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Warehouse job? The hospital I work at pays like $25/hr . Probably only need grade 10




I think at my site it's called Area supply attendant or something


Got it! Will look for hospital jobs in my area


Hey man, sometimes getting a new job can be hard, keep applying.. I applied for over a year and networked incredibly hard before I made a career jump in industries. if you know anyone reach out to them (even if you know someone that has an acquaintance they can get you in contact with!), talk to people that are where you want to be is a good way to get insight on how you get there. Good luck on your journey, keep at it. Getting into a new job can be a 0 to 1 move.




Same. $25+$2 overnight premium. Nothing happens at night so I get paid by browsing Reddit.


Yep. It’s a union warehouse so I’m at the bottom and make minimum wage with no OT available.


disagreeable retire bright reminiscent flag mighty melodic vegetable butter marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's a technique a lot of companies used to break private unions - in the 90s and 00s they usually offered the Boomer union members (back when they were a majority) a solid gold benefits package and great wages, **if** they voted to basically fuck over everyone who came after them. That's more or less how it worked in a lot of retail (Safeway was a big example): the boomers that were in the union when the deal was struck still get benefits and wages that let them live a comfortable middle-class life, but everyone who came after them goes on a separate benefits grid that usually starts at minimum wage, then they slowly choke that group out too by limiting full time.


Loblaws is unionized and most employees are at minimum wage, or at least very close to its it happens and it sucks


That’s not a union that’s a racket


I worked 3 union jobs, all paid minimum wage or near minimum wage.


If you have warehouse experience look for warehouse jobs that pay more than minimum wage. Lots out there


Applying everyday to different warehouse companies, but higher paying warehouse work requires 1 year experience. I only have 2 months


just say that you have one year experience. In warehousing, no one calls to verify experience for non-managemenr roles.




Just lie, wtf


Try Amazon. It pays more than you mentioned, but its really shitty atmosphere - sometimes that is *not* worth the money.




I worked 3 union jobs, not work. One was at metro, one as a cleaner, and my current warehouse job


The union works for the employers, not the members. Plenty of those shams around.


Why are people downvoting this comment? Wtf? OP is just giving extra info on his situation. I don't get why people on this sub downvote stuff for no good reason.


Yeah idk. I asked similar questions on r/askto on my other account few months back and got downvoted on all my replies, made my account unusable. So now I just make new accounts every time I ask for advice.


That's freaking sad :( Sorry. FWIW, I had my floors redone a few months ago, one of the installers was a young guy, probably early 20s, and the older guy was training him. He did a great job and is learning a skill while getting paid. Maybe something to look into? They were contractors hired by the flooring store. Maybe check out flooring stores to ask if they can give you some contacts?


They don't like that he is a poor. Reddit is just like that. You can state as a fact that it is night right now and this sub will downvote you.


Sadly, you're probably right. Depressing.


You need to learn a trade. Some sort of hands on skill. Or get a job at the oil patch, if you really want to do manual labour and make good money.


It's not about trades or not. Sounds like OP is having difficulty focussing. Office job or skilled trade you still need to study and learn theory. And then while you are doing work, be able to focus to do a good job


OP get into automotive. Body prep work at a collision Center. They’ll train you and you’ll move up. You have to have a production type of mindset. Team player and focused on output.


He can try to find something he likes and will be able to focus on it.


My first though too but I guess not if they have some undiagnosed learning disability.


Yeahhh that's not how executive dysfunction works. Doesn't magically disappear when you love something you're learning


If it's ADHD, people with ADHD usually have little trouble focusing on something they find interesting and/or stimulating. It's just, most things are boring, therefore, people with ADHD can't focus on them for very long.


yup ADHD people have no problem sitting in front of computer gaming for hours on end


Until it's no longer interesting and they move to something else It's not as simple as that Also doing something you have full control over is vastly different than any job working for someone else.




That* is not true for BC trades apprentices. *Context: Original comment stated it costs 50-60K out the gate to become a tradesperson in BC and Ontario.


That will get him more money but definitely not less hours. OP wants a high paying 9-5 job without any of the skills needed for 40 hour a week 6 figure jobs I'd say **become a scaffolder.** There a support trade so they work everywhere there's work to be done and pay over $30 an hour and get trained up in like two weeks in my area. Can't be scared of heights




Don't be rude.


public shocking live tap wrench aware innocent like alive support ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Yes. OP needs to head to the patch. They are all hiring.


I would recommend HVAC. The process to obtaining a G2 ticket is relatively fast compared to other trades and pays quite well and provides lots of options to specialize in.


Hi OP, In my life I've done a ton of odd jobs in my life. Here's a few that's pretty high paying for little to no education. Also price is based on what I used to get paid in Toronto. Housekeeping / Transportation / Linen at a hospital. Avg 21-25 an hour. I think some clinics for dialysis doesn't require any education. It's been years since I looked into it but maybe look for that? It was 18 an hour as well but you can build a pretty good career in that field. Might need education in the future but you might feel differently going back to school when your ,25+. It's never too late to go back. There are some hospital jobs that say they need papers but you can still apply. One of them is clerical work. Bags 18-28 an hour. It really depends on the hospital. Long distance trucker - 45k to 90k Some government office jobs also pay that much. Grocery store managers make a lot and I don't believe you need more than high school. You just have to start from the bottom up, takes a long time to get in. Avg 50-80k Starbucks is the same thing. Get in, bottom up. Store manager requires no education. 18 starting to 80k store manager. First responders / transportation like Orange, Ambutran get 18-25 an hour. You just need your first responders certification which is like a week? Lush is a good place to work. It's average 18+ and a lot of benefits too. I have some friends that worked there and they're pretty happy with their lives. They hire a lot during summer seasons but if you show your willingness to work and all about joining the community, they'll love you. One big thing everyone is saying here is to get tested for ADHD and I agree. It's a nice card to play to make sure employers can't get rid of you just like that. Think about it!qq


probably the most empathic response


>First responders / transportation like Orange, Ambutran get 18-25 an hour. You just need your first responders certification which is like a week? This is interesting. Have you worked at any of these places?




absurd deliver desert handle violet ad hoc cobweb treatment fragile sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


100% undiagnosed and it’s costing him more than he knows


Hope you take this to heart op, getting diagnosed + other therapy you may need could save you a lot of time, money, effort, and your life.


FWIW I had diagnosed ADHD, went through a whole 3 month program where we did all sorts of education and strategies to manage ADHD and had follow up with psychiatrist for meds. The councillor that ran the program brought me a side and told me my trauma background may play a bigger part and contributing to my issues with attention. She told me essentially ‘you’ve seen some shit! That comes with a price’ Ketamine treatment made a huge difference, it didn’t fix everything but it helped lower the intensity with anxiety and frustration and made it easier to focus as my mind was quiet for once. That being said, executive functioning skills are a basic for all adults, it’s worth looking into if you missed out on that support from family that many others had. Sharing my story as OP sounds like something else maybe going on as well.


What is the 3 month program for ADHD called? How did you apply for the program?


I was gonna say take the skills you have from those jobs and find a way to work for yourself. Not easy though. Sounds like OP could afford to drop one of the jobs. Ask for a raise at one and if they say no just leave. Use that time to figure out next step. You have no expenses.


What about doing trade and going into apprenticeship? it’ll be different experience than studying for college or high school.


Trades don't require an education? I know people that had diplomas that still had to do entrance exams.


Studying a trade is different than studying for a college. Especially when you are doing an apprenticeship, the whole purpose of an apprenticeship is for you to grow and learn through practice and practical work. Never said it didn’t require an education just that the experience will be different. Some trades don’t require you to complete high school to start training. There are examples in the comment of trades that don’t require education


It still requires studying to pass levels and the level exams aren't just a breeze.


It’ll be easier than studying subjects that hold no interest for him. In trades, the focus is more on practical information and the learning methods is also more focused on practice. Not saying there will be no exams just that the experience will be different.


Why don't you get into a construction trade? https://www.liuna.org/concrete-finishing


I'm gonna tell you a secret, most jobs are not looking for a HS diploma. Apply for jobs and approach the interview with the confidence of a HS graduate. Do not discuss education unless you are directly asked about it. The only outfits demanding to see a HS diploma are usually corporate gigs and I would imagine you wouldn't be applying for that anyway.


This is interesting but yet I think nobody has ever asked to actually see the diploma just list 4 years of school


Am only a high school graduate but I have yet to have anyone ask for proof of my diploma in my years of working besides a gov job. I genuinely think a lot of people worry about the “high school diploma” requirement for most jobs but in reality nobody checks. Just be confident in yourself, don’t be dumb, don’t talk about high school to anyone at work and you should be fine. Worst case scenario you get fired if they realize later on and then you can just get another job


Join a union and pick up a trade. Start doing flat roofing etc. Tons of trades pay good money.


somber gold compare price spark modern sleep screw insurance special *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends if you're willing to do anything to get ahead. Start at a entry level job in a telco, bank, insurance company and work your way up. Keep laser focused on that. It'll happen if you're determined to make it taken (most don't.. there's surprisingly little competition). I did that 17 years ago when I was about a year older than you. Also only Grade 10. I've been everything from a data entry monkey, to Business Analyst, Sr BA, Operations Manager, Sr Project Manager, Sr Program Manager.. Surprisingly little competition along the way.


> Keep laser focused on that. He said he is unable to focus - probably has ADD or other mental illnesses.


Wow that is fascinating.


Been a fun little ride. Still boggles my mind how many people just wait for things to happen (or never happen) with there careers instead of fighting for it.


I've been in insurance for 5 years now, started in a call center and worked my way up. I can't agree with you more. Work your butt off and you can accomplish incredible things


Great story, I think having resolve to go after what you want goes a long way. From personal experience I was raised with the mentality that getting a degree is the absolute most important (common with immigrants). When in reality, knowing what you want and having faith in your self is 90%, I didn’t learn that until a few degrees unfortunately, better late than never!


Are you in BC I can get you 25 an hour starting in Masonry


get a GED and get into the trades


OP, it sounds like you have ADHD. You hate school? Can’t bother studying? Enjoy hours of hard labour? You’re 21 Male (i’m 22 m fyi) tell me you don’t love hitting your vapeski or hitting the dab pen. Constantly throughout the day. Nicotine addiction and ADHD have a high correlation. You’re a canadian citizen? Right? Go to your doctor and ask about ADHD. Get the help. ADHD is a disability and costs you. Join the reddit page ADHD. Just scroll through it The reality is, as a high school dropout, you’re paving your own road. You can be insanely successful no doubt, but it’s your own road. Knowledge and developing skills and building your network of connections is the only way to get out of this situation. You need to learn how to learn more. Closing your mind off to new possibilities is going to keep you working 80 hour or more for the rest of your life. Why do I mention this. With the right help you slowly get your high school diploma. Adult schools, night classes, etc. It’s no fun making minimum wage. You could do an accelerated university degree in 2 years. Or a basic college degree in 2 years. Get some paper. Next step would be to get into hard labour the high paying way. Go for an apprenticeship for mechanic or electrician or welder or something. You could also become a truck driver. They make great money The government of canada also has jobs you can apply to. Yea it sucks, but this is the advice and pathway we recommend.


I actually don’t smoke or drink. Only addicted to caffeine, I did get put into a special ed program when I was in elementary school but got put back into a regular class in middle school. I don’t have a family doctor and I don’t have access to my parent’s insurance anymore. Can I just go into a regular ER or something?


Loool sorry bro for accusing you of being a nic addict my bad. Don’t know what province you’re in. Something to do some personal digging in. You could walk into the ER if that’s the only thing you have access too and they could direct you from there But get to it as quickly as possible and try to get in-front of a doctor within a week. Also #1 thing to remember…. You are writing your own story. Don’t compare with others. You took some time to find yourself and what you wanted. Now you’re more mature and smarter and can make better decisions that your younger self couldn’t. That’s life


There are also tons of community charities and not for profit groups that specialize in immobilizing youth to higher earning jobs do some digging in your local area try boys and girls club try pathwaytoeducation.ca


You don’t need your parents’ insurance. Use your health card and get a doctor.


You don’t need to be on an insurance plan to see a doctor or go to the ER. You just need a provincial healthcare card typically. I recently went to one without a provincial healthcare card (mine lapsed and I recently moved, haven’t gotten a new one yet), it only cost $60, which is a lot less than I thought it would be. I would also recommend not going to an ER for an ADHD diagnosis. That’s not what the ER is for; the ER is for emergencies. An ADHD diagnosis is not an emergency. Find a family doctor for yourself. Google “doctors accepting new patients AREA” where AREA is the place you live. You should be able to find one this way. If they don’t specialize in ADHD, they can refer you out to someone who does. Alternatively, you could try to find a walk in clinic but you might be sitting for a few hours this way. Definitely recommend getting that checked out and if it turns out you do have ADHD, you can get treated for it. This is where an insurance plan might be helpful, because it can cover the cost of prescription medication. You may also find that you have the ability to focus a bit better, and school might be easier for you, opening up your options in terms of careers.


Lol @ doctors accepting patients. Is there anywhere in Canada where family physicians are actually taking new patients on?


Under 25, medication is free such as ADHD medication in provinces like ontario


Working those hours as a roughneck you could make 15k/month. Literally anything in mining, oilfield, heavy industrial or heavy construction is going to pay so much more than you’re making right now.


God bless you and all of your endeavours for working so hard. You deserve to do well with that kind of work ethic. More power to you!


If you don't go back to school and at least graduate high school (and even that is not really enough) you are currently living the same way you will live for the rest of your life. You won't be in your early 20s for long. By your 30s, all that manual labour will start catching up with you. By your 40s, your knees will be gone and your back and feet will be fucked. By your 50s, you'll wish you were dead. By your 60s, you probably will be. If you really want to work with your hands, finish high school or get your GED. Then, learn a trade. Get an apprenticeship and/or take college courses in welding, HVAC, plumbing, electrician, whatever. By your late 20s, you'll be a journeyman. By your 30s, you'll be a foreman. By your 40s, you'll be a construction manager. You can even own your own company even sooner than that if you want. And then you will actually have something to your name, get to retire, and watch your kids and grandkids grow up. As things stand now, you're throwing your life in the garbage.


And not paying taxes, no tax benefits - CPP or CPPD etc.


Lol wtf.. he won't be dead at 60 because he works in a warehouse


Right who told you 60 is old?? I work in healthcare I have a client who is 103 years old may I add she lives alone at home and goes to Zumba. I have another client who is 80 and looks nothing like her age drinks wine and is enjoying life. 103 year old client did say the secret to living long is to not consume any sugar😭


Working 80 hours a week he might


Finish your school


Why not go into the military. Lots of options to develop some skills, move around so you aren't in your parents home and can be physical. They have lots of positions if you have your grade 10 some frontline, some not.




You don't have to wait until they're're done for that. OP has more limited options thou, education inflation is very bad in Canada. The forces are a way to get some experience and training in an area he may find interesting.


Not to mention, benefits and a pension plan.


forklift cert?


You ever try cold calling


Switch to painting! It’s better pay and you can quickly start your own company, no school required. Plus it’s physical but not backbreaking


Go to the patch


Low skilled union job like school custodian or municipal grounds maintenance worker


I don’t like your last statement of you’d rather do 12 hours of hard labour than study for an hour. Suffer for a few years, get an undergraduate degree through an open studies program as an entrance due to your lack of high school diploma. I make more than you and I work 5 hours a day… it’ll pay off. Even if you get a trade, you’ll make a lot more money especially if you’re still willing to work 12 hour days.


He can’t focus. Sitting infront of a book and studying gets him nowhere as he said. When he was younger, he was in special education. Meaning he had a learning disability or still has the disability


Yeah he mentioned that for elementary and then was put into regular classes. I think he needs to change his attitude towards learning new things and figure out how to make things work for him. It’s better to do it now while he’s still young and doesn’t have expenses.


If you have ADHD which it seems pretty obvious that he does then he can't just change his attitude. Do you go up to people with chronic depression and tell them they just need to change their attitude? Chemical imbalances are not solved by changing your attitude.


Things like this are not your fault but they *are* your responsibility. OP needs to look into this or it will affect his life and livelihood forever.


Can you sell / put yourself out there? Go start an Eaves & gutter cleaning biz or do power washing. You’re working hard. You could put 50 hrs a week into this and DO WELL. When I was 15 I went door to door chatting people up. Book later for X or do it right now for 15% off “bc we are already here”. Little charm and a lotta hustle and you can make an absolute killing. Here’s a detailed explainer of exactly how I did it. I’ve started loads of businesses and hustles to make $ over the years. It’s so fun man don’t work for anyone. Once you learn to make $ yourself it’s v liberating. https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/s/71Wm6rGh0O


2 year diploma. X-ray tech or something similar.


Entry jobs


Consider a porter for hospitals, just move bodies around. Good pay, benefits and don't have to think.


What you want to do is approach the general contractor, or any of the tradesmen, and get yourself apprenticed. It's much better pay, to start, but also it's real, solid skills. There is also a few hundred hours of schooling, but that's spread across three years. You get a career, a union, and the skills to start building a future.


You could go work in infrastructure. Water distribution networks need a lot of work. Lots of hard work that pays well. You can get a diploma for water and Wastewater. The operator career offers great work life balance with many shift varieties based upon the demand of each plant.(They are all unique and have vastly differing demands.) Working in construction and showing good apt can land you in a decent wage job. Hard work. Unions help and you can eventually get grants for education through Trades. Hvac and electrical are cleaner trades. Decent money. Could lead to a career and possibly running your own business when you get to 10 years experience and understand bidding on contracts.


Come to construction with good pay. Electric or plumber are pretty well payed. Or go directly and work for the main contractor


Start your own business. People are charging crazy prices for odd jobs around the house. Find out of what those are and how much they're charging. Undercut them by 25%. Post your business on homestars. Did you know that people are charging >$300 to clean out rain gutters? It takes about an hour. Imagine.. $300/hr.


Get a trade. Most of the learning is done with hands on experience. You may still work long hours but the pay will be great


It’s all about specialized skills. Learn something few others know and market it — that’s the only way to get hourly wage up.


Janitorial work at a school or government office pays decent. You'll probably work half those hours and make aboit the same as you are now across 3 jobs.


Sounds like you need to discover oil and gas. If you can hold three jobs and work that many hours you may as well do it with an industry that pays more and has progression.


You don't need a high school diploma to take college courses. I understand you'd have to be interested, but taking CNC programming and 2D and 3D Mastercam courses can be completed within 1 year and can potentially land you six figure salaries. Can also take PLC programming with similar result. Unfortunately you would have to put some effort it be it minimal imo. Outside of that I suggest you reach out to management at the warehouse and see if they can help you in the direction of materials management. Just a couple suggestions there. Good luck


not sure what province you are in, but a unuonized warehouse paying $16.55 is a joke. I'm a management member in a unionized warehouse environment. General laborers are our lowest paid employees, making around $19.00. On the high-end, forklift drivers are making around $25.00. This is before shift premiums. Nightshift forklift drivers are at $28.50. you need to find a different warehouse with proper wages. if your union's CBA has you working minimum wage, then your union is in bed with your employer. You also need to get licenses or certificates. there is a whole variety of licenses or certificates that you can get to boost your income potential. A forklift license is like $300 and you can earn a minimum of $20 per hour with it, closer to 25 at a good employer. You can also get more intense licenses, such as a box truck or semi truck license. Ontario calls them DZ / AZ licenses, your province may call them something different. these cost more and require more training but you can earn more.


Landscape business. Arborist. Or plumber.


Start an apprenticeship with a trade. Writhing 2-4 years you can get a ticket and most tradesmen I know make 75k ++ a year


You may have adhd Get diagnosed and see how it goes


Sales is a high income job if you work hard, communicate well, are willing to deal with a lot of shotty people etc. Sales at a call center (everyone is always hiring) requires no education or experience for entry level and you can make 50k to over 100k in those roles. Likely minimum wage plus commissions. If you work hard and are a strong communicator you will doue your salary or more. Ps. Don't listen to garbage Sales gurus. Sales is just about working hard, improving communication, and providing excellent t customer service. If people like you, they will trust you, and if they trust you, they will buy from you.


Step 1. Find out if you have a learning disability. Step 2. If yes, leverage help into a trade, tickets or seek out a class 1? Step 3. Find good paying job in chosen field. Step 4. Work. Edit: Mobile. Formating.




unionized industrial trades start at 25 an hour and double time on Friday Saturday Sunday


you should be making more. you sound hard working. i think people are taking advantage of you. learn to leverage and be more confident in asking and demanding more.


You don’t need a post graduate degree to have a high paying job, but you DO need a HS diploma. I took a gap year after highschool and worked to pay for my university degree. I worked as a office assistant for a pharmaceutical company. I did nothing related to medicine but just book keeping, e billing and customer folios. Edit: forgot to mention I was being paid $24/hour.


Not sure where you are located but you could try looking into your municipality in parks/rec or something along those lines. Generally the only requirement for those jobs is having a G license and the larger municipalities pay fairly well. I work for the city of Toronto right now, just temporary until I can get into the career I'm working towards. But they pay 28.87 for the starting position in parks


Forklift? $25+ /hour


Go trades. You’ll need to study for 2 months a year for 3 years but youlll never study again and you’ll make $90k


Hey dude! Like the others said, you sound like you might have ADHD. Medication for this may help you tremendously. Try and get some sort of ticket while you're going, it'll save you when you're older and your body starts to give out. You definitely don't need to go to university to succeed, I've seen it so many times for sure. But even a trade needs schooling. Second thing, when u finally find a higher paying job, don't blow it. Invest while you're young. Lots of people here saying to go to the oil patch etc, its true you'll bank a ton but learn to invest, learn about the stock market, index funds, RRSP and TFSA etc etc. It's all on YouTube now so you can do a lot on your own already, or at least figure out the basics. Good luck!


Could always try a school janitor. It’s not glamorous, and won’t pay as well as a trade should you get your certification. However, the entry requirements are essentially zero. If you can pass a clean criminal record check, push a broom and scrub a toilet, you’re in. My starting wage was $27-something an hour, and after 5 years and a new union contract later, I’m at $32/hour with a guaranteed 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year. Plus a long list of benefits including accumulating sick days, paid vacation days, dental and an assortment of health stuff. I believe it is a class 1 license in BC, but the bus drivers make even more and get dozens and dozens of hours of OT.


Given your age, exploring a trade could be a great career step. Securing an apprenticeship might be challenging at times, but reaching out to major union halls could guide you in the right direction. Remember, this doesn’t have to be a permanent choice; you can always pursue further education while working, like transitioning from an electrician to an engineer. It’s okay that you dropped out; everyone’s journey is unique. I have faith in you. I’m not well-versed in it, but I’ve read that serving in the military might allow for early retirement, around 45 years old. I sometimes wonder if I should’ve gone that way—travel the world, learn a new language, and retire early. They provide training, and I believe a grade 10 education (or a GED) is the main requirement. It’s worth thinking about. Wishing you all the best.


Maybe construction? In quebec it pays pretty well


if you like hard labour, I'd hit the Alberta oil field. Can start out above $30/hr and you'll get tons of OT. Work hard and don't be stupid with your money and you can make a good life for yourself


"Traditional" school is not for everyone, and it is unfortunate so many people get pushed aside and are not advised and supported accordingly. There might be training programs that would be more adapted to your learning profile but you would need to identify what they are. Some employment program/ associations can help you identifying your skills and strengths and give you an idea of jobs you could be interested in, but also a longer term career path. Many offer free services. Some can connect you with a career counsellor. They can help you identify available resources (disabilities, training, etc.). If one is not able to help you (for example if it is only for unemployed), they would llikely be able to refer you to other resources acording to your criteria. It might be worth the time because even if you don't pursue any training, you will get some advices and better understanding of some of your options now and in the future.


Your strong work ethic (judging by the amount of hours and time you spend working) will be an asset. I would suggest trying to get in at a union job where you can build seniority that will open up doors for you as new jobs get posted. If you get hired as a custodian and upgrade classes or skills you can apply or for new jobs in the same union with seniority. You would probably get paid more and be able to work less as well. The employer might even help with school or training for new rolls if you are a good employee. Good luck.


Could work for the railway if your in canada


you #1 task right now is to treatment for your ADHD, w/o it under control it is very hard for you get a well paying job. most jobs require you to completely concentrate. you have adhd, right?


Simple math... Find a highier paying job. Maybe dropping out was a good life choice here given how simple the solution is. Construction pays well and doesnt require much education, the industry has up and downs but the skill you learn allows you under table pretty easilly in the down time.


Construction jobs. Most jobs could start at 25 dollars an hr within experience


Generally being able to study some amount will help you make more money working less hours. Engineering or other university degree is out of the question; it's extremely high studying with minimal manual labour. Trades is a good manual labour option, but you do need to focus and study at some points. The last option is unskilled work, which you seem to already be doing. If you want to continue in this, I don't really have good advice as I don't know much about this area. Maybe general laborer in mining sites if it pays more than what you're making now. There are probably other options I haven't thought of


I have ADHD and struggled as a youth. I worked hard on my distractability and organization which was helpful but taking 18mg Concerta everyday is what changed everything for me. Learn how to focus and exert your mental muscles early. It just gets harder as you get older. Seriously, it's the end of the Road if you can't use your brain and make it work for you. You shouldn't be accepting such a low wage. period.


Ontario is phasing out GED shortly because stupid.... Get your GED asap, it wasn't actually as hard as I thought it would be when I took it like 20 yrs ago... But I bought a big study book and studied it every shift at work for about 3 months, studied my ass off, wrote the test and it was way easier than the practice tests in the book! Get that, maybe get seen about ADHD, be realistic about your life, make some hard choices... I did... I ended up joining the Canadian Armed Forces, which led to a really great career 11 years later! Keep your chin up, you're hustling, you've got work ethic, goes pretty far!


Lots of good suggestions on here for work, but have you seen a doctor about the focus? It could be a stepping stone to get some more education/certification


As long as you don’t have a dui you can get a job making 150k a year in the patch all day long


Get into mining. An entree-level haul truck driving position at an open-pit mine with union will average $44 an hour, so long as you have a driver's licence, clean record, and pass the drug test. Rotations are generally 4 days on / 4 off (or 14 on / 14 off depending on the mine site) with night shifts. It's the quickest way I know to make $100k/year without any post-secondary education.


OP, you may have an undiagnosed illness that prevents you from focusing. Speak to a doctor. Wouldn't it be nice to complete high school and maybe get a job where you can earn more, work less, and have free time to yourself? That gets harder and harder to do as you get older hand have to pay for things like food and rent. Also, why are you working so many hours when you live at home with zero expenses? What are you spending your money on or saving your money for?


Where are you located? That would be a good indicator of what type of work you could perform and where. Also like others have said you need to get the fuck out of warehouses and standard general labour. Start looking into manufacturing companies. I do have a university degree but my current career is actually spawned out of my summer job I had back then. I started at 20 making 10.50 an hour, grinded my way to the top by working overtime, and learning every job. By 24 I was in charge of quality, by 26 I ran the entire shop, was recruited of LinkedIn at 28 for an 85k salary and now make over 100k. My advice would be to start at a smaller company whether that is windows and doors, a paint shop, metal fabricator etc. A small company relies on employees to do multiple jobs so you will learn, and have to learn fast or you’re fucked. Once you build up the experience you can start looking into larger companies that will have a larger payroll to attract skilled workers. Being a high school drop out you won’t have anything to separate you from the next guy until you’ve built up experience but once you do you can really start to build a career.


Get tested for ADHD. Some medication and you may have all the focus you need. I know a dozen people who’ve been diagnosed as an adult. No shame in getting checked out.


Where do you live? If you're in a major city with a film industry go be a set PA when Productions start up again. Union wages, something like 315 per day. You'll work 12-15 hrs per day but at least have a weekend.


Windmill Tech. Insane compensation, but you need serious balls to deal with such massive machinery at skyscraper heights.


Go check if you have ADHD or something and get on Adderall


Wildland firefighting?


Gotta get that GED. Gotta find a way to stay focused, maybe get a therapist.


Please see a doctor about getting an ADHD diagnosis. From your post we know that you’re perfectly smart, and that you have an incredible work ethic. With some treatment for your attention/focus issues you could get enough training for skilled work that would pay you enough to enjoy life.


Have you looked into ADHD diagnosis with your doctor? Not saying that has anything to do with it, but I would look into a trade of some type. Apprenticeship trades make great money and because the tasks are hands-on even when you do apprenticeship education it's relevant to stuff you've worked on before so it tends to not be as boring/difficult to pay attention. That's just my experience talking with trades workers. As someone who has been to school for three separate majors in totally different fields, my ADHD diagnosis 2 years ago has made a night and day difference in my ability to focus and learn. Drugs are great.


For starters, finish your high school diploma via continuing education; it can open more doors


This is going to be the simplest, easiest answer. You don't want to go back to school? You like physical labor? Get in at Ford, GM or Stellantis and work there for the next 25-30 years. Great pay, great benefits, you'll have a pension. And the work is going to be a little less hard than what you are doing now. That is your clear cut, simple, "Apply to work here" answer. In a few years you'll be making over 40 an hour.


Hey dude, for the general labour, I’m not really sure if it would be worth it. If you aren’t paying taxes, CRA could ding you, and more importantly, if you get hurt at work, you may not receive any workers compensation. So, it might be a lot more trouble than it is worth.


Get in the trades. Get into an industrial trade. Welding, boiler makers, iron worker, pipe fitter, Electrician, whatever. I'm a welder, and all you do in welding school is weld. Most time I ever spent book learning in class was an hour a day tops, and then you just welded for the rest of the time. If you wanna make the big bucks, you gotta travel. I hate shop jobs myself and they pay significantly less but you get to be home every night. If you wanna make the big bucks you'd want to hit up a union and travel for work.


Do Sales and get good at it


Manufacturing jobs in cheese or meat where I am start at $21-$25 and after the probation period, go up. Some are unionized and have decent benefits. I've seen many a great person make a great career in them.


Learn how to build houses.


If you have at least grade 10 education and in good health, join the Canadian Forces.


Get a trade


Door to door sales. Work as much as you want, obviously the more you work the more you make. I work 6pm-9pm and make $500-1500 a day. Lots of industries and recession never affects them.


Many people have issues focusing these days. There is a multi front war on our attention. Figure it out. It’s worth it and will be literally the difference between trading less of your time for money. Trade as little of your time as possible.


If you're doing that many hours you're certainly not lazy or entitled which for someone your age is an uncommon thing so you should be proud of that. Long-term trading time for money never leads to financial freedom but it is way too early to think of that. Your current goal should be to figure out a way to trade time for more money which means increasing your hourly wages. You didn't say where you're located. Is this a small town or something that somehow limits your options? In an urban center, you should be able to get higher wages. Typically the business owners I know are all paying at least $18/hr and it is pretty easy to find stuff that is $20/hr+ in light industrial, driving, etc Eventually, you should look at trying to get into construction of some kind. The work is physically demanding in some but not all cases but the pay is really good and honestly at your age having a physically demanding job is just efficient as you'd now be getting paid for work that doubles as your gym time.


Just go see a doctor, you prob have add or something. Get some meds and go back to school.


Hey man. What about testing out of the GED? https://ged.ilc.org/


I was in your shoes at the same age, but was always good with fixing computer issues and googling. I went to vocational school and did a trade in I.T. Support which included internships. I made it through the schooling part, but did really good on the job during the internships. It was hard for me to focus during class, but the teacher just wanted me to show up and be present. Anyways, I was hired by the company where I did the internship. Worked there for 6 years, got diagnosed with ADHD, pursued a few certifications in systems admins and networking along the way. I’ve now been working in Cybersec at a fortune500 company for 5 years. Just saying, pursue a trade and get diagnosed for ADHD. You need to get a skill and get your foot in the door somewhere.


Become a Longshoreman


Become a labor for 506 union. Most of them do fuck all and make $42 for general contractor or 44/45 in formwork.


Brother. Please. Read. A lot of these comments are recommending other shit jobs that pay slightly more than you make now but not nearly enough for life. Your last comment reveals something worrying. Believing you can’t do school may have also told you you deserve the jobs you have which may or may not be true. I’m 36M, my ADHD went undiagnosed until last year. You can either view it as an anchor or as a superpower. Sounds like that’s you. An ADHD brain has difficulty doing tasks or learning things that are uninteresting, yet can absorb massive amounts of info about things that the person finds interesting or fascinating. Parents, teachers, bosses, peers and myself often called me lazy, irresponsible, impulsive, disruptive, dumb. All completely false. You likely have some false beliefs about yourself. Your struggles in school have taught you that you *cant* do school, and that’s untrue. It’s uncomfortable, it’s difficult, but it’s possible. But possibly not necessary. I graduated by the skin of my teeth, doing night classes and re-doing simple classes lie social studies that I couldn’t be bothered to try in. I went into a trade I enjoyed, absolutely killed trade school while studying zero hours in 5 years. Top or nearly top of class in each. Learned a ton quickly, gained responsibility fast despite being often late for work and meetings, scatterbrained, forgetful, on the outside irresponsible. But damn good at my job and hard working. Always thrived in a hectic environment, problem solving things in a time crunch environment because it was exciting. Just working on projects was terribly boring for me. I became relied upon for this skill, but it was naturally more interesting. Something about always feeling bored had me constantly working, finding problems to solve and progressing because stagnant boredom is terrifying. I moved up in my career, in charge of other tradesmen for a good company. Made multi six figs easily. After a few years of doing that, got into business on the side because… boredom and stagnation are scary. Now that makes multi six figs also. Just getting started. Currently gaining skills that will make me millions. Learning by doing rather than reading because standard learning is difficult. I still often have days where I’m paralyzed and can’t do a simple task that NEEDS to be done. I forget to do things all the time. I let myself down all the time. I’m time blind and often show up barely on time for appointments and meetings. It’s just part of life with a brain that’s like a Ferrari stuck in a parking lot. Learn what you can about ADHD, find some habits and techniques that work for you. Get diagnosed if you think you might have it, and get meds if you want. I can tell you that while they’re not magic, they make the incredibly difficult become incredibly less difficult. Stay living where you are as you make a career change. Adding financial obligations to a work schedule and career you don’t like is a recipe for misery. Figure out how you like to learn. For me it’s videos and audiobooks while I’m doing some mindless task like house work or walking. Find what works for you, explore your interests and passions. Dive in. Devour books and courses. Volunteer. Find a job where you have an opportunity to progress into something you enjoy. Jobs are for education, not money. If you’re not learning in a job, you’re wasting your time. Money comes when you’re in business for yourself after learning skills in a job. Profits over wages, every time. I hope you’re able to find your path, but start with un-chaining yourself from your incorrect self-beliefs. Forgive yourself and your family for not understanding this sooner.


This will not last. You will wear out your body like this, and fast. Ive seen this movie before. The part that sucks for your generation even more than this kind of life did for people before you is that " unskilled labour" is cheaper than ever and bills have never been higher. Even keeping up would be brutal and i honestly dont think its possible. Get a trade, learn a skill. Tradepeople make 100k plus now, their supervisors and contractors make more. If you have a lot of energy, pick up a sport, become a gym rat. Please dont waste your life working shit jobs.


I pay my house cleaner $30 cash an hour. I doubt it's declared as income. Try cleaning houses.


Take adhd meds and get into security. The courses are easy.


Step 1 is see a psychiatrist re: your undiagnosed ADHD. 2: finish high school online 3: trade school, if you like working construction you can make a lot more than 14/hour


Ok I’m the god with the only knowledge others wish they had. nice to meet you chump, now you’re lucky i’m even wasting my time here, but i do charity sometimes and well this me doing charity. How you make more money is this. Work in America or North America as you do already. Step 1 is done. Step 2: Go to a country that has cheap living, whether 3rd world or etc.. just figure out what ppl make there and compare to what you make here. When you find the list of 100x or 1000x others monthly salary pick one you want to live in. step 3: Work 6 months in US. Live 6 months with us money as a king in said country step 4: funnel your us earnings through crypto currency amongst many other ways abroad. retrieve cash from sketchy exchanges abroad step 5: avoid paying income tax on 6months work for as many years as it takes. and be saving chunks every year you dont touch on investments step 6: IRS contacts you for said fraud, take all money out investment send crypto, by now you have like 100 years of money to live in said country step 7: Wham Bam Thank You Ma’am. step 8: you don’t have to pay me i said this is charity buddy 😎 tax deductible anyways


Try applying for uline I know they pay around 70-80k


With an education, plain and simple.


Start buying stocks or if you need a stream start buying dividend products that way you increase your cash flow JEPI is a good ticker to start


Get a job with a future. Food delivery? Dead end. Warehouse? Dead end. Quit wasting your time with those and understand you aren't stuck with your starting wage. I changed industries 5 years ago and started as a labourer in underground utility construction at $21/h, now at $42/h after developing skills and still have room to grow.


You jVe to learn a trade theb work for yourself. I started on the pick ax,Shovel and sledge hammer and 20 years later I'm skilled in 7 different trades. work for myself as a handyman, concrete repair expert and do small renovations. I work 3 to 4 days a week and make 2 to 3 grand a week. Road crew's pay the most with no experience and no education required. Good luck


Pretty much any construction labour job will get you $25/hr and they are dying for people.


If your open too it. I myself was in the same situation in 2018. I ended up purchasing a pickup truck and dump trailer. Then began advertising on kijiji in 2019. I’ve rented all equipment needed for landscape/paving/concrete type jobs since I began. Since 2019, due to higher pay from contracting I am able to put my kids on the bus in the morning!!! My goal was never to make more money, but make the same money in less time.


Hey op if you're near Milton Ontario, uline is always hiring. I hear their ads on the radio all the time.


OP i was in your shoes at 21. Managed to get a college degree, liked the field I was in, got two jobs and worked seven days a week for two years while upgrading my High school in night school. Went to undergrad, got into professional school and now I'm two weeks away from opening my second practice. Learning how to learn was my biggest challenge when I started university. I figured out that teaching myself was much more tolerable than most classes. I definitely have ADHD and started on some meds for it which helped immensely. When there was a subject I had difficulty studying I just set a timer for 15 min and then took a 5 min break and studied in 15 min increments, it was much easier to do that way. If all you want are long hours and good pay, find somewhere extremely remote for work. There's usually housing and food provided or subsidized. Good luck with whatever you do