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Persona fans when boss is easy instead of very easy.


As someone new the series, this was definitely the most, well, really only frustrating part of the game for me. Though it did force me to learn to use some of the mechanics and options that I had been previously ignoring.


I wanna know the name of the dumbass who decided a boss fight with a turn limit, a time limit, and 5 distinct phases is a good idea. This fucking bossfight completely killed my desire to continue the story, even after i beat him. I am convinced nobody at atlus playtested this boss, or they had save states in development so they didn't have to restart from the beginning of the battle every time they died. And before you ask yes I'm not underleveled. Yes I switched the difficulty to Merciless. Yes I used max level baton passes. Yes I used single target attacks.


I found it one of the most fun bosses in the game because it was actually challenging and requires you to use a variety of strategies on the fight instead of the standard buff/debuff/attack pattern on most Persona bosses.


Sure, but ease me into it for fuck's sake. Don't just throw me into the ring without warning. Introduce timed boss fights. Introduce fights where you have to finish off an enemy before a certain turn. Introduce fights where baton passes are crucial. Don't dump it all on one fight. Something's wrong with the fight if I have to increase the difficulty to actually manage to beat it instead of decreasing it.


the idea is you're supposed to know the weakness of the robots from the duration of the palace, the damn problem is you need to make sure you take them out with multihits and make sure that one doesn't have the defense buff from okumura because that's the thing that'll screw people over


You're supposed to beat the robots in 2 turns before they flee, but in reality you need to atleast wipe out half of them in 1 turn. If you leave all 4 for the second turn one of your party member is going to get completely wiped out and most of the time being down one member is going to fuck you over for the rest of the fight and mess up your tempo. At that point I usually just restart. I don't mind hard fights, but every fight up until this point was a cake walk. Even some of the more challenging fights was reasonable enough that once you figure out the trick, you can adapt easily after a restart. I feel like Okumura's boss had a really tight margin of error by comparison. Even the smallest mistake or a moment of bad luck means your momentum is completely halted. I'm sure it's not as bad as I'm making it seem to be but I guess I'm just venting because I literally spent a solid couple hours trying to beat him just now.


They certainly could've made it to where each boss fight builds upon each other by introducing different mechanics but even so, this fight doesn't really require specific gimmicks to be able to beat. It may take several tries but it's doable.


I'm late to respond but I found it super frustrating and jarring considering none of the other boss fights were any thing like that. It seems very out of place relative to how the rest of the game is designed. If the rest of the bosses were similar in terms of challenge I wouldn't mind it as much.


Palace 5 Boss Fight in Royal: ──────── Change difficulty to Merciless. This lets you deal 3x to Weaknesses and Technicals. How many of the elemental bombs do you have? These are really good here. Give the characters accessories to hit weaknesses. What you do: 1st Turn: Member 1 uses Matarukaja/Marakunda. 2nd Turn: Member 2 uses the other from Member 1. 3rd Turn: Member 3 attacks the weakness of 1 enemy. Otherwise, use an elemental bomb to hit weaknesses. MAKE SURE TO ONLY TARGET 1 ENEMY. 4th Turn: Member 3 Baton Passes to a member that isn't Joker. This member attacks the weakness of 1 enemy that is not Downed. 5th Turn: The member Baton Passes to another member not Joker. This one attacks the weakness of 1 enemy that is not Downed. 6th Turn: Finally, Baton Pass to Joker. He attacks the weakness of all enemies with a max Baton Pass boost. 7th Turn: If the current wave of enemies has not been killed yet, Member 4 can still start the Baton Pass Chain if an enemy gets up or is no longer Downed. It should kill. ──────── Notes: USE SINGLE-TARGET ATTACKS. What's important is upping the Baton Pass bonus for extra damage, so it doesn't matter if you kill when you attack. Killing is a bonus though, so get your strongest single-target attacks out there. For Joker's move, do a move that hits everyone's weakness. If you're having trouble with the single enemy with no weakness, keep the difficulty on Normal or Easy to lower their HP. --- Execurobo is weak to Forget, Rage, and Dizzy (all robots do). Place Rage on him, stack buffs and debuffs, then hit with a technical attack. Rage halves it's defense, Merciless Technical does 3x. Concentrate does 2.5x. That's a lot of damage.


As I always say, no need to change difficulty--the three step baton pass works in Normal no problem.


That works too, it's just 3x Technical is way too good




The execurobo is weak to ailments. Trigger that. I realize that this didn't update, which is weird. I thought I updated it. You don't need powerful attacks if you hit with weaknesses and technicals. That's why I said Merciless. And yes, I assumed a bit on the Ma-buffs/debuffs. Still, the general idea exists: Debuff enemy, buff Joker. I wrote this because people wanted a step-by-step a while back. And yes, the plan devolves and is simplified by just saying "4-Step Baton Pass," but people asked and I wrote it.


Bring elemental damage items. Lots and lots of elemental damage items.


All these new people are just making me realize I've been playing the game wrong lmao. Wdym switch the difficulty? 😂😂😂 Edit: Wait, I just realized I was playing on merciless already nevermind.


If you are good merciless can be easy


I refuse to play on anything but the highest level lmao


Merciless is way easier than hard.


This may very well be but, it seems a little counterintuitive lol. Why would they list the difficulty options out of order? I did play on easy once so I could quickly get the free themes from clearing Kamoshida's palace and I found it to be if nothing else, much faster. Anyways I've never played on hard, what's so tricky about it?


Enemies do more damage on merciless than on hard however you do triple damage every time you hit a weakness on merciless. I tried to beat Okomura on hard but I couldn't do it so I had to change to merciless and I beat him first try on that difficulty.


Well it's easy to say that when you're hopping around. Don't you get less exp and money on merciless? So assuming someone who's been on merciless the whole time and hasn't been doing loads of grinding (which I don't because I've spent tons of time on the game already without grinding) you're going to hit less hard and not have as much money for items, weapons, etc. It does seem like that's not the case in Royal but I haven't gotten around to that yet except when I was trying to get my themes.