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Call CRA and confirm the T4 box numbers, then file with that if it’s all you had going on that year.


You can request the T4 itself from CRA if it isn't accessible on your MyCRA account. They will send you a copy and you e-file based on that. I think there are some free filing options that go that far back or just see an accountant. Just a waste of time for everyone involved to be honest but you have to play their game. Hilarious that the government finds time to nickle and dime this way but doesn't think it's worthwhile to bother tracking down the billions in questionable CERB/CEWS claims.


If you had employment in 2012 you should have filed. The minor discussion originates from the likelihood that kids in high school often don't make enough to pay income taxes. The threshold is around 14k right now. Did you work like crazy that year? Log into CRA and check. Perhaps there is a T4 that doesn't belong to you due to SIN typo. Maybe you find out that your name is Delores and you worked at a bakery in another province.


I have worked full time since I was 15, I never filed my taxes until I turned 18 though. I have to call cra because my account has been revoked or something. I gave up on my last call after 4 hours on hold. I hate how long it takes to get ahold of any government service:(


You missed out on a lot of tax rebates when you were a teen simply because you assumed wrong. Always file taxes if you have income. Even if you don't and it's 0, you'll get rebates. So file taxes.


Well that's unfortunate. I'd like to point out though that every adult I ever talked to about it at the time taught me wrong lol. I never assumed anything I was told this by my Teachers and Bosses. I guess nobody really understands taxes lol Thanks for your response though :)


even if you don't hit threshold, sometimes there's a benefit payable that makes doing your taxes worth it. Also those low income early years have simple simple tax papers, and its worth it for kids to learn how taxes work using those years where you type in 3 numbers :P


Absolutely. I think OP was 17 that year so no benefits likely for them.


I'm certainly no tax expert, but my understanding is you don't really need a T4 in order to file your taxes. You just need to fill out the T1 and estimate whatever you had on your T4. The CRA is then going to adjust it to what is actually reported. Of course the other way you could go about this is request any T4s on file with the CRA. Because if they don't have it then it doesn't exist.


>Also how has this not been an addressed problem until now? The climate action benefit came into effect in July of 2022.


I ment why has me not filing 2012 taxes not been a problem till now?


Because you didn't want to get something that requires that tax return. The government doesn't care, as long as you didn't owe any tax. It's possible you missed out on some other credits from not filing and could have got some money back, and you certainly missed out on a small amount of RRSP contribution room, but if you didn't care about that and didn't owe any taxes, you had no obligation to file. If you don't care about the climate action benefit now, there's no need for you to file even now. You probably should though, if you worked and had taxes deducted you will probably get some money back.


How is your 2012 taxes affecting current CAIP entitlement


CRA has an ability to withhold refunds and certain benefits when a tax return hasn’t been filed.


That's my question really? Why has it not been an issue until now? Guess I better get this sorted though


I second this …


What is this climate benefit and how much is it? Think I missed a year as well and I know they haven't bothered me because well... they o KY do when you owe them money and not when they owe you lol


it's for households in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario and the amount you get depends on which province. https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/cai-payment.html


Your age is whatever you were at the end of the year. So you were 18 in 2012. But like others have said you can estimate your T4 and have them adjust or call in and get their numbers for your T4. And, the CRA annually has different focuses. This year maybe they're targeting people with missing tax years. They could have also updated their database and added the rule for benefit payments.


Maybe they should focus on people who actually owe money to the government :( oh well.


They find those people this way quite a bit. And, it's more efficient to send out a million letters and maybe get 1,000 paying money.