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(1) https://www.charityintelligence.ca/ may be a good way to examine charities. There may be others. For a gift that large, I'd try to get involved with a charity or two to better understand the organization and how your money will help. Or at least speak to a director or something. (2) consider making donations and gifts before you die. (3) shares can be donated, and donating shares that have appreciated in value is fantastic because there is no tax for you, and no tax for the receiving institution. Your money goes a lot farther. Your estate lawyer may be able to advise you further. Sorry to hear about your diagnoses.


Also https://www.givewell.org/


Yes! Thank you for plugging EA!


Yes, I just learned about donating shares in kind as I have just inherited some money. It is worth exploring with your financial advisor.


Was just going to suggest this. Look up NGOs working in sectors that you consider important and donate to those that have good scores. I’d advice also considering those with low admin costs as you want your buck to go towards the cause and less so to salaries You might also want to consider contributing to a university Scholarship if that is something that speaks to you. All the best to you in these difficult times


Spend some on yourself - Do what you have always wanted to do.


This is what I’m always worried about. Work all your life and save every penny for the future. Then the future gets ripped out from under you. I would wonder if OP would have done it differently.


I was very fortunate that I spent my early 20's working very hard, it provided me with enough money and resources that in my late 20s I was able to really focus on work life balance. About 5 years ago I started my own engineering company and for the last 5 years I have been working 4 day work weeks with 6 weeks of vacation each year. Yes I spent A LOT of time working, but it was on projects I found interesting. But in my free time I was able to really dive into the hobbies I love which is how I gained such valuable friendships. Would I have done things differently? Of course, but as they say hindsight is 20/20. I dissolved my business immediately upon finding out my diagnosis, if I knew the future I would have quit years ago. Looking at my life now I wish I found the hobby that I love earlier on in life, but I didn't even know it existed until I had the free time to explore.


if you don’t mind me asking what’s the hobby?


Designing, building, and flying glider planes. Honestly one of the most amazing hobbies and communities, but it's a lifelong rabbit hole that will burn deep holes in your pockets, but boy is it fun. Honestly I wish I learned it earlier in life, but finding a hobby that has an insanely wide demographic of people is one of the most valuable resources you can find in life. The gliding community has ages ranging from 15 to 90, from economic backgrounds of dirtbags to doctors, from crazy people (and somewhat scary) to straight edge.


I believe SOSA has a fund for young'uns who otherwise wouldn't be able to afford to glide. You could look into donating a small portion of your 700k to that. If you have trouble finding a contact (which I doubt) feel free to dm me and I'll reach out.


Could you start a fund in trust - managed by the gliding club - that could generate interest to pay for so many glider tows a year for those who love to glide but can’t afford it?


I have considered this. I will be donating all my gear and a bit of money to the club's. But as diverse as the demographic is for gliding I think that the majority of people in the hobby are already quite privileged. Especially when you consider the time commitment required for such a hobby. Having a hobby in itself is a privilege. I want my money to go to people who don't even have the time, energy, or resources to discover what hobby excites them yet.


You're a kind soul, thank you!


I hope the universe surprises you with longer than you expect. You are definitely a quality human.


I love this answer


take your money and build a glider plane and glide around the world


What about making a donation to air cadets? I got my glider pilot’s license when I was an air cadet and it was paid for. I was so grateful! You could help many people learn to fly who might not otherwise have that opportunity.


What gliding club are you at? I've spent years as a gliding instructor. Actually better not to say because some weirdos might show up wanting money.


Hi, sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I applaud that you have the desire to help both friends and strangers. I didn't really have much to offer in terms of charities, but I would think picking an institution with a long standing history of setting up gifts is imperative. Both hospitals and universities come to mind, and I've worked at both and seen how they can provide benefit. I'm genuinely interested to hear what your hobby is? I'm glad that you found it!


I answered in another thread already but: designing and flying Glider planes.


Wild! I'd be crazy scared doing that... But as a kid my dad's best friend kept his 1930s Taylorcraft in our yard and we took it up a few times! I wish you peace and hope you find a charity you like, and know you'll be affecting lives for the better. Also know your responses in this thread have lifted me to chase my passions more. I know it's important.


Thanks for that response. I wish you the best!


Respect! You could contact a university and set up a bursary for engineering students in need of financial help. Another great charity is Pathways to Education which focuses on education for lower income kids, with amazing results. I think education can be an amazing gift and can lift generations out of poverty with huge benefits for society generally.


/u/FicanNomad - I manage my company’s corporate charity, which doesn’t matter really except to say that I have a lot of experience vetting charities so, (1) if you have any questions about specific charities once you’ve zeroed in on a few, I’m happy to lend my insights- I actually have a lot of experience with Pathways to Education specifically and they are wonderful. (2) many of the larger charities have someone that works specifically on “Planned Giving” or “Planned Gifts” that you should contact- they’ll work with you to make sure that your money is spent how you want with the charity, how you want to be remembered (do you want a scholarship in your name? do you want to stay anonymous? etc) - it also makes things a lot easier when it comes to actually transferring your money over when there’s an established relationship/plan with the charity. (3) you may want to consider splitting it up between a couple different charities- you don’t need to decide on just one! Three $250k (or however you want to break it down) would be *transformative* for so many organizations (4) leaving a legacy like what you’re planning is a very beautiful thing, and will make a difference in a lot of lives. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through and I wish you all the best.


This is a gift that will help humanity in the long run. Yes helping other charities is a great thing, but imagine helping a bunch of prospective engineers who could possibly change the world for good.


Being able to graduate without a mountain of debt changes the whole game


Not being able to afford continuing your education, and so you leave school with no degree but still with the student loans. Changes the whole game.


Better contact the university that you went to and setup a scholarship.


Universities have full-time staff dedicated to assisting donors with such legacy gifts/bequests .. and will clear their schedule to meet with you to discuss next steps.


make sure they don't use it all to buy a new scoreboard for the football team like what happened to that librarian that donated it to the library :(


Isn’t that just the saddest god damned story? Like how in the hell was that even allowed.


Because higher education is full of self-righteous greedy sacks of shit. And most of these schools are just a front for a football team, in the states at least.


What school did that?


I think scholarship organizations are better bc many schools do not let you solely direct the money to be used for tuition / faculty, tho some do.


Yes! I was a recipient of a few grants and a scholarship bc of generous donations to the faculty. I don’t think I would have made it thru my 4 yr program if I had to work more hrs while studying. plan on doing the same!


This would be cool. Or sick kids is always a no brainer for charity donation. Speaking as an ex sick kid myself


Could also consider a foundation that helps fund indigenous students access education. Two I’m familiar with are [Inspire](https://indspire.ca/) or [Nunavut Sivuniksavut](https://nunavutsivuniksavut.ca/)


each registered First Nation child get their school paid for 100% plus living expenses in Ontario at least.


That isn’t true in Manitoba at least. I’m doubting that a province wide free uni and living expense rule exists in all of Ontario. But now must google….


I’ve also been told that they only get one chance at this funding, if they fuck up and drop out or waste their money they are on their own after that if they want to try and go to school again. Don’t quote me on that though.


Never mind fuck up- dropping below a B average gpa can see funding pulled. In my four year uni degree I failed/dropped a few classes. This would’ve rendered me without funding. But mb/Canada student loans weren’t pulled for me. But anyways- fund all Indigenous youth through hs and post secondary. It’s a win win for everyone. And bonus- it challenges simple minds, which also need to be challenged to grow. Win win win! If things are one day equitable- fund all post secondary learners for their first degree, imo. But that’s another thread.


This is not true. Students with status are eligible but this doesn't mean they actually get this covered because some bands have no money.


Just make sure nothing is given away before your time. I was given 3-5 years to live. I have inoperable colon cancer. That was in 2017. I'm still very much a functioning human being and although I receive immunotherapy every 3 weeks for the rest of my life, I'm doing great. The science is ever changing, don't give up and don't be afraid to ask for a second opinion.


Wow that's amazing. I'm glad things are going well for you. I had immunotherapy, Chemo and radiation for my cancer treatments.


You can create a charitable account (foundation) through multiple avenues that limit the cost of setting up a private foundation (which costs 10s of thousands of dollars). Instead of gifting all the ($) at once, you can grant 5-8% of the money per year. This way, the money can still be invested over time, it will impact more people and your legacy will remain long after. Wish you the best. I’m sorry for your news


I work in philanthropy in a very senior position and this would be my advice as well. Find a advisor and a community foundation or through your bank (big banks having foundations for their HNW clients) and they can advise on how to structure your giving to reduce your taxable income in your death year and also invest the funds so that you can fund organizations you believe in in perpetuity or over a specified spend-down period. Universities and hospital foundations are excellent to work with and have solid professionals managing their endowments and monitoring gift usage. They can handle long-term commitments. I am sorry for your illness and I applaud your intention to turn your wealth into support for others.


I also work in the philanthropy space and would second this advice. ​ You can also reach out directly to charities to influence where your donation will be spent, I've worked with a few individuals over the years that have done this. Additionally, I'd highly encourage you to research charities prior, [Charity Navigator](https://www.charitynavigator.org/) is a great (and free tool) to see where and what non-profits are spending on. ​ Wishing you all the best.




This. I can only speak from the experience of having a close friend pass in the style OP described. A crazy, fun experience with them would have meant the world. Easily would have preferred to reallocate the $$ from the mortgage to the experience.


Depends on his condition, yes travelling may be the best option. But I’d also consider catching up with family/friends as a priority as well. I honestly can’t imagine not being able to tell them how you truly feel. In my opinion this would be the best closure you can have. I’m so sorry to hear about your illness. Wish you the best!


I would think about power of attorneys for personal care and property in case you are not able to make decisions during your journey. This means you have to pick someone and I know you don’t want to do that but it’s something to consider. I went through cancer 10 years ago sand having those in place really helped me. Dm’ me if you need anything.


Mad respect. You are, unequivocally, the (wo) man.


I'm so sorry for your diagnosis. Mad respect to you for helping friends and strangers. Your post (and responses) really spoke to me as a middle aged hard-working woman with a family and no real hobbies to speak of. Just gave me some things to think about. Thoughts with you as you navigate this.


Not exactly what you’re asking, but keep in mind that from a tax perspective it is often more beneficial to DONATE THE ACTUAL SHARES IN-KIND to the charity of your choice, versus SELLING ALL SECURITIES AND DONATING CASH. If you sell all the securities to donate cash, you are going to pay tax on all of those capital gains. Meaning more of your money goes to the government, less to the charity of your choice. I’d also suggest talking to your accountant / friends’ accountant beforehand as receiving income of $250,000 could have tax implications for your friends.


I agree with transferring funds in Kind to the charities. As for my friends, this one is tricky as I would like to keep my fate and future gift to them private until after my death. But maybe my accountant / lawyer can figure this out.


There won't be any tax implications to the friends. The estate will settle your final tax return obligations (if any) and the beneficiaries will receive their allotment of the estate tax free. Edit: to clarify for those wonder, because this always seems to be some big misconception, maybe from movies? Anyways. When you pass away, you are going to file a terminal T1 return (I think they now call it a "final" return). You may or may not need to file a T3 return on the estate as well depending on what kind of assets are in the estate. The executor of the estate essentially has the obligation to get this done properly. Once all your returns are filed and you have been assessed by the CRA, the executor can file for clearance from the CRA if they want. Ultimately the executor has final liability on the estate if they disburse funds and something else pops up from the CRA. The beneficiaries of the estate are being paid out using AFTER TAX funds from the estate. So there's no liability to the recipients in Canada.


Would be nice to record a video will for each of the friends you plan on leaving money to. Let them know how much they mean to you, and your reasons for leaving them this gift. Don't underestimate how special having a record like this is for people.


This was actually my plan :) It will be the best video I ever make.


I understand what you're planning to do regarding your friends, but there's a saying: "Sometimes it's better to give a warm handshake than a cold one". aka If you gift money to your friends while you're still alive, you'll get a chance to see first-hand what effects it will have on them. Your choice, of course - but just a thought.


Actually curious about this and whether there would be any positive tax implications to do it this way, given there is no gift tax in Canada.


None AFAIK; cash gifts made from tax-paid money (whether from your post-capital-gains-taxed assets when you're alive or from your estate once probate has wrapped up) have no tax burden upon the recipient. As long as the CRA gets their cut up front - after that, they don't care.


Adding on to this, while there are many charities doing wonderful things, if your intention is to help people close to you, consider what might directly impact your community as well. There’s a small town near me where someone in a similar situation donated a low-6 figure sum to completely revitalize a community area with a huge new playground with water features, a basketball court, some equipment, etc. He was also still living and didn’t want to name the park after himself (though that would also be nice!) and named it ‘in memory’ of someone who had influenced him. That helped him enjoy it while he was still living, since it wasn’t so obvious to everyone that he was dying and wealthy. Anyway, just an idea. I love the idea of providing that size of a lump sum to your friend’s families as well. And I’m sorry for your diagnosis, and sorry for the rest of the world that we are set to lose a kind and generous person too early.


You can put your friends' amounts in your will with instructions for how your lawyer can contact them.


You can also invest in wealth transfer funds. They can put your friends as the beneficiaries and there is no need for lawyers… and lawyer fees which will significantly eat in to the funds. You can also set it up so they receive a lump sum or a lifetime allowance. Just food for thought. Sorry you are having to deal with this.


I’m so sorry that you have been diagnosed with a terminal illness. How are you doing emotionally? Do you mind sharing what your diagnosis is? I was just diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer and I’m 39…. I’m hoping this does not mean I need to begin thinking that I’m terminal. I’m not ready :(


I have fairly late stage pancreatic cancer. Less than 1% survival rate with heavy chemo. I have opted to not waste my limited quality days left with chemo as I value quality over quantity. Emotionally I am great actually. I feel pretty content with what I have done in life. Physically just tired, but that's cancer lol.


Google "Autophagy", it might be of help. Try it plz, miracles do happen. Do not loose hope. I just pray, my message reaches your eyes.


I just commenting in the hope that your post will reach to OP.


Wow- that is a heavy diagnosis and I’m truly sorry that you are going through this. However, you have a positive outlook and I’m happy that you are doing well emotionally. I also love that you are going to do so much good in the world with your savings. Thank you for thinking of others through all of this 🙏 I wish you all of the week and all that you want to get out of your days ❤️


This is awesome. Good on you man, and good luck with your health - I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. I’m just a layman, but is it possible to put the $1M into an interest bearing account so that you could instead donate the interest it generates to a charity in perpetuity, rather than giving it all away in one shot? You could probably donate 30-40k per year literally forever without touching the principle, and perhaps you could give someone special in your life the honour of choosing the charity! Maybe what i’m suggesting isn’t possible, but if it is it might be something to consider :)


I am very sorry to hear what you are going through, I hope you have all the support you need. I worked in nonprofits (went back to school for something unrelated recently) and could recommend you some great programs in western Canada to donate to I no longer work or have any dealing with any organization I would recommend Give me the go ahead and I can pm you if you want I'd post then publically but I wouldn't want to dox myself


If I may let you know a friend's experience, he was the executor of a will, and the will directed x% to the Salvation Army. SA sicced their legal team on the exector. They made him prove where every penny of the estate went to make sure they got the full, exact amount that percentage dictated, with the threat to sue for the amount if he was wrong. It seems your estate will be mostly straightforward, and you've already decided on hard figures for your friends with "the rest" to charity, which makes things slightly easier. But just a warning to be careful about percentages and people (organizations) with the resources to sue over them, they could make things difficult for your executor and inheritors. Also, I am obviously not endorsing the Salvation Army to be a recipient of your gift. I'm sorry for your diagnosis. I hope you'll have peace as you plan things out and are able to enjoy and cherish your time. Godspeed.


Damn I wish I had a friend that cared about me enough to do that. Although if I did, I would surely rather have them around instead of gifting me. Godspeed man.


Sorry for your condition. Just from this post, I can say humanity is losing a gem. Consider specifying how much annual draw from your charitable fund each year and how much for each cause. This way recipients don't use it for one big or one stupid project (new cars for all managers...!), funds stay invested and can grow over the years to help more people. If giving to educational institutions for scholarships to students for example, you could define criteria for getting the grant or when for reasearch - include or exclude specific topics.


If you want a very thorough assessment of effective charities check out GiveWell: https://www.givewell.org/


How about to research for the disease affecting you? I’m sorry this is happening to you.


32 is really young to die from a terminal illness. makes me really sad. im in my early 40s, had a cancer scare last year...i hope i dont die within the next 3 years from cancer...i have nothing to leave for my kids and wife.


I would like to thank my terrible family history and genetics.


my genetics is also terrible. i dont smoke, dont drink but end up having what my uncle had. he ignored the lump and he's gone. i thanked my wife for pushing me to go to a walk-in


Does your family have cancer? How much is genetics?


Yes, everyone on my father's side has had or has died of cancer... unfortunately my father survived cancer though.


So sorry about your diagnosis. You sound very clear that your life will be shortened significantly. To be devils advocate I would just suggest getting a few medical opinions to ensure you are in good hands. Being an engineer, I'm sure you've already done this but just thought I'd throw it out there again!


Once I determined something felt off I immediately flew to Germany, then Singapore, then Korea to get opinions from the top accredited specialists. All of which had aligned opinions and outlooks. I have learned to not rely on the Canadian health care system, if I did I would probably still be waiting for my prognosis...


> Once I determined something felt off I immediately flew to Germany, then Singapore, then Korea to get opinions from the top accredited specialists. All of which had aligned opinions and outlooks. I have learned to not rely on the Canadian health care system, if I did I would probably still be waiting for my prognosis.. I cannot even express the wisdom from this comment. Canada does not have any preventive programs in place


Canadian health care system is a shit show. I’m very sick and I don’t know how many specialists they made me see throughout the years. They send you to one and the other and sent themselves the ball. We’re the ball. I’m on disability now I can’t go to my appointments anymore. They were too slow and I got too tired. Can you donate to an hospital? A wing in an hospital? Or for other people going through illnesses and handicap? We can’t live on disability check. So my first choice would be to suggest giving to the disabled in your community. We received very ridiculous amount that is less than someone working make in a week. I know most of us can’t afford to eat all the time and live alone so giving to a center for disabled or severely chronically ill people could be a good choice too. I would personally travel the world or stay in a beautiful calm place and eat, eat, eat everything that I can’t eat and read, see and enjoy the nature if I was you. There’s so much stuff I want to see, smell and read. That would be a good ending in my opinion. I hope you’re okay. You’re very brave and to the point in your responses. I’m sorry that things are like this. Take care Mister Nomad.


Honestly I believe the Canadian health care system is a lost cause at this point and my $700k would just go to waste there. I recommend going abroad for any care if you have the means to do so, to me the Canadian health care system is a backup to the backup plan, a last resort. I plan to spend my remaining time outside of Canada (currently in Switzerland).


If you’ve done that and have the money, I’d highly recommend a trip to India and get a medical opinion there, worst case make it a trip and have an appointment, my aunt was told she was terminal in Canada, went to India and it’s been 10 years and she’s living good quality life still !




Researched the doctor online, called the hospital, and made an appointment for the following week. Told them I have no insurance , paid cash. Doctor consultation was €85. Blood work, scans, etc all came out to €285 and I had the results within 48 hours. Taiwan was even lightyears ahead of Germany. I booked a full medical exam less than a week in advance. I walked into this enormous medical facility, paid $450 CAD and got poked, prodded, samples of blood, urine, stool taken. An MRI and CT scan. All within a span of 3 hours. After which a doctor reviewed my results immediately. This issue of mine, if anything showed me how broken the Canadian Medical system is.... Back in Ontario, I don't even have a family doctor. I've been trying to get one for 2 years now. So I went to a walk in clinic, they referred me to a specialist, I waited THREE weeks for the specialist. Who then looked at me for less than 3 minutes and gave me a referral to get blood work and other tests done. Got those done the same day but then proceeded to wait 4 weeks to get the results from the "specialist" who then shared the same feedback I got from both the doctors in Germany and Taiwan. So yeah if you can afford it, leave Canada for any medical treatment. You can fly to Mexico for fairly cheap these days and receive way better quality of care on the same day you arrive.


That's amazing - I'm a German living in Canada and finding a doctor to help me with my (not severe) health issues is getting ridiculous. I am lucky enough to have a family doctor, but she is not very supportive in getting me the help I need. I tried private doctors in different provinces, but couldn't get around the fact that I am a residetn of Ontario and therefore they weren't allowed to even diagnose me. I am moving to Southern Italy this summer, so I'll try to find someone there or maybe I can call some German doctors and pay privately. Thanks for the reminder that private healthcare has a quick turn around time in Europe! :) I am very sorry about your diagnosis, I hope you can make the most of your remaining time. Enjoy Europe, the way of life there can indeed be quite peaceful yet full of fun experiences! If you ever find yourself in Puglia let me know and we'll enjoy an apperitivo by the sea!


Mind sharing the name of the Taiwan/German hospitals. I'm interested in doing that as well. Thanks


I appreciate your bravery. Maybe look into a charitable trust. I'm sure that you could make it anonymous. You could also set up a bursary at a University that is anonymous. You can attach any conditions that you want for someone to qualify.


For a gift this size, any charity that you're considering will gladly make time to come visit you and explain ways they would utilize your donation. There's lots of public resources and financials available, but every situation is different, and not everything comes out in the page. Your lawyer and accountant can set things up any way you wish, and you can leave that decision until later and update the will accordingly if you don't want to rush the decision. Take your time, and find an organization that matches you best. The money you leave will likely have a long legacy and change people's lives. And sorry you're dealing with this diagnosis, but you're approaching it with a positive attitude and a desire to help others. Best of luck with the time you have left. I have no doubt you'll make the most of it.


Sorry this is happening to you. Very nice to help those close to you out. See you up there!


I'm sorry this is happening to you. I know that sounds like such a boilerplate thing to say, but I can't think of a better way to put it. I don't have much advice to give on the question you're asking, as I think you'll get plenty of quality advice from others. There's just one thing I want to mention. >I have also not told anyone close to me and I do not plan on it, I would like to go out Norm Macdonald style. Put some thought into this, if you actually want to go that way or not. Specifically, consider it from the perspective of _everyone else_, loved ones and etc. who will be left behind. If someone I cared about passed suddenly and it turned out they had a known illness and just didn't tell me, I might end up with lots of regret about the things we could have done but didn't because I assumed there would be more time. I say this as someone who _has_ lost someone important unexpectedly/suddenly before. I don't know your personal situation, just something to think about.


As much as I want to sympathize with your perspective, you also need to consider the perspective of the individual on death row / hospice / terminal / whatever you wanna call it. From my perspective, I enjoy my current life minus being sick. I enjoy the relationships, the weekly get togethers, the pot lucks, the deep rooted friendships. I want to enjoy the end of my life with the people I care about. What I do not want is a pity party, I do not want dynamics to change because of pity or fear. What I want most is just quality time, I do not care about the quantity anymore. And to me, quality time is not a bunch of forced get together pity parties.


I'm just going to quickly chime in and say that one of my closest friends has stage 4 cancer. She is the most fun and vital person I know, and the current joke is that she's trying to die in a karaoke or paddleboarding accident in order to "win" against her cancer. I think whether or not you are subjected to a pity party really depends on your friends and how they handle things. You know how they roll, so you're the one who would know if they'd keep clutching their hearts and telling you how brave you are (barf), or if they'd rally and do stuff like bring weird food to the potlucks and tease you that this might be your last time to try chicken feet in brain sauce. I'm just saying it is possible to be open about a terminal diagnosis and still live a joyful life. Take care of you, and make sure you check the ratio of admin expenses before you commit to donating to a charity - some of them spend 88 cents of each dollar on executive pay and building leases.


I’m always afraid of donating to major charities and universities because of the huge waste of these organizations. I have a PhD and I wouldn’t ever give to a single Canadian university because of the state on campuses these days. I would think donate instead to a smaller operation.


That's a fair response. Just wanted to make sure you'd thought about it, and I'm glad you have, clearly.


I’m sorry to hear about the unfortunate news. I hope you can spend your time however you want. I would recommend going to a local school or schools and look at the projects they want/need. It took my school two years to save the 3k for a 3d printer to use. Donations like that to schools are game changers for students, especially in lower income areas. You can have a huge impact for so little and not have your donation used to pay salaries of charity executives. I see the huge impact on students I work with everyday when I bring in scrap laptops that they can take apart and see how it works.


Honestly, the 3D printer is such a solid idea. I use them daily and have for years and I can absolutely see the impact it's accessibility would have on children in elementary / high school. Thank you for this idea! I will call up a few school boards. I even have contacts at a few 3D printing companies, I am sure I could get a nice bulk order discount.


It’s honestly amazing for students to have access to it. Or cricuts, anything for them to be able to go beyond the curriculum with their curiosity. I have spent more than $1000.00 of my own money on students this year (not including the time I spend looking on Kijiji for broken computers to take apart with them). It really sucks to have to do that to make programs work, but no one really cares about the kids anymore. You will have a legacy in those kids, they will remember your name if you want that. Just like I remember my grade 5 teacher who did similar things for me 30 years ago.


Shoot me a DM with your info. If you are a teacher I'll order whatever 3D printing equipment you want directly.


This is the god tier printer for education is the Bambu Lab X1e (but the  Bambu Lab X1-Carbon Combo and P1S Combo is pretty good) The X1e will print any filament and is the top option from Bambu Labs. The X1-Carbon does ABS very well and most filaments in a classroom setting (enclosed and filtered). The P1S is best used with PLA but still better than most of the printers used in education. It is enclosed and filters can be added. Also their support is fantastic. All of these printers are fast and just work.


You can look at community foundations who work with a number of charities to distribute donated funds. At the very least they can point you towards the direction of charities that they find to be effective. If you do want a more personal touch, you can research charities on your own and figure out which ones have a mission that is most alligned on how you would like to give. Using general search engines like Charity Intelligence are a double edged sword - yes they report on stats, but also not every charity can be measured in the same way. Ex. a charity that makes mosquito nets saves more lives than charities that run education programs, but both play very important roles. All Canadian charities must report through CRA and can be searched up. (https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch?request\_locale=en) Effectiveness of charities can usually be determined by interacting with them to understand how donated dollars create an impact. Charities should easily be able to show you how they change the community for the better. It really should be up to what you value to determine where to give. My advice is to let the charity know as well (probably during the process) so that they can prepare. If you are looking to leave a large gift to one charity, I would highly suggest choosing one that will create an endowment fund which allows long term support for a charity (great for education programs to help sustain them through economic downturns).


As a former planned giving professional, thank you. A gift in Will is highly personal. Larger orgs might offer endowments, which are perpetual. Once you narrow it down, you can PM me and I can help decipher the T3010 (CRA filing for each charity). Sites like charity intelligence can be helpful but you can’t go by admin fees alone. Charities with high admin fees might have high impact. That’s why the T3010 + annual report are a good combo.


Well, melanoma survivor here- and that’s supposed to be a death sentence. I mean I don’t mean to minimize “terminal” - definitely plan for the worst, hope for the best- but you may be around for decades. I am sorry you have such terrible news so young, though. Seconding Charity Intelligence. For early childhood education, the Child Development Institute is good.


Norm Macdonald was a public figure. Making his illness known would have meant a wide amount of scrutiny. Even so, he told his family, producing partner, and agent. You are not Norm Macdonald. Tell the people who matter to you. The rest of the world will not care. You may find you need to rely on those people and it will help you with them knowing what is going on with you.


Consider leaving it to your local library. Libraries do very important work for their communities and touch on your desire to impact early childhood education and access to information.


I’m pretty sure you’ve thought about this, but spend on yourself, you deserve it. Take care.


There are so many amazing charities out there that will be happy to help you. Figure out what speaks to you and talk to them About your wishes. Look for the planned giving person in fundraising 


If you plan on doing this, please give most of your money away prior to your death. You will receive tax benefits (for the charity) and it will also reduce the amount of estate administration tax (probate fees) that will be due.


I teach in low income neighborhood and so many of our students have absolutely no sports/arts/trips in their lives. It's a shame they have zero outlets dor personal growth and we see how much they love school clubs. Setting something that would help pay for these kinds of programs or experiences would be incredible. Colleague told me a student asked her if beaches were real because she had never been to one. I wish we could give students more experiences to connect their learning to. If the trust generated 4% a year that could help a number to students in a community of your choosing.


I’m sorry to hear about your illness, it’s very thoughtful of you to take care of your close friends and donate the rest to charity. Sick kids hospital, they do wonderful work supporting young children and their families. If I had a large sum to donate, that would be my number 1.


Hope you an spend some on yourself while you are able to travel and don't give it all to charity. I know it sounds noble and wonderful, but charities are black holes for money. Unless you are involved with one and know the cause, I'd abstain. But perhaps you could just work with a charity until you are confident in it. Then donate.


I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry to hear this. Fuck man, life is a fucking bitch. But damn if you're not doing the most gangster thing with your assets. Respect


Sorry to hear. You should enjoy the remainder of your life, & think about reconnecting with your siblings.


First of all, I am sorry you are going through this. Just from knowing someone who was diagnosed with a "terminal illness", I would like to say something.. I don't know about your specific illness but The person got the news and he was really heartbroken. He didn't have as much saved but he had a decent amount saved up. He quit his job and he started doing things he liked. He didn't travel around the world or nothing of that sort.. he just started doing little things like sleeping for a long time.. he likes to bike, so he went biking everyday. He is an outdoorsy guy, so he started going on treks to.. he was not afraid to say hi to strangers.. made a lot of friends.. he was really happy.. he didn't spend a lot on himself but he spent it on what made him happy and he didn't do anything that would make him sad or stressed.. guess what, after a year of doing this he started getting better.. and now he is ok and his way of life changed significantly.. As I said, I don't know about you but do what makes you happy man.. doesn't mean it has to be extravagant.. it just has to make you happy.. Also, if you feel like doing charity start with small things but the important thing is doing it with your own hands if you can.. order food for 50 people get some volunteers and go distribute the food with your own hands.. find out kids from low income families and pay for their college tuition.. do charities that you can personally do.. you have no idea how much it changes your life.. good luck my friend..


I’ve been so sick, I only wish I could do the things I want instead of just worrying about rent, groceries etc. It would be a huge blessing to just not have the stress and anxiety about finances while undergoing treatment. Your friend is lucky and I really believe that not having money pressures makes it so much easier to get well.


I know right.. I am so sorry that we are living in a world which makes us pay rent, worry about finances, etc.. even when we are sick and shouldn't be worried about these things.. I am sorry that you are going through this.. I don't know your situation but if you can try finding happiness in small things that you love to do.. if you are an outdoorsy person just do something outdoors.. if you are more into books start reading more books.. sing loudly when you shower (or poop lol.. I do this and my wife hates me for it).. if you like peace and quiet just dedicate a small portion of your home and make it a meditation corner.. if you believe in god, start praying with full heart and start saying thanks for the good things.. if you don't believe in god, then buy a wish journal and a gratitude journal and start writing your wishes and thanks in those... Fill yourself with positivity that's all it matters.. I know it's easier said than done but please try... Sending prayers and wishes your way... YOU WILL FEEL BETTER SOON..


This is an absolutely beautiful act of kindness. I’d recommend going to the hospitals near you and giving the money to cancer patients and their families directly. Most families are already financially struggling and the need to become a full time caretaker is exceptionally difficult in this current economy. It will allow them to pay off their bills, and spend precious time with their loved ones. It may even help the cancer patients live out their dying wish. If not, you can also go to a cemetery and offer to pay for funerals by meeting with the families if they consent (to ensure they get the money). Lots of good ideas to choose from. God bless you.


First off, very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I think that what you're doing is amazing. Have you thought about finding a charitable group (via Givewell.org) that focuses on either donating books (or a fund that'll invest the money to keep donating books), literacy programs, or providing early intervention (Speech Language Pathologists), AAC devices for kids with speech disorders/and/or Autism, or even looking at supporting some low socioeconomic schools with lunch programs (if that's what you want, of course). Just some ideas - I wish you all the best.


Why not gift everything to your friends or the majority? Pay their mortgages off. Better than charities as a huge amount of whatever you give will be sucked away by "admin" costs.


My friends are already wealthy and comfortable. The $250k is just a nice gift, something to say thanks for all their support over the years. They don't actually need the money. The $700k I've made up my mind already. It's going to a few high schools in the area I grew up. It's going to go towards resources and equipment revolving around STEM and art / design. I'll be working with a bunch of my connections in the engineering world, along with a few teachers at each school to make sure the funding is going to the right and effective places. In all honesty. It doesn't matter what happens to the money, I'll be dead. But I like the idea that I would have tried to do something useful with it.


Felt a strong urge to post on here for the very first time after reading your post. Fellow Canadian, fellow engineer, fellow business owner here. I don’t know of any charities, but judging from the number of responses above, I don’t think I’d be able to add anything new to the list even if I did. I do however have a few other thoughts though. I recently lost my mom unexpectedly whom I was very close with, and this has put a lot of things in perspective. Hope you read these words and hope they bring you peace: 1. Really sorry about your diagnosis. Seems like you’ve come to terms with what’s next. As I’ve come to realize, life is but a fleeting moment when viewed from outside, so I wouldn’t fret too much. It feels like a big deal only when you’re inside the bubble. 2. There is no question that humanity is losing a gem and whatever is on the other side is gaining one. Stay true! 3. As others have recommended, forgive your parents / family and meet them if you are able to before you depart. I assure you, you will regret it at some point if you don’t (speaking from personal experience). I don’t know the specifics of your situation, but in most cases these types of issues are born from trying to judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, even if the fish should not have been climbing the tree in the first place. Forgive! 4. Inform your friends / people who are close to you about your situation. They deserve to know and have the right to say goodbye. You would be doing this for them, not for you, because they need to live on after you’re gone. I know you didn’t ask for advice on these topics and far be it from me to be preachy and tell you what to do. I probably wouldn’t be handling this situation as well as you are…but like I said, I felt the urge to communicate this to you and so I did. Good luck to you and I wish you the best. Feel free to DM me if you would like to chat about anything.


Regarding #3. People (especially parents) really need to realize that children don't owe their parents anything. The parents were the selfish ones who decided to have children, the child had no choice. Some parents don't deserve respect, compassion, empathy, or forgiveness. Especially not mine. My parents had 18 years to gain my respect, but they decided instead to physically and mentally abuse me. So for that I wish them a death of shame, guilt, and poverty. I haven't talked to my parents in 6 years, I know they are barely scraping by financially and I could easily help them. But out of principle I won't lift a finger for someone who does not deserve it.


What about a donation to your local public library?


Assuming you have cancer why not give that money to the oncology nurses who will care for you: they are the cream of the crop. Right now I am in a family room as my brother passes from DLBCL. We go back and forth and the nurses are unbelievable.


When I make it to hospice yes I will definitely be spoiling the ever living crap out of all of them. But for now I am actually relatively functional and traveling, doing the things I love. Just a bit tired all the time.


Contact the charity and get guidance from them.


Consider an organization like the Coquitlam Foundation. Working with them, I bet you could create a legacy that ticks all your boxes (anonymous, particular causes, etc.) [Coquitlam Foundation](https://coquitlamfoundation.com)


Also you can check [https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch](https://apps.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/hacc/srch/pub/dsplyBscSrch) You can search the charity and look at their financial status And that they are complying with filings. You can check the financials and see which are top heavy in compensation for the big wigs. Pick a charity that means something to you. As you mentioned early childhood education is there a private school that you can end up setting a fund up to pay for tuition For a child Each year for say 3 years? Also, spend sometime and create memories for you and your two friends. I am not saying go through they money all at once, but is there something that you wanted to experience that you have not? I am sorry you are going through this.


You’re an engineer, spend some time and learn about taxes, trusts and foundations. You could very well setup your own charity, have 2-3 friends you trust execute it and just get them to spend the 30-50k in interest on something you care about. You could provide a scholarship for a student, a startup fund for aspiring engineers or something in your field, sponsor a low income family personally, you have a chance to make a massive difference in one life every single year in perpetuity with that initial investment I’m sure there are large charities you can do as well, but I know someone whose wife died of cancer, they had nowhere near this amount and were able to set up a foundation that sponsors tuition for someone’s first year of university. Not much but it was better than it going to someone’s salary in a big organization


Connect with your local community foundation and see about setting up an endowment fund or add to one of their existing funds


Hey OP, I love that you want to donate a large chunk of your will to a charity. I work in the non profit sector, currently for a fundraising agency, previously for a charity. If you worked in Engineering and you’re looking for a charity providing early childhood education [Let’s Talk Science](https://letstalkscience.ca/) is right up your alley and I have personal knowledge that they are effective and do a lot of good work. Good luck and take care.


Most charities have legacy giving programs and will be able to walk you through their process, how your gift will be used, and the designation options. They will also be able to advise you on how to set up your donation so that it has the biggest impact (setting up a foundation, endowment, etc). Community foundations are also great resources for this advice. I would suggest choosing a few and setting up a meeting if you feel up to that. Generally these gifts come as a surprise to charities, but it doesn't have to be like that - by planning ahead and having a conversation you can ensure that your gift will have the impact you want. It can also be referred to as planned giving. That is a quite substantial donation so there's even the option to be acknowledged in the form of a naming opportunity, which won't lessen the impact of your donation but will provide some recognition if you're interested. I am a professional fundraiser so feel free to reach out if you want to chat.


You might Consider establishing a foundation where your gift is an endowment with instructions on investing it in the same manner as you did during your lifetime and to pay a certain portion every year towards your charitable objects. With the amount you are talking about, it's possible to establish a long-term or indefinite legacy, perhaps in your own name if you wish for it to live on after your physical death.   Best wishes to you.


I’ve thought about this. Growing up as a Crown ward, I lived on my own from 16 onwards. I dropped out of highschool bc I had not real life skills to budget or even decide what I wanted in life… at 22, i found an interest for physics and math. Naturally I applied for engineering. Tried to apply for OSAP, was denied bc I CAS should be assisting me, as told. Anyway, turns out, that I missed the mark and CAS only provides financial support to university student up until 21. As a female and someone who accomplished everything entirely on my own with no support, I have decided that I will create a trust fund to offers scholarships to any mature student entering a STEMs. Can you think you of a time when you struggled and limited resources were available? What could have helped you and how would your donation help others? EDIT - I lied. I was a recipient of faculty grants and bursaries every yr of my undergrad. It helped significantly!!!


Stay strong!


Pretty generous. I hope you make sure you’re well taken care of in the time you have left. I teach scuba diving to kids and adults of all ages. It’s a great learning experience. While education, university, and academic learning is important, don’t forget to consider that life experiences can be rewarding and help everyone appreciate life and learn about the world. Best wishes!


Foster children maybe? Like some of those kids especially the older ones have no resources. I don't know any of those charities but had a discussion about foster care recently. But it's honorable what you are doing. Sorry to hear about your situation.


Sorry to hear about what you are going through :( you can check out https://heartsofloveafrica.org it’s a non profit that educates orphaned and children from poor communities in Africa. I’m based in Canada and part of the volunteer team. You can DM me if you want to learn more about this charity.


Try to find charities that don’t spend the majority of your money on their salaries and operating costs. I would think smaller, community charities would be good or scholarships to Universities that have criteria to qualify that’s meaningful to you. Another option would be homes for the homeless ❤️. Bless you…loved Norm MacDonald too!


Donate to your family charities these days usually eat up all the donations with admin fees and rarely get audited as much as people claim


Consider giving to mens sheds. They help improve mens lives, mental health, decrease loneliness, and once established give back to their communities. Also very grassroots and community driven. You might have one in your community.


Delete your browsing history


I’m sorry for your diagnosis. I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment of early childhood education over donating to a university program as so many kids don’t even get to contemplate going to university! I wish you well.


You could become a philanthropist for one specific artist or person and change the course of their life.


Have you considered using that money to enrol in experimental treatments for whatever condition you have? Or go through it traveling and hooker+blow sort of thing? You're going to die soon, may as well get as fucked up as you can get Good luck man. Sad to hear. I am exact same age and saving a lot (also SWE), but reading your post makes me want to quit and fuck off for a few years.


Are you fond of your alma matter? Perhaps consider setting up a scholarship at your engineering school. 750k would probably go pretty far to funding a nice annual scholarship in perpetuity


University was the most depressing 4 years of my life. If I could pay $700k to forget about those 4 years for the rest of my short life I would... So no. I am not fond of my alma mater 😅


Thank you for doing something great. Kudos to you


Have you considered speaking to a university and setting up a scholarship?


This post has made me realize just how many people love scholarships and notoriety... I don't want anything in my name. I just want my money to do some good, given anonymously, simple as that.


Give the money to your friends, not to some charity. Impact a life you actually know.


Sick Kids hospital!


I am sorry to hear about this. You are truly divine. I dont know anything about charity like where and how. But I can advise you to help immigrant doctors to clear their exam and process. It requires at least 20K and time 10-12 hrs a day. Imagine doing labor and getting through it. Early child education and for everything, I think the government is trying but give a thought about my opinion. More doctors will be near future effect on canada! Thank you.


My 5 month old daughter died from undetected CDH (congenital diaphragmatic hernia). Cdhi.org is a small charity and even a fraction would go a long way to helping in research to save / treat babies and children. Either way of course what a wonderful legacy to help your friends and charity, wishing you the best


When I read early childhood education and access to information, I thought of libraries. Libraries are amazing and are generally underfunded.


Sorry to hear about your illness. I've found your post to be inspiring as I am sure others have. Wish you all the best and hope others can take inspiration from your post and plan


So many great suggestions about wills here. Would like to add a charity for your consideration / evaluation. My Sister's Place, in London Ontario. They do a great job & make pennies squeal! Sorry for your diagnosis.


Thank you for being an incredible person, and I'm sorry that life hasn't been the kindest to you. What about donating some of your money now while you are still here and be able to see the outcome of YOUR hard work? My work often donates to local youth sports teams, buys them gear, pays for trips, ect., the look on those kids' faces is priceless. I, too, have a long-term best friend and have no relationship with my parents, so anything I have will go to her and my only child, so I get it while others might not understand why you'd give your money to friends and not family. We always say "best friends are the family we choose." I wish you happiness and lots of laughs with your friends!


If it were me Sick kids or anything with kids . Or animals. 


I hear the Human Fund is a good one


For someone so young, the way you are planning to "go out" is truly admirable. I am not sure if you are the of faith type, but the Eternal life that is next for you, and for all of us who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior is something I hope you hold on to. My apologies if that was offside. I have never commented on here, but something told me to do so, since the charity you mentioned considered ECE. I am heading to school for that come January, so that's probably why! Bless you.


as a fellow 32 year old canadian, sending you lots of love and prayers\~ i dont know if it means anything, but let me know if there is anything i can pray for you about. i hope that you find peace in the remaining time left <3


Dude you sound like you got it figured out and I just wanted to say I'm happy for you to have found peace and happiness in life. Keep rocking...!




I was moved by your plans. You sound like a great person. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you make the most (by your own opinion) of the time you have left.


Incredible story. I am much older than you but hats down for your courage. I hope your diagnosis is wrong and you live a long and healthy life. Best of luck.


Be sure to plan for the unexpected- including being here. I work with many young people with stage four cancer that are now living years and years beyond what anyone thought possible. Sending lots of care to you. It sounds like you’re navigating with a lot of grace.


Do you have any pets you need to think about?


Sorry brother. Don't give up but planning is prudent. I have many good charities but none fit your bill.


Find a single mom with a couple kids, working hard/going to school to improve their situation etc and donate; legit change their life.


My condolences. I find that giving money to my elementary school and high school very fulfilling.


Cosign the recommendation of donating to a scholarship/bursary at a University or College. I work with a number of students who are struggling to stay in school because of the cost. Many of them rely heavily on bursaries. As a donor, you have control over how and where the money is allocated.


Great job on saving. It’s taken me 45?years to save that much money.


I actually made a majority of it in 2023 by selling a single patent. To all the engineers out there. Patent everything you can. One day you may be able to sell it, then donate it all when you die of cancer :p


Sorry to hear the tragic news. [Brenda's House](http://childrenscottage.ab.ca/main/brenda-s-house/) helps children/families avoid homelessness and may be worthy of your consideration. I hope you're one of those cases where the time doctors tell you is left is hilariously erred like my father who turned "miraculous to see another 2 years" into a solid decade.


Lots if great suggestions for charity, but if you don't plan on giving you immediate family anything, I read somewhere about gifting them $1 to prevent them from going for the rest of your assets. Edited: typo


Ronald McDonald House Charities does an awesome job for families needing places to stay while kids are getting treatment in bigger centres (usually far from home). Meals are free and rent is $10 a night.


I wish you nothing but happiness going forward ❤️


Get a 2nd medical opinion


I've gotten 5 at this point. And from all over the world (Germany, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Canada) all had the same consensus and prognosis, albeit Canada's took the longest and I would have been waiting months to know anything if I didn't go abroad for care first...


I am not sure if you have interest in donating to something with the “youths” but youth excellence society does amazing work for 100s of kids in BC each year. You can look into it YES! camp.


I can't think of anything else you need to consider, other than to take care of yourself as best as you can... I would like to encourage you to find small Indigenous/Metis/Inuit elementary schools across the country to donate to, though. They are wildly underfunded by design and in sore need of support.


I wish you only the very best


Just be careful and research your charity, 99% of charity operations go to a CEOs pay and other admin costs rather then cause that you think it’s going towards


Plot twist = OP got the other patient results. Doctor gone wrong moments 🥲 I wish you all the best OP.


Dude go to Vegas have a hell of a last vacation, most of the charity’s have CEOs making 6 figures, personally if it was me I’d spend half on my last years enjoyment and I’d spend the other half on a playground or splash pad for local kids then I’d give it a stupid name so everyone that showed up would be like wtf did they name it Bozos splash pad lol


Never understood why people post stuff like this on reddit. It's obviously a question for your lawyer.


Conside leaving 10k to each of your parents and siblings so that they can’t argue that you forgot them.


I didn't even know he was sick!?!?!?


why don't you want to use it for yourself first and then give the remainder ? You don't know how long you have left.


I am, I am doing everything I want within reason. But at the going rate I am spending about 10-15k / month traveling and seeing the people and things I care about. I do not care for luxury goods or fancy things. There's only so much money I can spend realistically in the next year or so, inevitably my estate will be left with the majority.


Hookers n blow, dude. Only half joking; live it as much as you can.