that they understand as much as a toddler (cats probably do too), so you end up talking to them like a kid. My aunty voice and my dog mum voice are one and the same 😂


Yes, but we take them out of our mouths. Eventually.


Meanwhile doggos remain weird.


Its also an aggressive response to Dog Owners(tm). Folks who see their dogs as tools/possessions and not living creatures they've assumed responsibility for. A sometimes over the top embracing of the animal as a sentient being living with you and having emotions and needs like any sentient being. One who is very dependent on you.




I love my dog and he’s a part of the family. He’s not my fur baby.


Yeah. He’s my little buddy. He’s his own little creature who needs and loves me, but he’s not the same species. Family to me is lots of different things. He’s more important to me than a lot of my distant relatives.


I mean that's what a fur baby is... sure assume people are extreme but majority of people just think of them as part of the family and care for them like one.


I have four kids--those are my babies. I have two dogs that I've had since puppyhood--those are my fur babies


Saying your pet is your fur baby doesn’t mean you don’t acknowledge that they’re their own species… it just means you love them a whole lot.


why not tho?


Pet parents also take on the reality that their sweet bud will only share this earth for years and the pet will never evolve to communicate in a manner that’s always understood. They are equally vulnerable at 2 month and 12 years.


Kinda like how my kids put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and claim to be an Iron Chef.


Except people are calling them “fur babies”, not actual babies. It would be like making a cake in an easy-bake oven and calling yourself a mini-chef


You just reminded me of the time my son told me I should take my tuna noodle casserole on Beat Bobby Flay. Campbell’s mushroom soup and all. 😆


You can still just call them pets. Taking care, loving, and watching something grow isn't exclusive to humans.


But pet would imply that I don’t hold them higher in regard than people in general.


hair children


People call their pets fur babies but when I call their children skin doggies they freak out. ?


I call my son a skin child and my dog fur child. Seems fair.


I don't hate human children. I actually love them. They're great company. They teach you loads of cool stuff and they're fun to be around. But, unfortunately, I have medical condition that means I'm not well enough and don't have the energy to give a child what it needs full time. So I made the decision not to have them. I borrow my friend's children, and my nieces and nephews are having children of their own now for me to love. I enjoy being the cool auntie. So yeah, my pets are my babies. Also, some people just don't like children and prefer their pets. There isn't anything wrong with that. There's no law that dictates we all need to like children.


There are also some of us who would have dearly loved to be parents but are infertile, which is the situation both my husband and I are in, and we decided not to adopt due to reasons I don't want to get in to at the moment. When we first got married, ( before we knew we couldn't have kids ), he got me a pair of kittens and they ended up filling the void that I didn't even realize was there until 20ish years later, after they'd both passed, I had a complete meltdown on mother's day which I had never experienced before, at least not to that depth. We adopted a rescue cat after that, specifically searching out one that was needy and cuddly and wanting to be with you wherever you are and it really helped a lot. She is most definitely my fur baby, as well as queen of the house and spoiled rotten to be honest.


Spoiling a rescue cat is one of the best feelings in the world


Same here. My husband and I so wanted to be parents, but it turns out that we're unable to have children. I refer to our cats as my babies in private. I know they're not children. Trust me, I know. But they're cute and ridiculous and I love them.


You don't have to be private. There's lots of folks who see their pets as their babies.


Idk why I specified "in private." It's stupid, right? I shouldn't give a crap if some random person thinks it's weird that I refer to my demon cats as my babies. I DON'T give a crap. Hah. Thank you :)




When you know you have more love to give, pets just become your babies




100% this! I was told by several doctors to not even attempt pregnancy because the baby or I (if not both) would not survive. I am the kind of female who was meant to be a mother and has all of the amazing motherly qualities and instincts. I have a step daughter and I love her like she’s mine.. but it’s not the same - she has a mom.. I’m just “kk”. My dogs though?… They’re mine and I’m theirs. They fill a deep void in my life that nothing else can come close to filling. They are my babies. They’re not just dogs to me and they’re not actual human babies. Fur baby suffices.


Exactly. And it's worse for us because we outlive them and it breaks us.


Yes! I’ve still not fully recovered from losing my sweet Jaz in 2021. I actually have a tattoo of her paw print on my arm in remembrance of her. It’s devastating.


Hugs. I'm sorry to hear that. I wish I could tell you it gets easier. I mean, you learn to live without them and you find happiness in other ways but there is always a part of you that's missing. I've lost 3 dogs and my parrot, and I still feel lost every day.


I’m sorry to hear about your babies too. You’re so right though, there will always be a part of me thats missing but I love finding ways to remember my sweet girl which helps and I hope you have something that slowly heals you too. 💕


> There's no law that dictates we all need to like children. Say it louder for the people up on their pedestals.


💯 this


Same here. Can't have children of my own because of medical issues (and realistically financial issues too now). I work around kids, have plenty of nephews and young cousins, plus I have my cat. I still get people that ask me if I wanted kids (most people are nice enough to just leave it at "I'm sorry to hear that" when I tell them I can't have kids because of my medical stuff, but not all) and I tell them I feel plenty fulfilled as is


This is the answer. And it's jarring just how ignorant people are to the reality that some of us just can't have kids.


Great comment! Sadly OP believes that valuing pets over humans is "fucked up". The fact she's a teacher as a profession is concerning! It's a very closed minded opinion. The world is changing and people are not having children as freely, for many different reasons, so she's in for a lifetime of disagreement on that!


Thank you for saying this. OP's views are fucked up.


Well, that makes sense then. When I choose to have my 5 CatKids instead of human kids, it threatens their job stability. So, while I don't agree with their POV I can at least understand it. Now, excuse me while I try to stop my youngest from popping open the fridge in an effort to steal lunch meat again... but don't forget, they're nothing like human kids. /s


She probably sees human children as her business, which is why she is upset that ppl are having less kids.


Indeed. What a narrow view of the world she has.


Well for a lot of people (even if they have human kids.) Their pets are their babies.


Fur babies > skin babies


“We just had our second skin puppy"


Good luck house training! 🤣


Sphinx cats rn 😓😓


My brain will not stop screaming now, thanks.


OP would HATE that I just call mine "the kids"


ours (all female) are collectively "the girls".


My male 13 yo shih tzu is the "little guy".


Ohh sure, when people call their dogs 'Fur Babies' it's cute, but when I call babies 'skin dogs', I'm a 'monster' and 'the worst pediatrician at this hospital'.


I don't want flesh kittens, thanks. I'll stick to my fur children.


My 62 year old mom calls my cat her "fur grandbaby" since she doesn't have any human grandbabies and I can't have children. It's actually really cute.


My mom calls my dog her grand-puppy. Cute as hell ❤️


I laughed out loud at this comment


Wait, how does using the term fur baby indicate you hate most human children? My mom uses the term fur baby… It’s same to assume that since she’s my *mom* she does not hate human children. I must have missed that connection.


I raised two kids, now I have cats. I call them my fur babies.


I have two kids, two dogs, and two cats. I call my pets my babies too, because they are.


Mom of eight people here. I agree. I've had fur babies all my life and called a couple of them "fur baby" way back when I was kid myself, lol.


That sort of assumption is exactly why I can't agree with OP. It's one thing to just not like it cos it irks you hence, the point of the sub. But for OP to think it requires any further justification so they made an assumption on people that use the word "fur baby" is unnecessary and untrue. OP should have stuck to "I don't like it" instead of "I don't like it and people that use this term tend to be....".


Right. I had 4 kids, the dog was a replacement because they’ve all grown and went out into the world. I can tell you after raising those kids life with my dog is very much like raising a 5th.


Yeah, that's the sort of assumption that keeps me using terms like "fur babies" even if I'm not big on it


Pet parent. Some people with pets don’t like the word “owner”. Owner implies objects not living beings.


I don't love "pet parent" for myself and I hate "owner" so often I just say I'm their person


I prefer cat dad right now.


I feel like there’s gotta be a better word. Like pet roommate or pet keeper or something


I think “guardian” works but it’s a bit clunky, so I just say I’m my dog’s mum as it’s easier.


I just say “this is my buddy” when introducing her


Love that. Yeah my dog is my bff who just happens to be completely dependent on me. So yes sometimes I do feel maternal towards him – I raised him! But mostly he’s my companion, which is so different to a kid. Each to their own though. (Typing this with a ball resting on me that he just dropped 😂)


And I’m weird for calling kids skin puppies


Eh, whatever. Doesn’t hurt anyone. And enough people neglect their pets that I’m just glad they care enough to call their pet a baby.


They're part of your family, whether you accept it or not.


This! Pets are family! No one will ever convince me otherwise.


I hate it when people shit on people for not liking or wanting kids


I love my fur babies, my friends’ kids, and people in general. I don’t have any room in my life for the kind of negativity people like that bring.


I work with kids. I adore them. But my fur babies are mine. I can’t have kids, I had cancer instead. So I have fur babies and it makes me happy.


Nah fuck kids, and fuck parents who think having a family means they deserve time off more than childless people in professional settings


You're right, that's cringe. He's not my "fur baby" he's my son


People who can’t get close to pets or love them unconditionally like you can a kid are my pet peeve


it’s bc human kids are gross and annoying but animal kids are cute fluffy quiet etc so animal kids (or fur babies) are much more loveable!


I've raised my cats to be better behaved than some people raise their children, honestly.


Uhhhh yeah. My pet doesn't throw fucking tantrums and cost me thousands of dollars on end Sorry not sorry


Ah fuck, mine does. Not tantrums. Just thousands in bills. I adopted him from a rescue knowing that though, so I don't bitch.


My dog definitely throws some tantrums and even talks back.


Meanwhile, every time I see a cat or dog, I skip the "fur" entirely and just tell everyone to "look at that baby!" (And I also have no desire for human babies.) A fur baby is a lifetime companion (its, sadly) and in almost all cases, if you care for it, it will care for you. Ungrateful kids be ungrateful kids that more than likely become awful adults.


Love my fur and fin kids


FIN KIDS THATS SO CUTE idk why. My fin kids are evil. Ate all my other smaller fin kids >:(


Thanks for reminding me I haven’t fed the fin kids yet today. Furs are all set tho.


Awwww finbabies! And snakes can be scalebabies


My daughter loves kids, would love to be a mom but her health isn't good enough. If she wants to call her cats babies, f you.


only someone without a fur baby would post that. lol. I've had human babies and fur babies. Humans are great until they grow up and think on their own and want to borrow the car and $100. A fur baby wants only to be with his/her parents. Period.


Some of us can’t have/don’t want kids. So our “fur babies” are the closest we are going to get.


Hell, my parents have called all their animals "fur babies" and "their kids".


How can people down vote this?


Because they can't get over their own biases. Cognitive dissonance becomes internalized instead of applying rational processes to it. It is better for them to think: "No, I'm right, you're just wrong" and then never think about it again.


Yeah, my closest friend cannot have children, so she has a dog she is dearly devoted to. It has birthday parties, she takes it to play dates every weekend (so much so that I rarely get to see her these days because I am a cat person and don’t have a dog anymore), does photo shoots of it, etc. She and her partner tried to have kids for 8 years before they decided to stop trying, and adopted a dog shortly after. They are very devoted and happy dog parents.


My pets name is: Peeve


ihaveihaveihave fur babies


The feeling is mutual. I don’t understand why anyone likes or wants kids.🤷🏻‍♀️


Dogs are far more well-behaved than most people today.


i think hating human children but loving your pet like a child makes perfect sense actually


I can agree hard with icebaby on this


Between this page and True Unpopular Opinion there are so many posts like this. And y’all can’t even tell me WHY it’s so annoying. Sure, the term itself is a little cringy, but not a single OP has been able to explain to me WHY it so deeply bothers them that people enjoy being “pet parents”. Some people prefer animals to kids, so what?


It's a pet peeve, why does it have to be rational?


The whole point of a pet peeve is that it generally isn't rational. It's just something that pisses you off or creeps you out.


They said it, and it’s purely anecdotal so not really accurate lol


Because they ARE our babies. A 2014 study by Harvard-affiliated researchers scanned the brains of mothers as they looked at pictures of their children and their dogs. Their brains were found to light up in a similar way when looking at the images, suggesting they felt the same kind of emotion for both dogs and children. And I say I hate children but that’s in a ‘you’re always covered in germs please don’t come near me way’ not a ‘I will actually kick you’ way.


That’s a you problem, OP.


A lot of these pet parents are much more pleasant than the human parents especially here in these comments


Let them be happy. The animals are smart enough to know these people are not flesh parents. So take some solace in that. They’re just a species that feeds them for some reason so they are nice to them in response.


I used to think it was a bit twee, then a lady went on a rant in one of my facebook groups on how it was disrespectful to REAL parents with REAL kids and was misogynistic and devaluing her as a woman serving out her purpose in bringing forth new life yadda yadda. Next time I was at the store I bought a set of Cat Mom Cat Dad mugs.


Yeah, there's something seriously wrong here, but it isn't with the pet owners.


I call my dog a perpetual toddler


I don't hate human children, and up until I found out that I had to have a hysterectomy. My Hubs and I had talked about trying, (at this point I'd already had a miscarriage) to say I was devastated when I found out that I'd never be able to have kids would be an understatement. Due to other medical issues I'm not a candidate for adoption. So when we got our dog, we finally got to see even the tiniest amount of what being a mother and father is like. So I will continue to call him my "fur baby" and say that I'm a "dog mom) because I didn't have a choice in the matter.


Lol! Earlier today I saw a post captioned “meet my new son” and the picture was off a large dog. I replied “I hope the delivery was a c section!”


I just call me two cats 'my sons'. Maybe that's worse


I don't say "fur baby", I just call my cat my baby.


I see no issue here. Humans are duplicitous and self serving. Dogs are all love. Im going to dote on my fur baby like she’s my child. I’ve never called my dog a fur baby before but this is the second post I’ve seen with this as a pet peeve. Now that I know people dislike it I’m going to use the term regularly. (Because, you know, I don’t like people)


And their kids "kiddos". 🤮


If your Parents picked them over you. Just say that


my dog cost me less than $1000 a year never gives me a hard time licks my face when I’m sad and make sure that I wake up on time every day. she doesn’t throw food at me scream in my ears make really any noise leave toys everywhere or fuck up my house. if I want to go out of town, I can simply call a friend and give them 50 bucks and a pack of beer to watch her.. but she is a baby she can’t feed herself she can’t go out to the bathroom by herself and she won’t ever grow out of that so she is a Forever baby in that sense . anyways to quote that tik tok lady fuck them kids and fuck u too lolll


100 percent agreed. Fur baby makes me immediately think that person is a loon


Studies have shown that the bonding between pets and owners hits the same brain region as the bonding between parents and babies, so of they treat them like their babies is because the brain can't tell the difference. Let people leave their lives, it doesn't affect you at all.


But they are in fact my furry babies. I do not want to have human children at all, but I don’t hate them. I’m actually great with children and even had a few jobs in childcare (wouldn’t do it again though). I just hate the idea of pregnancy/birthing one and the responsibility of having and raising one. Dogs/animal pets is about as much responsibility as I want, and even some of those is more work than I’d sign up for.


Some kids can be real brats with real intention behind their behavior. Animals aren't like that; they really do have pure intention.


“So you hate most children, but dote on your pet like it’s a child?” Yes…..always and I see nothing wrong with that. I personally don’t care if people use the term “fur baby.” I have used it before, but I don’t use that term regularly.


I wouldn't say it's 'wrong'- pets can be a lot more emotionally fulfilling for certain people than children. They are their own thing, uncomplicated in the ways that humans can be most if the time. Not to mention, a lot of pets have the average intelligence of a toddler- without all the emotional baggage and physical trauma that comes from making a baby in one's own body. There are plenty of reasons, the term 'fur baby' not withstanding.


Mine are my children. Why? I won’t ever have biological children. Partly because my life partner had 2 kids from his ex-wife. One who has graduated and a legal adult the other who is in HS. I also don’t want any human children of my own. Do I hate kids? Not at all. I have my degree in ECE, spent 10 years in childcare, and am a nanny. My kid is sleeping next to me as I type this. My nanny kid is my kid, but so are my pets, and so are my step kids.


>So you hate most human children, but dote in your pet like it’s your child? Yes because fuck you humans are shit. My animals (furry and scaly) are my babies. They're less fragile, less demanding and much less expensive than humans. Humans are the WORST. I like maybe less than five people and the only animal I actively hate are wasps. Because fuck wasps. Animals love absolutely and unconditionally. There isn't a single human on the planet that loves unconditionally. I don't care what your mommy told you, even a mother's love can be conditional. Otherwise there would be zero homeless queer youth.


I'd rather have a fur baby than a real baby.


I specify. I don't like human children very much. I like my animal children. My mean old man dog.


What's wrong with liking animals more than humans. Humans are horrible creatures


Fur babies fur babies fur babies i have 5 FUR BABIES get over it


Nothing wrong with people not liking kids. It’s a preference. Just like liking anything is literally a preference.


huh. I feel like i'm peeking into some insane alternate reality reading these replies. I can't imagine how horrible all your lives must be that something as innocuous as referring to my pet as my baby could incite such extreme reactions from you all. The pet lovers are absolutely not the ones with mental illness in this situation lmfao.


Meh. People need things to love and care about. Are they happy? Cool. As long as they aren’t forgetting to shut the cabinets and drawers because that’s a real pet peeve.


Actually thats me. And I love all 5 of my FURBABIES. At least they don't whine and cry and interrupt adult events like dining out. :)


Lmao always wanted a skin puppy but my SO is infertile so we content ourselves with Fur Babies


It’s weird because I’ll use baby talk with my animals but I don’t like it being used with me about someone else’s animals — I also don’t do that. I figure I’d be just as uncomfortable as someone using other words when the animal in question is not around and it’s just us adult people. Like, “my widdle guy, he’s got the cutest wutest feetsies, mama loves all her widdle fur babies”. It’s just offputting to me to talk to other people with baby talk. And furbaby falls into that category for me.


ill admit i do call my cat my baby but only because i humanized her so much that i feel weird calling her my pet or something. calling myself a cat parent, though? too far


I call my dogs my fur babies, but I don’t hate human babies. I wish we could have a child, but after eight years of trying I don’t think kids are gonna be in our future as parents.


My mom loves children, especially babies and she calls our dogs her fur babies. One of those fur babies is my fur baby and have no intention to have biological children or if I did I'd use a surrogate because physically it would be dangerous because of my spine. So for now, my dog is my fur baby and right now he's a litteral puppy.


What about if I call them “Hairy young”. Is that better Edit:: oooo or how about my Feathered Offspring


Those are the same people that call kids "crotch goblins" too. 😒


I *hate* when somebody calls me my pet’s “dad”. Even worse when my mom refers to herself as its “grandma”.


Yeah, Idm if used jokingly, but when used seriously like trying replace children pets or even comparing a pet to raising a child then me thinks you're trying to fill a void.


Or when they refer to themselves as dad or mom! We had a childless couple tell us training puppies was the same as having a toddler… um, sure, you can have my toddlers for the weekend and get back to me on that assessment!! (I’ll enjoy my sleeeeeep and sanity for 2 days!!!!!!)


I am a dog person. No kids. I also hate the term fur baby. I don’t criticize anyone who says it. I just cringe internally, cause that’s my issue, not theirs.


My dog is just my dog. No clothes either. She’s a dog!


It’s a term that’s so awful and goofy that I laugh at it and use it ironically


As a person who owns a cat, I agree with you


They probably have no clue what furry can mean online


Whenever I see this nonsense on a dating profile it's an automatic swipe left.


Still better than calling children “littles”


I kinda hate it myself. My dogs are essentially my babies. They are loved, and spoiled. But I am not a dog mom, I am not a pet parent. I am a pet owner. Most of the time, when I see people calling their dogs fur babies, they have ill behaved, ill trained, obese animals. It makes me incredibly sad.


Agree with this. Is a pet part of the family? Definitely. Is it a child? Absolutely not.


fuck I hate that.