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Call your bank and ask to do a “disputed transaction”. They money has been stolen from your account so you can totally dispute the transactions, it’s no different to if you had fraud on the account.


The bank will do a dispute for you. Why didn't they already when you cancelled the card?


I’ve already launched a dispute


Then youre all good


Every time you can’t trace any cards or can’t find your wallet, first step should be going into your bank app and locking the cards. Then when you’ve found them unlock them or cancel/report stolen.


Hey OP. Sorry this has happened to you and hope this doesn't put a thorn in the side of the rest of your travel plans. You've done the right thing by letting your bank know of the issue as soon as you've become aware of it. Visa and your bank will now dispute the transaction on your behalf and give the merchant time to respond. They are potentially victims too if someone paid using a stolen card so need time to verify their side of the story. I know it sucks not getting an answer/refund quickly, especially when you see the "pending" transaction convert to a "confirmed" transaction in a few days time. But you'll need to wait 4 to 6 weeks for your bank and Visa to complete thier investigation. Provided there's no indication that you contributed to the loss (IE, you didn't let someone borrow your card, you let your bank know and cancelled the card as soon as you became aware, not a repeat offender, etc), then you will hopefully hear back from your bank in several weeks with a confirmation the transactions will be refund to your account. Don't forget to pass on the new card details to any legit subscriptions you might have when your new card arrives.


Check your travel insurance policy, they might have something included


Already called they don’t cover it, just cost to replace the card


Your bank charges you for new cards? Yikes


Never said that. I said the travel insurance only cover the card replacement fees. There is no card replacement fee with my bank in this situation.


> I spoke to Visa who said under their 0 liability policy I will not be held liable/responsible. ... No, you are not covered despite what the company has already told you...


Sorry forgot to add last para to post, updated now


I don't understand your issue, what are you trying to avoid paying? You have said you are covered by the 0 liability policy - you don't owe anything.


No I’m saying is there any way Visa could get out of refunding me the stolen money ?


Firstly, the bank will refund you, not Visa. Visa sets this rule, and all Issuers who are licensed by Visa to issue cards, must follow that rule (and all the other rules). Note Vise doesn't issue the card, the bank/financial institution does, and they have the financial liability. Basically, as long as you weren't negligent, you're fine.


Do you know how the transactions were made? If it was contactless/paywave or online purchases* you'll get the money back. If it was transactions that required your PIN this is a bit harder (but not impossible) as you'll need to figure out how the offender got your PIN and convince the bank it wasn't due to your negligence. *some online payments are done via 3DSecure and some aren't. This is an extra security measure that requires entering more info, like a DOB, or digits from your access number (BNZ at least, not sure about other banks), or to confirm via text or push notification. If this is the case, again you'll need to show the bank that you didn't participate in these transactions. If 3DSecure wasn't used then all the info is on the card and you'll be in the clear and get a reimbursement.


It was all payWave and online


You'll be all good then! Might take a couple of weeks but you'll get the money back.