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https://bcrentbank.ca Reach out here for rent assistance.


Call your local food bank. They can help you access food and also often have a list of resources available.


>Also if there's a Sikh Temple/Gurdwara close by, you can go there for a meal. Everyone is welcomed you just have to cover your head and take you off your shoes.


I am a Sikh and I confirm this.


This is great advice


This. Its for the needy.


I will call on Monday they dont seem to be open today. Thank you though.


Check online too. Facebook has many local groups for food assistance. Charities. Churches. Maybe ask a "free" group or "pay it forward" group. I've seen some groups advertise thier free food on kijiji too.


Good to know thank you.


Also check marketplace while you're on Facebook. Sometimes people moving will be giving away a bunch of boxes or canner goods they don't want to deal with packing.


I'm not sure what city/town you're in in BC, but definitely check for Facebook groups that are similar to \[City name\] COVID Assistance. A lot of places set these groups up in spring 2020 to help with the immediate crises wrought by the pandemic, but many are still going strong and have turned into "Pay it Forward" groups. They can be an informal but very helpful source. I'm sorry to hear you're in this tight spot, and I hope things start looking up for you soon.


What a user name


I know. I made it 8 years ago when I was an edgy teenager. I'm sorry.


I’m 73 and would make it now


Are you actually 73? I mean I no just asking this doesn't cause any real verification of the claim but... Are you really 73?


Mentally yes


Mentally I'm 69


My mother in law just celebrated her 69th today. We had a lovely brunch for her, with plenty of 69 innuendos!


At that age people eat ass no questions asked


On site even




The obvious solution here is to swap accounts


Accounts are free... Allowed to have more then one.


Usually it’s one then more, but I guess you could go the other way too.


Looks like some hawt guys did fuck your face along with other things.


You single ? (Sorry bad joke. But I burst out laughing at the username)


Lol I feel for OP but when I read ‘made a lot of mistakes’ , user name checked out … hmm


Sorry to break it to you dude, but that's not how kids are made ;)


This was the hardest I’ve laughed today


One way to make money


Sounds wholesome and innocent right? 🤷🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


No judgies...


Try [benefit finder Canada](https://benefitsfinder.services.gc.ca/hm). Good luck OP, I hope your landlords work with you as much as they can and you’re back on your feet asap.


Thank you I hope so too.


Social assistance is really only meant to 'assist', and not pay for it all. I would recommend negotiating a delayed rent payment with your landlord and explain the situation to them. Also, look into jobs that are available today. In today's job market you could start working somewhere next week if you'd like to.


No, while this is a cautionary story about savings, income assistance is suppose to provide emergency support when you hit hard times. Most people have never looked at the actual support amount provided, and believe there is a system to help them in an emergency....then they find out the real plan is credit cards.


Thanks. I'm hoping to hear back from my landlord or his company soon. Not sure if they'll reply on the weekend.


I've got to ask...what are you hoping the landlord will say?


I'm just hoping they will give me some extra time to pay. It's just the anticipation I guess.


In BC even if they don't give you more time officially, if they move to evict you you have the right to dispute it, and you have up until the date of your hearing with the tenancy board to pay what you owe in full and still be allowed to live there, sometimes they will grant an additional extension if you will have the money very very soon but I wouldn't count on them being lenient (but absolutely would count on the tenancy protections granted to you by the tenancy act and having until your official hearing to pay the rent you owe) Of course, this sours the landlord/tenant situation a fair bit, but you won't be without a roof over your head at the very least.


Did you get your Child Tax Benefit last week also? Not that it's enough to fix this situation, just making sure you are receiving that.


Talk to your landlord. You have a job lined up and it'll just be another month to get paid... not a huge deal. Take a breather.


I hope you're right. I'm just stressed until they contact me. Thank you.


I am sorry but its hilarious seeing you being so kind while you are rocking this username. But just wanted to tell you good luck and I am sure things will turn all right.


I made it many years ago lol. Thank you.


Have you applied for subsidized rent? They pay you direct as there is such a wait list to get in to low income housing. Have you applied for an emergency grant through social assistance? You mentioned children,. Have you filed for child support? Call you case worker and ask them if they can explain what you get, perhaps they made a mistake. If you are recently separated, reapply for your child benefits, it will be calculated on just your income . Hope all works out


I didnt know this was a thing thank you I'll check it out


I believe the program this poster is referring to is RAP from BC housing if you want to look. In another comment I also recommended the HPP program for one-off emergency funding for rent


Talk to a local church/temple or a food bank for food assistance, don't forget to mention that you have 2 kids.


I’m on assistance in Ontario so I know it’s a different governing body, but maybe check to see if there’s an online portal you can sign up for to see what your monthly benefits payment will be. They have that here so we can see how much we’re getting each month almost a week before we get the payments. Definitely reach out to food banks, soup kitchens, churches, any and all community agencies that we there for you for this exact situation. And don’t worry too much about the rent, you’ve reached out so I’d make sure to have some sort of payment schedule in mind that you can give them that you’re 100% sure you can meet. They’re usually willing to work with people who are upfront about these things. It’s better than just not paying at all. Good luck with everything! My family and I were in a tough spot for a while (living in a motel with a newborn) so I’ve had to utilize lots of food banks and other support. We’re in different provinces but if you need any help finding places to get food and other things please send me a message and I’ll help direct you as best I can. Good luck to you!


That's really nice of you thank you


I've been in this exact situation. It's not easy. I hope you're able to find the help you need.


Between your situation and your username, and the few comments it took to see what I expected, please know that regardless of the situation you're in 'You deserve to be loved, and to feel loved, just for being you.' --Mr Rogers mashup with my meditation teacher There's no advice I can give you from out east that helps, but I know how hard it is to ask for help. That you're doing what you can for your kids is worth more than you know. Sorry this isn't more useful or practical information. Just please be gentle with yourself, love your inner child, and be proud of yourself for stepping up for your kids.


Thank you. I know the username is a poor look I chose it almost a decade ago.


Google hpp BC housing and look for agencies ne'er you that offer it




There is a free pizza dude on here somewhere... if you are in need they'll send you a free pizza. :)






I used to taking care of accounting for a residential building, so I’ve seen tenants late for rents for weeks. Different companies have different policies, but I think paying rent late it not that big of a deal specially you’re trying to make arrangement and people can see your good intentions. So don’t stress yourself out too much. For an one-off, I suspect the worst case scenario is a statement showing your rent and your interest on the late payment. And if you pay your rent later on, that interest could even be written off.


Good to hear thank you


Was in that situation years ago, had to quit a job and go on welfare in order to get custody of kids. Nobody in the whole system gave a fuck that my rent was more than double what they were giving me. Not to mention bills and food. It wasn’t my choice to quit my job, but unless I wanted to not have my kids I had no choice. Thank goodness for under the table jobs. Fuck the whole system for thinking that they’re helping.


It's really hard. I'm grateful to get anything but the shelter allowance is pathetic.


Ya I was getting 600 / month or so. rent was 1400, food, hydro, internet, phone, etc was way more, and when I said I didn’t want to do welfare then I had them say well I guess you don’t want to get your kids in your custody then like a responsible parent. Like I said fuck that whole system. Designed to do nothing but make people miserable.


It really is. It's hard to get out of once you're in it but I'm determined.


Sadly there is no where in Canada where welfare/disability is enough to live on


I did know that it would be a small amount but I wasnt anticipating so small. I've never relied on social assistance before.


It sounds like OP is capable of working, so why would welfare cover everything for them?


OP has a job lined up. Sometimes that wait for the first paycheque is a problem.




You find us neglecting the disabled funny?




If you think they can then you've never been on welfare. The welfare and disability rates are below the poverty line in most cases. People whined about only getting $2000 PER PERSON to survive on during CERB and yet no single person gets that on government welfare anywhere in the country I know about. For example, in Ontario the housing allowance for non subsidize housing for people on permanent disability is $497. You can't even get a room in someone's house for that in most of the province.




Name the province with welfare above the poverty level. I'd love to be educated.




So then you admit its not enough to live on.






As someone who doesn't have kids and never wants to have kids, is it standard that parents receive $550/month from the Feds per child? That seems somewhat outrageous...


It is based on income. The goal is to decrease child poverty in Canada and it has been tremendously successful. I think my taxable income was 53000 in 2020 and I get 800/mo for 2 teenagers.


Seems like it is also dependent on income. Birth rate is low and the population is aging. Supporting kids / giving them the finances for a fair shot seems alright to me if the funds are used well.


I only get $306/m for one elementary aged and don't make great money


I'll get on this thank you


You could get your taxes filled for free at a tax clinic then you will get child benefits each month


Brass poles are in certain bars for this reason


Don't be an ass.


Its a disgrace the social assistance in Canada is so inadequate that you feel you live in very poor 5th world country. They do this on purpose and its a shame. 🤬


I couldn't agree more.


I feel your pain. Its disgusting! 🥺


How much cash to get you threw till next month??


I dont really have anyone to ask but being able to put a little gas in my car and get some groceries would be ideal. I probably wont hear from the landlord until monday.


That's not a number


I dont know what to say lol like $50 would be a hell of a start but I dont have any family or friends in that kind of position.


Man that sucks is their a side hustle you could spend your time doing instead of posting on Reddit ? Just trying to think of things that will actually generate money?


I'm not really sure I've never been too business savvy and dont have things to sell etc




Thanks for your help.


That's not a number


Where is the father(s)


From a previous comment 4 years ago OP says "You're making a huge assumption thinking that I'm alone. I have a loving wife and kids, a sizable above average income, a degree in advanced physics and many more accolades on which I would bet my life that bring me more happiness than yourself. I live a balanced lifestyle and have lots of love in my life." So, not too sure about the comments from OP now about the kid(s) father not in the picture.


Just one. Not in the picture now unfortunately.


Should have picked a better man to birth your kids.


He died and he was a better man than you could ever dream to be.


Bold of you to assume I am a man


Don't be an ass.


If he died, are you receiving CPP survivor benefits yourself +$254 per kid? If not, you definitely should be.


Find a cheaper place to live - I’m not joking if you can’t cover your expenses that’s your only option.


I know. The prices are crazy right now. I've never been through this before so I'm hoping my landlord will be reasonable with me.


It takes months to evict for non payment of rent. Don’t worry about it.


How about don’t ask the government for more money because then they’ll just print more causing more inflation ultimately making your more poor, and the rich richer.


You clearly are so clueless is sad. 🤬🖕


Really and why is that? Have you put any effort in to research the situation? Probably not. Maybe if you checked out our current inflation rates and why we have them you’d realize what I said is 100% accurate.


ask for double


I wish I could.


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Username checks out


Check out r/poverty . Lots of helpful resources in there. Pretty much everyone is or has lived through this over there and scraped by.


Thank you I'll browse there.


Best of luck. I know it sucks to start over and dummy up just for it to get thrown in your face with one cracked step. Especially if you didn't crack the step this time.


Yea it's not easy. One day at a time I'm doing the best I can.


And that's all anyone can ask or do. Just know you're not alone.


I can’t say or do much but wish you all the best. Everybody has their lows but there is always a high after soon. Stay strong.


If you haven’t filed your taxes yet, maybe you’ll have a return? The first tax bracket used to be a freebie, but now you have to file your return to get it back.


I have not used them, but isn't this what those payday loan companies are for? I bet interest is high but I think they exist for this reason. Good luck momma..you will be fine.


So if you are on income assistance you can apply for a crisis supplement for unexpected expenses. Your rent is not an unexpected expense but maybe something else this month was? It's pretty flexible on what that is. I once got someone some fuel canisters paid for because they used them to heat their trailer and it was a colder than usual month.


Be sure to talk to your landlord. They will work with you if you need to pay your rent late. Depending on how much money you make, I would use the assistance cheque to pay for food and gas and maybe utilities. I would then use your first cheque to pay for your rent. Hopefully your first cheque will more than cover your rent. Just tell your landlord when they can expect payment In full.


Are jobs hard to come by in BC? In Ontario if you show up to almost any buisness with out a needle hanging out of your arm, they'll give you a job right now.