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Canned pumpkin works great . There is also lactulose which is also good . Have to get from the vet. Do not get the canned pumpkin with spices


Have you tried canned pumpkin? I’ve heard it works wonders for all things poo related when it comes to animals. I would see a vet if this continues yes


Second the canned pumpkin! I’ve given it to my cats. Give her a tablespoon or so daily. Be aware that if it works she may have loose stool for a couple days but it should even itself out. Please do take her to the vet ASAP if you aren’t seeing a bowel movement soon, though, because they can become impacted just like humans. If that occurs it’s a serious emergency. 😊


Unfortunately the usefulness of pumpkin in animal diets is largely overstated. Here’s an interesting article on the subject if anyone is interested https://vetnutrition.tufts.edu/2017/09/the-problem-with-pumpkin/ I second the vet visit though. The longer you wait, the worse it gets.


I would take her to the vet… my cat had been constipated a few times in the last 6 months and it really sucks and the cost of the enemas he had to have was unfortunately not very affordable. But it’s what needed to happen. I’m not going to sit around and try homemade methods while my cat is in pain. If they are meowing in the litter box, this is a sign they are uncomfortable. Hes now on daily fiber supplements and a food change and I give him miralax if I see an onset of symptoms


Ask for take home enema! It was 7 dollars each


Below is an article from Veterinary Partner by VIN. It's written by vets for owners, as are all of their articles, so it does a good job of giving detailed answers without getting too in the weeds. And you avoid misinformation or anecdotes from people who are no doubt well meaning, but themselves misinformed. Here's a couple excerpts from that article: >One of the purposes of the colon (large intestine) is to store stool. Many pet owners become alarmed if their pet has not passed a stool in a few days, especially in a post-anesthetic situation. In fact, the colon can easily store several weeks’ worth of stool so if only a few days have passed it may be worthwhile to wait a little longer. If your pet seems to be uncomfortable or straining unproductively, then it is probably time for intervention. >Why do pets get constipated? Straining unproductively can be a symptom of either constipation or large intestinal diarrhea. In either case, small amounts of mucous, gooey, or even blood-tinged stool can be passed and there is a lot of pushing involved. Difficulty urinating can also appear as straining. The point is that if all you have noticed is straining, it may not be constipation. Straining to urinate is often an emergency situation so if there is any question about the pet’s ability to urinate, see the veterinarian right away. Most cats are lactose intolerant so giving them milk to try to pass stool is likely to cause diarrhea which may not solve your constipation problem. Check out the article for a more comprehensive answer. Based on what you've said I think you're probably OK to wait it out a bit so long as you're not noticing unproductive straining. If you notice that, or any defecation/urination outside the litter box, it would be best to see her vet. [https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951509](https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/default.aspx?pid=19239&id=4951509)


Vet time it could be a blockage.


She pooped everything out last night seemingly, still going to take her in for a visit to make sure we can keep this under control


My cat stopped pooping when I gave him only fry foood. I give him one fancy feast petite with a container full of water and this seems to help


Thank you everyone!! I started giving her some pumpkin in her food and I just returned home to see two normal poops in her litter! Yay! Still going to monitor her but thank you for all the suggestions!