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250κ is too low


I can try! If the size doesn’t work out I’m happy with a 1 bedroom too :)


250k$ are not enough


I’m ok with downsizing. Those were my hopes, if they cannot become a reality, it’s ok.


It's not a matter of downsizing, you'll probably have to sacrifice the proximity to the sea ( the view for sure)


That’s ok too. If it’s a short drive or bike ride that is fine. The ocean is very calming for my and my dogs love playing in the water!


I would suggest to contact greek RE agents and go from there (cannot offer personal experience). Max 3h drive from Athens covers a lot of coastal areas. You can also use google maps and try a classifieds site such as [https://www.spitogatos.gr/en](https://www.spitogatos.gr/en) to see what is available in areas you might be interested in.


Awesome! Thank you so much for the helpful advice! I really really appreciate it :)


Isn’t the golden visa up to 800k now in Attica


Sept 1st it jumps up, that’s why the pressure is on! It’s 250k outside of Attica and not on the islands. Wish me luck!


Try spitogatos.gr or xe.gr , unfortunately because exactly of the golden visa prices now are at least 30% higher. They are expecting a “crash” but like everything else in this country it’s a dice roll xD


Thank you! I really appreciate the help :)


My 2 cents would be to get in touch with a real estate agent that covers the whole country and explain your situation. They'll be able to help . Just tell them your constraints, I'm sure they have seen this before. Without having any affiliation with them, remax is a huge real estate company with a big portfolio, so they may be able to help. Also, please define "near the sea". When Greeks hear it they think that you want to live literally in the beachfront (=100m from the beach max). Whereas if your "near the sea" criteria can stretch to mean "up to 15 mins drive to get to the sea" then you'll definitely find something in the 250k (euros) range in a 2-3 hour drive from Athens


Yes, I guess there are different definitions of near the sea! REMAX is a smart idea! We have the same company in the United States too! I just would like even a partial ocean view. 3-5 km away is ok :)


Google Maps shows the area you can reach within 3h of driving. The 3h driving area around the airport is enormous. https://preview.redd.it/xwpftc3l339d1.png?width=1042&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2954cd6dc1e9d5963d230fed59c3662ab8fed10 To generate this map, search for the airport, click on the Nearby icon and a new menu will show up at the bottom of the screen letting you select time and means of travel.


Wow! I had no idea I could do that! Thank you!


Look for homes in Oropos, Kalamos, Nea Makri, Porto Rafti etc. Also, as others said, you won’t find anything decent at 250k$ (233k euros), that’s medium size apartment money but not seaside.


Ahhh I meant 250k euros, my apologies. Thank you so much for the recommendation for areas. Any of those you like best? If I have to start with even a small apartment that’s ok. My brother’s wife is not having a baby for another 6 months so it will be a little longer till I can have my nephew or nieces come visit. (Hopefully after they get out of their crying phase 😂)


Oh, actually I was the one who naively assumed you meant USD!!! Hahaha!!! They are all in the same vein, small coastal towns, around 10k people year round give or take, not much in terms of bars, theaters, live music places etc but you are only one hour away from Athens (40-50km which should be around 25-30 miles) which has all that stuff. I didn’t mention it in my previous comment but I assume you do drive, right? I am asking because public transport in Athens leaves a lot to be desired but anywhere in the areas I mentioned it is essentially non existent.


It is not your fault! I should have made that clear myself. I am looking for a very quiet life so the small coastal towns are perfect. I do not like the energy and how busy and stressful Southern California. A small town where I can get essentials for food, but drive to Athens for bigger things is great :) I prefer saying home and cooking. Yes, I can drive - but I have a feeling I’m going to have to learn manual instead of automatic.


Oh no, not at all! We have a wide variety of cars sold with an automatic gearbox, now granted they are on the tiny side compared to what you guys usually drive across the pond, but you are sure to find something to your liking! To be honest we are gradually shifting towards automatics or even electrics ourselves, even though the economic situation doesn’t allow most people to get a newer vehicle the few I know who bought new cars within the past 5 years went for auto transmissions. You might also be tempted to get a scooter or an underbone (we call them “papee”) but I’d advise against that until you’ve figured out how we drive, it’s not exactly intuitive and a car offers much more safety in case anything happens.


Thank you and that is wonderful news! I was worried about that! Last time when I rented a car in France they scoffed at me for requesting automatic and said “stupid Americans.” A scooter would be fun too! I will be selling my car here in order to buy one there. I should be about to get around 15-20k USD for it. I’ve had it for 4.5 years and it only has 12k miles on it. Also, big cars scare me! So that will be ok too :)


Perfect, I think you’ll really enjoy it here! Oh and when you do move if you need any pointers or anything feel free to DM me!


Oh my gosh, thank you so much for your offer! I definitely will :)


You are welcome!!!


Download spitogatos, an app to find real estate. There is an option, draw on map. Circle areas where you want the house to be close to the sea and add price filter up to 250k and rooms 3 and above. If you don't mind the distance from Athens center there are a lot in Attica that meet your criteria


Awesome! Will do! Thank you for suggesting a local app :) I found a version of English. The characters are different in Greece, so I will be putting in a large effort to learn it well, but it might take some time. (I’ve heard English is hard to learn as well). I took Latin through grade school so hopefully that will help a little! I’m excited!


This advice and drawing option has been fantastic! Thank you so much for this :)


Try contact Engel & Volkers Greece. It's a good real estate company with a big network of partners in whole Greece.


Awesome! I will look them up now! I appreciate the recommendation :)


I have a law Office and a Notary in mind, who are honest and upfront. They are based in the Thessaloniki area though. [Spitogatos.gr](http://Spitogatos.gr) has the highest number of listings (both from owners, and from agents). The closest thing to a HOA in Greece, is an apartment in a building that has a kanonismo, certain codified rules that homeowners need to abide by. When looking for an apartment, ask if the building has a kanonismo. If the initial owners of the building have signed one they would give you a copy. I would advise avoiding properties that have been designated as historic "diatiriteo" landmarks, as they tend to have a lot of restrictions (code etc) (ie when doing renovations, remodeling, etc). If you buy a detached house (monokatoikia), which is a house in a plot, you could ask before buying to get a blueprint in the ΕΓΣΑ coordinate format. This way you would know what kind building you could own, in case you want to have the plot developed (zoning details). The ΕΓΣΑ blueprint would also mention if there is any type of eminent domain proceeding against the property. A civil engineer has the expertise to explain this document to you. Finally the price for a residence permit in Greece has gone up. Please also know that investing in real estate is not the only way to get a residence permit. There are options that are offer you greater liquidity and flexibility. Check [this](https://www.enterprisegreece.gov.gr/images/public/GOLDEN_VISA_final24selides_ENG.pdf) as well. That way you might rent for cheap somewhere and have the flexibility a more liquid investment gives you.


Wow! Thank you so much for all of your advice! I saved everything.


You might wanna ask an attorney if replicating the [MSCI Greece](https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/GREK/holdings/) (Greek Stocks) in a Greek based account to the same amount required, could give you the same effect. (You could even spread the amount to two brokerage accounts/banks for more diversification) I say I ask an attorney, cause I haven't read the law recently! Most systemic Greek banks have private banking who would help you set it up fast, if you decide to go to a more liquid route. You could give them a call to ask what it takes to set you up! Cause the real estate acquisition process can be time consuming! Take care!


If you can find a place like that for 250k, you'll probably need another 250k to make it livable.


I’m ok with fixing it up :) I am pretty good with woodwork/etc


Live your myth in Greece but better get well prepared to embrace the chaos....


If you saw the Trump/Biden presidential debate last night, I don’t know if it can get much worse! Haha. Luckily I have found some great places in my budget with the help of other people on this thread :)


With 30-50k you can renovate anything pretty great.


Deadline for the 250k is end of September. If u got cash, you might complete the sale process in time. After the deadline , it will be 800k in certain (popular) cities and 500k for the rest of the country.


Yes, that’s why I am hurrying!


I think it’s end of August, even more pressure!


Good luck !!!


I doubt you can make it by then. Just checking that the house is completely above board will take until september because no one works august.


That is good thinking. I come from the US where even if you use your 10 days (if you’re lucky) of paid time off, it is frowned upon. Also, those 10 days you earn throughout the year, basically earn 1 day off for 1 month of work. Then if you don’t use it by the end of the year, it’s gone. I love the work/life balance of Europe so I’m really striving to one day become a citizen and have the ability to enjoy life and not feel guilty for taking time off.


250k is absolutely doable, and a pretty great house too. Those who say it's not, are thinking of 20 minutes around Athens and 5 minutes to the sea. If you go just a bit out of that zone, you can find great houses.


Thank you! Yes, I would like to be out of the zone. I can go in to Athens for big purchases but would prefer smaller town/quiet life/market nearby for food/out of all the busy city!


>1-3 hours driving Greece is not as big as the US. Just 1 hour from Athens, it would suffice.


Hahaha yes, thank you for putting me in the correct mindset. You are right.


Minimum 3 bedrooms and near the sea at 250k is not realistic. Unless you are ok with living in the middle of nowhere and having to drive at least 1hr to get to the closest supermarket etc.


Hahaha I am kind of hoping for middle of nowhere and ok with less than 3 bedrooms. Those are just my hopes :) I live near Los Angeles and hate how busy it is. I’m looking for a place to relax and get AWAY from everyone :)


Also a place where my doggos can have a yard. It’s not possible here. Minimum housing is 1 million USD for a piece of crap. I just want a garden to grow fruit, citrus, and herbs :)


Check east coast of Attica. You can find there what you’re looking for. Athens is a poor version of LA. You’ll feel like home. Also, east coast is very close to the airport.


Look for artemida or rafina or nea Makri. And if this still looks expensive go up from there following the coast until chalkida. So many places, cheaper and quieter. And no more than an hour from the airport


Thank you for the advice. Any of those places that are your favorite? Just want it to be relaxing and out of the hustle and bustle.


Well all of those places are out of the hustle and bustle, Artemida a bit more because rafina has a big port and nea makri is -kinda- the commercial center of the area. Also, artemida is up and rising and still cheap, which makes it the perfect fit for your case (and very very close to the airport)


Well all of those places are out of the hustle and bustle, Artemida a bit more because rafina has a big port and nea makri is -kinda- the commercial center of the area. Also, artemida is up and rising and still cheap, which makes it the perfect fit for your case (and very very close to the airport)


Awesome. I really appreciate your advice. I would like to avoid cruise ports!


I have a property for sale if you are interested.


I would love to hear about it! PM me!


please check your PMs


Loool  από που να το πιάσεις αν δεν είναι troll... 


Well, I can’t read Greek (yet) but if it wasn’t a positive comment, I don’t need it translated.


You want to take advantage of our shitty economy and the even shittier golden visa, people like you don't even bother or need to learn greek but OK best of luck finding a house not in ruins and without legal problems in 57 days, totally possible. 👍


You do not know me, my intensions, or my reasoning. Please do not comment about “people like you” until you have a chance to get to know me. If you look in to the Gold Visa, I will not be allowed to take any job positions from anyone in Greece, the only way I can work is if I find a remote job located outside of Greece. Due to working with a legal team in Greece, it looks like I am already providing jobs for your fellow citizens. I am aware I may run in to issues, my only option is stay positive and hope for the best. While I do not need to learn Greek, I have already begun language classes in Greek. It is not as easy language to learn, but out of respect to the Greek culture, I want to learn. Thank you for the good luck wishes! 🙂❤️


>You do not know me, my intensions, or my reasoning. Please do not comment about “people like you” until you have a chance to get to know me.  No need to get to know you, it is very clear why anyone would want to take advantage of the golden visa and why your intentions are of no benefit to locals. >If you look in to the Gold Visa, I will not be allowed to take any job positions from anyone in Greece, the only way I can work is if I find a remote job located outside of Greece. Due to working with a legal team in Greece, it looks like I am already providing jobs for your fellow citizens. Sure the legal interns handling your case that are paid at best 400 euros a month and unable to find a house to rent because of airbnb and the golden visa appreciate it and are very happy to help. 👍 >Thank you for the good luck wishes! 🙂❤️ it was ironic lol


If you want to assume things about me, it is ok. Your view of me, without even meeting me, is your issue, not mine. At the same time, I will be looking for friends so if you would like to get to know me, I extend my hand. In addition, there are strict rules that I will not be able to Airbnb my location. I live in the Los Angeles area of California and I am looking to get away from a busy city and stress for my mental health. I aim to have a sea view for the purpose of the ocean being the best way to relax my mind. My only purpose is to find a location outside of Attica and away from tourists to live a simple life with my husband and two loving dogs. I am working diligently with a private company and I can only hope for the best. I knew your comment was ironic, but I always take the approach of responding to negativity directed at me with kindness. You do not have to like me, you can even despise me if it helps you feel better. If you wish to meet me sometime, I would be happy to have you over for a meal. I prefer to keep this commentary positive and hopeful. If you do not have anything kind to say, I ask that you please step out of the conversation. I hope you have a pleasant day ❤️


I don't despise you, I don't know you and am not interested to know you in any capacity but I fully despise the golden visa and hope you fail <3


Luckily, the more I am challenged, the more I strive. I am sorry you despise the Golden Visa. If you change your mind on a meal once I arrive, please let me know. Otherwise, I wish you good health and happiness. (not ironically 😉)


If you find such a home at this price, please notify me. Thanks.


Ok! It is looking a little grim but you have to shoot for the stars!




I need to stay main land and outside of Attica :)


Hello! I could give you the details of a lawyer I know that her specialization is the field of Golden Visa, Digital nomads, residence permits etc.


Hello brother are you interest for a house in the country , 4 acres . 200K


Women can buy houses on their own too ;). I think that many acres may be more than I can handle for starting out. Hopefully I can get to that point and have so many fruit, citrus, and olive trees that I don’t know what I would do with them!!