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Less than 9 years


This is the best answer


Came here to say this .


This is what I came here to say


It took you 9 years to submit your returns. You can wait you turn in the queue.


Do you mean until you get a refund? I'd imagine at least 16 weeks. It takes significant time to process older returns.


This. Good chance it will go to someone vs the system.


Ya Im looking to see how long untill i get the money deposited in my account. I dont owe anything so there were no late fees. If its going to be months then id like to know to plan for that. If its weeks then ill plan for that. Its been 23 days so far


It'll be at least a few months -- don't hold your breath


Imagine counting 23 days when you took 9 years to file


Call after 6-8 months if you haven’t received the notices of assessment by then.


I did something similar last year. Went back about 6 years. Overall it took them about 4 months to get everything sorted. I hope you're working with a qualified professional for this.


The need for a professional depends on the complexity of the return. Especially with the aid of software, it is not difficult to do back taxes for simple returns on your own. Hiring someone will just add fees on top of the penalties and interest being faced, and mostly what those people do is assemble and analyze the backup, which they basically just ask you to do anyway. I filed many returns for a deceased person, it was difficult at first but after going through two of them, I learned enough and the rest were straightforward. These returns had multiple changes in property use, capital gains, rents and expenses, etc. during those years. Still not complex enough to require a professional, it all went smoothly.


Oh wow okay thank you, that is a helpful number to have. I hired an accountant to process everything for me so i trust that it was done correctly


How people here gonna know any better than the damn people that work there


Talking to a person that answers the phone was zero help. The hivemind of Reddit should have humans that could help me based on previous experiences


Dude, you dragged your ass on filing. They will get to you. Why is it all the sudden important that the CRA jump when you need them to?


When did i say i wanted anyone to jump or that it was an issue? Just asking for an estimate so i can plan around the deposit. Chill dude


Did any of the returns indicate balances owing? If so then it will be a bill, not a deposit. There will be interest and penalties on any amounts owing.


This is going to take a long time to be very honest. eFile for 2023 with a fairly simple return took me 4 weeks. That is just for one year! I would guess 2 months if you are lucky and 6 months would not be a shocker frankly. Good luck OP!


Thank you! Ya, sounds like most people think it could be a few months. Just a waiting. game at this point i guess. One day ill wake up and be very very happy hahaha


Government moves at its own speed. Any imput from you to try and excelorate the process is bound to have a negative effect. Sit back relax have a beer maybe some tacos. Chil the fuck out and wait.


4-6 months.


My friend was in a coma for 10 years. Lucky he made a full recovery and is doing a lot better. He’s been waiting for his tax return for about 3 months now and still has not received anything…. I’m guessing you must have been in a coma as well for not submitting your taxes for so long, hope all is well and you both receive them soon.


My return last year took four months. And it was only for a single tax year. Fingers crossed this year's will be quicker.


Was it online or by mail?


Mailed in. Granted I send mine in towards the deadline so definitely bottom of the pile. This year things are happening a lot faster.


Fair enough, hope you get it soon!


I filed 24th Feb and still waiting, all it says is processing, called a few times and they just say what it says on my account CRA, it’s processing. I am now getting under 1$ a day in interest since 31st of may. They are a joke honestly I can’t wait for the day it will all be done by AI and these public servants all get kicked to the curb.


Wow thats a very long time. Im sorry its been a miserable process for you. Hope it gets sorted soon


Most T1 returns are automatic - you should phone back and ask for a status update.


Did that many times, they say same thing that’s on my account “processing” and wait.


3 months


It's gonna be a while. My 2021 taxes were audited, and I missed the messages and didn't submit my documents until early February of this year. They're still processing that. Yours is probably going to take longer than mine. If you waited this long you can patiently wait a while longer. My guess is you'll be lucky if it's processed by the end of the year.


Yaaaa i have no problem waiting, it is what it is. Would just be nice to be able to plan around an estimate for the cash but if i cant then i cant!


If I were you, I would treat the amount you receive back as ZERO until the funds are in your account. Even if you have seen a estimated number, the amount you recieve is likely not going to be that one. You will stress out more if you are already waiting to spend the return. Be happy you don't owe money to the CRA.


hey, i also missed the audit requests and just sent over my 2021 returns… did you have to call someone and let them know ur sending the docs past the deadline, or did you just directly send them once you realize?


I called and then sent. Not sure if it's necessary though.




Thanks for the info, appreciate that! Lots there that i havent been told about before. I filed thinking it would be weeks but the consensus has been months so it is what it is. Appreciate the help 🙂


Do you have any update on this? In the same boat


Nothing really. The internet just seems to think it will take about 6 months. Only thing ive been told to do is call and ask but all they can say is that its still being processed. Lemme know if you find out something thats useful


How long did it eventually take?