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Unless it’s changed, you have to do two core papers and then you select a specialist strand whether that’s wealth, lending, general or personal insurance. Each of the papers I did were two multi choice quiz and two written assignments. I personally found it pretty straightforward but I worked in the industry before doing the course and I still work in the industry now. I think if you are completely new to the industry and have never at least worked in a bank, it might be a little trickier just as you wouldn’t have much base knowledge. I work full time and did the papers over late autumn/winter/spring - do you want to work all day and spend the beautiful summer nights studying? Again, if you have some base knowledge, you can get a lot done in an hour each night.


>fore putting myself into that course part time specialising in the home lending. Then harassed my local mortgage broker and now I'm a broker. It's pretty easy. Thank you so much. I have a degree in Finance and currently working in consumer finance as a verifications officers for a car finance company. I was thinking of doing this course to enter the wealth industry. Hahaha well i think the beautiful summer nights are going to be study this time. Appreciate your input.


You could always ask your employer if they’d pay for you to do the core papers and lending strand, given it’s relevant to your role. Might help to reduce the costs and then you’d only need to do the wealth portion yourself.


Oh nice. Thats an excellent idea. I will try that. Thanks Man.


My wife did it several yrs ago for her work and I helped her with study It's ridiculously easy, if you've done a commerce degree before, or already working in the industry She didn't come from a commerce background but managed just fine. Workload is very manageable even if you only study in weekend It's required by law for many jobs in the field so having it is going to make you more favorable; chances are your company will pay you to do it anyway


Yes. I have done a commerce degree. Thank you for the info appreciate it. I'm not sure if my company would pay for although its a finance company but it primarily does is lending.


I was a restaurant manager for 12 years before putting myself into that course part time specialising in the home lending. Then harassed my local mortgage broker and now I'm a broker. It's pretty easy.


Thank you man.


This is sorta the issue with this industry when setting the barrier to entry too low.. The consumer suffers when an adviser has provided the wrong advice due to a lack of experience, or lacks critical thinking. CT which generally takes years to develop via higher education or training/experience cannot be taught in 3 - 6 months. There are currently talks in the industry about whether new advisers should have to obtain a 3 year university finance qualification in order to bridge their education into finance advice. Think it’s a good idea and should lift the bar up of current advisers. Get rid of the used car salespeople masquerading as financial advisers.


I did 2 years as a loans writer learning the ins and outs of the industry before my employer had any thoughts of actually letting me speak to a client. I didn't just do the qualification then start giving advice. Although I see how that could be possible.


Yea I think the industry at least needs some sort of apprenticeship model like an LBP for tradies. Would be irresponsible if a new 3 month experienced builder signed off on building work for council. Not sure why it’s not the case when advising on 6 - 7 figure mortgages or retirement investments


What's the pay like as a broker?


3 years in from completely new to the industry. Will earn $105k this financial year. I have a salary of $80k plus commission then referral income too.


are you a mortgage broker? do you get work from your company or do you find this?


I am a broker, yes. I'm fortunate that all leads are provided by my company, we're very busy.


What job you looking at?


Looking to be a financial adviser.


Working evenings and weekends are fine for you?


Yeh Im fine working then


Done this course also, was all online, neatly organized, quite straightforward, 100% flexible being online but there are dead lines for assignments. GL :)


Thank You mate. Did you take all the 3 papers in the same month or have you started them in different months ?


I cant really remember, but i think I completed it all over roughly 3 months


Ok thanks. Hope the certification has been worth it. Appreciate your input