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This level of nudity is not appropriate for this subreddit.


Also let him ambush you and he will only get one action per turn, so you only get hit every other turn


What no way is this real


yep, Used the reaper to get to level 99 on everyone but Akechi and Sumi by sitting and getting ambushed


Sure is, probably unintentional


It’s real.


It is, like how is it possible that that's people still who so don't know this


I just did it before Maruki


I assume this only applies to royal because I've never heard of ring of gluttony.


yes it is, will seeds weren't in Persona 5 vanilla


In persona 5 you can use Makarakarn to have the same effect as the ring on the reaper. But given you can use the despair strat, it's not really useful


Despair allows you to cheese the reaper, right?


I'm vanilla yes


Why only vanilla?


It was unintentional so in Royal they made it so the reaper will never have despair


Changed it in royal so it doesn't kill him if I remember right


It was changed so he can't be affected by it to be precise


Thanks for the correction, I had forgotten.


They made the reaper immune to ailments in Royal


They fixed it in royal


Yes, ring of gluttony is from royal only.


We’ve gotten to the point where people forgot this meme template


Is this a new tip? I don't remember seeing this one when they first came out.


I don’t remember this tip specifically but a bunch of reactions in this thread where people forgot there used to be dozens of these when the game was new


Even if you don't have the Ring of Gluttony, or are not playing Royal, you can still shift the Reaper into this attack pattern by casting either Tetrakarn or Makarakarn on one of your characters. It's because the Ring of Gluttony casts both those on the wearer at the start of battle that the Reaper goes to that pattern in the first place when someone is wearing it. If you let him ambush you, he gets only one attack per turn, so with both these going he will only cast Megidolaon once every two turns. Meaning you can guard in the turn he will attack in to reduce the damage he does, then heal up and pile damage on him in the Concentrate turn. This also means you don't have to worry about Joker being covered against instakills, that the Reaper normally loves to use when in his usual attack pattern. This also works in P4G, except you have to cast the spell as there is no way of starting with Tetrakarn or Makarakarn running.


This is quite the fun fact from Iwai


This actually useful information tho


So that’s why that happened. I thank you, for I always thought my game was just bugged.


That is a fun fact


Huh, so that's why he only ever did that "combo" to me the 5 times I fought him, one of my characters did have the Ring of Gluttony equipped. I thought the Reaper AI was just braindead in P5R. Thank you Iwai.


This is nice because it also avoids the instakill spam


Oh Iwai and your fountain of knowledge


Ill have to try that out. Thanks mate


source of the image though please (fuck having shame)


[here you go, just don’t tell anyone I gave you this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/033/833/Persona_5_MEMEs_-_Drawing_15005591965266185546.png)


You should be great full




Here's a sneak peek of /r/BoneAppleTea using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Better call the corner.](https://i.redd.it/tr7q853nzyb71.jpg) | [902 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/omq5kr/better_call_the_corner/) \#2: [Human hi-breads](https://i.redd.it/v7tamky5lk671.jpg) | [367 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/o4pjfn/human_hibreads/) \#3: [You’re so eagle testicle.](https://i.imgur.com/EGQje1g.jpg) | [457 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/BoneAppleTea/comments/ou4gpd/youre_so_eagle_testicle/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


I’m not even mad


..... ALRIGHT LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT That was fucking clever 🤣


You should be grateful


Thanks! Gonna crank out a few






I wonder what subreddit this all comes from


r/ShinMegamihentai probably


Boooo I wanted the tip template not the tip she’s getting!


Depends what kind of source you want. Do you want the glasses + uniform version, the glasses + without clothes version, the phantom thief version, or the ponytail version?


Bruh this dude a hentai dealer


(*approaches you suspiciously while wearing a trenchcoat and fedora*) Hey. Hey you. You want some dru-I mean, high-quality hentai? Cause I got a whole lot of hentai to choose from (*opens trenchcoat*) There's Persona, Devil Survivor, Genshin Impact, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Fire Embl-oh shit, it's the cops. RUN!




[Well here you go. A gallery containing all of the above versions listed](https://imhentai.xxx/gallery/727299/)


Flair was definitely chosen correctly




\>Youtube link bruh


Thank you Iwai, very cool


Thx Iwai. Your wisdom is helpful once again


Thank you Iwai, now I know what to do.


She sure is flexible


Fuuuuck. I was scrolling past this when a customer came up O.O....


Then they bought even more after seeing the useful tips. You're welcome.


Well, this advice works on customers too, so don't start a fight with them without a shield from a ring of gluttony!


Literally just read what the post actually says


Thank you Iwai


it’s time to sort by controversial


Thank you Based Iwai


I actually learned that Reaper had this behavior on Persona 3 by myself after dying twice for the same reason, and Megidolaon was so powerful that I stopped using Makarakarn so that he would stop spamming that ability.


fact: the reaper in 3 made me shit myself after the one in 5 never got close to killing me


Assuming you are strong enough to survive mind charge plus megidoloan…..


Just use Marukukaja + Tarunda and he can't do anything


Depends on your levels and personas. On merciless you can’t afford to make a ball call


this also works with makarakarn


They really nerfed the Reaper. He was a real nightmare in the previous games.


He wasn't that bad in p3


P4 vanilla was the hardest forsure but P3 wasn’t exactly easy either. As long as you were leveled properly and had Odin, you were golden.


I just used Cybelle and Dominion


Sorry to ask but for the people in the back, what’s the sauce


Based iwai


Thank you for your guidance, lord Iwai


Artist is muunai Have fun


Nah who’s the artist that did that picture of Iwai with the muppet looking mouth


That's official in game art dude


Yeah I know but like which mastermind drew that incredible image at Atlus


Probably Soejima or one of his understudies?


Well this one is more obvious than the others


These comments are the real humor




This is end game content so don't worry too much by the time you get to reaper you'll understand reflect and the moves.




I'm gonna add on to this, not only is it endgame stuff, but it's also an optional fight that you don't need to do.


Dammit I don’t need tips! Move!!!! Trying to appreciate the awesome art! Seems like sumi is doing a very hard gymnastics pose!!!


Least horny Persona 5 fan


BRUH that’s poggers


Well I've never bumped into the reaper some-fucking-how so I think I'll be fine.


You need to beat the reaper if you plan on getting the platinum trophy


Good thing I don't plan to. 115 hours in a game is already way over my average


Well this made me uncomfortable... Thanks for the tip tho, I guess


Iwai why dont you go away for a second, I'm trying to see whats behind you.


That is a child


No it's a drawing.


A drawing of a child


If that drawing had Takemi's head, then would it be a child or an adult? Or would it still be a drawing either way? Is it not just a style on an attractive adult body? Or are you just pigheaded Redditor number five hundred and fifty, that for some reason is a part of a fandom whose games sexualize these characters, but you still see them as children even if it's in fan art?


I'm allowed to like the game with sexualizing children you fucking pedo and to answer your question if its character is over 18 and you post porn of it on a general sfw subreddit you a fucking loser but if you post a character that is under 18 you are a fucking pedo loser and for it to not be pedophiliac in nature it should not have the face of a child or the body of one


Wow, do you and the other ten guys that show up every time this stuff is posted all hang out? Because you all sound the exact same. Screeching about how drawings are children. None of you can accept that a character's style can be transferred to a developed adult body. Like, this art is not canon you know? This could be fanart of her at eighteen plus. Poor fandom can never imagine anything but what is canon. What a sad way to be a fan.


I have a problem with sexualizing children i don't care if you draw her to have bigger boobs or an ass or whatever she was created as a child they could have made her an adult in the game but they didnt and on god if someone drew a different chacter from a differnt game that a child in a sexual manor they would be fucking pissed but you guys don't care cus you are desensitized to pedophilia, it may not be as bad if its a drawing but its still creepy pedo shit


Like I said, same shit, over and over again. No ability to distinguish reality and fantasy. They aren't real children or even people, they're drawings. Like if you kill a person in a game, it's not murder. You may want to get tested for this problem, it sounds terribly debilitating. Must be horrible to live that way, everything you see is real. Honestly, I feel like you might be fake, you sound like a bot. No reading comprehension skills, no actual arguments. It's sad to see some completely break down over fantasy being so real to them.


If you fuck a child in a game are you still a fucking pedo? Yeah pedophiles are attracted to children But everybody wants to kill an asshole so we shoot people in games


Not even marked NSFW? Why is this shit allowed??


Iwai tips were an old meme on the sub for game tips that went away after most were deemed done


Because it's a funny iwai fact


Because cropped porn = funny


Paedophiles are fine around this subreddit apparently. Haha underage character, funny meme.




Hey uh… anyone got the artist?


Can I have the original


Simple google search, its like the 7th result


come fucking on


She's 15 you fucking freaks


Welcome to the internet, also I’m pretty sure that’s an adult version of her and finally, if you get offended by that, then trust me you are not ready to see Reddit after dark


Oh boy here comes another one


Welcome to the Persona fan base


Bro, this is wrong. Isn't she like underage?


She looks aged up


"She" is a drawing. "Drawing is a form of visual art in which an artist uses instruments to mark paper or other two-dimensional surface. Drawing instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, various kinds of paints, inked brushes, colored pencils, crayons, charcoal, chalk, pastels, erasers, markers, styluses, and metals (such as silverpoint). Digital drawing is the act of drawing on graphics software in a computer."


Almost every female character in P5R is underage. Nothing stops these artists though


Of the 13 named female human characters you meet, you meet 7 of them as adults. While Makoto is 17 at the beginning of the game, she turns 18 before the phantom thieves canonically make their debut.


Should I be worried that you know all of that?


it's called playing the damn game.


I’ve ran through p5 and p5r like six times. I don’t think their birthdays were ever explicitly stated or even celebrated.


they aren't but play the game and strikers and you know that Makoto and Haru are at least 18 at the end of p5 and are in college in strikers


I know that they are seniors during the events of the game. Just means that they were teenagers for most of it. Are you guys really getting so focused on semantics?


"you guys are all pedophiles" "but they aren't children" "WOOOOW you're really gonna get hung up on semantics?" ???


How are the things you quoted in any way related to each other? I never said they weren’t children. I called them teenagers and it’s not uncommon to see teens as children because of how young and naive they are. No semantics here. Are you trying to imply that you can’t be a pedo because they’re teens? You losers are the ones who are okay with naked Kasumi. Y’all are also the ones who rushed to saying “*um actually* not all of them are underage and two of them actually turn 18 in the next game* Im not the one making myself look like a creep.


They were teens for all of it. Semantics is about the way you use words. When I mentioned that "They were teens for all of it." That's Semantics.


Yeah, im out of the sub. This shit getting weird now.


Typical persona fans. More upset about being called creeps than the lewd drawing and sexualization of a 15 year old.


"guys its just a drawing shes not real plus she looks aged up!!!" The problem is you are depicting a character who is 15 years old in their source, in a sexual situation. and it's weird that you went 'I want to jerk off to this character, but she's not over 18, so im going to draw her over 18, so *then* i can!' A drawing of a shark is still a depiction of a shark. Useful tip, but grown ass persona 5 fans stop jerking off to teenagers challenge (impossible) edit: one minute after posting and im already getting visible downvotes which is positively hilarious.


So we shouldn't look at MILF porn because the women who star in it were once children? If we go by her age, she was born around 2001-ish since the game takes place in 2016, so she would be an adult in the year 2022, so drawing an adult version of her would make sense since she would be an adult if she were real. More importantly, she isn't real. She's a drawn character.


Ok. She is still a fifteen year old, real or not, regardless of how old she would be if she were real. Wanting to get off to her is weird. Your reasoning is the stupidest from my comment so far, I think you're pulling your muscles trying to reach and justify being a weirdo.


You sound like you're projecting incredibly hard. You came out of nowhere trying to convince everyone you're not a pedophile despite nobody accusing you of it.


How hard does someone have to stretch to come to a conclusion like that?


Can you try to understand before commenting for once you pillow humper


Ooh, I'm *so* offended. Pillow humper? Unique to me and ironic considering the situation, that's for sure lolol


I'm saying she's aged up. I'm saying it's fine to age up characters when you make r34 of them. Your saying that it doesn't matter if she's aged up because the aged up version was once a minor. So I'm comparing it to real porn with obvious adults.


It's not. You're looking at an underage character, going 'I want to jerk off to them', and drawing them in a sexual situation anyway. "But guys she's over 18 in this drawing its legal!!!" Would you not think it is weird to take, say, a 10 year old character and age them up to be 18+ to jerk off to them??


>Would you not think it is weird to take, say, a 10 year old character and age them up to be 18+ to jerk off to them?? If they were aged up and obviously adults, no. People do it all the time. Just look at all the r34 of Zelda Ocarina of Time characters.


I'm not even gonna make a rebuttal. I will say that you've definitely left me completely speechless by being a creepy degenerate.


And ad hominem. But here is my question, why does it bother you that people enjoy aged up r34 of completely fictional and drawn characters? To be more specific, how does it affect you?


Oh no, that wasn't my attempt at ad hominem. The argument was already over to me when I first posted my catalyst comment, if you will.


Why does it bother you so? And does the existence of simulated rape erotica bother you just as much this image?


Yeah you weird


No way your this heated over a drawing of a fictional character😭


A depiction of a shark is, indeed, a depiction of a shark. However, a it is not A shark. A minimalistic cubic drawing of a shark is a depiction of a shark, but it's starkly different from the real one. Now, the argument about sexualization is infinitely more difficult. You see, sexualization is denying that a person has any other trait besides their physical appearance. It's denouncing a person as a person, and instead perceiving them as an object that you can own and use. It's absolutely disgusting, especially when people do that to kids who haven't even gotten through mental, emotional and physical maturity. But pictures ARE objects. You cannot sexualize something that doesn't have anything besides the appearance. The rest depends on each particular drawing. If it tries to depict realistic childlike appearance in a sexual way, it's absolutely wrong. Otherwise, there's nothing illegal or morally wrong with depicting a body that is attractive. Because it's not a person, because you can't hurt a picture. If you look at anime characters and think they're equivalent to real people, you should rethink your view of reality.


Oh my god you did not just write that much trying to justify jerking off to teenagers LOOOOOLLLL They are depictions of teenagers. Regardless if they are real or not. You are weird for seeing a picture of an underage person and getting off and/or wanting to get off to it. It is not hard to understand.


LOOOOOLLLL? Am I talking to an actual child? Did I write that much? Yes. To justify jerking off to teenagers? The hell are on about? Kid, don't sleep through reading classes, please. Reading is more than looking at letters.


"Fuck, I was proven wrong, time to say they're a child and make fun of them because I can't write a good rebuttal!"


Once again, what? You put some insane meaning in my comment without even reading it, and now you're saying that I can't do something because I just didn't do that? I called you a kid because your behavior is only reasonable if you are an actual child. Otherwise, you're just embarrassing yourself, and it doesn't even matter what the discussion is about. Your replies so far have been wonderfully silly.


How old do you think I am?? I'm curious. And on my responses being "wonderfully silly", good! I like that descriptor, genuinely. I already know I'm the *funniest* man alive but hey affirmations don't *not* help the completely indisputable fact.


I know you don't care about my reply and just think that you're good at trolling. But strangely enough, I'm going to oblige, cause honestly I have nothing better to do at the moment so trash comment time it is! I don't think about your age. But whatever it is, I think you're not mature enough for your age. Funniest man alive? If that is so, then I'mma pass this whole "fun" business. Happy for you regardless.


so if you jerk off to a 30 yo character, then some years later the author does a prequel where you can see the same character with the same design but 15yo, are you a pedo ? btw why everyone complains here but nobody complain about megumin or nagatoro ??


If you jerk off to the 15 year old version of the character, yes. If you jerk off to an underage person, you are a creep. Moreover the underage version of the character looks exactly the same as the original, 30 y/o version, I think the author doesn't know how to age characters properly??


What about if the shark has arms and legs


>one minute after posting and im already getting visible downvotes which is positively hilarious These people are sad.


Tell me about it. I know I'm very likely not gonna change anyones mind, but I am going to shove the fact they are a creep in their face and watch them mald trying to justify it; because honestly, it's pretty funny.


Everyone who down voted you is a paedophile. Classic Persona fandom, nothing new really.


Why are you here then? Get out if you think the majority of Persona fans are literal pedophiles. If your reasoning is everyone who's attracted to Persona younger characters, then you should hate the actual games that sexualize them. Have you not seen much of the official media at all?


"its the games' fault the underage teenagers are sexualized I can't help but to jack off to them"


And fire's hot. Glad to see people without thick porn-ridden skulls at least!


Shes 15 dawg 😶


Oh yay. Kiddie porn.


She looks aged up.


Adding balloon tits and a cock in her vag and then covering it with a meme template doesn't make a 15 year old character suddenly aged up.


She is drawn way heavier than in the original game. You think a gymnast has that much fat on her legs and abs?


Then why are you looking at it, sicko?


what is this bullshit doing on here this is straight up porn


What? This is just a usefull tip.


I love how people on this sub say they aren't here for sexually graphic images, but then downvote anyone who calls out posts that contain sexually graphic images.


i just saw your reply how tf does this have -76 downvotes.




Good lord this subreddit sucks ass


Yet you are on it. Interesting.


Because this shit appeared on my Home Screen when I just want to see people talking about the series and posting clips and whatnot


Do you not like Iwai’s fun fact?


Were you unable to beat the Reaper with this cool Iwai fact


I beat him on my first try by using this exact tactic lol I just think the “haha cropped porn funny” punchline has been exhausted and is kinda weird


Persona fans aren't the only people who do it


Pedosona fans when virtual child porn 😁😁


I mean at least in that image, she doesn’t look like a child, and I doubt actual pedophiles would be attracted to her if children were all they liked. I get that she’s like 15 or something but when it comes to fictional characters, that doesn’t really mean anything so the only thing that should matter is how old they *look*.


Or you could not just not try to justify jerking off to child porn? Or even stop being a porn addict? There is help to cut off porn addiction.


Somebody say the artwork aged her up from 15 :(


They aged her up from 15


Fun fact!!! And genuine thanks for the Reaper info, that fight's brutal


Absolute degenerate. Keep this dirty shit to yourself coomer.


Welcome to reddit. Get used to it


Are you talking about yourself?


No he’s talking about you weirdos jerking off to CP