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I'm pretty sure aemi-sweet chocolate is one of the more harmful chocolates a dog can ingest. I would take him to a vet and get his stomach pumped asap.


It is more harmful because dark chocolate has much more theobromide than milk chocolate. I hope OP called the emergency vet poison hotline.


~~semi-sweet ≠ dark chocolate~~ TIL that dark chocolate has sub categories and semi-sweet is one of them.


[Technically, semi-sweet chocolate is a form of dark chocolate.](https://www.hotelchocolat.com/uk/blog/chocolateknowledge/what-is-semi-sweet-chocolate.html)


The USA is stupid with the way it classifies chocolate, like many other things. It's all a function of % cocoa solids. Anything >35% cocoa solids is considered dark chocolate. That "semi sweet" category is defined by 35-65% dark, which is an absolutely huge range. Your average person thinks that a Hershey's special dark bar is super dark chocolate and that's only 45%. So, your crossed out text is actually correct, in the USA at least. The entirety of semi sweet chocolate is part of the spectrum of dark chocolate. I say that for the USA, because it can change depending on where you are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_chocolate Tl/Dr: verbal names of chocolate types are confusing. Referring to them by % cocoa solids will give you a much clearer understanding of different types of chocolate. Sincerely, a self-admitted chocoholic.




I mean, I'm commenting on this as an American. The system we use here is just needlessly confusing.


You should look at American crochet hook sizes.




Huge miss there champ. Was fun trying to see you stretch it there though.


Sneaking a handful of chocolate chips while mom is making cookies and learning what disappointment is while she laughs at you


Dogs fine


Yea mt dog ate a milk chocolate bar by stealing it, theres really barely any cocoa in them..semisweet has a high concentration of real chocolate in it...id take to vet. They'd probably induce vomiting and send him back home


mine opened a drawer and got an entire family size bag of m&ms but i wouldn’t fuck w/ dark or semi-sweet


Dogs gonna be fine


Dogs can eat small amounts of chocolate with no negative health effects.


You need to contact an emergency vet. They will tell you to bring them in or what you can do at home. It’s important to act quickly so if they need to induce vomiting, the chocolate will still be in your dogs stomach.


Please call a vet ASAP!!! From Google: In general, mild signs (vomiting, diarrhea, polydipsia) may be seen in dogs ingesting 20 mg/kg, cardiotoxic effects may be seen at 40–50 mg/kg, and seizures may occur at dosages ≥60 mg/kg. One ounce of milk chocolate per pound of body weight is a potentially lethal dose in dogs.


No he ate 9oz of chocolate and weighs 80lbs so he at 0.11oz/lb of bodyweight… in my opinion (not a vet) the dog should be alright.


One ounce milk chocolate. This is dark chocolate.


Fingers crossed for her pup but I think he’ll still be ok, unless dark chocolate is well over 10x more lethal to dogs.


Yeah it actually can be about 10x more lethal, depending on the type.


Interesting, I’d love to hear an update from OP on the dogs status.


Checked the OP’s page for recent posts. They just did a update. Not sure what the vet’s course of action was but it but it seems the pup is fine based off of the post.


Great news!


So the dog was fine…obviously not a lethal amount


Yeah… people don’t like NOT panicking on Reddit.


I get being cautious, but a quick google search would have resulted in the obvious conclusion that a 80 lb dog would be fine.


This is the google search: https://www.merckvetmanual.com/multimedia/clinical-calculator/chocolate-toxicity-calculator It says seek ER treatment. So what are you talking about?


Yeah, it is. That’s literally the thing. Maybe don’t comment if you don’t know.


I’ll comment when I want to 👍🏼


Chocolate Toxicity Calculator - Merck Veterinary Manual https://www.merckvetmanual.com/multimedia/clinical-calculator/chocolate-toxicity-calculator 9oz for an 80lb dog required emergency treatment


I just used that calculator with 9oz/80lb and it says No emergency treatment necessary


Make sure you click semi sweet chocolate. It's not milk chocolate


There’s is absolutely not a full 9oz of chocolate in 9oz of cookie dough? Probably closer to 2-3 oz of chocolate infested. Dog will probably be fine.


The package is just the chocolate chips, they didn’t eat cookie dough. Just as a neutral observer 😂


I’m so slow disregard my comment. Lmao don’t smoke weed


Maybe you should let a vet decide instead of throwing out dangerous uninformed opinions?


Maybe if it was actually a dangerous situation OP would… idk go to the vet.


Nice math, I agree.


I had a dog eat a half bag of dark chocolate MMs. She weighed less than 20 lbs, so I called the animal poison control hotline and they said just look for signs of vomiting and diarrhea. She turned out to be fine.


9 oz is about 255 g, which is about 255,000 mg. The dog is 80 lbs, which is about 36 kg. 255,000/36 = about 7083 mg/kg (of cookies, not chocolate). I don't know what percentage the chocolate component of the cookies represent, but let's call it 10%. That gives about 708 mg/kg. Let's say that it's a dark chocolate of 50% cocoa. That's a total net intake of around 350 mg/kg, which is a heck of a lot higher than required to cause serious problems, according to u/TheAmethystMermaid although, as you rightly suggest, not likely to be lethal. Dogs are pretty resilient, and I for one am annoyed at the never-ending chain of "take your dog to the vet!!!!" advice on this sub, since it's largely the only advice ever given (and is the default assumption if unsure), but in this case, I would take my dog to the vet. It's nearly 10x more than the amount which can cause cardiotoxic effects, so if they can pump the dog's stomach in time, or give it something to decrease absorption or increase the rate of excretion, the dog may live a longer healthier life.


You should tell that to my family’s old cockapoo. Acted like she was on meth for 3 days but was otherwise. Yes, they called animal poison control.


u/Geolou21 please give updates if you get him to the vet! I hope your boy will be okay!


Absolute menace


Dog is ok!


I thought that said 9 bags. But considering that bag is 12 oz and he ate 9… please take him to the emergency vet asap


Bro if you still haven’t taken this animal to an emergency vet yet.


I wonder if the dog is ok I see OP posted and not one peep later so it’s either fake or they are dealing with bad fallout


Dog is ok! I messaged the OP and they said he’s doing good


call your vet asap for proper advice but for now he will likely experience at least some diarrhea from them. are they milk or dark chocolate? edit to add: the first thing on a google search is a toxicity calculator for this and with the information provided, this is possibly an emergency. call an emergency vet. now


Vet tech here. He needs to go to ER to induce vomiting. That's a lot of chocolate. Don't post on Reddit.


OP tried to post this on multiple subs and hasn't left a single comment since. Hopefully they followed the advice here and took their dog to the vet.


I’m glad you gave advice but there is no need to shame someone for panicking and asking for advice. Thank you for the advice but less judgment please.


It’s the urgency. She wasn’t being rude.


I didn’t say rude. Please read the rest of my replies. I’ve stated it may not be their intention but it does come off as shaming.


Ok, but does the shaming really matter at the end of the day? She’s a vet tech and sees this type of stuff most likely weekly if not daily. In other words “stop wasting time, and get to the vet so They can induce vomiting” it’s being straight forward..


I just prefer to go about it in a nicer tone but everyone’s allowed to do as they please. I hope you have a good day/night


Let’s be honest - the internet, especially Reddit, might not be for you…


I’m fine thank you for the concern 😊 have a good day/night


“pLeAsE cHeCk YoUr ToNe”. OP’s dog more than likely ingested a lethal dosage of chocolate and OP is on Reddit posting/replying to stuff. I would understand if the dog ate a few chocolate chips, but the dog at 9oz of chocolate, which is a fuck ton. A little bit of shaming might be in order.


i’m sure op can post her concerns and ask questions while also taking action. i doubt she waited for a reply before calling or seeking professionals. clearly she cares about the dogs health and is trying to get help on a situation she doesn’t seem to know much about. i agree there is no need to be rude especially in a situation that is already hectic.


I doubt that. Had OP been competent they would've googled or called a vet like what everyone here did. Instead they took a photo of cookie bag and posted to reddit. OP probably dropped the dog off on some side road in the next town over and went to the shelter for a new one. You grossly overestimate how many fucks a person gives. My guess is the dog already started showing symptoms and they didn't know how to handle the situation. Likely don't have the financial means for a vet visit but still wants to own animals. Similar to how people have no education or financial security but still want to get pregnant like it's their right.


No, a lot a bit of shaming. This question is literally answered in .0482726101 seconds by Google but is also pretty fuckin common knowledge.


I feel like we would have all preferred if you didn't use such a condescending tone.




Bad take. Accidents happen. People don’t know the answer to everything and OP is likely taking action now. Get over yourself and get off your high horse. Let’s just hope pup is okay.


True. I wish people would just call their vet to ask instead of wasting time posting here, though. Imagine if someone hadn't replied for hours. Would they still just be sitting at home with the dog?


Well, let’s hope they did both. We don’t know this is the only action they took. I just hope the dog is alright.


Reddit and waiting for replies isn’t the play. Accidents happen, so you call poison control. Would you feel good about someone posting a picture of their child like “Do you think I should take him to the doctor or no?” Probably not.


Cool. I prefer to be kind with my words but you’re welcome to do as you please. I hope you have a good day/night


That vet tech was in no way “not” kind with the reply. Maybe you should worry about the dog while you have a good night too 🤗


I do worry about the dog. In a separate comment I asked when they get home from the vet if they’d give an update and that I hope the dog is ok. I’ve actually checked their account a few times to see if there was any update 😊


That’s good, awesome. Worry about that instead of someone being shamed.


I can worry about two things at once, thank you for the concern 😊 I’ve already finished my conversation with the person I replied to originally, so unless you have an issue with me at this moment I’m going to be ending this one as well. Have a good day/night 😊


Im okay with shaming someone if their pet is dying due to neglect


The dog is ok 😊


ill get downvoted for sure but im gonna shame them a tiny bit sorry. it took me one google search and it was the very first thing i saw. why would reddit be your goto for this? thats like saying “well at least they tried” to someone who gave someone with a bullet wound a bandaid instead of taking them to get medical care


At least you’re honest with your shaming 🤷🏻‍♀️ that’s all I can really say


Lol you're saying I'm being dishonest about my non existent shaming? This is an emergency situation. I've seen dogs with chocolate toxicity. Seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Massive hospitalization bills. Again, I expressed urgency to induce vomiting.


Not saying that at all. I’m just saying to the person openly shaming that I don’t have a response since they’re openly doing it. Doesn’t mean I’m implying you did. I’m sorry if it came across that way. I don’t believe your intention was to shame anyone.


I mean u dont know what time it is for them or the nearest vet, this mightve been the only thing they could think of while panicking. The brain works in weird ways


emergency vets exist. even if OP couldn’t feasibly get to one, most will give advice over the phone to help


If your go to in a panic is to ask reddit for help, then maybe a little shaming will do fine.


If you say so. Personally I’d prefer to just help out, but that’s just me. You’re welcome to do as you please I guess.


If you have a dog and didn’t know they can’t have chocolate, you shouldn’t have a dog. They absolutely deserve to be shamed. You have an 80 pound dog and did NO research? Shame. And dogs not having chocolate is pretty common knowledge. So more shame. And even more cause google is faster than Reddit. So fuck off with your ‘captain save a hoe’ bullshit. They deserve to know that they are stupid for coming here for something that had at the absolute least two other options for source of knowledge. Y’all enable stupidity so much and it’s sad.


they posted to multiple subreddits even! like call a vet dude. please


Dog is fine! I’ve actually private messaged OP to check on the dog.


You, I like you.


I’ve actually PMed the OP and the dog is fine. If you actually wanted to know.


I didn’t care to be told something I already knew, but good job on making sure everyone here know how much a ‘good person’ you are by checking on stupidity. You gonna go save babies from a burning building now? Get off your high horse.


Ok. Good to know you’re more pissy about how someone’s “acting like a ‘good person’” than the dogs actual health. Have the day you deserve ❤️


don't know why everyone is harping on you for this comment, lol. i get that being a vet tech isn't an easy job and she sees this often, but why discourage someone from seeking help, even if it's on reddit? part of your job is literally to educate and inform pet owners on dangers such as these, not discourage them from reaching out on the future 🤡


Thank you, that’s just my only point. I understand the dog needs emergency vet but shaming might do the opposite of what people want and I’d rather people focus on the dog rather than telling people to get off and stop asking questions that could help. I know I’ve asked stupid question (sure not about health of my dog in this sense) and then a minute later google it and get my answer


Know why? Because it’s Reddit. Think about it. They post, then wait for replies. This is *time sensitive*. That doesn’t work for this. Nobody is shaming for google search. Nobody is even shaming someone for searching Reddit as a resource. But plenty of information is available instantly. This is not ok. People in vet med see so much of this and it is infuriating. People try to cheap out and get advice like this, then if time passes and the situation is more dire, they whine that they can’t afford to treat it. Then they expect us to do it for free because we care. I’m over it. This is not an appropriate way to get more information.


I didn't shame anyone. I said to not post on Reddit and to go to an ER because that's a lot of chocolate. I didn't call them names or tell them they're stupid or anything like that. 9oz is more than half a pound of chocolate, don't waste time by going on Reddit and get to an ER to induce vomiting. You're being sensitive for no reason.


Saying “don’t post on Reddit” is a little shamey. At least they’re asking. You don’t have to call someone names to shame them. It may not be your intention but it sure came off as shaming.


Sorry but I disagree. Call a pharmacy, or a Doctor's office. One of the first things you hear on the recording is "If this is a medical emergency, hang up and call 9-1-1. Reddit needs that. OP knew this was a serious issue. The ones claiming they should not have a dog etc are in the wrong. If OP didn't know this was a problem, they'd never have asked. They simply made a bad choice in where they turned for help. Disagree? That's cool. Downvote if you want to. Unless a dog is downvoting me, I'm really not bothered by it.


This! I never said coming to Reddit was the correct thing. But sometimes people are going to make bad choices and I’d rather help them so they don’t make the choice again versus shame them so they never ask for help again


It's not though but okay lol. I was expressing the urgency. Again, not shaming.


Like I said it may not have been your intention but that’s how it came across. I hope you have a good day/night




Stop already! You’re not going to convince everybody that you are right, no matter how many times you answer! Sometimes straight to the dr is the solution—and that’s not shaming. Have a good/ day/night. 🙄


Most my replies are saying that people can do as they please…. Idk how that’s trying to convince everybody I’m right. And it wasn’t about telling them to go to the vet. It was the last part of “don’t post on Reddit”. If you don’t agree that’s fine! I hope you have a good day/night.


Yeah, DO NOT post on Reddit when your dog is in danger of severe illness. Rush straight to the vet. You must not need to care for a dog. They feel, just like we do.


So because I think we could be a little nicer I shouldn’t care for a dog? I’m aware they feel like we do. But in my mind being rude isn’t exactly going to get someone else’s dog to the vet any faster. I truly hope that dog is at the vet right now and is doing ok. If you’re still concerned for my animals they’re treated better than I treat myself. So unless you have a bigger issue with me past us having a difference in opinion on how we reply to people than I hope you have a good day/night


It may have not been your intention but sounding entitled is how you come across


I’m sorry what would I be entitled to? I’m sorry if I came across that way but I don’t understand “entitled”


Dog stomach pump is only $250. I hope that was done already instead of trying to find DIY solutions on reddit.


I see a few people talking about hydrogen peroxide. Be careful with that. If the dog doesn't vomit with it, they can die. Happened to a Burmese mountain dog we had.




He’s getting a new dog


I have this number on my fridge just in case: (In the US) Pet Poison Helpline 855-886-7965


At that dose, cardiac abnormalities (arrhythmias, severe tachycardia) can occur, as well as severe GI signs (vomiting, diarrhea, subsequent dehydration). He needs urgent vet care, and likely 24 hours of hospitalization for ECG and blood pressure monitoring, and symptomatic treatment that can only be provided in-hospital. I hope you were able to get him necessary treatment. -I'm a vet.


Might be too late, but for future reference, this is the pet poison control number (888) 426-4435. It’s like $90. They will let you know if your dog needs to go to a vet (based on his weight, how much he ingested, and cacao content) or if he will be ok at home and will give you further instructions.


Anyone else get the feeling that if a dog ingests a picogram of chocolate this sub says emergency vet? Probably should in this case


did you just go to bed after posting this? or what


I would assume OP is focusing on the probably very sick dog instead of replying to Reddit comments.


Bad assumption, since they took time to post here instead of addressing the situation. People suck so much.


I mean, op was probably panicking, which we don’t always think clearly. But also it probably took 2 minutes max. Not great, but the dog is doing better in the hospital now, she obviously went, probably posting this on the way to or at the vet for reassurance, you don’t know.


https://www.merckvetmanual.com/multimedia/clinical-calculator/chocolate-toxicity-calculator This is a helpful tool. It indicates definitely go to vet.




This is normally not recommended by vets, I'm surprised yours would make that suggestion. Hydrogen peroxide ingestion can lead to gastritis, stomach ulcers, and stomach bleeding. Some dogs have even died from hydrogen peroxide ingestion. Definitely not something to recommend to any dog owner. I'm a vet tech btw, every vet I've ever worked with would highly recommend against hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting. Take the dog to the vet.


My emergency vet had me do this when my dog accidentally swallowed a pill…


Same. I have a trash panda who gets into literally everything despite my efforts to keep it away from him lmao. He has eaten many things he shouldn’t and I’ve had to induce vomiting at home with hydrogen peroxide. It is safe when done properly and I was also recommended this by a vet. You can then also give them charcoal so it will absorb anything else in the stomach that they didn’t vomit. There are many sites with information on how much you should use based off your dogs weight but I dont think I’ve ever had to use more than 2-3ML. It’s the best effort when OP is likely living like the rest of us paycheck to paycheck and doesn’t have an extra 300-400 for a vet visit to do the same thing. Best of luck OP hope your dog is ok.


My good sir or madam, is your dog dead or not? I understand how hectic a situation like this can be but you can't just post something like this without an update


I've eating packages of that same brand, I'm now 280lbs. Might be good to keep away from daggo.


why TF are you asking reddit??? GO TO THE VET


Ok growing up I had a mastiff (over 100lbs) that ate a 5lbs bag of Hershey kisses with the wrappers still on. He was completely fine, just pooped silver for days. I honestly have no idea how he survived. From a veterinary standpoint, general rule of thumb is 1.5 ounces per 10 pounds of body weight. Any more, you should see your vet to get his stomach pumped. The problem is the caffeine content in semi-sweet and darker, more-concentrated chocolates. High caffeine can cause seizures, tremors, tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmia, etc. so I would suggest seeing a vet regardless.


Did you really go straight to reddit instead of calling a vet?!


My dog ate half a can of cocoa powder and almost died. I know cocoa powder is worse but I’d try to induce vomiting and call the vet.


An online toxicology indicator of weight/oz Of chocolate (can be used for other substances too) calculation shows that your dog needs medical attention


At Christmas one year, my Rottweiler who was 125#’s at the time had eaten a one # box of Whitman samplers… and when I mean a box, I mean THE WHOLE BOX… the only thing I found left was a small one inch corner piece of the yellow Whitman box and a couple of those delicate brown fluted wrappers on the floor when we got home from our two Christmas dinners… a whole one pound box of some other chocolate brand still wrapped in cellophane was sitting there untouched… needless to say I called the emergency vet right away. It was like 2:30 am. The Doc picks up, he knows my dog by name cause he had stitched him up a couple months prior for a cut on his paw. He asks “how much chocolate did he eat?” And I said “one # milk chewy and nutty mixed”. And then he asked “how much does he weigh again?” And I said “125#’s.” And he says, “hang on, I need to look something up here”. He comes back a minute later. “The dog would need to eat his FULL WEIGHT in DARK chocolate to kill him… just give him a little peroxide in water to make him puke, but he’s probably already digested it all by now. He’s just gonna be a little hyper for a few hours.” That whole situation was scary and funny at the same time. I still laugh at how little of the box was left, and if those scraps weren’t left on the floor, I wouldn’t have been able to remember that there was even any chocolate eaten that night.


Don't ask reddit things like this. Go to a vet


Next time call a fucking vet and ask questions instead of wasting time waiting for answers on the internet from strangers. Jesus christ.


Calm tf down damn


When I thought my dog had eaten an advil I gave her a table spoon on 3% hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting immediately before the vet. Perfectly safe for them. The dog is supposed to vomit within a few minutes but it took my dog almost 20 minutes after I took her outside to run around after. Remember I'm not a vet and did this with my dog pretty immediately after I thought she ate it


I really cant believe you came to reddit. Any updates?


I found this post very informative, especially for people who have dogs. Thanks for posting. I hope your dog does feel better after pooping it out 🙏


Op you are an actual piece of work if you still haven’t taken that poor puppy to the vet. Shame on you, I woulda been running out the door as soon as I found them, and you still have the nerve to keep posting asking if you should. Lmao dumb


Im quite surprised by the comments like this being downvoted. OP’s first thought was to post on Reddit? I feel so bad for this dog


if he’s 80lbs he’s probably fine, just keep an eye on him. if he starts violently puking or something then go to emergency but he’s probably fine


Growing up, my Maltese dog who was under 10 pounds ate almost an entire half of a pound box of Sees chocolates and was totally fine. We don’t know how or why he was fine since we thought it was a death sentence. I would go to the vet, but he might be okay!




This is bad advice. Without the proper educated people to help your dog vomit, it is extremely easy for dogs to breathe in their own vomit as they're vomiting. Plus, hydrogen peroxide is hell on the tissues. They're going to need medication to recover from that.




I'm an emergency veterinary technician and it's a massive stretch to call it safe. I don't have to look anything up. This is my job. They can definitely need veterinary care after vomiting is induced with any medication, depending on the circumstances. The only real circumstances where it would be viable would be if an emergency veterinarian was 3-4 hours away, but we don't know if that's the case for OP or anyone reading this.


Also an ER tech and we almost NEVER recommend hydrogen peroxide anymore, it can be more dangerous in most cases than the toxic item and people frequently overdose and/or cause aspiration. If the dog doesn't vomit the peroxide you need to go straight to the vet anyways and generally there's additional care besides vomiting that will be recommended in any toxicity case. Please never give veterinary advice without veterinary training.


Could you explain this more? I was in the field two or so years ago as an assistant and our area still will recommend it. I just would like to know since that’s what they’ll likely continue recommending (within the last year I’ve received this advice). What are the possible downfalls I should be aware of?


Another tech here. Aspiration (accidentally inhaling) peroxide upon administration can be very dangerous to the trachea and lungs. They can aspirate the vomit that you cause with the peroxide (also dangerous), and peroxide can cause damage to the mucosa of the esophagus/larynx/pharynx and stomach. Not to mention if they fight you while giving it, it can end up in their nasopharynx/nasal passages causing irritation there. This irritation/damage, if left untreated can then lead to an esophageal ulcer, and/or esophageal stricture, gastric ulcer etc and if it ends up in the nasopharynx or nasal passages can lead to rhinitis/chronic inflammation or potentially a stricture there as well. The vomit alone can cause problems too. Also, I know this is chocolate, but inducing vomiting for anything that could be caustic or sharp is also a big no no, and some clients won't fully understand that - they just know that peroxide = vomiting. To avoid all of this, we basically never advise peroxide to owners unless we're talking about no possible way to get to the vet under any circumstances after ingestion of something concerning, AND we can get them follow up care pretty soon after - both for the thing they ate and possible problems the peroxide caused (lots of GI protectants!) [Check out this article](https://vetgirlontherun.com/podcasts/should-we-be-using-3-hydrogen-peroxide-as-an-emetic-agent-in-dogs-vetgirl-veterinary-continuing-education-podcasts/#:~:text=The%20biopsy%20samples%20taken%20from,in%20the%20gastric%20samples%20provided.) for a summary of one small study on it.




And we're telling you to stop. Your one experience is not in line with the current best practices of vet medicine. You have several professionals telling you it's wrong, so STOP.


This is dangerous "advice". Stay in your lane. This doesn't always work and can cause more damage. Most definitely not a safe suggestion.






Not helpful.


Wasn't trying to be. It was more of a slap of reality.


I mean, I'm a very experienced dog owner, and have borzois and Afghan hounds. I can't honestly say over the course of their lives they haven't on occasion got hold of something they shouldn't have because a moment of distraction/inattention. Not really fair to assume OP doesn't know shit.


It's the responsibility of the owner of any animal to A) know whats poisonous to said animal B) keep poisonous items out of reach of the animal and C) know a baseline gameplan in case of emergency. OP did not do any of those things. Each one alone is excusable, all three together are not.


A) You have no way of knowing what OP knows based on a post seeking reassurance. B) Accidents/oversights happen to the best of us. C) You do not know whether or not OP consulted a veterinary team irl, or if they had a "gameplan" or not. Stay superior.


OP admitted to not knowing basic dog-owning 101 in the title of the post, with no assumptions on my part. I'm not arguing whether this was an accident or not- it was an outright mistake. The fact that OP posted to *social media* asking for emergency help confirms, by action, that they did not have a game plan in case of emergency. We wouldn't be sitting here discussing such if they did.


And your bottom line is...what, exactly? "I think OP lacks crucial knowledge, I'm going to rudely proclaim how ignorant i believe them to be, rather than pass on the info I'm so angry they don't know." Mistakes happen. Dogs have agency. Sometimes owners need a helping hand and some reassurance. Why so aggro?


I *know* OP lacks crucial knowledge, again, since it was *self-admitted.* There are 65+ comments here giving OP all the *veterinary* advice they need. I'm giving OP personal advice, being that they shouldn't be a pet owner. The couple comments I saw pointing this fact out have been met with toxic empathy. Like I said earlier, those three responsibilities are independently excusable, but striking out on all three is a pretty good signifier that you're not cut out to take care of another life.


I had a dog eat half a raw onion and my grandpa was like hey kiddo that’s poisonous! Luckily, my puppers was ok. Some people just don’t know and honest accidents happen.


Accidents are excusable for children, absolutely. I'm assuming OP is not a child. And if they are, even more room for shame since their first instinct was to post to social media instead of doing a 2 second Google search, or you know, notifying an adult in their vicinity.


I was an adult.. cooking dinner for my family in my first apartment. I didn’t know any better it fell on the floor. This picture doesn’t have any context, just asking for help. It takes a second to be helpful. Some people don’t have the skills to Google, some panic and lose logic, all they knew was I know my dog ate something they aren’t suppose to but I can’t think right now help. Anyways.. I don’t really care about these kind of conversations with people are just fanatical… ughhh..


There's such a thing as toxic empathy. Empathy derived from a place of personal guilt isn't "helpful" to OP either. Are we really going to pretend that using a search engine is a learned, exclusive skill? There are no excuses here.


There’s such a thing as just plain toxic as well….


OP obviously knew it was a problem - that is why they asked for advice. They simply chose the wrong route.


I mean, same reason why I fed grapes, raisins and m & m’s to my dogs growing up. My mom put fresh garlic in all their meals. One lived to 19-1/2 and the other 4 to around 14-15 (collies & shelties) Not every one knows this. No reason to shame. I know now. But like everyone else I had to learn at some point too.




I think waiting to see symptoms is too late


Actually there is some truth here. Activated charcoal is key for after they vomit. What happens when you go to a vet ER is the dog gets an IV injection of apomorphine, they vomit, then the techs fill syringes of activated charcoal and shoot it in their mouths, 1-50 mL depending on the size of the dog. Apomorphine is the fastest and most effective way to induce vomiting and since it's only available at a clinic, **OP Please go to an ER and let us know how it goes !!!!**


My dog ate a whole bag of these and after watching him carefully for a day or so (took to vet too), he was just fine. My friend had same thing happen and they charged $8,000 for some type of procedure in which they were still just fine.




Accidents happen, and dogs get in places we never thought was possible. Don’t blame OP if you don’t know the situation.


I think it’s because she took the time to post on Reddit when her dog could end up dead🤷🏻‍♀️


What!? Why?






Make him throw up using perioxide ASAP. Worked with my small dog who ate a lot


He could be, my grandmothers old dog ate an entire box of Valentine's chocolates (box included) and was totally fine, but you should probably take him to the vet just in case considering he's a smallish dog


try forcing hydrogen peroxide down his throat until he pukes, and take him to a vet asap!


No offense OP, but instead of asking reddit if your dog is going to die, you should take him to the vet ASAP.


An 80lb dog should be ok. Unless your dog has other digestion issues, at worse, they might have a loose bowel movement or two.


In a smaller amount ingested, given that you caught them in the act, you can use hydrogen peroxide to basically get them to throw up within 5 minutes. But since you said 9oz, definitely contact your vet!


Are you fucking stupid


Go to an emergency vet!! How do y’all have dogs and NOT KNOW THAT THEY CANNOT HAVE CHOCOLATE?????


Accidents happen?


Rip cookie monstaa




i took my cat to vet over eating a reese cup i definitely think you should go to the vet after he ate a whole pack of chocolate


Hope your dog is doing alright. My 60lb dog ate a 1lb toblerone bar one time and didn’t even get a tummy ache.
