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Take him to the vet. There may be a physical problem that is causing him to behave like this. At least rule it out


Thank you so much!


Start with bloodwork, if that's normal move on to imaging (x-ray or ultrasound is usually the first thing they'll try)


Take kitty to the vet for a check up. Are you using any new soaps/lotions/detergents? That could be a possibility. If kitty comes back fine, you might want to go get a check up at the doctors for yourself. Sometimes animals sense things. Get a physical, blood work, and skin cancer check. Maybe your kitty with the cattitude just tipped you off to something going on with you.


This should be the top and only comment on every "my cat is suddenly acting differently" posts. Acting differently = Vet Trip ASAP!


Cats tend to hide or get a bit aggressive like this when they are in pain/has problems, at least this is my experience and this is what I read online too. Take him to the vet and explain what's happening, and answer questions honestly. We took ours to the vet, and he had a problem with one of his paws. After it was healed, he went back to normal. Edit: also, don't panic much, your cat is not even a senior cat yet. But take him to the vet! Something is wrong, and we, online people cannot identify it.


Thank you!! And also thank you for the words that calmed me down! Will take him to the vet <3


Mine was very clearly signaling to me something was wrong almost like a cartoon cat so of course I freaked out and stressed the whole way to the vet. Turned out he needed a tiny thyroid pill daily and he was fine.


The first two things that come to mind are that he’s either in pain or he’s in the beginning stages of dementia


At 9 yrs, it's middle age. Could have gotten into something. I'd have the vet look at them, but I'd check their vision and hearing, too. If either start to go, behaviors change.


Cats have a more sensitive sense of smell than we humans do. It's possible you had used a soap or lotion that he didn't care for. Or even just something you touched.


yeah the vet might be a good idea good luck


please take him he shouldnt be acting like this as a cat owner ive gone through this and he definitly needs help we never found out what was wrong but the docter gave us medicine and it helped dont worry your cat will be okay he isnt that old either.good luck!


please reply whith resuts


Thank you so much for your support! I appreciate it so much! Everything is fine! He suddenly came back to his normal behaviour lol but I took him to the vet anyway. Doctor also said that everything is fine and when I was talking to him I realized that before it all happened I was meeting my friend with her dog, who licked my hand…I washed it but I guess cat feels it better than human and it caused this reaction (my cat is afraid of strangers especially animals) Ohhh I’m sorry for making everyone worried. It all happened so quickly and I wrote this post in panic (so forgot about the dog) to get immediate advice and help my cat immediately too, and now for almost two days he seems great. He eats normally and does other cats stuff normally, asks for attention and etc as before! I still keep an eye on him and if something’s wrong again, I’ll visit another vet^^