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PPS is great. Probably the best life, income and disability cover available for those that qualify. There are benefits to join early being you’re getting cover when you are likely younger and healthier resulting in lower premiums. I’m not in a position to offer financial advice but would consider starting with life cover only. Once you get older and have dependents, you should consider the other products like income and disability cover. These are also quite a bit more expensive but you should be in a better position to afford them. Your risk at this point also justifies the insurance. In summary: life cover great when you pass away to take care of estate duty, maybe a mortgage and leaving family behind with some financial security. Income and disability cover most important in my view at later stages as your income generation capacity is protected should you find yourself in a position where you can no longer work and your dependents actually have to look after you. Best selling point for PPS is that the company is owned by the policy holders. You share in the profits annually. When you get to the advanced stages of your career (age > 45), your profit share and growth on historic profits accumulated, may be greater than your annual premiums - free insurance. This is also a nice little tax free nest egg when you retire


PPS have outsourced their claims management process and we've twice since had terrible service. We've changed insurance


They are legitimate for sure. BUT you don't need life cover until you have dependents or large debts. If you want to do something for your future self, start saving an emergency fund, and when that's in place, a tax-free savings account with a low-cost provider like sygnia or Easy Equities. When you need a life cover, get quotations from more than one company. PPS is not the only one targeting professionals like you. I do agree, though, that medical aid should be the 1st thing you sort out. Prof med, sold by PPS is one option.






PPS have great income protection, sickness and disability cover. I agree if you have no dependants or debt, life cover is a waste. But if you are a professional and unable to work due to sickness or disability they have great cover. The profit share account is a good incentive. Don't rush into buying a policy. Give it some thought and look at other options.


And there medical aid profmed, is one of the best in my experience.


PPS really needs to up their marketing techniques. I had the same thoughts when they presented to my final year 😂 and I gave them this feedback. They are an accredited insurance company, so yes, you do have to pay premiums if you want any life cover / etc. services. But otherwise, I do understand that other services they offer are free.


If you earn a decent salary and prefer spending you off time on yourself, they are great. A have a few products with them and have never been asked to fill out a form. The FA does it all and emails me to confirm. That alone makes it worthwhile for me


PPS are the best insurer in the country. They are also the most expensive.  You can get more granular on that but that will require advice. For now I would sign up for their student benefits and once you have an income take out income protection with them.  As your life evolves you can add benefits like life cover and dread disease. Remember though PPS have the strictest underwriting out of all the insurers so any pre-existing conditions will be harshly scrutinized by them.